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Jane Rubens, from Edinburgh, was struck by an SUV while on holiday in St Louis, Missouri, on November 1. She was hit at a pedestrian crossing, leaving her with severe brain injuries.

DAVIDU KNEŽEVIĆU PRETI SMRTNA KAZNA ZA UBISTVO SUPRUGE ANE Ukoliko bude osuđen, mogao bi da postane drugi Srbin na spisku za pogubljenje u SAD!

Davidu Kneževiću, Beograđaninu sa američkim pasošem preti smrtna kazna u Americi zbog kidnapovanja i ubistva supruge Ane Knežević! On je uhapšen 4. maja u Majamiju i prvobitno je optužen samo za kidnapovanje žene koja je misteriozno nestala još 2.
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DAVIDU KNEŽEVIĆU PRETI SMRTNA KAZNA ZA UBISTVO SUPRUGE ANE Ukoliko bude osuđen, mogao bi da postane drugi Srbin na spisku za pogubljenje u SAD!

Davidu Kneževiću, Beograđaninu sa američkim pasošem preti smrtna kazna u Americi zbog kidnapovanja i ubistva supruge Ane Knežević! On je uhapšen 4. maja u Majamiju i prvobitno je optužen samo za kidnapovanje žene koja je misteriozno nestala još 2. februara u Madridu. Njeno telo još nije pronađeno.

Novi izraelski napadi na provinciju Homs u Siriji, odjekuju eksplozije

Izrael je danas izveo napad na dva sela u provinciji Homs u centralnom delu Sirije, javila je sirijska državna novinska agencija SANA.
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Novi izraelski napadi na provinciju Homs u Siriji, odjekuju eksplozije

Izrael je danas izveo napad na dva sela u provinciji Homs u centralnom delu Sirije, javila je sirijska državna novinska agencija SANA.

«TO KRVOPROLIĆE JE PREVAZIŠLO SVAKU RAZUMNU MERU» Bivši ambasador Srbije u Nemačkoj o primirju Izraela i Libana

«To je nesumnjivo pozitivna vest. To krvoproliće je stvarno prevazišlo svaku razumnu meru», izjavio je Milovan Božinović komentarišući primirje Izraela i Libana.
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«TO KRVOPROLIĆE JE PREVAZIŠLO SVAKU RAZUMNU MERU» Bivši ambasador Srbije u Nemačkoj o primirju Izraela i Libana

«To je nesumnjivo pozitivna vest. To krvoproliće je stvarno prevazišlo svaku razumnu meru», izjavio je Milovan Božinović komentarišući primirje Izraela i Libana.

Kako je jedan dečji pano u školi u Inđiji digao nezapamćenu buru u javnosti: Oglasili se od SPC DO TEORETIČARA ZAVERE, podneta čak i krivična prijava (FOTO)

Dečiji pano na temu tolerancije iz Osnovne škole «Petar Kočić» u Inđiji napravio je pravu pometnju u javnosti. Kako se vidi na panou, deca iz ove škole crtala su na temu «Tolerancija nije strana reč», a pored crteža koji predst
Blic online

Kako je jedan dečji pano u školi u Inđiji digao nezapamćenu buru u javnosti: Oglasili se od SPC DO TEORETIČARA ZAVERE, podneta čak i krivična prijava (FOTO)

Dečiji pano na temu tolerancije iz Osnovne škole «Petar Kočić» u Inđiji napravio je pravu pometnju u javnosti. Kako se vidi na panou, deca iz ove škole crtala su na temu «Tolerancija nije strana reč», a pored crteža koji predstavljaju dve devojčice i dva dečaka koji se drže za ruke, stoji i natpis «Gej je okej», kao i zastava LGBTQ+ zajednice. Ovaj crtež izazvao je ogromnu buru u javnosti, a tim povodom oglasili su se od škole, preko teoretičara zavere do Srpske pravoslavne crkve!

صدور رأی استیناف دیدار سپاهان - ملوان

کمیته استیناف رای تجدید نظر خواهی داود رفعتی و باشگاه فرهنگی ورزشی سپاهان اصفهان را صادر کرد.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

صدور رأی استیناف دیدار سپاهان - ملوان

کمیته استیناف رای تجدید نظر خواهی داود رفعتی و باشگاه فرهنگی ورزشی سپاهان اصفهان را صادر کرد.

میقاتی: رژیم صهیونیستی ارزشی برای هیچ قانونی قائل نیست

نخست‌وزیر لبنان گفت که رژیم صهیونیستی ارزشی برای هیچ قانونی قائل نیست.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

میقاتی: رژیم صهیونیستی ارزشی برای هیچ قانونی قائل نیست

نخست‌وزیر لبنان گفت که رژیم صهیونیستی ارزشی برای هیچ قانونی قائل نیست.

بزرگ‌ترین فاجعه «اسرائیل» در دوره نتانیاهو

لاپید: بزرگ‌ترین فاجعه "اسرائیل" در دوره نتانیاهو اتفاق افتاد.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

بزرگ‌ترین فاجعه «اسرائیل» در دوره نتانیاهو

لاپید: بزرگ‌ترین فاجعه "اسرائیل" در دوره نتانیاهو اتفاق افتاد.

Horoscop miercuri, 27 noiembrie. O zodie își face planuri de vacanță. Nativii care nu sunt în cea mai bună formă

Capricornii pun piciorul în prag, iar Peștii sunt suprasolicitați psihic. Lorina, astrologul Click!, vine cu predicțiile complete pentru toate cele 12 semne zodiacale pentru ziua de miercuri, 27 noiembrie.

Horoscop miercuri, 27 noiembrie. O zodie își face planuri de vacanță. Nativii care nu sunt în cea mai bună formă

Capricornii pun piciorul în prag, iar Peștii sunt suprasolicitați psihic. Lorina, astrologul Click!, vine cu predicțiile complete pentru toate cele 12 semne zodiacale pentru ziua de miercuri, 27 noiembrie.

Călin Georgescu i-a chemat pe jurnaliști la conferință de presă, apoi le-a închis ușa în nas. „Nu iau întrebări”

Călin Georgescu, candidat la alegerile prezidențiale, i-a convocat pe jurnaliști în fața locuinței sale din Izvorani, unde a refuzat să ia întrebări, deși jurnaliștii i-au atras atenția că într-o democrație este esențial ca actorii politici s

Călin Georgescu i-a chemat pe jurnaliști la conferință de presă, apoi le-a închis ușa în nas. „Nu iau întrebări”

Călin Georgescu, candidat la alegerile prezidențiale, i-a convocat pe jurnaliști în fața locuinței sale din Izvorani, unde a refuzat să ia întrebări, deși jurnaliștii i-au atras atenția că într-o democrație este esențial ca actorii politici să comunice cu poporul.

Tinerii protestează față de votul pentru Călin Georgescu în Capitală și în marile orașe. „Ne-am ferit de AUR și am dat peste balaur”

Mii de tineri s-au adunat, marţi seară, în mai multe orașe din țară, la un manifest pro-european. Aceștia poartă pancarte pe care au scris mesaje precum „Democraţie, NU hoţie!”.

Tinerii protestează față de votul pentru Călin Georgescu în Capitală și în marile orașe. „Ne-am ferit de AUR și am dat peste balaur”

Mii de tineri s-au adunat, marţi seară, în mai multe orașe din țară, la un manifest pro-european. Aceștia poartă pancarte pe care au scris mesaje precum „Democraţie, NU hoţie!”.

România, fără busolă. Președintele, absent după turul 1. „Ca să aibă o opinie, ar trebui să admită că este principalul vinovat”| ANALIZǍ

Rezultatul înregistrat după turul 1 al Alegerilor prezidențiale 2024 pune România într-o situație fără precedent. Politicienii încep să vorbească, timid, de greșelile comise și prea puțin de soluții. Președintele, „omul care trebuie să ră

România, fără busolă. Președintele, absent după turul 1. „Ca să aibă o opinie, ar trebui să admită că este principalul vinovat”| ANALIZǍ

Rezultatul înregistrat după turul 1 al Alegerilor prezidențiale 2024 pune România într-o situație fără precedent. Politicienii încep să vorbească, timid, de greșelile comise și prea puțin de soluții. Președintele, „omul care trebuie să răspundă la foarte multe întrebări”, continuă să tacă.

Benjamin Netanyahu anunță că este gata să impună încetarea focului în Liban. „Vom obține victoria”

Israelul și Hezbollah urmează să implementeze miercuri o încetare a focului timp de 60 de zile, ca parte a unui acord propus de Statele unite ale Americii. Cabinetul de securitate al Israelului a aprobat acordul. Acesta urmează să fie supus întregului

Benjamin Netanyahu anunță că este gata să impună încetarea focului în Liban. „Vom obține victoria”

Israelul și Hezbollah urmează să implementeze miercuri o încetare a focului timp de 60 de zile, ca parte a unui acord propus de Statele unite ale Americii. Cabinetul de securitate al Israelului a aprobat acordul. Acesta urmează să fie supus întregului cabinet pentru revizuire.

Военную технику заметили на улицах Астаны

В Сети появилось видео, на кадрах которого видно передвигающуюся по улицам Астаны военную технику. В городе ведется подготовка к сессии Сове
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Военную технику заметили на улицах Астаны

В Сети появилось видео, на кадрах которого видно передвигающуюся по улицам Астаны военную технику. В городе ведется подготовка к сессии Совета коллективной безопасности ОДКБ, передает NUR.KZ

Столкновения в Пакистане: сторонники экс-премьера Имрана Хана прорвались в центр столицы, погибли шесть человек

Сторонники бывшего премьер-министра Пакистана Имрана Хана, требующие его освобождения из тюрьмы, вступили в столкновения с полицией и про
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Столкновения в Пакистане: сторонники экс-премьера Имрана Хана прорвались в центр столицы, погибли шесть человек

Сторонники бывшего премьер-министра Пакистана Имрана Хана, требующие его освобождения из тюрьмы, вступили в столкновения с полицией и прорвались через возведенные властями баррикады в центр Исламабада. По заявлениям обеих сторон, погибли по меньшей мере шесть человек.

Израиль согласился на прекращение огня в Ливане. Что известно о договоре

Правительство Израиля одобрило соглашение о прекращении огня в Ливане, где израильская армия ведет операции против группировки "Хезболл
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Израиль согласился на прекращение огня в Ливане. Что известно о договоре

Правительство Израиля одобрило соглашение о прекращении огня в Ливане, где израильская армия ведет операции против группировки "Хезболла".

«Вы видели, как слетел Белал»: тренер Шавката Рахмонова высказался о возможной травме казахстанца перед боем

Тренер спортивного зала Kill Cliff Саид Сапаров высказался о бандаже на колене казахстанского бойца Шавката Рахмонова, с которым проводит лагер
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

«Вы видели, как слетел Белал»: тренер Шавката Рахмонова высказался о возможной травме казахстанца перед боем

Тренер спортивного зала Kill Cliff Саид Сапаров высказался о бандаже на колене казахстанского бойца Шавката Рахмонова, с которым проводит лагерь спортсмен, сообщает

Бывший одноклубник Месси стал его новым тренером

Американский футбольный клуб "Интер Майами" на официальном сайте объявил о назначении аргентинца Хавьера Маскерано на пост главного т
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Бывший одноклубник Месси стал его новым тренером

Американский футбольный клуб "Интер Майами" на официальном сайте объявил о назначении аргентинца Хавьера Маскерано на пост главного тренера, передает NUR.KZ.

Russia and Iran complete de-dollarization – Tehran

Moscow and Tehran have abandoned the US dollar in mutual trade in favor of their national currencies, according to the Central Bank of Iran Read Full Article at
RT Business

Russia and Iran complete de-dollarization – Tehran

Moscow and Tehran have abandoned the US dollar in mutual trade in favor of their national currencies, according to the Central Bank of Iran Read Full Article at

US lawmakers demand crack down on Hong Kong banks

A congressional committee has asked the Treasury Department to change policy towards the Chinese region over alleged sanctions evasion Read Full Article at
RT Business

US lawmakers demand crack down on Hong Kong banks

A congressional committee has asked the Treasury Department to change policy towards the Chinese region over alleged sanctions evasion Read Full Article at

Le gouvernement Barnier viré par l'Assemblée ? Des propos attribués à Macron font tache

La présentation du budget, qui ne convient pas à une majorité de députés, pourrait mettre un terme à l'expérience Barnier à Matignon. Même Emmanuel Macron en fait le pronostic, selon Le Parisien.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Le gouvernement Barnier viré par l'Assemblée ? Des propos attribués à Macron font tache

La présentation du budget, qui ne convient pas à une majorité de députés, pourrait mettre un terme à l'expérience Barnier à Matignon. Même Emmanuel Macron en fait le pronostic, selon Le Parisien.

트뤼도, 트럼프 관세 글에 긴급통화 “우호적 논의”

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 25일(현지 시간) “캐나다와 멕시코에 25%의 관세, 중국에 10%의 추가 관세를 부과하겠다”고 밝히자 대상국들은 발 빠르게 미국과 자국 관계의 중요성 등을 부
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

트뤼도, 트럼프 관세 글에 긴급통화 “우호적 논의”

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 25일(현지 시간) “캐나다와 멕시코에 25%의 관세, 중국에 10%의 추가 관세를 부과하겠다”고 밝히자 대상국들은 발 빠르게 미국과 자국 관계의 중요성 등을 부각하며 대응에 나섰다. 로이터통신은 쥐스탱 트뤼도 캐나다 총리(사진)가 이날 트럼프 당선인이 트루스소셜에 관련 게시물을 올리자마자 전화를 걸어 “우호적 논의”를 나눴다고 보도했다. 블룸버그통신은 트뤼도 총리가 “캐나다 국경은 멕시코 국경에 비하면 사소한 문제”라고 지적했다고 전했다. 캐나다의 크리스티아 프릴랜드 부총리와 도미닉 르블랑 공공안전부 장관도 이날 공동성명에서 “오늘날 캐나다와 미국은 균형적이고, 특히 미국 노동자들에게 서로 이익이 되는 관계”라며 차기 미 행정부와 관련 사안을 계속 논의해 나가겠다고 밝혔다. 이들은 “공동 국경은 캐나다에도 최우선 과제”라며 캐나다가 미국에 필수 에너지를 공급한다고도 강조했다. 반면 멕시코 집권여당 모레나당 소속 리카르도 몬레알 하원 원내대표

美 재무장관 지명자 “감세정책 우선 이행”… 재정적자 줄이려 IRA 보조금 개편 나설듯

도널드 트럼프 2기 미국 행정부의 ‘경제사령탑’ 격인 재무장관으로 지명된 스콧 베센트 키스퀘어그룹(헤지펀드) 창업자(사진)가 “트럼프 당선인의 다양한 감세 공약부터 이행하겠다”고 밝혔
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

美 재무장관 지명자 “감세정책 우선 이행”… 재정적자 줄이려 IRA 보조금 개편 나설듯

도널드 트럼프 2기 미국 행정부의 ‘경제사령탑’ 격인 재무장관으로 지명된 스콧 베센트 키스퀘어그룹(헤지펀드) 창업자(사진)가 “트럼프 당선인의 다양한 감세 공약부터 이행하겠다”고 밝혔다. 감세에 따른 재정적자를 줄이기 위해 인플레이션감축법(IRA) 보조금 개편 등을 통해 정부 지출을 축소하는 ‘페이포(pay-fors·재원충당제)’ 정책을 추진하겠다고 했다. 베센트는 25일(현지 시간) 월스트리트저널(WSJ)과 재무장관 지명 후 첫 인터뷰를 갖고 “트럼프 1기 행정부에서 시행했던 소득세 및 법인세 임시 감세 정책을 영구화하고, 팁과 초과근무 수당에 대한 면세 등 감세 정책을 우선적으로 추진하겠다”고 밝혔다. 이 외에도 “관세 부과, 정부 지출 및 부채 감소도 정책 우선 순위에 있다”고 밝혔다. 특히 베센트는 지출을 통제하기 위해 IRA 규정에 따라 북미산 전기차에 대당 최대 7500달러(약 1050만 원)를 지급하던 보조금 체계를 개편하는 안을 제안했다고 WSJ는 전했다. 현대자동차

트럼프, 동맹부터 ‘25% 관세 폭격’

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 25일(현지 시간) “내년 1월 20일 취임 때 첫 행정명령 중 하나로 멕시코와 캐나다에서 미국으로 들어오는 모든 제품에 25%의 관세를 부과하는 문서에 서명할 것
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

트럼프, 동맹부터 ‘25% 관세 폭격’

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당선인이 25일(현지 시간) “내년 1월 20일 취임 때 첫 행정명령 중 하나로 멕시코와 캐나다에서 미국으로 들어오는 모든 제품에 25%의 관세를 부과하는 문서에 서명할 것”이라고 밝혔다. 또 “중국에서 수입되는 모든 제품에 추가로 10%의 관세를 부과하겠다”라고 했다. 취임을 55일 앞두고 ‘관세 폭탄’을 예고하면서 ‘미국 우선주의(America First)’를 앞세운 세계 경제 재편에 시동을 건 것이다. 미 달러에 대한 주요국 통화 가치가 하락하고 각국 금융시장이 출렁이는 등 ‘트럼프 리스크’가 현실화했다. 트럼프 당선인은 이날 소셜네트워크서비스(SNS) 트루스소셜에 “멕시코와 캐나다를 통해 쏟아져 들어오는 수천 명이 미국에 전례 없는 수준의 범죄와 마약을 퍼뜨리고 있다”며 “두 나라가 이를 해결하기 위한 권한을 사용하길 요구하며 그렇게 될 때까지 그들은 매우 큰 대가를 치러야 할 것”이라고 밝혔다. 이어 “이 관세는 마약, 특히 펜타닐과 불법 이민자의

US sanctions against Gazprombank leading to energy price growth in Europe — investor

The new round of US sanctions has become the most notable lately «but generally not critical for the Russian financial system, which has already passed through much worse time,» Kyle Shostak said

US sanctions against Gazprombank leading to energy price growth in Europe — investor

The new round of US sanctions has become the most notable lately «but generally not critical for the Russian financial system, which has already passed through much worse time,» Kyle Shostak said

Blinken says hopes US support for Ukraine will continue under Trump

According to the US secretary of state, the administration of outgoing US President Joe Biden is determined «to do everything possible to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs» to fight through 2025

Blinken says hopes US support for Ukraine will continue under Trump

According to the US secretary of state, the administration of outgoing US President Joe Biden is determined «to do everything possible to ensure that Ukraine has what it needs» to fight through 2025

Ukraine supplies terrorists in Mali with white phosphorus munitions — website

The news portal pointed out that its source was an anti-government militiaman captured in the southern part of the country by the national armed forces

Ukraine supplies terrorists in Mali with white phosphorus munitions — website

The news portal pointed out that its source was an anti-government militiaman captured in the southern part of the country by the national armed forces

Trump threatens trade war on Mexico, Canada, China

Donald Trump threatened to begin his presidency with a massive trade war -- and diplomatic crisis -- as he demanded China, Canada and Mexico stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling into the United States or face punitive US import tariffs. In a series o
Seychelles News Agency

Trump threatens trade war on Mexico, Canada, China

Donald Trump threatened to begin his presidency with a massive trade war -- and diplomatic crisis -- as he demanded China, Canada and Mexico stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling into the United States or face punitive US import tariffs. In a series of posts on his Truth Social platform late Monday, the president-elect warned he would impose trade barriers on the top three US trading partners the day he takes office. China quickly responded Tuesday that «no one will win a trade war,» while Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum said that tariffs were «not acceptable» and no way to address immigration and drug problems. A Canadian government source said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called Trump and had a «productive» discussion, without giving further detail. Trump's posts signaled he intends to return immediately to the style of his first presidency, when he regularly shocked Washington and US partners around the world with major policy shifts announced at odd hours on social media. If enacted, the tariffs would spark disruption across the global economy, deepening tensions with US rival China and upending relations with the two huge US neighbors. However, the threat backs up one of Trump's main promises in his campaign against Democrat Kamala Harris, which was to use US economic muscle as leverage on issues having little to do with trade -- namely his claim that the United States is under siege by foreign crime and dangerous migrants. «On January 20th, as one of my many first Executive Orders, I will sign all necessary documents to charge Mexico and Canada a 25 percent tariff on ALL products coming into the United States,» Trump posted. «This Tariff will remain in effect until such time as Drugs, in particular Fentanyl, and all Illegal Aliens stop this Invasion of our Country!» he said. «We hereby demand that they use this power, and until such time that they do, it is time for them to pay a very big price!» In another post, Trump said he would also be slapping China with a 10 percent tariff, «above any additional Tariffs,» because the world's second biggest economy was failing to execute fentanyl smugglers. «Representatives of China told me that they would institute their maximum penalty, that of death, for any drug dealers caught doing this but, unfortunately, they never followed through,» he said. Liu Pengyu, a spokesman for China's embassy in the United States, told AFP that «China believes that China-US economic and trade cooperation is mutually beneficial in nature.» Mexico's Sheinbaum fired back at Trump, saying his tariffs diplomacy was misguided. «President Trump, it is not with threats or tariffs that the migration phenomenon will be stopped, nor the consumption of drugs in the United States,» she told reporters, reading a letter she will send to Trump in which she proposes dialogue. «It is not acceptable and would cause inflation and job losses in the United States and Mexico,» she said. - Bluster or serious? - William Reinsch, senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said Trump's Truth Social threats may be bluster -- a strategy of «threaten, and then negotiate.» However, Trump's first term in the White House was marked by an aggressive and protectionist trade agenda that also targeted China, Mexico and Canada, as well as Europe. While in the White House, Trump launched an all-out trade war with China, imposing significant tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars of Chinese goods. China responded with retaliatory tariffs on American products, particularly affecting US farmers. Economists say tariffs can hurt US growth and push inflation, since they are primarily paid by importers bringing the goods into the United States, who often pass those costs on to consumers. Trump has said he will put his commerce secretary designate Howard Lutnick, a China hawk, in charge of trade policy. Lutnick has expressed support for a tariff level of 60 percent on Chinese goods alongside a 10 percent tariff on all other imports. © Agence France-Presse

Fewest new HIV cases since late 1980s: UNAIDS report

Fewer people contracted HIV last year than at any point since the rise of the disease in the late 1980s, the United Nations said Tuesday, warning that this decline was still far too slow. Around 1.3 million people contracted the disease in 2023, according t
Seychelles News Agency

Fewest new HIV cases since late 1980s: UNAIDS report

Fewer people contracted HIV last year than at any point since the rise of the disease in the late 1980s, the United Nations said Tuesday, warning that this decline was still far too slow. Around 1.3 million people contracted the disease in 2023, according to the new report from the UNAIDS agency. That is still more than three times higher than needed to reach the UN's goal of ending AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. Around 630,000 people died from AIDS-related illnesses last year, the lowest level since a peak of 2.1 million in 2004, the report said ahead of World AIDS Day on Sunday. Much of the progress was attributed to antiretroviral treatments that can reduce the amount of the virus in the blood of patients. Out of the nearly 40 million people living with HIV around the world, some 9.3 million are not receiving treatment, the report warned. And despite the global progress, 28 countries recorded an increase in HIV infections last year. Efforts to make preventative treatment called Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) available in these countries has seen «very slow progress», the report pointed out. «Only 15 percent of people who need PrEP were receiving it in 2023,» the report said. UNAIDS deputy director Christine Stegling said that «progress has been driven by biomedical advances, advances in the protection of human rights and by community activism». «But big gaps in the protection of human rights remain, and these gaps are keeping the world from getting on the path that ends AIDS,» she told an online press conference. She warned that if current trends continue, «we will end up with a much, much higher number of people living with HIV, long after 2030». UNAIDS emphasised how laws and practices that «discriminate against or stigmatise» people with HIV were hindering the fight against the disease. It pointed to how Uganda's Anti-Homosexuality Act, one of the harshest anti-gay laws in the world, led to sharp drop in PrEP access since coming into force last year. Axel Bautista, a gay rights activist from Mexico City, pointed out that same-sex relations are banned in 63 countries. «Criminalisation exacerbates fear, persecution, hate, violence and discrimination and has a negative impact on public health,» he told the press conference. - 'Game-changer' new drug - A new drug called lenacapavir, which early trials have found is 100 percent effective in preventing HIV infection, has been hailed as a potential game-changer in the battle against the disease. But concerns have been raised over its high price -- US pharmaceutical giant Gilead has been charging around $40,000 per person per a year for the drug in some countries. Last month Gilead announced deals with generic drugmakers to make and sell the drug at lower costs in some lower-income countries. However activists have warned that millions of people with HIV will not be covered by the deals. Stegling said that such «game-changers will really only get us to the right reduction in new infections when we make sure that everybody will have access to them». UNAIDS executive director Winnie Byanyima did not attend the press conference. Byanyima revealed last week that her husband, veteran Ugandan opposition politician Kizza Besigye, was «kidnapped» in neighbouring Kenya earlier this month. UN rights chief Volker Turk has been among those calling for the Ugandan government to release Besigye, who appeared in a military court in the capital Kampala last week. © Agence France-Presse

Woman arrested in Taylor Swift ticket fraud case: Toronto police

Toronto police have arrested a GTA woman who they allege scammed dozens of Taylor Swift fans out of nearly $70,000 by promising them tickets that never materialized.
CBC | Canada News

Woman arrested in Taylor Swift ticket fraud case: Toronto police

Toronto police have arrested a GTA woman who they allege scammed dozens of Taylor Swift fans out of nearly $70,000 by promising them tickets that never materialized.

Bernardo's victims tell parole board they will never have peace of mind if killer is released

The families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy — teenagers who were tortured and killed by Paul Bernardo in the 1990s — pleaded with the parole board this morning to keep Bernardo locked away.
CBC | Canada News

Bernardo's victims tell parole board they will never have peace of mind if killer is released

The families of Kristen French and Leslie Mahaffy — teenagers who were tortured and killed by Paul Bernardo in the 1990s — pleaded with the parole board this morning to keep Bernardo locked away.

Elections Nova Scotia to delay results due to late opening at polling station

Elections Nova Scotia will delay the release of provincial election results tonight due to the late opening of a polling station in the riding of Eastern Shore.
CBC | Canada News

Elections Nova Scotia to delay results due to late opening at polling station

Elections Nova Scotia will delay the release of provincial election results tonight due to the late opening of a polling station in the riding of Eastern Shore.

Lëtzebuergesch Applikatioun: Mat der «Braincoach»-App Demenz virbeugen

Bal 8.000 Leit zu Lëtzebuerg si vun Demenz betraff. D'App vum Programm fir Demenzpräventioun soll hëllefen, méi gesond ze liewen.
RTL Headlines

Lëtzebuergesch Applikatioun: Mat der «Braincoach»-App Demenz virbeugen

Bal 8.000 Leit zu Lëtzebuerg si vun Demenz betraff. D'App vum Programm fir Demenzpräventioun soll hëllefen, méi gesond ze liewen.