Seychellois-Italian goalkeeper Francesco Anacoura has been named as the top goalkeeper of Serie C, the third-highest football division in Italy by Italian journalists. The award was given during the Italian Football Festival, which is the most important, prestigious and exclusive annual sports event in Italy. Anacoura was named in the Serie C XI of the year, after helping his team Sestri Levante to safety in their first season in the third division of Italian football. «I am very happy to have been given this award and it makes me so proud,» said Anacoura, adding that it feels great to be recognised for his performances. Anacoura has not represented Seychelles yet but he has expressed a desire to do so. Anacoura was named in the Serie C XI of the year, after helping his team Sestri Levante to safety. (Francesco Anacoura) Photo License: All Rights Reserved He began his career at Juventus, one of the top teams in the Serie A, the top division in Italy after playing in the youth sides of Inter Milan and Parma. His senior career saw him represent the jerseys of Cuneo, Pro Vercelli, Pontedera, Rimini, Casertana, Ancona and, in Portugal, Cova da Piedade, Maritimo and Estrela Amadora. He joined Sestri Levante while they were in the fourth division of Italian football and helped them to the league title and promotion. They managed to secure a 15th-place finish last season to avoid relegation, with Anacoura being instrumental, with some great performance, which has earned him a spot in the team of the season. «Last season was unbelievable, as we were rookies in the division and did not play any games in our stadium, but with a strong group of players and a good mentality, we achieved our goal,» said the 30-year- old, who has seen his career revived at the club. This season, however, has been a tough one for the side, who find themselves in the relegation play-off zone after 15 games. They have once again been solid defensively, while the attack has been lacking with only eight goals scored so far. Anacoura hopes he has made enough of an impression to earn a move to a bigger team, which is something he hopes to achieve. He shared, however, that he owes so much to Sestri Levante. «I will always be grateful to this club!» Anacoura added, sharing that he has found a family there. For those interested in the more popular players, in the Serie A, Arsenal's former Bologna defender, Riccardo Calafiori was named as the best player for the 2023/24 season, with Lorenzo Lucca, who plays for Udinese, taking home the young player of the year award.
The number of teaching professionals taking time off because of poor mental health has doubled over the past three years, with huge spikes at the end of each term as burnout peaks.
Footage shows the robot rolling towards the bus before it detonated a 'suspicious' package in a controlled explosion at Chester railway station last night.
A man who was widowed when his wife passed away with their second young child has won his legal fight to use an embryo created with his wife to try for a daughter with surrogate.
Спортс" проведет текстовую онлайн-трансляцию матча. Начало — в 14:15 по московскому времени.
19-летний форвард «Чикаго» забросил 3 шайбы в 20 играх в текущем сезоне при 15 очках, показателе полезности «минус 6» и 19:28 в среднем на льду.
Sjedinjene Američke Države veruju da je Severna Koreja spremna za mogću sedmu nuklearnu probu, za koju samo čeka političku odluku, izjavila je danas zamenica pomoćnika američkog državnog sekretara za kontrolu oružja Aleksandra Bel.
Naučnici su došli do značajnog otkrića unutra tzv. Lokalnog toplog mehura (LHB), šupljine u međuzvezdanom mediju u Orionovom kraku Mlečnog puta, ogromne strukture niske gustine koju zauzima naš Sunčev sistem.
Французский президент жестко раскритиковал переходный совет Гаити за устранение премьер-министра.
Франция и Великобритания будут работать над глобальными вызовами, защищая международный порядок и будут противостоять угрозам, которые несет политика «путинизации».
Kineski zvaničnici danas su najavili da ce proširiti bezvizni režim na državljane još devet zemalja, koji će u Kini bez vize moći da borave do 30 dana.
Ukrajinski predsednik Volodimir Zelenski izjavio je danas da Ukrajina radi na razvoju novih tipova vazdušne odbrane da bi se suprotstavila, kako je naveo, «novim rizicima» nakon što je Rusija upotrebila novu raketu srednjeg dometa.
Bivši kongresmen Met Gec izjavio je danas da se nece vraćati u Kongres sledece godine nakon što je u četvrtak odustao od kandidature za državnog tužioca SAD posle protivljenja republikanaca u Senatu zbog istrage koja se vodi protiv njega u vezi sa navodima o seksualnim odnosima sa sedamnaestogodišnjom devojkom.
U kalifornijskom gradu Soda Springs u toku noći je pala rekordna količina snega, dostigavši 51 centimetar visine, dok je u Venadu palo 44 centimetra kiše, saopštila je danas Nacionalna meteorološka služba SAD.
Radni vek Milene Trajković, nastavnice u osnovnoj školi «Ljupče Nikolić» u Aleksincu, nedavno je završen dirljivim ispraćajem u penziju koji su joj priredili đaci. Način na koji su iznenadili nastavnicu, oduševio je korisnike društvenih mreža, gde video celog događaja ne prestaje da se deli i komentariše.
Poland and Ukraine didn’t mind Germany buying Russian gas while they profited from it, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said Read Full Article at
Moscow is set to become Beijing’s largest foreign supplier of nuclear fuel in 2024, according to customs data analyzed by RIA Novosti Read Full Article at
Berlin is still determining whether to abide by its obligations to the ICC and arrest Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu if he visits the country Read Full Article at
تداول رواد مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي بالسودان, مقطع فيديو أثار ضجة واسعة بعد انتشاره عبر السوشيال ميديا. فقد أظهر المقطع جانب من إحتفال مصغر أقامه رجل الأعمال السوداني المثير للجدل عزيز كوشي. وظهر “كوشي”, وهو يحتفل بعيد ميلاده وسط حضور عدد من صديقاته المطربات بمحل إقامته بإدى دول الخليج وفقاً لما ذكر المتابعون. النيلين سودافاكس
INCHEON, South Korea - Former teacher Tong Ming Yan, a Singaporean, and her South Korean husband Jang Jong-seok were looking forward to moving back to Singapore with their two children in June, after having lived in South Korea for two years. They had booked their flight and Tong had made arrangements to return to her teaching position at St Gabriel's Secondary School. The family had already sent ahead half of their belongings. But their move has been stalled. Tong, 35, lies in a vegetative state at a South Korean hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest during a gastroscopy. While she was resuscitated after nearly 20 minutes, she had already suffered irreversible brain damage, according to a medical report seen by The Straits Times. Tong had signed up for a 350,000 won (S$336) comprehensive health screening at an Incheon hospital that included the gastroscopy - an examination of the upper gastrointestinal tract - and colonoscopy under sedation. «We discussed and felt that it would be good for Ming Yan to undergo the test before going back to Singapore, for peace of mind,» Jang told ST.
В субботу во всех трех казахстанских мегаполисах – в Астане, Алматы и Шымкенте – прогнозируется погода без осадков, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на портал OpenWeather.
Одна из пяти галактик врезалась в четыре соседние. По мощной ударной волне от этого столкновения астрономы надеются узнать больше о взаимодействиях галактик, передает NUR.KZ.
El Festival se realizará entre el 23 y el 28 de febrero de 2025.
«La Empresa», como se denominaba la banda, registraba movimientos bancarios superiores a los 6.700 millones de pesos desde el año 2020. Cuarenta y tres de los arrestados son colombianos.
La droga era transportada por una pareja en la Ruta 5 Sur. «Se logró cortar el suministro de, al menos, 16.800 dosis», dijo Carabineros.
El menor, residente en el estado de California, se recupera de la enfermedad.
La abogada de Grace Jabbari dijo que el asunto se resolvió «favorablemente».
काठमाडौं । प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओली र सामाजिक सञ्जाल एक्स (पहिले ट्वीटर) का मालिक एलन मस्कबीच ‘भर्चुअल’ वार्ता भएको छ । प्रधानमन्त्री ओलीले सामाजिक सञ्जालमा तस्वीर साझा गर्दै मस्कसँग कुरा गरिरहेको जानकारी दिएका छन् । अमेरिकी खर्बपति व्यवसायी मस्कसँग के सन्दर्भमा कुराकानीको भएको भन्नेबार कुनै जानकारी दिइएको छैन । मस्कले नेपालमा स्याटलाइट इन्टरनेट सेवा स्टार […]
काठमाडौं । मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दी जलविद्युत् कम्पनीद्वारा प्रवर्दित १३५ मेगावाट क्षमताको अर्धजलाशययुक्त मनाङ मर्स्याङ्दी जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको वित्तीय व्यवस्थापनसँगै निर्माण प्रारम्भ भएको छ । आयोजना निर्माणका लागि वित्तीय व्यवस्थापन भएसँगै निर्माण प्रारम्भ भएको आयोजनाको लगानीकर्तामध्येको एक कम्पनी बुटवल पावर कम्पनी लिमिटेडले प्रेस विज्ञप्ति निकालेर जनाएको छ । गत महिना चीनको एक्जीम बैंकसँग कर्जा सम्झौता भएको थियो । […]
काठमाडौं । आयात प्रतिस्थापन तथा निर्यात प्रवर्द्धनलाई विशेष जोड दिने सरकारको नीतिअनुसार गत बिहीबार अबुधाबीस्थित नेपाली राजदूतावासमा निर्यात प्रवर्द्धनसम्बन्धी छलफल कार्यक्रम आयोजना गरियो । संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्स (युएई) का लागि नेपालका राजदूत तेजबहादुर क्षेत्रीले देशको निर्यात व्यापारलाई प्रवर्द्धन गर्दै नेपाल र युएईबीचको व्यापारिक सम्बन्धलाई अभिवृद्धिका निम्ति राजदूतावास क्रियाशील रहेको बताए । आर्थिक कूटनीतिका माध्यमबाट समृद्ध […]
काठमाडौं । चिलिमेको सहायक कम्पनी साञ्जेन जलविद्युत कम्पनी लिमिटेडले निर्माण गरेको साञ्जेन जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको बिजुली राष्ट्रिय प्रणालीमा जोडिएको छ । शुक्रबार साँझ उक्त आयोजनाको पहिलो युनिटबाट उत्पादित बिजुली राष्ट्रिय प्रणालीमा जोडिएको हो । रसुवाको आमाछोदिङ्मो–५ मा निर्माण भएको सो आयोजनाको क्षमता ४२ दशमलव पाँच मेगावाट रहेको छ । सबै प्राविधिक परीक्षण सम्पन्न भई पहिलो युनिटबाट […]