Bitcoin начал активно дорожать после победы Дональда Трампа на президентских выборах в США.Курс биткоина превысил 100 тысяч долларов
Bitcoin начал активно дорожать после победы Дональда Трампа на президентских выборах в США. Read more
Bitcoin начал активно дорожать после победы Дональда Трампа на президентских выборах в США. Read more
프리에이전트(FA) 시장에 나온 내야수 김하성(29)에 ‘월드시리즈 챔피언’ LA 다저스가 관심을 보이고 있다. 미국 스포츠전문매체 디애슬레틱은 22일(한국시각) 외야수 테오스카 에르난데스와 협상에 난항을 겪는 다저스가 오른손 타자를 물색하며 김하성도 후보에 올려놨다고 전했다. 에르난데스는 올해 154경기를 뛰며 타율 0.272, 33홈런 99타점으로 활약했다. 월드시리즈 5경기에서도 타율 0.350, 1홈런 4타점을 올리는 등 포스트시즌 16경기 타율 0.417, 3홈런 12타점을 기록해 팀 우승에 빼놓을 수 없는 활약을 펼쳤다. 그리고 이번 겨울 FA가 됐다. 다저스와 에르난데스는 동행에 뜻을 같이하고 있지만, 몸값을 두고는 입장 차가 있다. 매체에 따르면 에르난데스는 계약기간 3년, 6600만 달러~7200만 달러(약 956억6000만원~ 1043억6000만원) 규모의 계약을 원하고 있다. 협상이 교착 상태에 빠지면서 다저스는 그의 공백을 대신할 오른손 타자 찾기에 나서는 분위
Specialiștii spun că Revoluția din decembrie 1989 a fost posibilă și pe fondul incompetenței și a desprinderii de realitate a liderilor Securității. Rapoartele privind starea de nemulțumire a populației erau ignorate iar liderii comuniștii preferau să trăiască într-un vis propagandistic.
Românii care au ieșit în stradă în Decembrie 1989 nu știau ce-i aia o revoluție. Învățaseră doar la istorie despre ea. Nici nu aveau certitudinea că fiecare strigăt al lor de libertate se va uni cu cel al altora de lângă ei și împreună vor reuși să dea jos un regim.
Vin Sărbătorile, timp de reflecție, de bucurie și de bucate alese. În căutarea gustului din bătrâni, tinerii s-au pus la sfat cu profesorii lor și au pregătit tot ce pun mai bun oltenii pe masa de Crăciun de generații întregi.
Omul de afaceri a cumpărat pachetul majoritar al grupării italiene.
De la fenomen social și de împrietenire până la cerșetorie și act artistic, colindatul în 2024 pare că și-a pierdut într-o oarecare măsură sensurile și scopurile inițiale.
Centre back John Stones sustained a fresh injury setback in Manchester City's 2-1 loss to Aston Villa on Saturday in the English Premier League football competition.
The Mandeville police in Manchester are searching for a motorist who allegedly ran over a man after he fell from a motorcycle two days ago. The man later died. The incident occurred around 4:30 p.m. on December 19.
A man who spent 12 years in custody awaiting trial for murder was freed by a jury in the Home Circuit Court in Kingston on Friday.
A security guard is hospitalised after being shot while intervening in a fight at a St Ann entertainment venue early Saturday morning. It's reported that gunshots were heard around 2 a.m. It was later revealed that the guard was shot by...
National Security Minister Dr Horace Chang says it is «purely coincidental» that Marlon '41 Busshead' Samuels, the TikTok social media personality murdered in Montego Bay on Friday night, is related to an alleged gang leader.
A pocas horas de conmemorar el Día del Educador, casi medio centenar de destacados profesionales de la Enseñanza Superior fueron distinguidos en el Palacio de la Revolución, como reconocimiento a su valiosa trayectoria en la formación de los más jóvenes y por su contribución incesante al desarrollo y el perfeccionamiento del Sistema Educacional en Cuba. The post Cuba rinde homenaje a destacados educadores first appeared on Cubadebate.
Garantizar la canasta familiar normada a la población es una prioridad para el Gobierno cubano que asumen con compromiso y entrega los trabajadores y cuadros del sistema de Comercio Interior, de conjunto con los territorios, entidades involucradas en la producción, actividad portuaria, transportación y distribución hacia la red minorista. The post Actualiza el Mincin sobre canasta familiar normada de diciembre first appeared on Cubadebate.
En las calles empedradas de Sancti Spíritus, donde el tiempo juega a detenerse entre el repique de campanas y el bullicio propio de las aulas, un nombre se pronuncia con profundo respeto y admiración: Celina Mendoza Llorente, graduada del cuarto Contingente Pedagógico Manuel Ascunce Domenech. The post Mis alumnos son mis hijos first appeared on Cubadebate.
El compromiso y la dedicación de Yoniel García La Rosa con la educación en La Habana Vieja no pasan desapercibidos. Con una trayectoria de 21 años en el sector educativo, ha demostrado su constante búsqueda de superación y un profundo amor por la enseñanza. The post Yoniel García La Rosa: “El futuro está en nuestras manos” first appeared on Cubadebate.
Osmara Torres González-Quintero lleva 36 años como maestra en la escuela primaria Calixto García, del municipio de Santa Clara. Es más de la mitad de su vida, una existencia que desde un principio ella define con dos palabras: amor y pasión. Graduada a finales de la década de 1980. The post Frente al aula…amor y pasión por Cuba first appeared on Cubadebate.
Sammallahden mukaan hänen nopeutensa oli 84 kilometriä tunnissa alueella, jonka nopeusrajoitus on 60 kilometriä tunnissa.
Экс‑чемпион мира в тяжелом весе Тайсон Фьюри не стал объявлять о завершении карьеры после поражения от Александра Усика Подробнее…
«Сан‑Антонио» дома нанес поражение «Портленду» в матче регулярного чемпионата НБА Подробнее…
Главный тренер «Барселоны» остался доволен игрой своей команды в проигранном матче 18‑го тура чемпионата Испании против «Атлетико» (1:2) Подробнее…
Главный тренер «Манчестер Сити» Хосеп Гвардиола заявил, что Эрлинг Холанд не виноват в последних неудачах команды Подробнее…
Судья на базе искусственного интеллекта отдал победу украинскому боксеру Александру Усику в поединке‑реванше с британцем Тайсоном Фьюри, сообщает The Sun. Подробнее…
Uz tradicionalno popularne advente u Beču i Budimpešti, ove godine u prvi plan izbio je božićni market u Temišvaru zbog čega se već nekoliko nedelja na društvenim mrežama mogu videti objave putnika koji su iz Beograda krenuli u 05 sati ujutru i na odredište stigli tek nakon 5 do čak 10 sati, jer su najveći deo puta proveli u autobusima i automobilima na graničnom prelazu! Temišvar je toliko postao popularan da je prosto neverovatno da se ovih 150 kilometara prelazi toliko sati koliko je potrebno stići do Grčke!
Astronomi su otkrili prve binarne zvezde koje kruže oko supermasivne crne rupe Strelac A*, kosmičkog titana u srcu naše galaksije Mlečni put.
Pre nedelju dana tim lekara Instituta za zdravstvenu zaštitu majke i deteta «Dr Vukan Čupić» po prvi put u Srbiji izveo je komplikovanu intervenciju na prevremeno rođenoj bebi - bez otvaranja grudnog koša uspešno su zatvorili veliki krvni sud između aorte i plućne arterije koji je opterećivao srce i zbog čega je beba bila na respiratoru. Od juče, mali heroj Đorđe, konačno uživa kod kuće u zagrljaju svojih roditelja.
Bio je petak, 20.decembar 2019.godine kada se u 7.25 časova u niškom naselju Brzi Brod, pred devojčicom (12) iz Suvog Dola, zaustavio “fijat punto”. Muškarac u srednjim četrdesetim godinama, sitnijeg rasta, koji se predstavio kao “majstor Bojan”, ljubazno ju je upitao za put do škole i ponudio se da je poveze nekoliko stotina metara, kako bi mu pokazala gde da prođe. Devojčica je prvo odbila a onda je pristala da uđe u automobil na nagovaranje ljubaznog neznanca: u trenu kada su se zatvorila vrata na “puntu” počela je drama koja će se okončati najvećom poterom u novijoj istoriji Srbije u kojoj je učestvovalo više od 800 policajaca, vojnika, pripadnika snaga bezbednost i dobrovoljaca.
Солистку Мариинского театра обвиняли в меркантильности, а она и сейчас продолжает настаивать, что с Сергеем Тарасовым у нее была большая любовь.
Over the past three weeks, residents staying at Blocks 251 to 254 Hougang Ave 3 have been complaining about a foul stench caused by dead rats in the estate. A resident who stays on the ground floor of Block 254 told Mothership that he saw rats scurrying into his home on Dec 5. He also spotted some rat dead rats on the road and in the drain near the block. According to him, the carcasses looked like they'd been run over by cars or eaten by cats, as they were covered in blood with their organs exposed. Because the carcasses were left in the estate for several days, they emitted a stench which affected him and his family. In view of the incident, the Aljunied-Hougang town council (AHTC) told Shin Min Daily News that excavation works conducted by PUB likely caused the migration of rats. The town council added that the dead rats were the result of burrow treatments. It has since increased the frequency of inspections to monitor the rodent situation. AHTC's pest control operator has also been carrying out site inspections and treatment.
Scalpers have been selling appointment dates for foreigners here to convert their driving licences for an average price of $350, Lianhe Zaobao reported on Sunday (Dec 22). According to Zaobao, some individuals are believed to have exploited a loophole in the online system to book multiple appointment time slots, leading to a waiting time that has extended beyond six months. The Traffic Police had announced in April the launch of an online appointment system from April 29, in a move towards the digitalisation of certain services. Applications for the conversion of foreign driving licence are now processed via FormSG, and the entire process is expected to take about six weeks. However, one user of the service told Zaobao that when he tried to convert his driving licence some time back, the closest appointment time he could get was for May 2025. The programmer, surnamed Cai, stated: «A friend later told me that many scalpers have been illegally reselling appointment slots online, and you can book a time slot at a closer date for $400.»
The family of the woman who died in a car accident in Taiwan has yet to pick up her body, citing financial and logistical difficulties. The 33-year-old woman died on Dec 14, after her husband crashed their rental car into a power pole on a highway. They were in Taiwan for a holiday with their three-year-old daughter. Her husband, a 36-year-old Singaporean, and the girl escaped with minor injuries, but the woman was stuck in the rear seat and eventually succumbed to her injuries. A family friend of the woman told 8world that her family lives in a remote village in Guangdong, China. «I heard that her family wanted to fly [to Taiwan] as soon as possible, but they were unable to afford tickets, and they were still trying to settle some administrative matters,» said the family friend. They are also receiving help from the relevant authorities.
Страна, по мнению будущего американского президента, установила слишком высокую плату за использование прохода.
БПЛА атаковали российскую Казань; Усик победил Фьюри в бою века. Корреспондент.net выделяет главные события вчерашнего дня.