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وزیر امور خارجه از مسجد محمدعلی پاشا و مسجد و حرم سیده نفیسه و سیده زینب در قاهره بازدید کرد.

Ротенберг сравнил пловца Лифинцева с Майклом Фелпсом

Главный тренер «СКА» Роман Ротенберг уверен, что россиянин Мирон Лифинцев и американец Майкл Фелпс являются пловцами одного уровня. Об этом
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Ротенберг сравнил пловца Лифинцева с Майклом Фелпсом

Главный тренер «СКА» Роман Ротенберг уверен, что россиянин Мирон Лифинцев и американец Майкл Фелпс являются пловцами одного уровня. Об этом сообщает «Матч ТВ».

Усик сыграет в голливудском фильме с Дуэйном «Скалой» Джонсоном

Украинский боксер-тяжеловес Александр Усик присоединился к актерскому составу фильма «Smashing Machine» («Крушащая машина»).
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Усик сыграет в голливудском фильме с Дуэйном «Скалой» Джонсоном

Украинский боксер-тяжеловес Александр Усик присоединился к актерскому составу фильма «Smashing Machine» («Крушащая машина»).

What is known about Russia’s retaliatory strike on Ukraine after attack on Rostov Region

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko reported the fires in Solomensky and Shevchenkovsky districts

What is known about Russia’s retaliatory strike on Ukraine after attack on Rostov Region

Kiev Mayor Vitaly Klitschko reported the fires in Solomensky and Shevchenkovsky districts

Trump’s envoy not yet in contact with Russia on Ukraine settlement — senior diplomat

Sergey Ryabkov pointed out that Moscow has repeatedly publicly stated its position in the form of proposals and concrete initiatives

Trump’s envoy not yet in contact with Russia on Ukraine settlement — senior diplomat

Sergey Ryabkov pointed out that Moscow has repeatedly publicly stated its position in the form of proposals and concrete initiatives

Russia-China cooperation important for global security — Chinese experts

Sun Xiuwen, an associate professor at the Institute for Central Asian Studies at Lanzhou University, is quoted by the periodical as saying that China and Russia share a common stance «on issues such as opposing external interference, safeguarding nation

Russia-China cooperation important for global security — Chinese experts

Sun Xiuwen, an associate professor at the Institute for Central Asian Studies at Lanzhou University, is quoted by the periodical as saying that China and Russia share a common stance «on issues such as opposing external interference, safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity»

Ukrainian unit of machine-gunners disguised as Russian soldiers shoots civilians — captive

According to Bogdan Nikitchenko, the command sends «anyone available» to the Kursk Region

Ukrainian unit of machine-gunners disguised as Russian soldiers shoots civilians — captive

According to Bogdan Nikitchenko, the command sends «anyone available» to the Kursk Region

BRICS is approaching G20 format, Brazilian foreign minister says

According to Mauro Vieira, during Brazil's BRICS chairmanship in 2025, the country's leadership plans to organize several important high-level meetings and events, including negotiations between foreign ministers and heads of state

BRICS is approaching G20 format, Brazilian foreign minister says

According to Mauro Vieira, during Brazil's BRICS chairmanship in 2025, the country's leadership plans to organize several important high-level meetings and events, including negotiations between foreign ministers and heads of state

美國經濟、國安破口! 美智庫:中國影響力行動改「從地方下手」

《美國之音》(VOA)20日報導,華府智庫「保衛民主基金會」(FDD)資深研究員布魯耶(Emily de La Bruyere)和皮卡西克(Nathan Picarsic)在最...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報

美國經濟、國安破口! 美智庫:中國影響力行動改「從地方下手」

《美國之音》(VOA)20日報導,華府智庫「保衛民主基金會」(FDD)資深研究員布魯耶(Emily de La Bruyere)和皮卡西克(Nathan Picarsic)在最...…

Întâlnire de gradul III la fileu. Cum s-au comportat Simona Halep și Iga Swiatek când au fost nevoite să dea mâna

Cele două rivale au fost adversare directe în turneul World Tennis League.

Cod galben de ninsori și viscol în mai multe zone din țară. Care sunt județele afectate | HARTA

Meteorologii au emis, vineri, un cod galben de ninsori și viscol în mai multe județe din estul și sud-estul țării. De asemenea, în mai multe zone se va forma polei.

Cod galben de ninsori și viscol în mai multe zone din țară. Care sunt județele afectate | HARTA

Meteorologii au emis, vineri, un cod galben de ninsori și viscol în mai multe județe din estul și sud-estul țării. De asemenea, în mai multe zone se va forma polei.

Rețeaua pro-rusă de influenceri. Cum își extinde Kremlinul influența de la Londra la București

În inima Londrei, pe o stradă discretă din cartierul Fitzrovia, se află o clădire banală care adăpostește o rețea de influenceri pro-ruși, strâns legați de interesele Kremlinului.

Rețeaua pro-rusă de influenceri. Cum își extinde Kremlinul influența de la Londra la București

În inima Londrei, pe o stradă discretă din cartierul Fitzrovia, se află o clădire banală care adăpostește o rețea de influenceri pro-ruși, strâns legați de interesele Kremlinului.

Cum va fi vremea de Crăciun și Revelion. Director ANM: „Poate Moș Crăciun ne face anul acesta o surpriză și vine cu sania”

Vremea intră într-un proces de răcire începând de vineri, 20 decembrie 2024, mai multe zone fiind vizate de avertizări Cod Galben. Directorul de prognoză al ANM, Florinela Georgescu, a dat detalii și despre ce se așteaptă în perioada Crăciunului.

Cum va fi vremea de Crăciun și Revelion. Director ANM: „Poate Moș Crăciun ne face anul acesta o surpriză și vine cu sania”

Vremea intră într-un proces de răcire începând de vineri, 20 decembrie 2024, mai multe zone fiind vizate de avertizări Cod Galben. Directorul de prognoză al ANM, Florinela Georgescu, a dat detalii și despre ce se așteaptă în perioada Crăciunului.

Regele Charles își va continua tratamentul împotriva cancerului și în 2025

Tratamentul Regelui Charles împotriva cancerului va continua şi anul viitor. Datorită rezultatelor bune înregistrate, monarhul intenţionează să-şi reia toate îndatoririle publice, potrivit unor surse de la Palatul Buckingham.

Regele Charles își va continua tratamentul împotriva cancerului și în 2025

Tratamentul Regelui Charles împotriva cancerului va continua şi anul viitor. Datorită rezultatelor bune înregistrate, monarhul intenţionează să-şi reia toate îndatoririle publice, potrivit unor surse de la Palatul Buckingham.

Украина провела испытания дронов с оптоволоконной связью

Дрон-камикадзе проекта BLACK WIDOW WEB 10 способен преодолевать дистанции более пяти километров, отмечает Генштаб.
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Украина провела испытания дронов с оптоволоконной связью

Дрон-камикадзе проекта BLACK WIDOW WEB 10 способен преодолевать дистанции более пяти километров, отмечает Генштаб.

Marvel готовит возвращение Черной Пантеры 3

Marvel Studios официально анонсировали третий фильм из серии Черная Пантера. Продюсер Нейт Мур снова присоединится к проекту.
Последние новости на сайте

Marvel готовит возвращение Черной Пантеры 3

Marvel Studios официально анонсировали третий фильм из серии Черная Пантера. Продюсер Нейт Мур снова присоединится к проекту.

Бывший легионер Динамо остался без клуба после разрыва контракта

Хавбек будет искать новый «дом».

Астрономы открыли уникальную двойную систему

В центре Млечного Пути, рядом с черной дырой Sagittarius A, впервые обнаружили пару молодых звезд, вращающихся друг вокруг друга.
Последние новости на сайте

Астрономы открыли уникальную двойную систему

В центре Млечного Пути, рядом с черной дырой Sagittarius A, впервые обнаружили пару молодых звезд, вращающихся друг вокруг друга.

На аэродроме под Москвой взорвался военный самолет - ГУР

Сдетонировала основная силовая установка самолета Ан-72, принадлежавшего военно-морскому флоту РФ.
Последние новости на сайте

На аэродроме под Москвой взорвался военный самолет - ГУР

Сдетонировала основная силовая установка самолета Ан-72, принадлежавшего военно-морскому флоту РФ.

문제의 부대 ‘정보사령부’ 어디? 대북-첩보 담당 軍정보기관

국방정보본부 산하 국군정보사령부는 대북(對北) 및 해외 정보 수집과 첩보 업무를 담당하는 군 정보기관으로 국가정보원과 마찬가지로 조직 구성이나 임무 등이 군사기밀로 분류된다. 해외정보
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

문제의 부대 ‘정보사령부’ 어디? 대북-첩보 담당 軍정보기관

국방정보본부 산하 국군정보사령부는 대북(對北) 및 해외 정보 수집과 첩보 업무를 담당하는 군 정보기관으로 국가정보원과 마찬가지로 조직 구성이나 임무 등이 군사기밀로 분류된다. 해외정보 중에서도 군사정보 수집에 특화된 정보사는 대남(對南) 공작을 담당하는 북한의 정찰총국과 그 역할이 유사하다.정보사는 국방정보본부 예하 부대인 777사령부의 역할인 시긴트(SIGINT·신호 정보)를 제외한 사실상 모든 출처의 군사정보를 수집, 분석한다. 요원 파견을 통한 휴민트(Humint·인적 정보) 정보 수집이 핵심으로 북한, 중국, 러시아뿐만 아

ព្រលានយន្តហោះអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញថ្មីគ្រោងដាក់ឲ្យដំណើរការនៅខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥

បើគ្មានការប្រែប្រួលអ្វីទេ អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញថ្មី ឬហៅអាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិតេ

ព្រលានយន្តហោះអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញថ្មីគ្រោងដាក់ឲ្យដំណើរការនៅខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥

បើគ្មានការប្រែប្រួលអ្វីទេ អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញថ្មី ឬហៅអាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិតេជោនឹងបើកសម្ពោធដាក់ឲ្យប្រើជាផ្លូវការនៅខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០២៥ខាងមុខ។ នេះបើតាមការបញ្ជាក់របស់លោកស៊ិន ចាន់សេរីវុត្ថា អ្នកនាំពាក្យរដ្ឋលេខាធិការដ្ឋានអាកាសចរណ៍ស៊ីវិលនៅថ្ងៃទី២០ ធ្នូ នេះដោយបន្ថែមថា ជំហានទី១ នៃគម្រោងសាងសង់អាកាសយានដ្ឋានអន្តរជាតិតេជោ (TIA) ដែលមានតម្លៃ ១.៣៣៩ លានដុល្លារសម្រេចការសាងសង់បានជាង ៩០% គិតត្រឹមថ្ងៃទី៩ ខែធ្នូ ឆ្នាំ២០២៤។

At a Glance - Mobile EU citizens' right to join political parties in the Member State of their residence - 20-12-2024

Article 22 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) establishes the right of mobile EU citizens – i.e. those residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals – to stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament a
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Mobile EU citizens' right to join political parties in the Member State of their residence - 20-12-2024

Article 22 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) establishes the right of mobile EU citizens – i.e. those residing in a Member State of which they are not nationals – to stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament and municipal elections in the Member State of residence under the same conditions as nationals of that Member State. In two closely linked judgments, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) ruled that this included mobile EU citizens' right to join political parties in the Member State of their residence. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Understanding EU humanitarian action - 20-12-2024

Natural hazards, armed conflicts, human-induced or amplified disasters, and often, complex crises – a combination of these may result in humanitarian emergencies. Meeting complex humanitarian needs, especially in resource-scarce environments, requires inter
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Understanding EU humanitarian action - 20-12-2024

Natural hazards, armed conflicts, human-induced or amplified disasters, and often, complex crises – a combination of these may result in humanitarian emergencies. Meeting complex humanitarian needs, especially in resource-scarce environments, requires intervention beyond national capacities. Therefore, broader humanitarian action is essential to save lives, preserve the health and dignity of victims, assist recovery, and improve prevention, preparedness and resilience. This action encompasses humanitarian assistance, its financing, advocacy, policy and legal frameworks, coordination, monitoring and evaluation efforts. The main international humanitarian efforts are run by the United Nations, facilitating resource mobilisation, coordination and consistency of humanitarian action. However, regional and bilateral actions are equally important, especially given that, due to growing humanitarian needs and scarce financial resources, the humanitarian system is facing a severe funding crisis, compromising the delivery of assistance. The EU is an important humanitarian donor and actor, with its toolbox consisting of humanitarian assistance, both through financing and operational means; international advocacy for more coordinated, efficient and prominent humanitarian assistance and increased resource mobilisation; support for the respect of international humanitarian law; and policy measures, most notably humanitarian exceptions to sanctions. Since the creation of its humanitarian office in 1992, the EU has provided needs-based humanitarian assistance to more than 110 countries and territories, in line with the principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence and with a focus on gender-, age- and environment-sensitive approaches, among other things. The European Parliament is significantly involved in the EU's humanitarian action. As a co-legislator and a budgetary authority, as well as through its resolutions, diplomacy, outreach and numerous other activities, the Parliament shapes EU humanitarian policy, decides on the financing, and brings important issues into the spotlight. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

لاریجانی: مکانیسم ماشه در برجام فاجعه است

محمدجواد لاریجانی با بیان اینکه امروزه غربی‌ها ما را از مکانیزم ماشه می ترسانند، گفت: آمریکا از توافق برجام خارج شد ولی دولت آقای روحانی گفت م
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

لاریجانی: مکانیسم ماشه در برجام فاجعه است

محمدجواد لاریجانی با بیان اینکه امروزه غربی‌ها ما را از مکانیزم ماشه می ترسانند، گفت: آمریکا از توافق برجام خارج شد ولی دولت آقای روحانی گفت ما به این قرارداد تعهد داریم، حال آنکه ما بی‌دلیل خود را متعهد کردیم و سپس مکانیزم ماشه را نیز پذیرفتیم.

Verdachten krijgen opvallende taakstraf in Nickerie

Waterkant In het district Nickerie heeft het Surinaamse Openbaar Ministerie (OM) een opmerkelijke taakstraf opgelegd aan twee verdachten van vernieling en openlijke geweldpleging. De verdachten, die met een houwer schade aan een voertuig hadden aangericht en

Verdachten krijgen opvallende taakstraf in Nickerie

Waterkant In het district Nickerie heeft het Surinaamse Openbaar Ministerie (OM) een opmerkelijke taakstraf opgelegd aan twee verdachten van vernieling en openlijke geweldpleging. De verdachten, die met een houwer schade aan een voertuig hadden aangericht en betrokken waren bij mishandeling, moesten 40 uur werken bij de afdeling Openbaar Groen. Als onderdeel van de straf werden zij […] Het bericht Verdachten krijgen opvallende taakstraf in Nickerie verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Около трети из 54,5 тыс. единиц незаконного контента удалили с начала года в Казахстане
