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دعا المدير العام لصندوق محمد السادس للاستثمار، محمد بنشعبون، أمس الخميس بباريس خلال القمة الاقتصادية الفرنسية-العربية الخامسة، إلى الاستلها

37歲美女沒上大學 靠當「鏟屎官」年收破650萬

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國37歲女子克魯平 (Erica Krupin)在高中畢業後投入職場,一開始並不清楚自己想從事哪種工作,從高爾夫球場的調酒師到美容師等數十種工作她都做過
財經新聞 - 自由時報

37歲美女沒上大學 靠當「鏟屎官」年收破650萬

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國37歲女子克魯平 (Erica Krupin)在高中畢業後投入職場,一開始並不清楚自己想從事哪種工作,從高爾夫球場的調酒師到美容師等數十種工作她都做過...…

赴日注意!日本JR宣布廢除「1折扣」 「這時起」買來回票不再省錢

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕隨著交通卡與網路訂票普及,日本JR集團近日宣布,將於2026年3月起廢除「往復乘車券」,同時取消「往復折扣」。 綜合媒體報導,所謂「往復折扣」
財經新聞 - 自由時報

赴日注意!日本JR宣布廢除「1折扣」 「這時起」買來回票不再省錢

林浥樺/核稿編輯 〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕隨著交通卡與網路訂票普及,日本JR集團近日宣布,將於2026年3月起廢除「往復乘車券」,同時取消「往復折扣」。 綜合媒體報導,所謂「往復折扣」指的是車...…

한동훈, 尹 탄핵 표결 앞두고 “오늘은 대한민국과 국민만 생각해야”

한동훈 국민의힘 대표는 14일 윤석열 대통령에 대한 2차 탄핵소추안 표결을 앞두고 “오늘은 대한민국과 대한민국 국민만 생각해야 한다”고 말했다. 한 대표는 이날 오전 국회 출근길에 기자들
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

한동훈, 尹 탄핵 표결 앞두고 “오늘은 대한민국과 국민만 생각해야”

한동훈 국민의힘 대표는 14일 윤석열 대통령에 대한 2차 탄핵소추안 표결을 앞두고 “오늘은 대한민국과 대한민국 국민만 생각해야 한다”고 말했다. 한 대표는 이날 오전 국회 출근길에 기자들이 탄핵안 표결 전망에 대해 묻자 “제 뜻은 우리 국민과 의원들에게 이미 분명하게 말씀드렸다”며 이같이 밝혔다. 그는 ‘(여당 탄핵안) 찬성표 몇 표 예상하냐’, ‘대통령실 체포조’ 등에 대한 기자의 질문에는 답하지 않고 자리를 떠났다. 이날 한 대표는 국회 본청 앞에서 ‘탄핵 찬성 촉구’ 1인 시위를 벌이고 있는 김상욱 의원에게 자신이 메고 있던 머플러를 둘러주면서 격려하기도 했다. 김 의원은 “(한 대표가) 올라오시면서 격려해 주셨다”며 “손을 잡아주시면서 눈에 눈물이 가득하셨다. ‘네 마음 안다’ 하시면서 본인이 하고 계시던 머플러를 저한테 해 주시고 들어가셨다”고 전했다. 앞서 한 대표는 지난 12일 국회에서 기자회견을 열고 “지금은 탄핵으로 대통령의 직무 집행 정지를 시키는 것이 문제를 해

홍준표 “尹, 그만 물러가라고 하면 될 일…굳이 내란죄로 감옥 보내야 하나”

홍준표 대구시장은 14일 윤석열 대통령과 관련해 “우리가 잘못 선출했으니 이제는 그만 물러가라고 하면 될 것을 굳이 내란죄라는 중죄를 덮어 씌워 감옥으로 보내야 하겠느냐”고 주장했다.홍
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

홍준표 “尹, 그만 물러가라고 하면 될 일…굳이 내란죄로 감옥 보내야 하나”

홍준표 대구시장은 14일 윤석열 대통령과 관련해 “우리가 잘못 선출했으니 이제는 그만 물러가라고 하면 될 것을 굳이 내란죄라는 중죄를 덮어 씌워 감옥으로 보내야 하겠느냐”고 주장했다.홍 시장은 이날 자신의 페이스북을 통해 “지난 대선에서 우리 국민들은 정치적으로 미숙한 대통령을 신상품(新商品)의 신선함을 보고 선출했다”며 “그런데 그런 분에게 ‘3김 정치’ 같은 노련함을 보여 달라고 하는 것은 애초부터 무리였다”고 적었다. 그는 “지난 2년 반 동안 국정운영은 검사정치였고 거칠었다. 대화와 타협으로 문제를 풀지 못하고 급기야 비상계엄 사태까지 이르렀다”며 “우리가 잘못 선출했으니 그만 물러가라고 하면 될 것을 굳이 내란죄라는 중죄를 씌워 감옥으로 보내야 하겠느냐”고 했다. 이어 “이제 윤 대통령에게 ‘나라 혼란을 더 초래하지 말고 국민의 명령으로 이젠 그만 들어가라’고 하고 여야가 타협해 질서 있는 퇴진으로 마무리 짓자”고 강조했다. 홍 시장은 “우크라이나 전쟁에 북한이 참전해 세계

[속보]권성동 “개인 의견 전제로 표결 참여 제안…당론 변경은 토론해달라”

권성동 “표결 참여가 개인적 의견…당론 변경은 의원들이 토론해달라”
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

[속보]권성동 “개인 의견 전제로 표결 참여 제안…당론 변경은 토론해달라”

권성동 “표결 참여가 개인적 의견…당론 변경은 의원들이 토론해달라”

Jamaicans urged to be careful when handling devices powered by lithium batteries

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) is urging citizens to prioritise safety, especially when handling devices powered by lithium batteries, during the festive season. Superintendent at the JFB, Emeleo Ebanks, told JIS News that individuals must observe...

Jamaicans urged to be careful when handling devices powered by lithium batteries

The Jamaica Fire Brigade (JFB) is urging citizens to prioritise safety, especially when handling devices powered by lithium batteries, during the festive season. Superintendent at the JFB, Emeleo Ebanks, told JIS News that individuals must observe...

CAC urges caution by consumers with financial decisions during Christmas season

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) is urging persons to exercise caution and diligence when considering financial assistance options, such as loans, during the Christmas season. Speaking during a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) 'Think Tank...

CAC urges caution by consumers with financial decisions during Christmas season

The Consumer Affairs Commission (CAC) is urging persons to exercise caution and diligence when considering financial assistance options, such as loans, during the Christmas season. Speaking during a Jamaica Information Service (JIS) 'Think Tank...

Curfew imposed in sections of St Andrew North Police Division

A 48-hour curfew has been imposed in sections of the St Andrew North Police Division. The security measure began at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13 and will remain in effect until 6:00 p.m., on Sunday, December 15. The boundaries of the curfew are...

Curfew imposed in sections of St Andrew North Police Division

A 48-hour curfew has been imposed in sections of the St Andrew North Police Division. The security measure began at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, December 13 and will remain in effect until 6:00 p.m., on Sunday, December 15. The boundaries of the curfew are...

Cadourile de Crăciun și fondurile românilor: de unde mai au bani și ce preferă în funcție de generație

Românii se pregătesc intens pentru Sărbătorile de iarnă, deși doi din cinci români (44%) alocă bugete mai mici anul acesta pentru cumpărăturile de sezon din cauza inflației care le afectează finanțele.

Cadourile de Crăciun și fondurile românilor: de unde mai au bani și ce preferă în funcție de generație

Românii se pregătesc intens pentru Sărbătorile de iarnă, deși doi din cinci români (44%) alocă bugete mai mici anul acesta pentru cumpărăturile de sezon din cauza inflației care le afectează finanțele.

Cât costă examenul care te ferește de trichineloză, o boală gravă. „Porcul trăiește cu 4 milioane de larve în el și nu prezintă niciun semn”

Medicii veterinari atrag atenția asupra pericolului enorm la care ne expunem dacă renunțăm la examenul trichineloscopic în cazul porcului sacrificat în gospodărie. Animalele infestate cu trichinella spiralis nu dau niciun semn de boală, în schimb la

Cât costă examenul care te ferește de trichineloză, o boală gravă. „Porcul trăiește cu 4 milioane de larve în el și nu prezintă niciun semn”

Medicii veterinari atrag atenția asupra pericolului enorm la care ne expunem dacă renunțăm la examenul trichineloscopic în cazul porcului sacrificat în gospodărie. Animalele infestate cu trichinella spiralis nu dau niciun semn de boală, în schimb la om pericolul este inclusiv decesul.

'Devastated' wife of ex-England rugby star Tom Voyce pays heartbreaking tribute after his death in Storm Darragh floods, saying their son is 'immensely proud of his Daddy'

Tom Voyce, 43, had tried to cross Abberwick Ford over the River Aln near Alnwick, Northumberland, before his vehicle was swept away with the current on Saturday night.
News | Mail Online

'Devastated' wife of ex-England rugby star Tom Voyce pays heartbreaking tribute after his death in Storm Darragh floods, saying their son is 'immensely proud of his Daddy'

Tom Voyce, 43, had tried to cross Abberwick Ford over the River Aln near Alnwick, Northumberland, before his vehicle was swept away with the current on Saturday night.

Chilling moment mother and her lover laugh and joke as they wheel murdered girl's body around in buggy - before they were arrested days later at Wetherspoons

Scott Jeff and his partner Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell concealed the death of Gleason-Mitchell's daughter Isabella after Jeff had battered her to death in Ipswich.
News | Mail Online

Chilling moment mother and her lover laugh and joke as they wheel murdered girl's body around in buggy - before they were arrested days later at Wetherspoons

Scott Jeff and his partner Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell concealed the death of Gleason-Mitchell's daughter Isabella after Jeff had battered her to death in Ipswich.

Revealed: 'Senior advisor' who brokered links between Prince Andrew and 'Chinese spy' is a semi professional golfer and ex Scots Guard who has had a relationship with Royal Family for more than 25 years

Dominic Hampshire long acted as a 'fixer' for members of the Royal Family and other 'high net-worth individuals', court documents said.
News | Mail Online

Revealed: 'Senior advisor' who brokered links between Prince Andrew and 'Chinese spy' is a semi professional golfer and ex Scots Guard who has had a relationship with Royal Family for more than 25 years

Dominic Hampshire long acted as a 'fixer' for members of the Royal Family and other 'high net-worth individuals', court documents said.

Terrified corporation's dystopian new plan to ensure CEOs are safe after Brian Thompson murder

Companies across America are scrambling to find ways to protect their own CEOs after the murder of UnitedHealthcare Chief Executive Brian Thompson.
News | Mail Online

Terrified corporation's dystopian new plan to ensure CEOs are safe after Brian Thompson murder

Companies across America are scrambling to find ways to protect their own CEOs after the murder of UnitedHealthcare Chief Executive Brian Thompson.

Prince Andrew breaks silence after being linked to 'Chinese spy' who has been barred from the UK

The Duke of York has said he 'ceased all contact' with the businessman accused of being a Chinese spy when concerns were first raised about him.
News | Mail Online

Prince Andrew breaks silence after being linked to 'Chinese spy' who has been barred from the UK

The Duke of York has said he 'ceased all contact' with the businessman accused of being a Chinese spy when concerns were first raised about him.

НХЛ. «Каролина» играет с «Оттавой» в единственном матче дня

НХЛ Регулярный чемпионат ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: время начала матча – московское.
Спорт -

НХЛ. «Каролина» играет с «Оттавой» в единственном матче дня

НХЛ Регулярный чемпионат ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: время начала матча – московское.

Les opportunités d'investissement dans les provinces du sud du Royaume mises en avant à Lyon

Les opportunités d'investissement dans les provinces du sud du Royaume ont été mises en avant, vendredi, lors d'une conférence organisée par le Consulat général du Maroc à Lyon, avec la participation d'un parterre d'opérateurs économiques, d'élus f

Les opportunités d'investissement dans les provinces du sud du Royaume mises en avant à Lyon

Les opportunités d'investissement dans les provinces du sud du Royaume ont été mises en avant, vendredi, lors d'une conférence organisée par le Consulat général du Maroc à Lyon, avec la participation d'un parterre d'opérateurs économiques, d'élus français et de plusieurs membres de la communauté marocaine. Cette conférence fait suite à celle organisée le 6 novembre dernier sur les potentialités des provinces du sud du Royaume et l'opportunité d'y investir, en réponse à l'engouement d'un (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

L'ADG de Comilog reçu par le ministre gabonais des Comptes publics

Le Ministre des Comptes publics, Charles M'BA, a reçu ce jeudi 12 décembre 2024, Léod Paul Batolo, Administrateur Directeur Général de la Compagnie minière de l'Ogooué (COMILOG). Le responsable de Comilog est venu présenter à Monsieur le Ministre, A

L'ADG de Comilog reçu par le ministre gabonais des Comptes publics

Le Ministre des Comptes publics, Charles M'BA, a reçu ce jeudi 12 décembre 2024, Léod Paul Batolo, Administrateur Directeur Général de la Compagnie minière de l'Ogooué (COMILOG). Le responsable de Comilog est venu présenter à Monsieur le Ministre, André Massard, nouveau Directeur des Affaires Publiques et Représentant du groupe Eramet au Gabon. En effet le nouveau représentant du groupe Eramet au Gabon succède à Loïse Tamalgo, désormais Directeur du Développement Durable de Comilog. (...) - COOPERATION / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Мостовой назвал «Оренбург» худшей командой РПЛ: «Провалились по всем статьям, Слишкович ничего не смог изменить. Ощущение, что они первые на вылет»

После 18 туров оренбуржцы с 8 очками замыкают таблицу Премьер-лиги.

Гуренко о будущем Тикнизяна: «Локомотив» — это имя в Европе, но «Бетис» — шаг вперед. Поиграть в Ла Лиге — это прилично"

Сообщалось, что испанский клуб рассматривает трансфер защитника «Локомотива» с прицелом на летнее трансферное окно. Также Тикнизян интерес
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Гуренко о будущем Тикнизяна: «Локомотив» — это имя в Европе, но «Бетис» — шаг вперед. Поиграть в Ла Лиге — это прилично"

Сообщалось, что испанский клуб рассматривает трансфер защитника «Локомотива» с прицелом на летнее трансферное окно. Также Тикнизян интересен «Севилье».

UN Security Council ‘remains paralyzed’ by US – Russia

The US has “paralyzed’ the UN Security Council, hindering its ability to end the war in Gaza, Russia has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

UN Security Council ‘remains paralyzed’ by US – Russia

The US has “paralyzed’ the UN Security Council, hindering its ability to end the war in Gaza, Russia has said Read Full Article at

«Która gmina złapie». Lawina komentarzy po wpisie szefa kancelarii premiera

"Która gmina jako pierwsza złapie Romanowskiego dostanie wóz strażacki" - napisał w mediach społecznościowych szef kancelarii premiera. Wpis Jana Grabca spotkał się szeroką krytyką opozycji. Polityk przekazał, że nie jest

«Która gmina złapie». Lawina komentarzy po wpisie szefa kancelarii premiera

"Która gmina jako pierwsza złapie Romanowskiego dostanie wóz strażacki" - napisał w mediach społecznościowych szef kancelarii premiera. Wpis Jana Grabca spotkał się szeroką krytyką opozycji. Polityk przekazał, że nie jest to stanowisko rządu, ale jego prywatny komentarz.

400 IndiGo flyers stuck in Istanbul for nearly 2 days

Nearly 400 IndiGo passengers were stranded at Istanbul Airport for two days due to technical issues causing flight delays and cancellations. Passengers reported a lack of communication, accommodation, and meal vouchers, expressing frustration on social media
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

400 IndiGo flyers stuck in Istanbul for nearly 2 days

Nearly 400 IndiGo passengers were stranded at Istanbul Airport for two days due to technical issues causing flight delays and cancellations. Passengers reported a lack of communication, accommodation, and meal vouchers, expressing frustration on social media. IndiGo stated that they provided refreshments and accommodation where possible and apologized for the inconvenience.

Can't fix blame on one person, says Telugu film industry

The Telugu film industry rallied behind actor Allu Arjun following his arrest in connection with a fatal theatre stampede. Industry figures like Trivikram Srinivas and Dil Raju offered support, while others like Nani and Balakrishna criticized the arrest, hi
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Can't fix blame on one person, says Telugu film industry

The Telugu film industry rallied behind actor Allu Arjun following his arrest in connection with a fatal theatre stampede. Industry figures like Trivikram Srinivas and Dil Raju offered support, while others like Nani and Balakrishna criticized the arrest, highlighting broader public safety concerns and questioning the focus on Allu Arjun's culpability.

SC grants prospective bail to ex-WB minister Partha in teachers' jobs 'scam'

The Supreme Court granted prospective bail to former Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee in a teacher recruitment scam money laundering case, starting February 1st. The court balanced the accused's rights with the offense's gravity, ordering the trial court to
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

SC grants prospective bail to ex-WB minister Partha in teachers' jobs 'scam'

The Supreme Court granted prospective bail to former Bengal minister Partha Chatterjee in a teacher recruitment scam money laundering case, starting February 1st. The court balanced the accused's rights with the offense's gravity, ordering the trial court to frame charges and record vulnerable witness statements by January 31st.

Telangana's Congress govt indulging in publicity stunt to deflect blame for stampede: Centre

The central government criticized the Telangana government's arrest of actor Allu Arjun following a stampede at a movie theater, calling it a publicity stunt. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy defended the arrest, stating the law applies equally to everyone. He at
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Telangana's Congress govt indulging in publicity stunt to deflect blame for stampede: Centre

The central government criticized the Telangana government's arrest of actor Allu Arjun following a stampede at a movie theater, calling it a publicity stunt. Chief Minister Revanth Reddy defended the arrest, stating the law applies equally to everyone. He attributed the stampede to Allu Arjun waving to the crowd, which police couldn't control.

NHAI to roll out route patrolling vehicles for quicker aid & maintenance

NHAI launched «Rajmarg Saathi» patrol vehicles with advanced tools for improved highway maintenance. Equipped with AI-powered dashboard cameras for detecting road defects and a redesigned trunk for organized equipment storage, these vehicles aim
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

NHAI to roll out route patrolling vehicles for quicker aid & maintenance

NHAI launched «Rajmarg Saathi» patrol vehicles with advanced tools for improved highway maintenance. Equipped with AI-powered dashboard cameras for detecting road defects and a redesigned trunk for organized equipment storage, these vehicles aim to minimize traffic disruptions and ensure efficient road maintenance every 50 km. Vehicles will be replaced after 300,000 km or three years in service.

尹錫悅民調創新低!今彈劾案二次表決 韓媒:很可能過關

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 南韓總統尹錫悅日前突然宣布緊急戒嚴,引發外界砲轟,在野黨也為此發起彈劾總統案,雖然在執政黨「國民力量」杯葛下未能過關,不過今日將進行第二次表決,韓媒消息指出
國際新聞 - 自由時報

尹錫悅民調創新低!今彈劾案二次表決 韓媒:很可能過關

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 南韓總統尹錫悅日前突然宣布緊急戒嚴,引發外界砲轟,在野黨也為此發起彈劾總統案,雖然在執政黨「國民力量」杯葛下未能過關,不過今日將進行第二次表決,韓媒消息指出,目...…

智利規模6.4強震!持續45秒 全國一半地區感受明顯搖晃

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 南美洲國家智利於當地時間13日晚間發生規模6.4地震,當局指出,搖晃持續約45秒,全國16區中有8區都能感受到明顯搖晃,且之後可能會出現餘震。 根據美國地...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

智利規模6.4強震!持續45秒 全國一半地區感受明顯搖晃

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 南美洲國家智利於當地時間13日晚間發生規模6.4地震,當局指出,搖晃持續約45秒,全國16區中有8區都能感受到明顯搖晃,且之後可能會出現餘震。 根據美國地...…


劉家凱/核稿編輯 英國君主官邸白金漢宮1名24歲侍女,10日晚間在宮殿外一處酒吧和同事們慶祝耶誕時,突然打碎玻璃杯、攻擊酒吧工作人員,警方隨即到場逮捕她。 據《CNN》報導...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


劉家凱/核稿編輯 英國君主官邸白金漢宮1名24歲侍女,10日晚間在宮殿外一處酒吧和同事們慶祝耶誕時,突然打碎玻璃杯、攻擊酒吧工作人員,警方隨即到場逮捕她。 據《CNN》報導...…