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대통령실 “트럼프, 윤 대통령에 취임 전 만나자 3~4차례 말해”

신원식 국가안보실장은 24일 도널드 트럼프 미국 대선 당선인이 윤석열 대통령에게 취임 전 만나자는 뜻을 전했다고 밝혔다. 신 실장은 이날 오후 연합뉴스TV에 출연해 “11월 7일 양 정상 통화 때
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

대통령실 “트럼프, 윤 대통령에 취임 전 만나자 3~4차례 말해”

신원식 국가안보실장은 24일 도널드 트럼프 미국 대선 당선인이 윤석열 대통령에게 취임 전 만나자는 뜻을 전했다고 밝혔다. 신 실장은 이날 오후 연합뉴스TV에 출연해 “11월 7일 양 정상 통화 때 배석했다”며 “사실 먼저 만나자는 말은 트럼프 당선이 3~4차례 했다”고 말했다. 신 실장은 “그 뒤로 트럼프 당선인 측 인선이 완료됐지만 인선 문제와 국내 문제, 취임 전 준비, 여러 나라에서 사전에 트럼프 당선인을 만나자는 것 등을 고려해 일단 취임 전 외국 정상과 만나지 않겠다는 원칙을 세운 것으로 안다”며 “우리 정부는 트럼프 당선인과 긴밀히 소통해 나가고 있고 계속해 나갈 것”이라고 했다. 앞서 윤 대통령은 지난 7일 트럼프 당선인과 12분간 통화했다.(서울=뉴스1)

손흥민, 시즌 4호 도움…토트넘, 맨시티전 4-0 대파

11월 A매치(국가대항전) 2연전에서 모두 골 맛을 본 손흥민(32·토트넘)이 소속팀으로 돌아간 뒤 열린 첫 경기에서 시즌 4호 도움을 기록했다. 11월 국가대표팀 소집에서 A매치 데뷔전을 치른 이현주(2
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

손흥민, 시즌 4호 도움…토트넘, 맨시티전 4-0 대파

11월 A매치(국가대항전) 2연전에서 모두 골 맛을 본 손흥민(32·토트넘)이 소속팀으로 돌아간 뒤 열린 첫 경기에서 시즌 4호 도움을 기록했다. 11월 국가대표팀 소집에서 A매치 데뷔전을 치른 이현주(21·하노버)는 소속 팀에서 리그 2호 골을 터뜨렸다.손흥민은 24일 열린 2024~2025시즌 잉글랜드 프리미어리그(EPL) 12라운드 맨체스터 시티(맨시티)와 방문 경기에 선발 출전해 후반 18분 브레넌 존슨과 교체될 때까지 63분간 뛰었다. 손흥민은 팀이 1-0으로 앞선 전반 20분 상대 페널티 라인 안쪽 혼전 상황에서 자신에게 공을 주고 수비 뒤로 돌아가는 제임스 매디슨에게 패스하며 추가골을 도왔다. 11월 A매치 2연전(쿠웨이트, 팔레스타인)에서 한 골씩 넣었던 손흥민은 소속팀으로 복귀한 뒤 처음 치른 경기에서 도움을 기록했다. 3일 열린 애스턴 빌라와 경기에서 도움 이후 EPL 두 경기만의 공격포인트다. 손흥민은 이번 시즌 EPL에서 이날 도움을 포함해 3골 4도움을 기록

“보기만 해도 지루해” 외국서 난리 난 K-하객룩…무슨 일?

“한국의 결혼 문화는 정말 미쳤어. 모두가 직장에 가는 것처럼 보여”걸그룹 블랙핑크 멤버 제니의 결혼식 하객룩이 공개되자 한 해외 누리꾼이 이 같은 반응을 보였다.이 글은 24일 기준 X에서
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

“보기만 해도 지루해” 외국서 난리 난 K-하객룩…무슨 일?

“한국의 결혼 문화는 정말 미쳤어. 모두가 직장에 가는 것처럼 보여”걸그룹 블랙핑크 멤버 제니의 결혼식 하객룩이 공개되자 한 해외 누리꾼이 이 같은 반응을 보였다.이 글은 24일 기준 X에서만 270만회의 조회수를 기록했다.제니는 지난달 28일 서울 모처에서 열린 지인의 결혼식에 참석했다. 당시 제니는 흰색 셔츠에 검은색 반소매 니트를 걸치고 검은색 바지를 매치했다. 또 아이보리색 가방과 무채색 구두를 착용하고 메이크업도 수수하게 연출했다.이 결혼식에 참석했던 송혜교, 김고은, 변우석 등도 블랙 톤을 유지했다.한국에서는 이 같은 옷차림이 격식 있는 차림새로 통하지만 해외 누리꾼들의 반응은 사뭇 달랐다.대부분 “우울해 보인다” “장례식장에 가는 것 같다” “우리나라에서 이런 차림으로 결혼식에 간다면 2초 만에 쫓겨날 것” “설마 결혼식이겠어?” “부모님이 이런 모습을 보면 기절하실 것” “진짜 미친 짓이다. 이건 결혼식 분위기가 아니다” “보기만 해도 지루하다” “문화 충격이다” 등

गर्भवती तथा सुत्केरीका लागि हवाई उद्धार कार्यक्रम : पाँच महिनामा ५५ को उद्धार

काठमाडौं । महिला, बालबालिका तथा ज्येष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयले पछिल्लो पाँच महिनामा दुर्गम क्षेत्रम
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

गर्भवती तथा सुत्केरीका लागि हवाई उद्धार कार्यक्रम : पाँच महिनामा ५५ को उद्धार

काठमाडौं । महिला, बालबालिका तथा ज्येष्ठ नागरिक मन्त्रालयले पछिल्लो पाँच महिनामा दुर्गम क्षेत्रमा ज्यान जोखिममा परेका गर्भवती तथा सुत्केरीका लागि हवाई उद्धार कार्यक्रमअन्तर्गत ५५ गर्भवती तथा सुत्केरीको उद्धार गरेको छ । राष्ट्रपति महिला उत्थान कार्यक्रम समन्वय इकाईले गत साउनदेखि कात्तिकसम्ममा ४८ गर्भवती तथा सुत्केरीको उद्धार गरेको महिला, बालबालिका तथा ज्येष्ठ नागरिकमन्त्री नवलकिशोर साह सुडीले जानकारी […]

बढ्यो जुनार उत्पादन, साढे २२ करोड बढीको बिक्री हुने अपेक्षा

काठमाडौं । रामेछापमा यस वर्ष जुनारको उत्पादन बढेको छ । यस वर्ष उपयुक्त हावापानी तथा किसानले नियमि
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

बढ्यो जुनार उत्पादन, साढे २२ करोड बढीको बिक्री हुने अपेक्षा

काठमाडौं । रामेछापमा यस वर्ष जुनारको उत्पादन बढेको छ । यस वर्ष उपयुक्त हावापानी तथा किसानले नियमिति प्राविधिकको परामर्शमा औषधोपचार तथा भिटामिनको प्रयोग गर्न पाएपछि जिल्लामा जुनार उत्पादन बढेको हो ।रामेछाप नगरपालिका–६ ओख्रेनीका हिमाल तामाङले पन्ध्र रोपनीमा व्यावसायिकरुपमा जुनार खेती गरेका छन् । गत वर्षको तुलानमा ५० प्रतिशत बढी उत्पादन भएको उनले बताए । अघिल्लो […]

कोभिडपछि चीनले किन दिँदैछ धेरैभन्दा धेरै देशका नागरिकलाई ‘भिसा फ्रि इन्ट्री’ ?

काठमाडौं । पछिल्लो एक वर्षमा मात्रै चीनले ३८ देशका मानिसलाई बिना भिसा चीनमा प्रवेश गर्न सम्भव बना
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कोभिडपछि चीनले किन दिँदैछ धेरैभन्दा धेरै देशका नागरिकलाई ‘भिसा फ्रि इन्ट्री’ ?

काठमाडौं । पछिल्लो एक वर्षमा मात्रै चीनले ३८ देशका मानिसलाई बिना भिसा चीनमा प्रवेश गर्न सम्भव बनाएको छ । कोभिडअघि तीन देशमा मात्रै उपलब्ध रहेका थप देशलाई चीनले किन सुविधा दिइरहेको छ ? चीनको विदेश मन्त्रालयका प्रवक्ताले घोषणा गरेका छन् कि छिट्टै थप नौ देशका नागरिकलाई भिसा बिना नै चीन प्रवेश गर्न दिइनेछ । नोभेम्बर […]

कछुवा गतिमा पोखरा-मुग्लिन सडक निर्माण, पश्चिम खण्डमा ३२ प्रतिशत भौतिक प्रगति

काठमाडौं । पोखरा–मुग्लिन सडक आयोजनाको पश्चिम (पोखरा–जामुने) खण्डमा हालसम्म जम्मा ३२ प्रतिशत भौत
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

कछुवा गतिमा पोखरा-मुग्लिन सडक निर्माण, पश्चिम खण्डमा ३२ प्रतिशत भौतिक प्रगति

काठमाडौं । पोखरा–मुग्लिन सडक आयोजनाको पश्चिम (पोखरा–जामुने) खण्डमा हालसम्म जम्मा ३२ प्रतिशत भौतिक प्रगति भएको छ । पछिल्लो पटक थपिएको एक सय एक दिनको ठेक्का म्याद मंसिर २० गते समाप्त हुँदैछ । आयोजनाका इञ्जिनियर सौजन्य नेपालका अनुसार चिनियाँ निर्माण कम्पनी यनहुई काइयुयान हाइवे एण्ड ब्रिज कन्सट्रक्सनले एक वर्ष म्याद थप गर्न माग गरेकाले प्रक्रिया प्रारम्भ […]

Seychelles Fishing Authority launches book «Zak Aquaculture Adventures» by Peter Lalande

The Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) has launched an educational comic book to help children understand aquaculture and to encourage them to become interested in this field at a young age. «Zak Aquaculture Adventures» by Peter Lalande is target
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles Fishing Authority launches book «Zak Aquaculture Adventures» by Peter Lalande

The Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA) has launched an educational comic book to help children understand aquaculture and to encourage them to become interested in this field at a young age. «Zak Aquaculture Adventures» by Peter Lalande is targeting the younger audience, through the main character, a little boy named Zak, the book simplifies aquaculture so that children from the grassroots level get to understand this sector. «The Seychelles Fisheries Authority has been implementing its aquaculture education and awareness campaign since 2017. Its main target has mostly been students in terms of career path guidance, the entrepreneurs in terms of new business ventures and the public for general information on the development of the sector in the Seychelles,» Aubrey Lesperance, head of Aquaculture at the SFA, told SNA. Lesperance added that in the past, students targeted have been those mainly from secondary schools and professional centres. «Primary students have not been targeted yet as it is more difficult to explain the science of aquaculture to the younger students.» The storyline gives children a clearer definition of aquaculture, its benefits for the country, benefits for the environment, benefits for the local fishing community, as well as the different components of aquaculture, from the hatchery to the actual farming through cages placed in the sea.   Children also get to learn about different fish and other marine species. In the cartoon book, Zak visits the aquaculture facilities, including the broodstock, acclimation, quarantine facility, and the Containerised Echinoderm Hatchery at the Providence Fishing Port on the main island of Mahe.  During this visit, the little boy sees all the different equipment, including different tanks, their uses and functions. Zak asks the teacher featured in the book many questions through which children get to better understand aquaculture, with simple explanations accompanied by illustrations. Peter Lalande, the cartoonist and storyteller SFA said that primary schools – both public and private, as well as other institutions, such as the National Library - will receive a copy of the comic book, produced by local cartoonist Peter Lalande. Lalande, a historian-turned-cartoonist, told SNA that through this project he had used the form of art of caricature to pass on the message he wanted to convey, following research he had made on the subject.  According to Peter Lalande, the cartoonist, the strategy used is very powerful. (Seychelles Fishing Authority) Photo License: CC-BY  «My focus is on education, and I use storytelling for this purpose. A comic book is a fun way that kids can be educated at the same time that they are reading,» explained Lalande. According to the cartoonist, the strategy used is very powerful. «Storytelling is underutilised in Seychelles and this can be used for education purposes, to pass on information. We have a group of students who do not read and this is a way that is very engaging and makes it easier for them to assimilate this information,» explained Lalande. Zak is not a new character to the fisheries sector. In fact, he was featured in another book entitled «Shark Fin Soup,» published a few years ago, which raised awareness on the killing of sharks for their fins. The book, launched in September 2016, was aimed at educating the public about the dangers of unsustainable exploitation of the species.  The publication of the book was part of a wider project dubbed the 'Shark Fin Soup' project, and was a collaboration between the Fishermen and Boat Owners Association (FBOA), the Seychelles Fishing Authority, and an environmental non-profit organisation, Green Islands Foundation (GIF), which was not only targeting the general public but the fishermen themselves. Speaking about this initiative, Maria Brioche, an environmental educator, who has been working with children for over 20 years, said having a book on aquaculture for children is a fantastic idea.  «Introducing children to aquaculture can help them develop an understanding of where their food comes from, especially seafood, and the importance of sustainable practices to protect marine life [...] It could also spark their interest in marine biology and environmental stewardship from an early age,» she said. 

基隆廟口奠濟宮地下室火災 消防局調查後確認非縱火

社會新聞 - 自由時報

基隆廟口奠濟宮地下室火災 消防局調查後確認非縱火


Россия нарастила ввоз вина из ЕС до максимума с апреля

МОСКВА, 24 ноя — РИА Новости. Россия, несмотря на повышение пошлин на ввоз вина из недружественных стран, в сентябре ввезла его из Евросоюза на
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Россия нарастила ввоз вина из ЕС до максимума с апреля

МОСКВА, 24 ноя — РИА Новости. Россия, несмотря на повышение пошлин на ввоз вина из недружественных стран, в сентябре ввезла его из Евросоюза на максимальные с апреля 47,1 миллиона евро, следует из анализа РИА Новости данных Евростата.

حضور یک چهره جدید در کنار سرمربی استقلال

امروز همراه پیتسو موسیمانه، یک چهره جدید در نشست خبری سرمربی استقلال شرکت می کند.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

حضور یک چهره جدید در کنار سرمربی استقلال

امروز همراه پیتسو موسیمانه، یک چهره جدید در نشست خبری سرمربی استقلال شرکت می کند.

دستور ویژه وزیرکشور برای برگزاری انتخابات تمام الکترونیک

رئیس ستاد انتخابات کشورگفت: آغاز پیش ثبت نام میان دوره مجلس ۷ آذر و ثبت نام از داوطلبان در انتخابات میان دوره‌ای مجلس خبرگان رهبری در دهم اسفن
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

دستور ویژه وزیرکشور برای برگزاری انتخابات تمام الکترونیک

رئیس ستاد انتخابات کشورگفت: آغاز پیش ثبت نام میان دوره مجلس ۷ آذر و ثبت نام از داوطلبان در انتخابات میان دوره‌ای مجلس خبرگان رهبری در دهم اسفند ماه ۱۴۰۳ انجام خواهد شد.

COP29 acordó que países ricos aporten 300 mil millones de dólares al Sur Global

El objetivo de este monto al mundo en desarrollo es para costear la acción climática. Se invita también a que las partes puedan contabilizar voluntariamente como financiación climática los fondos que provienen de bancos multilaterales de desarrollo.

COP29 acordó que países ricos aporten 300 mil millones de dólares al Sur Global

El objetivo de este monto al mundo en desarrollo es para costear la acción climática. Se invita también a que las partes puedan contabilizar voluntariamente como financiación climática los fondos que provienen de bancos multilaterales de desarrollo.

Maduro anunció «gran festival mundial antifascista» en Venezuela

El cuestionado mandatario busca que la iniciativa se realice en enero, cuando prevé, pese a las acusaciones de fraude, juramentarse para asumir el próximo período presidencial. También apoyó la creación de una escuela de formación antifascista con sed

Maduro anunció «gran festival mundial antifascista» en Venezuela

El cuestionado mandatario busca que la iniciativa se realice en enero, cuando prevé, pese a las acusaciones de fraude, juramentarse para asumir el próximo período presidencial. También apoyó la creación de una escuela de formación antifascista con sede en Caracas.

Este domingo se define a los gobernadores de 11 regiones de Chile

En su horario tradicional, las mesas de votación estarán abiertas desde las 8:00 hasta las 18:00 horas. Una de las definiciones más bulladas será en la Región Metropolitana: Claudio Orrego vs. Francisco Orrego.

Este domingo se define a los gobernadores de 11 regiones de Chile

En su horario tradicional, las mesas de votación estarán abiertas desde las 8:00 hasta las 18:00 horas. Una de las definiciones más bulladas será en la Región Metropolitana: Claudio Orrego vs. Francisco Orrego.

Gabriel Agbo | Obedience: Key to defying untimely death

OBEDIENCE IS key to defying premature death. When we live a holy life and totally walk in obedience to God’s laws and leading, then, it will become almost impossible to die untimely through sickness, diseases, enemy’s attacks, demonic arrows, etc...

Gabriel Agbo | Obedience: Key to defying untimely death

OBEDIENCE IS key to defying premature death. When we live a holy life and totally walk in obedience to God’s laws and leading, then, it will become almost impossible to die untimely through sickness, diseases, enemy’s attacks, demonic arrows, etc...

Dwight Fletcher | Curing a broken heart

MANY OF us are living with a broken or wounded heart. It affects our lives daily. We have tried to fix it but have been unsuccessful, and we don’t know what else to do. God cares about our broken hearts. “ The Lord is close to the broken-hearted...

Dwight Fletcher | Curing a broken heart

MANY OF us are living with a broken or wounded heart. It affects our lives daily. We have tried to fix it but have been unsuccessful, and we don’t know what else to do. God cares about our broken hearts. “ The Lord is close to the broken-hearted...

Sean Major-Campbell | Giving with love

JESUS SAID, “For, I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison...

Sean Major-Campbell | Giving with love

JESUS SAID, “For, I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison...

Forget driverless cars. One company wants autonomous helicopters to spray crops and fight fires

HENNIKER, New Hampshire (AP): When Hector Xu was learning to fly a helicopter in college, he recalled having a few “nasty experiences” while trying to navigate at night. The heart-stopping flights led to his research of unmanned aircraft systems...

Forget driverless cars. One company wants autonomous helicopters to spray crops and fight fires

HENNIKER, New Hampshire (AP): When Hector Xu was learning to fly a helicopter in college, he recalled having a few “nasty experiences” while trying to navigate at night. The heart-stopping flights led to his research of unmanned aircraft systems...

Health + Tech | Enhancing patient safety with smart tech

Patient safety remains a critical concern in hospitals worldwide, and Jamaica is no exception. With global and local pushes towards safer, smarter healthcare systems, it is time to truly begin to explore technology-driven solutions to improve...

Health + Tech | Enhancing patient safety with smart tech

Patient safety remains a critical concern in hospitals worldwide, and Jamaica is no exception. With global and local pushes towards safer, smarter healthcare systems, it is time to truly begin to explore technology-driven solutions to improve...

'Her shoe got sucked into the escalator': Toronto family warns of potential risk of wearing Crocs

A Toronto family is speaking out after their 10-year-old daughter's Crocs got stuck in an escalator, ripping the entire toe area of the clog off. - Canada - Public RSS

'Her shoe got sucked into the escalator': Toronto family warns of potential risk of wearing Crocs

A Toronto family is speaking out after their 10-year-old daughter's Crocs got stuck in an escalator, ripping the entire toe area of the clog off.

Transit supervisor assaulted with 'torch' made of hairspray can and lighter: police

A Winnipeg man has been charged after a transit supervisor was assaulted with a makeshift torch in the city’s downtown area Friday morning. - Canada - Public RSS

Transit supervisor assaulted with 'torch' made of hairspray can and lighter: police

A Winnipeg man has been charged after a transit supervisor was assaulted with a makeshift torch in the city’s downtown area Friday morning.

Canada Post down eight million parcels amid strike as talk carry on over weekend

Canada Post says it has seen a shortage of more than eight million parcels amid an ongoing strike that has effectively shut down the postal system for nine days compared with the same period in 2023. - Canada - Public RSS

Canada Post down eight million parcels amid strike as talk carry on over weekend

Canada Post says it has seen a shortage of more than eight million parcels amid an ongoing strike that has effectively shut down the postal system for nine days compared with the same period in 2023.

Ottawa to deliver apology, $45M in compensation for Nunavik Inuit dog slaughter

The federal government is providing $45 million in compensation to Inuit in Nunavik as part of Canada's apology for its role in the killing of sled dogs between the mid-1950s and the late 1960s. - Canada - Public RSS

Ottawa to deliver apology, $45M in compensation for Nunavik Inuit dog slaughter

The federal government is providing $45 million in compensation to Inuit in Nunavik as part of Canada's apology for its role in the killing of sled dogs between the mid-1950s and the late 1960s.

Colleges and universities face job cuts, deficits amid international student cap

Ontario's colleges and universities say the federal government's cap on international students is taking a toll on the higher education sector as some schools face growing deficits, layoffs and, in at least one case, a temporary campus closure. - Canada - Public RSS

Colleges and universities face job cuts, deficits amid international student cap

Ontario's colleges and universities say the federal government's cap on international students is taking a toll on the higher education sector as some schools face growing deficits, layoffs and, in at least one case, a temporary campus closure.

НХЛ. «Филадельфия» победила «Чикаго», «Флорида» пропустила 7 голов от «Колорадо», «Юта» разгромила «Питтсбург», «Рейнджерс» в гостях у «Эдмонтона»

 «Флорида» проиграла «Колорадо» (4:7), «Тампа» уступила «Далласу» (2:4), «Питтсбург» был разгромлен «Ютой» (1:6), «Эдмонтон» встречается с «Рейндж
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НХЛ. «Филадельфия» победила «Чикаго», «Флорида» пропустила 7 голов от «Колорадо», «Юта» разгромила «Питтсбург», «Рейнджерс» в гостях у «Эдмонтона»

 «Флорида» проиграла «Колорадо» (4:7), «Тампа» уступила «Далласу» (2:4), «Питтсбург» был разгромлен «Ютой» (1:6), «Эдмонтон» встречается с «Рейнджерс».

5:2 «Спартака» в дерби с покером Угальде, «Сити» разгромлен «Тоттенхэмом», «Зенит» обошел «Краснодар», Ян победил Фигейредо, «Барса» упустила победу над «Сельтой» и другие новости


НБА. «Лейкерс» принимают «Денвер», 25+7+9 Вембаньямы принесли «Сперс» победу над «Голден Стэйт» и другие матчи

«Лейкерс» принимают на своей площадке «Денвер», лидирующий на Западе «Голден Стэйт» в гостях уступил «Сан-Антонио».
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НБА. «Лейкерс» принимают «Денвер», 25+7+9 Вембаньямы принесли «Сперс» победу над «Голден Стэйт» и другие матчи

«Лейкерс» принимают на своей площадке «Денвер», лидирующий на Западе «Голден Стэйт» в гостях уступил «Сан-Антонио».

Чемпионат России. «Динамо» в гостях у «Факела», «Крылья Советов» сыграют с «Ахматом»

В пятницу «Рубин» разгромил «Акрон» (3:0).

Гран-при России. «Невский лед». Акатьева, Горбачева, Яметова, Муравьева, Важнова выступят с произвольными программами

Гран-при России по фигурному катанию-2024/25 5-й этап Санкт-Петербург «Невский лед» Женщины Произвольная программа Начало – 13:00 по московскому в
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Гран-при России. «Невский лед». Акатьева, Горбачева, Яметова, Муравьева, Важнова выступят с произвольными программами

Гран-при России по фигурному катанию-2024/25 5-й этап Санкт-Петербург «Невский лед» Женщины Произвольная программа Начало – 13:00 по московскому времени, прямая трансляция – сайт Первого канала.