Pääministeri Petteri Orpo on kutsunut EU:n pohjoisen ja etelän johtajia Lappiin.EU-johtajat hyppäsivät pororekeen – Giorgia Melonia ei näkynyt
Pääministeri Petteri Orpo on kutsunut EU:n pohjoisen ja etelän johtajia Lappiin. Read more
Pääministeri Petteri Orpo on kutsunut EU:n pohjoisen ja etelän johtajia Lappiin. Read more
In un settore in calo messo in difficoltà dai videogiochi a sostenere le vendite sono i 30-40enni
Decisione irrevocabile annunciata per lettera al ministro Nordio. Il suo posto sarà preso dalla numero due del Dap, Di Domenico: sarà la prima donna alla guida del dipartimento
Piantedosi ordina di rafforzare la vigilanza sugli eventi di piazza. Timori non solo per le grandi città ma anche per i piccoli centri
Le forze dell’ordine hanno messo in Rete dei portali che offrono il calcio in cambio di pochi euro. Sono indistinguibili da quelli veri. Chiedono generalità e carta di credito della persona per acquisire la prova dell’illecito. Intanto il Tribunale ordina a Cloudflare di...
Si pensa a una fuga di gas, soccorritori al lavoro
SINGAPORE - A little blue card, with his name and a few numbers that say who he is and where he lives. To Ricqo Rafiezuwan, a 25-year-old whom The Straits Times featured in September in an article about stateless individuals and the challenges they face, the blue identity card he now guards jealously is more than just a document. He said it confirms he is no longer someone without an identity. As he spoke to ST on Dec 18, Rafiezuwan proudly held up his blue identity card. There it was - his name in big, bold letters. «I cannot believe that I am holding this. I look at it and think, wow, is this real? »Because this is what I have wanted for a very long time, for 25 years," said Rafiezuwan, fighting to hold back his tears. After the photographer was done taking pictures of him holding up the card, Rafiezuwan wiped it with his hands and returned it to his wallet. He slid the wallet into his back pocket, and gave that a gentle pat. His card was safe. Rafiezuwan said he will not forget the day he received the news that he had been granted permanent residency status.
SINGAPORE - The first signs surfaced in February 2024, but 24-year-old Chee Ming Heng, who was healthy and fit, quickly dismissed them. On his first day of work experience on Feb 8, he realised that he struggled to write his name on the time sheet, said the student at LaSalle College of the Arts. «I could hold the pen but I could not find a way to write (my name). It was very mentally tortuous to write it.» He eventually managed to do so, but his writing was a lot more closely strung together than his usual style. It was strange, but he did not think much of it. A day earlier, he had already felt some weakness in his right hand. He also had to miss his family reunion dinner four days earlier because he was unwell. When Chinese New Year rolled around on Feb 10, he went visiting and realised he had difficulty holding cutlery. The next day, he visited a general practitioner, but did not get a referral letter to see a hospital specialist. On Feb 12, his family members noticed that the right side of his face was drooping slightly when they gathered for a family photo.
President-elect Donald Trump had indicated to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis that he wanted his daughter-in-law to be appointed.
The federal government avoided a shutdown. Here are some notable takeaways from legislation that cleared the House and Senate this week.
A 20-month investigation by Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee found that Justice Clarence Thomas failed to report jet and yacht trips.
廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基無緣簽回26歲明星強打索托(Juan Soto)之後啟動「B計畫」,今天以1年1250萬美元(約4.07億台幣)合約簽下前國聯MVP、7屆明星一壘手高...…
田兆崴 /核稿編輯 休士頓德州人今在客場以19:27不敵衛冕軍堪薩斯酋長,陣中25歲新星外接手戴爾(Tank Dell)在第三節接到當家四分衛斯特勞德(C.J. Str...…
湖人今作客國王,在39歲老將詹姆斯(LeBron James)轟32分領軍下,以103:99拿下勝利,拉出3連勝。 湖人台灣時間20日以113:100擊敗國王,今兩隊...…
Currently, the Oryol Region is yet again under a massive enemy UAV attack
According to Al Jazeera, Israeli forces shelled a residential building in Deir al-Balah and a downtown Khan Yunis
Russian leader stressed that, thanks to their dedication, 'the industry is becoming more and more high-tech with every new year'
No injuries or damage were reported
Durante seis meses, los días han sido más cortos y las noches más largas en el hemisferio norte, pero este patrón cambiará con la llegada del solsticio de invierno este sábado 21 de diciembre, marcando el día más corto del año y el inicio oficial de la temporada invernal. El solsticio de invierno se produce cuando el Sol alcanza su punto más al sur. The post ¿Qué hace del solsticio de invierno el día más corto del año? first appeared on Cubadebate.
Un estudio publicado en Environmental Science & Technology Letters relacionó el uso de relojes inteligentes y deportivos con un mayor riesgo de cáncer. Investigadores analizaron 22 dispositivos de diversas marcas, y descubrieron que muchas correas de caucho sintético, diseñadas para resistir el sudor, contienen niveles de sustancias perfluoroalquiladas y polifluoroalquiladas. The post Investigación revela que relojes inteligentes podrían aumentar el riesgo de cáncer first appeared on Cubadebate.
El Atlético de Madrid derrotó hoy 2-1 al Barcelona sobre la cancha del Olímpico de Montjuic y se quedó solo en la cúspide de la Liga Española de fútbol después de jugadas 18 jornadas. Luego de conseguir 11 éxitos consecutivos, los Colchoneros mantuvieron su dinámica ganadora y doblegaron a unos rivales que andan de capa caída al lograr apenas una victoria. The post Atlético de Madrid vence 2-1 al Barcelona: Es líder en la Liga española first appeared on Cubadebate.
Este 21 de diciembre falleció repentinamente en La Habana el destacado diseñador cubano Salvador Fernández, de larga trayectoria en diversas agrupaciones teatrales, principalmente en el Ballet Nacional de Cuba, compañía en la que creó algunos de sus más elogiados trabajos, como los diseños para los ballets “Giselle” y “La bella durmiente del bosque”. The post Falleció el diseñador cubano Salvador Fernández first appeared on Cubadebate.
La Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Cuba cerrará este 2024 con un atractivo concierto que tendrá como solista invitado al destacado pianista cubano Victor Rodríguez, bajo la conducción del maestro Enrique Pérez Mesa. Este concierto también se enmarca dentro de las celebraciones por el 65 Aniversario de la fundación de la Sinfónica Nacional. The post Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional realizará concierto mañana para cerrar 2024 first appeared on Cubadebate.
曾德峰/核稿編輯 巴西米納斯吉拉斯州21日發生卡車與巴士相撞事故,造成38人死亡、13人受傷送醫慘劇,目睹事故發生的路過駕駛對車禍原因說法不一,當局仍在調查當中。 據《CN...…
안철수 국민의힘 의원은 22일 “정부, 여야, 의료계가 긴급 협의체를 구성해 2025년 의대증원 문제부터 논의해야 한다”고 제안했다.안 의원은 이날 페이스북에 “의료개혁은커녕 의료시스템의 붕괴를 막기 어려워 보인다”며 이같이 밝혔다.그는 “특히 비상계엄 포고령의 ‘전공의 처단’이란 섬뜩한 문구는 윤 대통령의 의료 정책이 출발부터 편견과 혐오로 왜곡되었음을 말해준다”며 “대통령의 직무가 정지된 지금, 가장 잘못된 의료정책부터 바로잡아야 한다”고 강조했다.이어 “이제라도 대통령 권한대행, 여야와 의료계는 머리를 맞대야 한다”며 “먹고 사는 문제보다 더 중요한 죽고 사는 문제부터 해결해야 한다”고 말했다.안 의원은 “내년부터 학생들이 정상적인 의대 교육을 받아 졸업 후 의사 고시를 칠 자격을 가질 수 있는 방법을 찾아야 한다”며 “수시 미등록 인원을 정시로 이월하지 않는 방안 등 가능한 긴급 처방을 찾아 합의해야 한다. 그래서 의대생과 전공의들이 돌아올 수 있도록 해야만 의료 시스템을 복
공천 거래 의혹으로 구속된 명태균 씨가 요청한 보석 청구 심문이 23일 열린다.22일 법조계에 따르면 창원지법 형사4부(김인택 부장판사)는 23일 정치자금법 위반 혐의로 기소된 명씨 등 5명에 대한 공판준비기일을 진행한다. 공판준비 절차가 끝나면 명씨 측이 요청한 보석 청구 심문이 진행된다.보석은 구속된 피고인에게 보증금을 받거나 보증인을 세워 거주지와 사건 관련인 접촉 제한 등 일정한 조건을 걸고 풀어주는 제도다.앞서 명씨는 지난달 26일 구속적부심을 청구하면서 “수감 생활을 하면서 수술한 다리가 굳어 제대로 몸을 가누기조차 힘든 상황으로 제때 치료를 받지 않으면 무릎에 영구적인 장애가 발생할 위험성이 크다”며 보석을 청구한 바 있다. 그러나 당시 재판부는 이를 받아들이지 않았다.이어 12월 5일 건강 악화 등 이유로 보석 허가 청구서를 제출했다.명씨 측은 법원이 구속 사유로 든 증거인멸 염려가 사라졌다며 보석이 허가돼야 한다는 입장이다.한편 명 씨는 2022년 보궐선거 당시 김영
윤석열 대통령이 지난 16일부터 일주일째 탄핵심판 관련 서류 수취를 거부하면서 헌법재판소가 대응 방안을 고심하고 있다.22일 법조계에 따르면 오는 27일로 예정된 첫 변론준비기일까지도 서류 송달이 이뤄지지 않을 경우 후속 절차 지연이 불가피한 만큼 헌재는 23일 신속한 심리를 위해 관련 서류를 ‘송달 간주’를 검토하고 있는 것으로 알려졌다.‘헌법재판소 심판 규칙’은 재판장이 심판에 필요한 기일을 지정한 뒤 기일통지서 또는 출석요구서를 송달해 통지하도록 정하고 있다. 이에 헌재는 16일부터 탄핵심판 접수 통지서 등 각종 서류를 윤 대통령 측에 우편, 인편, 전자 송달 등 여러 방법으로 보내려 했으나 번번이 무산됐다.헌재는 접수 통지서, 준비 절차 회부 결정서, 준비 절차 기일 통지서, 출석 요구서 등을 송달했으나 관저에선 대통령 경호처의 ‘수취 거절’로, 대통령실에선 ‘수취인 부재’를 이유로 미배달됐다.윤 대통령에게 12·3 비상계엄 포고령 1호와 국무회의 회의록 등을 제출하라고 요구
SINGAPORE - A little blue card, with his name and a few numbers that say who he is and where he lives. To Ricqo Rafiezuwan, a 25-year-old whom The Straits Times featured in September in an article about stateless individuals and the challenges they face, the blue identity card he now guards jealously is more than just a document. He said it confirms he is no longer someone without an identity. As he spoke to ST on Dec 18, Rafiezuwan proudly held up his blue identity card. There it was - his name in big, bold letters. «I cannot believe that I am holding this. I look at it and think, wow, is this real? »Because this is what I have wanted for a very long time, for 25 years," said Rafiezuwan, fighting to hold back his tears. After the photographer was done taking pictures of him holding up the card, Rafiezuwan wiped it with his hands and returned it to his wallet. He slid the wallet into his back pocket, and gave that a gentle pat. His card was safe. Rafiezuwan said he will not forget the day he received the news that he had been granted permanent residency status.
RIYADH: Oleksandr Usyk terus mengukuhkan penguasaannya apabila menewaskan Tyson Fury dalam perlawanan ulangan kejuaraan heavyweight dengan keputusan sebulat suara.
LONDON: Pengendali Arsenal, Mikel Arteta mengakui kebimbangan ke atas kecederaan dialami pemain sayapnya, Bukayo Saka biarpun pasukan meraih kemenangan 5-1 ke atas Crystal Palace.
KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Belia dan Sukan (KBS) mengecam tindakan sekumpulan penyokong bola sepak yang mencetuskan pergaduhan di Stesen Transit Aliran Ringan (LRT) Bandar Tasik Selatan, laluan Ampang-Sri Petaling pada Jumaat lalu.
阿公監護 兩孩跟著叔叔 〔記者黃佳琳/高雄報導〕高雄市一名謝姓男子亡故,遺下一對未滿十二歲的兒女,並由孩子們繼承父親的保險金、撫卹金等合計一千七百四十萬元,家族開會決議由阿公擔任監護人,小孫子們則交給謝男弟弟和弟媳照顧。未料阿公疑在外欠債,盜領一千四百萬元不還,還稱他有權保管,小孫子只得控告阿公侵…
C'est ce samedi 21 décembre que le représentant de la Communauté Islamique du Burundi a été presenté solennellement aux fidèles au stade Ingoma de Gitega. Le nouveau mufti à promis de promouvoir l’ensemble des musulmans et des non-musulmans.