民眾黨主席柯文哲涉京華城弊案及政治獻金假帳案遭台北地檢署起訴,並求刑28年6個月。柯文哲在被收押114天後,今天中午以3000萬元交保,柯文哲返回台北家後,下午從台北看守所取完...…柯文哲抵新竹台大分院探柯爸!身穿「北市logo」外套 柯媽病房等團圓
民眾黨主席柯文哲涉京華城弊案及政治獻金假帳案遭台北地檢署起訴,並求刑28年6個月。柯文哲在被收押114天後,今天中午以3000萬元交保,柯文哲返回台北家後,下午從台北看守所取完...… Read more
民眾黨主席柯文哲涉京華城弊案及政治獻金假帳案遭台北地檢署起訴,並求刑28年6個月。柯文哲在被收押114天後,今天中午以3000萬元交保,柯文哲返回台北家後,下午從台北看守所取完...… Read more
Uusi EU-sääntö toi USB-C-liitinpakon moniin elektroniikkalaitteisiin.
Newyorkilaisten vartijoiden epäillään pahoinpidelleen 43-vuotiaan vangin sairaanhoitohuoneessa. Mies kuoli seuraavana aamuna.
A motorcyclist was caught on camera doing the dangerous 'Superman' stunt while riding along East Coast Parkway. Facebook user Raven Qiu said that the incident happened on Thursday (Dec 26) at around 2.59am. A video showed a group of motorcyclists on the road, with one of them lying down on the bike with both hands still on the throttle. After stretching backwards for 10 seconds, the motorcyclist returned both feet back to the vehicle. The Facebook post has since garnered over 240 shares. In the comments, several netizens criticised the motorcyclist for performing the dangerous stunt. «Stupid rider doing stupid stunt,» one of them said, while others urged the traffic police to investigate.
دومین روز از هفته چهاردهم لیگ برتر فوتبال ایران با برگزاری دو دیدار همزمان برگزار شد.
یمن سرزمینی است که هیچ قدرت خارجی در طول تاریخ نتوانسته است بر آن سلطه یابد. این حقیقت، بارها در خلال دهههای گذشته به اثبات رسیده است.
در آگهیهای بازار خودرو، شاهین جی دندهای مدل ۱۴۰۰ با کارکرد ۷۴ هزار کیلومتر امروز جمعه هفتم دی ماه ۶۵۰ میلیون تومان به فروش میرسد؛
郭顏慧/核稿編輯 台北地檢署偵辦京華城案、政治獻金弊案,日前起訴前台北市長、民眾黨主席柯文哲等人,根據公布的起訴書內容,柯遭查扣的硬碟中,有一個名為「朕.doc」的資料夾,記載「...…
京華城案柯文哲、沈慶京、李文宗、應曉薇昨天獲交保,北檢不服提抗告,由北院把卷宗送往高院。高院今天表示,已受理分案,承辦合議庭審閱卷宗後將作出裁定。 台北地檢署偵辦京華城及政治獻...…
蔡百靈/核稿編輯 國民黨立委提案修改「就業服務法第46條」條文,開放80歲以上長者免評巴氏量表即可申請外籍家庭看護工,將拚三讀。對此政治工作者周軒表示,以後不用巴氏量表篩選了,就...…
Savez-vous comment réagir en cas d'urgence vitale ? Du 18 décembre 2024 au 16 janvier 2025, huit formations aux gestes de premiers secours sont proposées gratuitement par le Rotaract Club à Papeete aux enfants et aux adultes.
Après la noyade tragique survenue à Lafayette le jour de Noël, un autre homme s'est noyé au même spot, à Arue, vendredi 27 décembre.
Depuis le début de l’année 2024, 39 personnes ont perdu la vie dans des accidents de la route. Les autorités vont redoubler d'efforts et seront intransigeants face aux mauvais comportements.
Each time Mr Ritesh Angural and his wife, Ms Nisha Hari Singh, both 38, drove their trusty 2002 Land Rover Defender across a land checkpoint and into a new country, their doe-eyed toddler Arisha would ask: “Will I see snow here?” Four months and six countries into Mr Ritesh and Ms Nisha’s epic mission for their family of three to travel from Singapore to Norway by land, Arisha’s wish came true – on her fourth birthday, in June. It started snowing in Ulaanbaatar for just one day of their 42-day stay in Mongolia. “She was so stunned and did not know what to say,” said Ms Nisha of her daughter’s reaction. “I remember her just staring out of the window, watching the snow fall and go, ‘Mama... the grass is white.’ It was so, so special.” Arisha later celebrated her birthday at a Mongolian abode with locals – who also gifted her a Mongolian deel (a traditional tunic) – they befriended while fixing their converted camper vehicle in the country.
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕國王今天宣布開除總教練布朗(Mike Brown),對此過去也曾任國王主帥一職的金塊總教練馬龍(Michael Malone)感到相當不滿,在受訪時更痛批國王球團。 布...…
張浩群/核稿編輯 根據大聯盟官網球員異動紀錄,費城人以小聯盟合約簽下兩名後援右投,分別為30歲的克里斯麥(Nabil Crismatt)與26歲的祖尼加(Guillo Zu...…
田兆崴 /核稿編輯 衛冕軍道奇稍早以3年6600萬美元簽回外野強打T.赫南德茲(Teoscar Hernandez),成功鞏固豪華打線陣容。對此,《今日美國》記者南丁格爾(...…
Una dintre cele mai apreciate artiste japoneze, Fumiko Sakura, a început să cânte la nai la vârsta de opt ani. Fascinată de sunetul acestui instrument, şi-a continuat studiile în arta naiului în România. O valoroasă naistă și profesoară, Fumiko Sakura are un cult pentru România și Gheorghe Zamfir.
O erupție vulcanică masivă este preconizată de oamenii de știință în acest secol și ar avea un impact devastator pe fondul schimbărilor climatice care afectează deja planeta.
Pe baza tendințelor recente și a preferințelor manifestate de turiștii români, ”Adevărul” a făcut, împreună cu consultantul în turism Traian Bădulescu, un top 5 al destinațiilor externe ce vor fi cele mai căutate anul viitor.
Regimul lui Vladimir Putin șterge granițele între nostalgia imperială și tendințele fasciste, scrie Andreas Umland, analist la Centrul de Studii Est-Europene din Stockholm al Institutului Suedez de Afaceri Internaționale, într-un editorial publicat de Kyiv Independent.
Cea mai vândută mașină din Europa aparține unui brand din România. Este vorba despre Dacia Sandero, un autoturism compact conceput atât pentru oraș, dar și pentru călătorii mai lungi. Dacia a fost preferată în țări precum Germania, Franța sau Italia.
A man has been charged in a double murder investigation after two women were stabbed to death in Milton Keynes on Christmas day.
Held in the US National Archives, the documents are the focus of hopes by obsessives that the redactions might conceal a 'smoking gun' - definitive proof that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't act alone.
John Yeoman, 70, had applied to demolish his luxury £8.8million three-storey home he shares with his wife Deborah, despite it being only 20 years old, and replace it with a five-storey giant.
Oren and Alon Alexander, accused of sex trafficking and multiple assaults, are under scrutiny following revelations of a 2009 anonymous blog post accusing them of rape in 2003.
Tatiana Denize Silva dos Anjos, 43, and Maida Berenice Flores da Silva, 58, died after having the cake on December 23.
نفى المنسق الأممي للشؤون الإنسانية في اليمن جوليان هارنيز، يوم أمس الجمعة، المزاعم الإسرائيلية بأن يكون مطار صنعاء يحتوي على أي أهداف عسكرية، وذلك بع...
〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕台灣公平會25日以可能限制競爭為由,駁回Uber Eats和foodpanda的併購案,foodpanda母公司Delivery Hero在耶誕節假期過後的第1個交易日,在...…
Дружеское поведение и теплое общение генерального секретаря НАТО Марка Рютте с президентом Украины Владимиром Зеленским в Брюсселе не соответствует настоящим планам альянса по поводу членства Киева.
Премьер-министр Грузии Ираклий Кобахидзе назвал санкции США направленные на основателя правящей партии «Грузинская мечта — Демократическая Грузия» Бидзины Иванишвили наградой. По его словам, в этом нет ничего особенного.
Президент Украины Владимир Зеленский не будет снижать возраст мобилизации из-за возможного общественного недовольства. Об этом в интервью «Ленте.
Zbog snežnog nevremena koje je pre šest dana zahvatilo Republiku Srpsku, mnoga naselja ostala su bez struje, vode i goriva, a zbog zavejanih puteva na pomoć se čekalo i šest dana.
Zbog pokušaja silovanja cimera u zagrebačkom hostelu, 24-godišnji strani državljanin, inače već poznata policiji, ući će u 2025. godinu u ćeliji remetinečkog zatvora.
Izraelska vojska saopštila je da je danas pogodila više ciljeva povezanih sa jemenskim pobunjeničkim pokretom Huti u Jemenu, uključujuci mađunarodni aerodrom u Sani i tri luke duž zapadne obale.
矽品精密中科二林廠利用一期廠房屋頂建置太陽能發電系統,預計明年發電,矽品將回購自家屋頂的綠電,創下全台回購綠電轉供首例。 矽品精密6年前率先在中科廠完成2.8MW太陽能光...…