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台積電技術優勢 決勝10奈米 歐祥義/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕半導體產業發展至今,仍走在突破摩爾定律道路上的晶片廠只剩下台積電、三星及英特爾(Intel),但現今這三家企業不論

Isorineqaraluaqisut: Nalileeriaasitaassat piareernissaannut suli ukiut arlaqarsinnaasut

Kalaallit angajoqqaat meeraasa allamut inissinneqaratarsinnaanerannik Danmarkimi kommunit nalileeriaasitaassaat siornali piareersimasussaagaluarput. Nalileeriaasitaassaalli suli tassa piareeqqajanngillat.
KNR Nutaarsiassat / KNR Nyheder

Isorineqaraluaqisut: Nalileeriaasitaassat piareernissaannut suli ukiut arlaqarsinnaasut

Kalaallit angajoqqaat meeraasa allamut inissinneqaratarsinnaanerannik Danmarkimi kommunit nalileeriaasitaassaat siornali piareersimasussaagaluarput. Nalileeriaasitaassaalli suli tassa piareeqqajanngillat.

Republikanerit USA-mi innuttaasut sinnerlugit sinniisoqarfimmi amerlanerussuteqalertut

Republikanerit USA-mi innuttaasut sinnerlugit sinniisoqarfimmi amerlanerussuteqalernertik qulakkeeraat USA-milu inatsisartuni assigiinngitsuni marluusuni taamaalillutik siuttuulissagunartut, USA-mi nutaarsiassaqartitsiviit ilaat allappoq.
KNR Nutaarsiassat / KNR Nyheder

Republikanerit USA-mi innuttaasut sinnerlugit sinniisoqarfimmi amerlanerussuteqalertut

Republikanerit USA-mi innuttaasut sinnerlugit sinniisoqarfimmi amerlanerussuteqalernertik qulakkeeraat USA-milu inatsisartuni assigiinngitsuni marluusuni taamaalillutik siuttuulissagunartut, USA-mi nutaarsiassaqartitsiviit ilaat allappoq.

Paasisavummi ajugaasoq toqqarneqartoq

Inuiaqatigiit ikittut, kinaassuseq, ileqqullu nunatta siunissaanut qanoq pingaaruteqarsinnaanerinut paasiniaasimasoq ukioq manna ilisimatusartut unammineranni ajugaasuuvoq.
KNR Nutaarsiassat / KNR Nyheder

Paasisavummi ajugaasoq toqqarneqartoq

Inuiaqatigiit ikittut, kinaassuseq, ileqqullu nunatta siunissaanut qanoq pingaaruteqarsinnaanerinut paasiniaasimasoq ukioq manna ilisimatusartut unammineranni ajugaasuuvoq.

Cel mai mare sit arheologic sarmatic, descoperit întâmplător, lângă Timişoara. Cimitirul animalelor şi locuinţe vechi de 3.500 de ani

Arheologii lucrează pe cel mai mare sit sarmatic de la noi, care a fost descoperit întâmplător, în timpul săpăturilor pentru modernizarea magistralei CFR, în apropiere de oraşul Timişoara.

Cel mai mare sit arheologic sarmatic, descoperit întâmplător, lângă Timişoara. Cimitirul animalelor şi locuinţe vechi de 3.500 de ani

Arheologii lucrează pe cel mai mare sit sarmatic de la noi, care a fost descoperit întâmplător, în timpul săpăturilor pentru modernizarea magistralei CFR, în apropiere de oraşul Timişoara.

Aprovizionarea Europei cu gaze din Rusia va fi întreruptă. OMV vrea să oprească plăţile către Gazprom

OMV vrea să oprească plățile pentru importurile de la Gazprom, pentru a recupera pagubele câştigate în urma arbitrajului, ceea ce ar putea duce la întreruperea aprovizionării Europei cu gaze din Rusia.

Aprovizionarea Europei cu gaze din Rusia va fi întreruptă. OMV vrea să oprească plăţile către Gazprom

OMV vrea să oprească plățile pentru importurile de la Gazprom, pentru a recupera pagubele câştigate în urma arbitrajului, ceea ce ar putea duce la întreruperea aprovizionării Europei cu gaze din Rusia.

Ajutor pentru Ucraina. UE va finanța în premieră achiziții comune de arme, iar majoritatea vor fi trimise Kievului

Uniunea Europeană a anunţat joi că a finanţat, pentru prima dată, achiziţia comună de arme de către statele membre, cea mai mare parte a acestor achiziţii urmând să meargă către Ucraina.

Ajutor pentru Ucraina. UE va finanța în premieră achiziții comune de arme, iar majoritatea vor fi trimise Kievului

Uniunea Europeană a anunţat joi că a finanţat, pentru prima dată, achiziţia comună de arme de către statele membre, cea mai mare parte a acestor achiziţii urmând să meargă către Ucraina.

Laslo – Pera, conflictul atinge cote explozive: ce ar fi spus Cristina despre antrenorul cu care e „la cuțite“

Căpitanul naționalei feminine a ajuns într-o situație incredibilă, în decurs de doar câteva săptămâni. Iar povestea e departe de final.

Laslo – Pera, conflictul atinge cote explozive: ce ar fi spus Cristina despre antrenorul cu care e „la cuțite“

Căpitanul naționalei feminine a ajuns într-o situație incredibilă, în decurs de doar câteva săptămâni. Iar povestea e departe de final.

Polițist acuzat că vindea mașini și provoca intenționat accidente rutiere pentru a obține despăgubiri RCA, reținut de DNA

Procurorii din cadrul DNA Târgu Mureș l-au reținut pe ofițerul de poliție Marius Manea și pe complicele său, care, împreună, sunt acuzați de înșelăciune, fals intelectual, fals în declarații, uz de fals, fals în înscrisuri sub semnătură pr

Polițist acuzat că vindea mașini și provoca intenționat accidente rutiere pentru a obține despăgubiri RCA, reținut de DNA

Procurorii din cadrul DNA Târgu Mureș l-au reținut pe ofițerul de poliție Marius Manea și pe complicele său, care, împreună, sunt acuzați de înșelăciune, fals intelectual, fals în declarații, uz de fals, fals în înscrisuri sub semnătură privată și sustragerea sau distrugerea de înscrisuri.

ប្រធានាធិបតី​អាមេរិក​និងចិន​ នឹងជួបគ្នាផ្ទាល់ ជាថ្មី នៅ​ក្នុង​ជំនួប​កំពូល​ APEC

លោក ចូ បៃដិន ប្រធានាធិបតី​អាមេរិក ជិត​ផុត​អាណត្តិ​ និងលោក ប្រធានាធិបតី​ចិន​ ស៊ី ជីនពីង គ្រោង

ប្រធានាធិបតី​អាមេរិក​និងចិន​ នឹងជួបគ្នាផ្ទាល់ ជាថ្មី នៅ​ក្នុង​ជំនួប​កំពូល​ APEC

លោក ចូ បៃដិន ប្រធានាធិបតី​អាមេរិក ជិត​ផុត​អាណត្តិ​ និងលោក ប្រធានាធិបតី​ចិន​ ស៊ី ជីនពីង គ្រោង​នឹង​ជួប​គ្នា​ដោយ​ផ្ទាល់ នៅ​ថ្ងៃ​សៅរ៍ខាងមុខ​នេះ នៅក្រុង​លីម៉ា ប្រទេស​ប៉េរូ​។ បេរ៉ូជាទី​ដែល​ប្រមុខ​រដ្ឋ​ទាំង២​បា​នអញ្ជើញ​ទៅដល់​តាំងពីថ្ងៃ​ព្រហស្បតិ៍ ដើម្បី​ចូលរួមកិច្ចប្រជុំកំពូល នៃ អង្គ​ការសហប្រតិបត្តិការ​សេដ្ឋកិច្ច​អាស៊ី-ប៉ាស៊ីហ្វិក ហៅ​កាត់​ថា APEC ។  ​

Seychelles starts review of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Seychelles has officially begun its review of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and targets regarding biodiversity through a first stakeholder meeting on Wednesday. These consultations are meant to help formulate national biodivers
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles starts review of National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

Seychelles has officially begun its review of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and targets regarding biodiversity through a first stakeholder meeting on Wednesday. These consultations are meant to help formulate national biodiversity targets aligned with the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF). The NBSAP sets specific activities and targets to help achieve the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and these plans are typically implemented through partnerships with conservation organisations. The species and habitats highlighted in the NBSAP are considered government priorities, often drawing attention and action when they are under threat. However, it is important to note that NBSAPs do not have legal status, and the species and habitats listed are not automatically protected unless covered by other laws or regulations.  The national focal point for the Convention on Biological Diversity for Seychelles, Indira Gamatis, told reporters, «The process is not starting at zero, we had already done a review previously and despite certain delays, we are now on track to deliver on our commitment to the convention. At the moment we are working on our national targets, and this will be followed by the continuation of procedures to hopefully complete our NBSAP by next year.» Around 40 participants from government institutions, non-governmental organisations, and biodiversity experts worked in groups to address KMGBF targets in three main areas and these are risk reduction, rehabilitation, and implementation facilitation. The workshop included interactive sessions where stakeholders identified key terms for aligning Seychelles' national targets with the KMGBF and proposed wording for these targets. This review process is being funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) under the Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF-EAS) project. The initiative is designed to accelerate actions to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) over the next decade. The project focuses on four key areas; aligning National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAP), improving monitoring systems, ensuring policy coherence, and securing biodiversity finance. It is being carried through a partnership between the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Climate Change and Environment (MACCE). The work is guided by the Biodiversity Conservation and Management Division (BCM) and Seychelles' national CBD focal point. As part of the first phase of the project, Seychelles will align its national biodiversity targets with the KMGBF, laying the groundwork for a new National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan. This plan will integrate the KMGBF's objectives and relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), developed through a comprehensive approach involving both government and society. Seychelles previously had two NBSAPs in place, from 2016 until 2020 and it was in line with the Aichi biodiversity targets which had been adopted in Japan in 2010. The new NBSAP will take a broader approach, not only focusing on the conservation of ecosystems and species but also detailing how to use natural resources in a more sustainable manner. In addition, it will address other factors impacting biodiversity, including resource mobilisation and capacity building.

COP29 host Azerbaijan says doors 'still open' after spat with France

Azerbaijan's «doors are still open», the COP29 presidency's lead negotiator said Thursday after France's ecology minister pulled out of the UN climate summit over «unacceptable» remarks by President Ilham Aliyev. Aliyev used a speech
Seychelles News Agency

COP29 host Azerbaijan says doors 'still open' after spat with France

Azerbaijan's «doors are still open», the COP29 presidency's lead negotiator said Thursday after France's ecology minister pulled out of the UN climate summit over «unacceptable» remarks by President Ilham Aliyev. Aliyev used a speech at COP on Wednesday to attack Paris for alleged colonial «crimes» and «human rights violations» in its overseas territories, notably in the troubled Pacific archipelago of New Caledonia. French Environment Minister Agnes Pannier-Runacher slammed the remarks as «deplorable» and said she was cancelling her trip to Baku. Azerbaijan's leader was using «the fight against climate change for a shameful personal agenda,» she added, with relations between the two countries already frosty. But the COP29 presidency's lead negotiator Yalchin Rafiyev insisted Thursday that Azerbaijan had fostered «an inclusive process». «We have opened our doors to everybody to come to engage in very constructive, fruitful discussions. Our doors are still open,» he added. Despite her pullout, Pannier-Runacher said the team of French negotiators in Baku would not relent in their efforts to do a deal «to protect the planet and its populations» from climate change. Relations between Paris and Baku are tense over France's longtime support for Azerbaijan's arch-rival Armenia. Azerbaijan defeated Armenia in a lightning offensive last year when it retook the breakaway Armenian-populated region of Nagorno-Karabakh -- leading to an exodus of more than 100,000 Armenians. © Agence France-Presse

As Trump returns, African exporters torn between hope and horror

Citrus growers in South Africa are among the businesses most nervous that duty- and quota-free exports to the United States could be scrapped next year when Donald Trump returns to the White House. The fruits are among 1,800 products across 32 African countr
Seychelles News Agency

As Trump returns, African exporters torn between hope and horror

Citrus growers in South Africa are among the businesses most nervous that duty- and quota-free exports to the United States could be scrapped next year when Donald Trump returns to the White House. The fruits are among 1,800 products across 32 African countries benefitting from preferential market access under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), with companies in South Africa, Kenya, Nigeria and Ghana reaping the most dollars in profits. But with president-elect Trump having vowed to impose at least a 10-percent tariff on all imports to the United States, there is no certainty that AGOA will be renewed. Analysts say the legislation, passed in 2000 and set to expire next year, could be modified if not withdrawn altogether, with potential negative ramifications for companies and jobs across Africa. «We need this competitive edge,» Justin Chadwick, CEO of the Citrus Growers' Association of Southern Africa (CGA), which also represents Zimbabwe and Swaziland-based orchards, told AFP. «Should South Africa be removed from AGOA, thousands of rural jobs could be impacted, as well as over a billion rand ($55.5 million) in export revenue could be lost,» he said. Another South African citrus company told AFP on condition of anonymity that if AGOA were not renewed, it would «kill» their business, which employed more than 3,000 people and exported an average of 350 containers of sorbet products per year to the United States. - 'Hope for the best' - The automotive sector could also feel the heat if AGOA is shelved, although some companies are betting that US consumers might accept higher prices. «I don't foresee any major changes in the buying patterns of Americans around the products that we supply,» said Ken Manners, managing director at SP Metal Forgings Group, a South African company that exports vehicle parts to the United States. Even if tariffs were imposed, «it certainly wouldn't be life-changing in terms of our ability to supply competitively,» he told AFP. «The product base that we supply in the US is very difficult to source anywhere else, so ultimately even if the US put higher tariffs, the US consumer would end up paying for it.» Whether AGOA is renewed or not, it should not have much impact on the broader South African economy, analysts said, though companies should still prepare for changes. «On the whole of the economy we're not even talking one percent,» said Johannesburg-based economist Dawie Roodt. In any case, «it won't be business as usual,» said Ronak Gopaldas of the London-based consultancy Signal Risk. «The reality is that Trump and his economic policies are unpredictable, volatile and erratic.» «So I would say an effective strategy is to expect the worst and hope for the best,» he said. - 'AGOA-lite' - Companies in Ghana, Kenya and Lesotho also benefit significantly from AGOA, especially in the textile industry. Mukhisa Kituyi, a Kenyan politician who served as secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, said he believed the next US administration could push for a renegotiated AGOA rather than a withdrawal. The United States wanted stricter «third country rules of origin» to prevent, for example, companies from bringing textiles from China or India, stitching them in Africa, and selling them as African clothes. «If they tighten the rules of origin, particularly on textiles and cars –- as Trump is obsessed with the manufacturing of particular cars -– we can see a diluted AGOA-lite going forward,» Kituyi said. For Lesotho, losing AGOA «would deal a massive blow, potentially leading to the near collapse of the textile and apparel industry», which is the kingdom’s second largest employer, trade ministry official Litseko Fiee said. However, the government is optimistic the deal will be renewed and possibly even extended, he said. Another question mark surrounds exports of critical minerals from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia and Angola. While the products are not eligible under AGOA, central African countries have received particular attention and investment under President Joe Biden. «Are these relations going to persist... or will we see a walking back, a radical overhaul, on some of the gains made?» Gopaldas said. Trump will probably «ignore Africa», according to Roodt, unless countries «get his attention for good or bad reasons». A determining factor would likely be whether countries are seen as geopolitically aligned with the United States. This could be an issue for African governments that have shown support towards Russia and China or criticised Israel. Having accused Israel of «genocide» in Gaza at the UN's top court, South Africa in particular will have to «walk a tightrope,» Gopaldas said, «if the US becomes more explicit about being 'with us or against us'.» © Agence France-Presse

В декабре электросамокаты и велосипеды уберут с улиц Таллинна

Город Таллинн договорился с компаниями Bolt, Tuul и Rekola, предоставляющими услуги аренды электросамокатов и велосипедов, что с 1 декабря все средс
В мире - МК-Эстония

В декабре электросамокаты и велосипеды уберут с улиц Таллинна

Город Таллинн договорился с компаниями Bolt, Tuul и Rekola, предоставляющими услуги аренды электросамокатов и велосипедов, что с 1 декабря все средства передвижения будут убраны с улиц на зимний период, передает…

Таиланд решил сделать ставку на «радужный туризм»

После того как Таиланд в 2024 году легализировал однополые браки, власти страны нацелились на продвижение так называемого «радужного туриз
В мире - МК-Эстония

Таиланд решил сделать ставку на «радужный туризм»

После того как Таиланд в 2024 году легализировал однополые браки, власти страны нацелились на продвижение так называемого «радужного туризма», сообщает Unian.

Prisiekus naujajam Seimui, premjerė Šimonytė grąžino prezidentui Vyriausybės įgaliojimus

Ketvirtadienį prisiekus naujajam Seimui, premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė grąžino šalies vadovui Gitanui Nausėdai Vyriausybės įgaliojimus.
LRT naujienos lietuvoje

Prisiekus naujajam Seimui, premjerė Šimonytė grąžino prezidentui Vyriausybės įgaliojimus

Ketvirtadienį prisiekus naujajam Seimui, premjerė Ingrida Šimonytė grąžino šalies vadovui Gitanui Nausėdai Vyriausybės įgaliojimus.

В Гибралтаре нашли потенциальный неандертальский очаг для получения дегтя

Хуан Очандо (Juan Ochando) из Университета Мурсии совместно с коллегами сообщил о необычном открытии, сделанном во время раскопок в пещере Вангард

В Гибралтаре нашли потенциальный неандертальский очаг для получения дегтя

Хуан Очандо (Juan Ochando) из Университета Мурсии совместно с коллегами сообщил о необычном открытии, сделанном во время раскопок в пещере Вангард, которая находится в Гибралтарской скале и в составе комплекса пещеры Горама входит в список объектов Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. В культурном слое, связанным с неандертальцами, они обнаружили структуру, возраст которой составляет от 60,8 ± 11 до 67,6 ± 5,3 тысячи лет. Многочисленные анализы показали, что, возможно, она представляет собой очаг, который архаичные люди использовали для получения дегтя из ладанника (Cistus). Об этом сообщается в статье, опубликованной в журнале Quaternary Science Reviews.

Завершился годовой изоляционный эксперимент SIRIUS-23

Завершился годовой изоляционный эксперимент SIRIUS-23

Завершился годовой изоляционный эксперимент SIRIUS-23

Завершился годовой изоляционный эксперимент SIRIUS-23

12強》有情蒐仍被黃子鵬6局無安打 多明尼加教頭讚嘆

世界12強多明尼加隊今天被黃子鵬完全封鎖,除了首局靠保送上壘,前6局被演出變相18上18下的無安打比賽,總教練馬丁讚嘆黃子鵬壓制力很不錯。 黃子鵬首局投出1次保送,靠...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

12強》有情蒐仍被黃子鵬6局無安打 多明尼加教頭讚嘆

世界12強多明尼加隊今天被黃子鵬完全封鎖,除了首局靠保送上壘,前6局被演出變相18上18下的無安打比賽,總教練馬丁讚嘆黃子鵬壓制力很不錯。 黃子鵬首局投出1次保送,靠...…

滑輪溜冰》郭立陽、劉懿萱稱王封后 台灣公開賽包辦雙金

體育新聞 - 自由時報

滑輪溜冰》郭立陽、劉懿萱稱王封后 台灣公開賽包辦雙金


12強》直呼台日大戰很關鍵!談台灣扳倒南韓 日本監督點出看法

〔體育中心/綜合報導〕12強台灣隊粉碎外界不看好的質疑聲,昨在預賽首戰以6:3扳倒強敵南韓,日本監督井端弘和直言球是圓的,什麼事都有可能發生。 井端弘和也有關注昨晚的台韓大戰,談
體育新聞 - 自由時報

12強》直呼台日大戰很關鍵!談台灣扳倒南韓 日本監督點出看法

〔體育中心/綜合報導〕12強台灣隊粉碎外界不看好的質疑聲,昨在預賽首戰以6:3扳倒強敵南韓,日本監督井端弘和直言球是圓的,什麼事都有可能發生。 井端弘和也有關注昨晚的台韓大戰,談到台灣隊的勝...…

Wielzen: ‘Schoolkinderen vechten tegen elkaar; sommige hebben wapens’

Waterkant NDP-parlementariër Joan Wielzen heeft dinsdag aandacht in De Nationale Assemblee (DNA) gevraagd voor de vechtpartijen die op scholen in Suriname plaatsvinden. Wielzen wees voornamelijk naar de OS I FLU en OS II FLU waar er geregeld vechtpartijen tu

Wielzen: ‘Schoolkinderen vechten tegen elkaar; sommige hebben wapens’

Waterkant NDP-parlementariër Joan Wielzen heeft dinsdag aandacht in De Nationale Assemblee (DNA) gevraagd voor de vechtpartijen die op scholen in Suriname plaatsvinden. Wielzen wees voornamelijk naar de OS I FLU en OS II FLU waar er geregeld vechtpartijen tussen leerlingen van beide scholen plaatsvinden. Zij beweerde dat deze vechtpartijen vanuit OS II FLU onder leiding gebeuren […] Het bericht Wielzen: ‘Schoolkinderen vechten tegen elkaar; sommige hebben wapens’ verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Verdachte na achtervolging aangehouden; geforceerde kluis aangetroffen

Waterkant Een routinepatrouille van de Surinaamse politie in Paramaribo-Noord, kreeg afgelopen dinsdag een onverwachte wending. In de Albrecht Dürerstraat, nabij de Jeroen Boschstraat, viel een groep mannen op door hun verdachte aanwezigheid bij een dichtbeg

Verdachte na achtervolging aangehouden; geforceerde kluis aangetroffen

Waterkant Een routinepatrouille van de Surinaamse politie in Paramaribo-Noord, kreeg afgelopen dinsdag een onverwachte wending. In de Albrecht Dürerstraat, nabij de Jeroen Boschstraat, viel een groep mannen op door hun verdachte aanwezigheid bij een dichtbegroeid bosgebied. De alerte interventie-eenheid van de politie besloot direct poolshoogte te nemen. Maar toen de mannen het dienstvoertuig in het vizier […] Het bericht Verdachte na achtervolging aangehouden; geforceerde kluis aangetroffen verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Auto in trens langs Welgedacht C-weg

Waterkant Een Toyota Crown is vanmorgen rond 08.00 uur in een trens beland langs de Welgedacht C-weg in Suriname. Vernomen wordt dat de bestuurder in botsing is gekomen met een andere wagen en daardoor in de trens is beland. Er deden zich geen persoonlijke on

Auto in trens langs Welgedacht C-weg

Waterkant Een Toyota Crown is vanmorgen rond 08.00 uur in een trens beland langs de Welgedacht C-weg in Suriname. Vernomen wordt dat de bestuurder in botsing is gekomen met een andere wagen en daardoor in de trens is beland. Er deden zich geen persoonlijke ongelukken voor. De politie kreeg de melding van het voorval en ging […] Het bericht Auto in trens langs Welgedacht C-weg verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

راولپنڈی : موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر گورنر پنجاب کی گاڑی کو حادثہ

راولپنڈی : موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر گورنر پنجاب کی گاڑی کو حادثہ پیش آیا تاہم گورنر محفوظ رہے۔  موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر نیلا دھلا کے قریب گورنر پنجاب سردار س
Khabrain Group Pakistan

راولپنڈی : موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر گورنر پنجاب کی گاڑی کو حادثہ

راولپنڈی : موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر گورنر پنجاب کی گاڑی کو حادثہ پیش آیا تاہم گورنر محفوظ رہے۔  موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر نیلا دھلا کے قریب گورنر پنجاب سردار سلیم حیدر کی گاڑی کو حادثہ پیش آیا، ان کی گاڑی کا ٹائر برسٹ ہوگیا تاہم گاڑی حادثے میں محفوظ رہے اور گاڑی یا سوار … Continue reading راولپنڈی : موٹر وے ایم ٹو پر گورنر پنجاب کی گاڑی کو حادثہ →

ہیرے کی انگوٹھیاں اور رولیکس پاکستانی مداح کے میکا سنگھ کو کروڑوں کے تحائف

پاکستانی مداح نے پنجابی بھارتی گلوکار میکا سنگھ کو کروڑوں کے تحائف سے نواز دیا جس کی ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل ہو رہی ہے۔ حال ہی میں میکا سنگھ ک
Khabrain Group Pakistan

ہیرے کی انگوٹھیاں اور رولیکس پاکستانی مداح کے میکا سنگھ کو کروڑوں کے تحائف

پاکستانی مداح نے پنجابی بھارتی گلوکار میکا سنگھ کو کروڑوں کے تحائف سے نواز دیا جس کی ویڈیو سوشل میڈیا پر وائرل ہو رہی ہے۔ حال ہی میں میکا سنگھ کا امریکی ریاست مسیسیپی کے شہر بیلوکسی میں ایک بڑا کنسرٹ منعقد ہوا جس میں ہزاروں کی تعداد میں مداحوں نے شرکت کر کے اسے … Continue reading ہیرے کی انگوٹھیاں اور رولیکس پاکستانی مداح کے میکا سنگھ کو کروڑوں کے تحائف →

جعفر آباد سے پولیو کا پہلا کیس سامنے آگیا، ملک بھر میں تعداد 49 ہو گئی

جعفر آباد میں پولیو کا پہلا کیس  سامنے آ گیا، جس کے بعد ملک بھر میں رواں برس ہونےو الے کیسز کی تعداد 49 ہو گئی۔ قومی ادارہ صحت کی لیبارٹری نے بلوچ
Khabrain Group Pakistan

جعفر آباد سے پولیو کا پہلا کیس سامنے آگیا، ملک بھر میں تعداد 49 ہو گئی

جعفر آباد میں پولیو کا پہلا کیس  سامنے آ گیا، جس کے بعد ملک بھر میں رواں برس ہونےو الے کیسز کی تعداد 49 ہو گئی۔ قومی ادارہ صحت کی لیبارٹری نے بلوچستان کے ضلع جعفر آباد سے نئے پولیو کیس کی تصدیق کردی ہے۔ جعفرآباد سے پولیو کا یہ پہلا کیس سامنے آیا ہے، … Continue reading جعفر آباد سے پولیو کا پہلا کیس سامنے آگیا، ملک بھر میں تعداد 49 ہو گئی →

Мечта юности — чехословацкая Jolana Disco из 1980-х

Привет, Хабр! Эта винтажная электрогитара с одним огромным звукоснимателем, да ещё и в средней позиции, может похвастаться очень интересной с
Наука - Хабрахабр

Мечта юности — чехословацкая Jolana Disco из 1980-х

Привет, Хабр! Эта винтажная электрогитара с одним огромным звукоснимателем, да ещё и в средней позиции, может похвастаться очень интересной схемой темброблока, которую мы сегодня изучим. В наши дни высокоточные станки с ЧПУ и передовые технологии обработки древесины сделали хорошие инструменты доступными всем любителям музыки. Может ли недорогая серийная гитара, произведённая почти полвека назад, конкурировать с аналогичными продуктами современности? — Увидим и услышим. Спойлер: ещё как может, но не для металла

Data catalog: от истории до сравнения решений

Прийти и по запросу быстро найти нужные данные — идеальный сценарий. Но он практически невозможен при условии использования множества баз д
Наука - Хабрахабр

Data catalog: от истории до сравнения решений

Прийти и по запросу быстро найти нужные данные — идеальный сценарий. Но он практически невозможен при условии использования множества баз данных и хранилищ. В реальных условиях без «надстройки» над всеми БД и «единой точки входа» команды вынуждены тратить время на исследование разных хранилищ, их каталогов и подкаталогов в поиске нужных файлов без какой-либо гарантии успешного результата. Такой «надстройкой» являются каталоги данных.Меня зовут Юрий Орлов, я тимлид команды ML Platform. В этой статье я подробно разберу, что такое каталоги данных и какие они бывают, а также расскажу о нашем выборе инструмента для построения каталога под запросы аналитиков данных. Читать далее

Геометрия Стенда для Калибровки MEMS Акселерометра

В этом тексте я решил полезную логическую задачу по стереометрии: расчет прямоугольной пирамиды.Эта фигура очень полезна при калибровки MEMS а
Наука - Хабрахабр

Геометрия Стенда для Калибровки MEMS Акселерометра

В этом тексте я решил полезную логическую задачу по стереометрии: расчет прямоугольной пирамиды.Эта фигура очень полезна при калибровки MEMS акселерометров. Поэтому и пришлось ее решить. Читать далее

Kafka Streams ч3: Stateless processing

В предыдущих статьях [ноль, один] мы рассмотрели основные концепции Kafka Streams и сравнили их со стандартными подходами обработки потоковых данн
Наука - Хабрахабр

Kafka Streams ч3: Stateless processing

В предыдущих статьях [ноль, один] мы рассмотрели основные концепции Kafka Streams и сравнили их со стандартными подходами обработки потоковых данных. В этой части мы сосредоточимся на stateless processing (обработке без сохранения состояния) и поймем как применять различные операции Kafka Streams для решения практических задач. Мы создадим приложение для обработки данных медицинской клиники.Требования к ETL пайплайну:Приложение должно обрабатывать поток JSON-сообщений из входного топика Kafka (patient-records), содержащих информацию о пациентах медицинской клиники. Цель состоит в том, чтобы применять различные stateless операции для трансформации данных и отправлять результаты в выходной топик (clinic-notifications-topic). Это позволит продемонстрировать, как использовать основные возможности Kafka Streams для обработки данных без сохранения состояния. Читать далее

West Africa: The Role of Local Media in Sahel Conflict Reporting

[allAfrica] Johannesburg -- allAfrica 's Nontobeko Mlambo attended the 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference (AIJC) - the largest gathering of African investigative journalists on the continent - at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, Sou
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

West Africa: The Role of Local Media in Sahel Conflict Reporting

[allAfrica] Johannesburg -- allAfrica 's Nontobeko Mlambo attended the 20th African Investigative Journalism Conference (AIJC) - the largest gathering of African investigative journalists on the continent - at Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg, South Africa.

پزشکیان در دیدار رافائل گروسی

رئیس جمهور گفت: جنگ نه به نفع ما، نه به نفع منطقه و نه به نفع جهان است و هیچ انسان عاقلی بدنبال جنگ افروزی و توسعه دادن آن نیست، امامقابل هر کنشی
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

پزشکیان در دیدار رافائل گروسی

رئیس جمهور گفت: جنگ نه به نفع ما، نه به نفع منطقه و نه به نفع جهان است و هیچ انسان عاقلی بدنبال جنگ افروزی و توسعه دادن آن نیست، امامقابل هر کنشی علیه امنیت خود واکنشی قاطع نشان می دهیم.

Mediji «La Vanguardia» un «The Guardian» pamet lietotni «X» dezinformācijas dēļ

Spānijas laikraksts «La Vanguardia» ceturtdien paziņoja, ka pārtrauks publicēt ziņojumus platformā «X», skaidrojot, ka miljardiera Īlona Maska sociālais medijs kļuvis par «dezinformācijas tīklu». Dienu iepri
В мире - LSM.LV

Mediji «La Vanguardia» un «The Guardian» pamet lietotni «X» dezinformācijas dēļ

Spānijas laikraksts «La Vanguardia» ceturtdien paziņoja, ka pārtrauks publicēt ziņojumus platformā «X», skaidrojot, ka miljardiera Īlona Maska sociālais medijs kļuvis par «dezinformācijas tīklu». Dienu iepriekš britu laikraksts «The Guardian» paziņoja, ka pārtrauks publicēt ierakstus savos oficiālajos kontos «X», norādot, ka saturs šajā sociālajā tīklā bieži ir biedējošs.