As High Court is set to deliver its ruling today on the tragic death of Buleya Lule in police custody on February 20, 2019, we bring you recolletions that exposed a chilling web of police misconduct, torture, and the abuse of power, according to findings froMERCILESS KILLING OF BULEYA LULE BY POLICE IN 2019: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED?
As High Court is set to deliver its ruling today on the tragic death of Buleya Lule in police custody on February 20, 2019, we bring you recolletions that exposed a chilling web of police misconduct, torture, and the abuse of power, according to findings from the Malawi Human Rights Commission (MHRC). The case, which […] The post MERCILESS KILLING OF BULEYA LULE BY POLICE IN 2019: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED? appeared first on Malawi Nyasa Times - News from Malawi about Malawi. Read more