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Штормовое предупреждение объявили в большинстве регионов Казахстана - ожидаются низовая метель, туман и гололед, местами мороз и снег, перед

صندوق تحيا مصر يعلن حصاد الخير لعام 2024.. إنفوجراف

شهد عام 2024 توسعًا ملحوظًا في المبادرات والقوافل الاستثنائية التي نظمها صندوق تحيا مصر، في مختلف المجالات الصحية والاجتماعية. المصدر:اليوم ال
rss-أخبار عاجلة

صندوق تحيا مصر يعلن حصاد الخير لعام 2024.. إنفوجراف

شهد عام 2024 توسعًا ملحوظًا في المبادرات والقوافل الاستثنائية التي نظمها صندوق تحيا مصر، في مختلف المجالات الصحية والاجتماعية. المصدر:اليوم السابعصندوق تحيا مصر يعلن حصاد الخير لعام 2024.. إنفوجراف

الطقس اليوم .. تحذيرات من أمطار غزيرة وتساقط لحبات الثلج بهذه المناطق

أشارت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية إلى أنه من المتوقع اليوم سقوط أمطار متوسطة قد تكون غزيرة ورعدية أحيانا على مناطق من محافظة مطروح على فترات متقطعة ق
rss-أخبار عاجلة

الطقس اليوم .. تحذيرات من أمطار غزيرة وتساقط لحبات الثلج بهذه المناطق

أشارت هيئة الأرصاد الجوية إلى أنه من المتوقع اليوم سقوط أمطار متوسطة قد تكون غزيرة ورعدية أحيانا على مناطق من محافظة مطروح على فترات متقطعة قد يصاحبها حبات البرد. المصدر:اليوم السابعالطقس اليوم .. تحذيرات من أمطار غزيرة وتساقط لحبات الثلج بهذه المناطق

ترامب يجمع أكثر من 170 مليون دولار لحفل تنصيبه.. وأسماء بارزة لا تجد مقاعد

قالت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز إن لجنة تنصيب الرئيس الأمريكى المنتخب لم تعد تبيع التذاكر للمانحين الرئيسيين لحضور مراسم تنصيب ترامب والأحداث المرا
rss-أخبار عاجلة

ترامب يجمع أكثر من 170 مليون دولار لحفل تنصيبه.. وأسماء بارزة لا تجد مقاعد

قالت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز إن لجنة تنصيب الرئيس الأمريكى المنتخب لم تعد تبيع التذاكر للمانحين الرئيسيين لحضور مراسم تنصيب ترامب والأحداث المرافقة لها فى واشنطن، والمقررة فى 20 يناير، بحسب ما أفاد خمسة أشخاص مطلعين. المصدر:اليوم السابعترامب يجمع أكثر من 170 مليون دولار لحفل تنصيبه.. وأسماء بارزة لا تجد مقاعد

«ممنوع المرض والحوادث».. مرسوم غريب من رئيس بلدة فى جنوب إيطاليا يثير الجدل

أصدر أنطونيو تورشيا رئيس بلدية بيلكاسترو، وهي بلدة صغيرة في جنوب إيطاليا، مرسوما غير عادي وغريب إلى حد كبير حيث يحظر على سكانها الإصابة بأم
rss-أخبار عاجلة

«ممنوع المرض والحوادث».. مرسوم غريب من رئيس بلدة فى جنوب إيطاليا يثير الجدل

أصدر أنطونيو تورشيا رئيس بلدية بيلكاسترو، وهي بلدة صغيرة في جنوب إيطاليا، مرسوما غير عادي وغريب إلى حد كبير حيث يحظر على سكانها الإصابة بأمراض خطيرة أو التعرض لحوادث. المصدر:اليوم السابع«ممنوع المرض والحوادث».. مرسوم غريب من رئيس بلدة فى جنوب إيطاليا يثير الجدل

وزارة الأوقاف تطلق مسابقة «الصوت الندى» لاكتشاف المواهب

أعلنت وزارة الأوقاف عن إطلاق مسابقة «الصوت الندي» لاكتشاف المواهب الصوتية المتميزة في تلاوة القرآن الكريم. المصدر:اليوم السابعوزارة ال
rss-أخبار عاجلة

وزارة الأوقاف تطلق مسابقة «الصوت الندى» لاكتشاف المواهب

أعلنت وزارة الأوقاف عن إطلاق مسابقة «الصوت الندي» لاكتشاف المواهب الصوتية المتميزة في تلاوة القرآن الكريم. المصدر:اليوم السابعوزارة الأوقاف تطلق مسابقة «الصوت الندى» لاكتشاف المواهب

FairPrice to freeze prices of popular Chinese New Year items from Jan 9 to Feb 12

Starting Thursday (Jan 9), FairPrice Group will freeze the prices of popular festive essentials across all its supermarkets for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Prices of 15 popular food items such as Chinese pomfret, red grouper, tiger prawns, pork spa

FairPrice to freeze prices of popular Chinese New Year items from Jan 9 to Feb 12

Starting Thursday (Jan 9), FairPrice Group will freeze the prices of popular festive essentials across all its supermarkets for the upcoming Chinese New Year. Prices of 15 popular food items such as Chinese pomfret, red grouper, tiger prawns, pork spare ribs and yuan xiao bai cabbage will be locked during the festive period to keep them affordable, said FairPrice Group (FPG).  FPG told AsiaOne that the price freeze will run throughout the festive period from Jan 9 to Feb 12, the last day of Chinese New Year.  The price freeze is coupled with discounts on selected fresh vegetables to keep prices within reach for customers during the festive season, said FPG. Some vegetables on discount are the enoki mushrooms, which will be sold for 45 cents a pack. They typically cost about 80 cents at wet markets, according to FPG's market survey.  Surveys conducted by FPG between Jan 2 and Jan 7 showed that prices for seafood and pork were around 20 to 30 per cent higher than those at FairPrice stores.

Dog dies after allegedly being thrown down Jurong block

A dog died after it was allegedly thrown off a HDB block on Tuesday (Jan 7) evening.  The incident occurred at around 6pm at Block 764 Jurong West Street 74, reported Shin Min Daily News. When reporters arrived at around 8pm, a police cordon had been se

Dog dies after allegedly being thrown down Jurong block

A dog died after it was allegedly thrown off a HDB block on Tuesday (Jan 7) evening.  The incident occurred at around 6pm at Block 764 Jurong West Street 74, reported Shin Min Daily News. When reporters arrived at around 8pm, a police cordon had been set up at the foot of the block.  Two men were seen removing the dog's carcass from the scene.  There was a pool of blood on the ground where the dog was believed to have landed, next to some clothes pegs and clothing.  According to Shin Min, the dog was a brown, medium-sized breed. A pool of blood was left at the scene with clothes pegs and some clothing strewn around. PHOTO: Shin Min Daily News A resident surnamed Lin, 36, told Shin Min he heard a loud noise outside his home. When he looked out of the window, he saw the dog laying on the ground. 

MPs raise concern about LGBT community's exclusion in Workplace Fairness Bill

Parliament on Wednesday (Jan 8) passed a Bill to protect workers against discrimination following a debate that spanned two days. Manpower minister Tan See Leng said in his opening speech on Tuesday that the Workplace Fairness Bill covers jobseekers and empl

MPs raise concern about LGBT community's exclusion in Workplace Fairness Bill

Parliament on Wednesday (Jan 8) passed a Bill to protect workers against discrimination following a debate that spanned two days. Manpower minister Tan See Leng said in his opening speech on Tuesday that the Workplace Fairness Bill covers jobseekers and employers under five «protected characteristics». These are: age; nationality; sex, marital status, pregnancy status and caregiving responsibilities; race, religion and language; and disability and mental health conditions. But over the course of two days, several MPs, who supported the Bill, questioned why discrimination against workers on the grounds of gender identity and sexual orientation was excluded. «What message are we sending? Are we telling the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer) people that they are not protected from workplace discrimination?» asked People's Action Party MP Louis Ng (Nee Soon GRC). «Are we telling employers that it is okay to discriminate against someone because of their sexual orientation and gender identity?»

헌재 사무처장 “포고령 1호, 헌법 부합하지 않는다”

김정원 헌법재판소 사무처장이 12·3 비상계엄 사태 당시 윤석열 대통령이 선포한 계엄 포고령 1호에 대해 “현 헌법에 부합하지 않는다”고 말했다. 김 사무처장은 9일 국회에서 열린 긴급현안질
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

헌재 사무처장 “포고령 1호, 헌법 부합하지 않는다”

김정원 헌법재판소 사무처장이 12·3 비상계엄 사태 당시 윤석열 대통령이 선포한 계엄 포고령 1호에 대해 “현 헌법에 부합하지 않는다”고 말했다. 김 사무처장은 9일 국회에서 열린 긴급현안질의에 출석해 “국회와 지방의회, 정당의 활동과 정치적 결사 집회 시위 등 일체의 정치활동을 금한다는 포고령 1호는 우리 헌법에 부합하냐”는 더불어민주당 한정애 의원 질의에 이 같이 답했다. 김 처장은 “상당히 이상한 것이라고 생각하고 있다”며 포고령 3호(언론·출판 통제), 4호(파업, 태업, 집회 금지), 5호(전공의 복귀) 등에 대해서도

檢, 李 위증교사 항소이유서 “음주운전을 음주·운전으로 나눠 판단”

검찰이 더불어민주당 이재명 대표의 위증교사 혐의에 대해 무죄 판단한 1심 판결을 “음주운전을 ‘음주’와 ‘운전’으로 나눠 판단한 것과 마찬가지”라고 비판하는 내용의 항소이유서를 제
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

檢, 李 위증교사 항소이유서 “음주운전을 음주·운전으로 나눠 판단”

검찰이 더불어민주당 이재명 대표의 위증교사 혐의에 대해 무죄 판단한 1심 판결을 “음주운전을 ‘음주’와 ‘운전’으로 나눠 판단한 것과 마찬가지”라고 비판하는 내용의 항소이유서를 제출한 것으로 전해졌다.9일 법조계에 따르면 검찰은 이달 7일 서울고법 형사3부(부장판사 이창형)에 이 대표의 위증교사 혐의 사건 항소이유서를 제출했다.검찰은 1심 재판부가 유기적으로 연결된 위증 내용과 교사 행위를 개별 행위로 분해해 판단했다고 지적했다. 1심 재판부는 김병량 전 성남시장 수행비서 김모 씨의 위증은 ‘스스로 기억에 의한 진술’, 이 대표의 교사 행위는 ‘통상적 증언 요청’으로 판단했다. 그러면서 이 대표가 위증을 예견하거나 고의가 있다고 보기는 어렵다고 봤다.검찰은 1심의 이같은 판단을 ‘음주운전’에 빗대 비판했다. 음주운전을 ‘음주’와 ‘운전’으로 나눠 술을 마시는 것은 죄가 아니고, 운전도 죄가 아니므로 결국 음주운전이 범죄가 아니라고 판단하는 것과 같다는 취지다.검

박정훈 무죄로 ‘채상병 軍수뇌부 직권남용’ 혐의 적용 급물살

“선고. 피고인은 무죄.”9일 오전 서울 용산구 국방부 중앙지역군사법원 법정. 군형법상 항명 및 상관명예훼손 혐의로 기소된 박정훈 전 해병대 수사단장(대령)에게 1심 무죄가 선고되자 해병대
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

박정훈 무죄로 ‘채상병 軍수뇌부 직권남용’ 혐의 적용 급물살

“선고. 피고인은 무죄.”9일 오전 서울 용산구 국방부 중앙지역군사법원 법정. 군형법상 항명 및 상관명예훼손 혐의로 기소된 박정훈 전 해병대 수사단장(대령)에게 1심 무죄가 선고되자 해병대 전우회 등이 가득 메운 방청석에서 “만세!” 등의 환호가 터져나왔다. 박 대령은 법정에서 어머니 김봉순 씨와 포옹하며 지긋이 눈을 감았다. 2023년 10월 해병대 채수근 상병 순직 사건 조사기록의 경찰 이첩을 보류·중단하라는 김계환 전 해병대 사령관의 명령을 따르지 않은 혐의 등으로 재판에 넘겨진 지 15개월 만이었다.군 검찰은 징역 3

Riyadh’s literary havens: Where coffee meets the love of books

RIYADH: Riyadh’s cultural landscape is undergoing a quiet transformation, where the love of coffee meets the timeless allure of literature. Book cafes are carving out a niche as spaces where readers, thinkers, and coffee enthusiasts converge. These have
Saudi Arabia

Riyadh’s literary havens: Where coffee meets the love of books

RIYADH: Riyadh’s cultural landscape is undergoing a quiet transformation, where the love of coffee meets the timeless allure of literature. Book cafes are carving out a niche as spaces where readers, thinkers, and coffee enthusiasts converge. These havens of creativity and reflection offer retreats for the mind and soul, providing a sense of community in an increasingly fast-paced world.

Warning of thunderstorms and flash floods in Saudi Arabia for next 4 days

RIYADH: Residents of Saudi Arabia were warned on Wednesday that the country could be hit by thunderstorms and flash floods between now and Sunday. The General Directorate of Civil Defense advised people to remain sheltered and stay away from canyons. Man
Saudi Arabia

Warning of thunderstorms and flash floods in Saudi Arabia for next 4 days

RIYADH: Residents of Saudi Arabia were warned on Wednesday that the country could be hit by thunderstorms and flash floods between now and Sunday. The General Directorate of Civil Defense advised people to remain sheltered and stay away from canyons. Many regions can expect medium-to-heavy rain, hail or strong gusts of wind, with a high risk of flooding. Forecasters predict Riyadh, Jeddah, Al-Baha, Asir and Jazan will be among the affected regions, the Saudi Press Agency reported.

King Faisal Prize announces winners for 2025

RIYADH: The King Faisal Prize 2025 laureates were announced at a ceremony in Riyadh on Wednesday night. Two King Saud University professors, a Canadian scientist who achieved a breakthrough in cellular therapy and a Japanese scientist doing pioneering work i
Saudi Arabia

King Faisal Prize announces winners for 2025

RIYADH: The King Faisal Prize 2025 laureates were announced at a ceremony in Riyadh on Wednesday night. Two King Saud University professors, a Canadian scientist who achieved a breakthrough in cellular therapy and a Japanese scientist doing pioneering work in carbon nanotubes were winners of the most coveted prize in the Arab world.

Qaisariya Souq: Historic market in the heart of Al-Ahsa

DAMMAM: Al-Qaisariya Souq, renowned for its historic architecture, narrow covered walkways, and diverse shops, remains a beloved destination for shoppers and heritage enthusiasts, standing as one of the most famous traditional markets in the Arabian Peninsul
Saudi Arabia

Qaisariya Souq: Historic market in the heart of Al-Ahsa

DAMMAM: Al-Qaisariya Souq, renowned for its historic architecture, narrow covered walkways, and diverse shops, remains a beloved destination for shoppers and heritage enthusiasts, standing as one of the most famous traditional markets in the Arabian Peninsula and a prominent landmark.  Located in central Hofuf in Al-Ahsa Governorate, the market draws residents from across the region and Gulf countries, as well as tourists from around the world, attracted by its unique atmosphere and cultural significance. 

Al-Baha almond season flourishes with vibrant blooms

AL-BAHA: Saudi Arabia's southwestern region of Al-Baha transforms into a stunning landscape in winter, with gardens and parks adorned in shades of white and pink blossoms of almond trees.  This year, the almond blossom season in the region is remarkable am
Saudi Arabia

Al-Baha almond season flourishes with vibrant blooms

AL-BAHA: Saudi Arabia's southwestern region of Al-Baha transforms into a stunning landscape in winter, with gardens and parks adorned in shades of white and pink blossoms of almond trees.  This year, the almond blossom season in the region is remarkable amid ideal weather conditions fostering dense, vibrant flowers. Local farmers are optimistic about the upcoming harvest, carefully tending to the trees to ensure optimal yield. 

Restoran pamer pelekat 'Muslim Kitchen' di Balakong diserbu KPDN

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) menyerbu sebuah restoran popular dengan menu ‘cili pan mee’ di Balakong di sini tengah hari tadi kerana mempamerkan pelekat Muslim Kitchen walaupun tidak mempunyai sijil halal sa
BH Online - Terkini

Restoran pamer pelekat 'Muslim Kitchen' di Balakong diserbu KPDN

KUALA LUMPUR: Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Kos Sara Hidup (KPDN) menyerbu sebuah restoran popular dengan menu ‘cili pan mee’ di Balakong di sini tengah hari tadi kerana mempamerkan pelekat Muslim Kitchen walaupun tidak mempunyai sijil halal sah.

87 peratus responden termasuk ibu bapa setuju PLKN dilanjutkan - Johari

KULAI: Sejumlah 87 peratus individu berusia 16 hingga 60 tahun termasuk ibu bapa bersetuju pelaksanaan Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dilanjutkan.
BH Online - Terkini

87 peratus responden termasuk ibu bapa setuju PLKN dilanjutkan - Johari

KULAI: Sejumlah 87 peratus individu berusia 16 hingga 60 tahun termasuk ibu bapa bersetuju pelaksanaan Program Latihan Khidmat Negara (PLKN) dilanjutkan.

Dolar AS semakin kukuh, ringgit jatuh bagi hari kedua

KUALA LUMPUR: Ringgit mengakhiri urus niaga Khamis dengan lebih rendah berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS), meneruskan penyusutan semalam ketika prospek ekonomi global terus memberi sokongan terhadap mata wang negara maju itu.
BH Online - Terkini

Dolar AS semakin kukuh, ringgit jatuh bagi hari kedua

KUALA LUMPUR: Ringgit mengakhiri urus niaga Khamis dengan lebih rendah berbanding dolar Amerika Syarikat (AS), meneruskan penyusutan semalam ketika prospek ekonomi global terus memberi sokongan terhadap mata wang negara maju itu.

Gutiérrez Boronat: el retrato perfecto de un capo de la mafia de Miami

Un video en Youtube circula de chat en chat en Miami y llega por nuestros lares: el antipoeta y batistiano Armando Valladares se ha desempolvado en la red de audiovisuales una investigación sobre cómo el terrorista y figurín de la industria anticubana Orla

Gutiérrez Boronat: el retrato perfecto de un capo de la mafia de Miami

Un video en Youtube circula de chat en chat en Miami y llega por nuestros lares: el antipoeta y batistiano Armando Valladares se ha desempolvado en la red de audiovisuales una investigación sobre cómo el terrorista y figurín de la industria anticubana Orlando Gutiérrez Boronat se apropió de fondos millonarios del presupuesto estadounidense destinados a la política subversiva contra Cuba y pagado por el contribuyente de ese país. The post Gutiérrez Boronat: el retrato perfecto de un capo de la mafia de Miami first appeared on Cubadebate.

Russia to continue building relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan — Kremlin

Asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin had recently held contacts with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Dmitry Peskov said that «there were no contacts in those [past] days»

Russia to continue building relations with Armenia, Azerbaijan — Kremlin

Asked whether Russian President Vladimir Putin had recently held contacts with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, Dmitry Peskov said that «there were no contacts in those [past] days»

Trump-led US will hardly let Europe loose, Russian expert argues

«NATO’s eastern borders will still maintain the functionality of exerting military pressure on Russia, with the bloc’s new members in Northern Europe acting as a springboard for the Pentagon’s coming Arctic expansion,» Alexander Stepanov mai

Trump-led US will hardly let Europe loose, Russian expert argues

«NATO’s eastern borders will still maintain the functionality of exerting military pressure on Russia, with the bloc’s new members in Northern Europe acting as a springboard for the Pentagon’s coming Arctic expansion,» Alexander Stepanov maintained

Kremlin urges waiting for Brussels' response to Armenia’s EU initiative — spokesman

Dmitry Peskov also recalled Turkey’s experience, with the country having been pursuing the course towards EU membership for many years, but «seeing no particular reciprocity from Brussels»

Kremlin urges waiting for Brussels' response to Armenia’s EU initiative — spokesman

Dmitry Peskov also recalled Turkey’s experience, with the country having been pursuing the course towards EU membership for many years, but «seeing no particular reciprocity from Brussels»

Puntland rejects federal claims of delivering 200 tons of food aid

Mogadishu (HOL) — Puntland authorities have denied allegations by Somalia’s National Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) that it delivered 200 tons of food aid to Bosaso, a key port city in the semi-autonomous region.
Hiiraan Online

Puntland rejects federal claims of delivering 200 tons of food aid

Mogadishu (HOL) — Puntland authorities have denied allegations by Somalia’s National Disaster Management Agency (SODMA) that it delivered 200 tons of food aid to Bosaso, a key port city in the semi-autonomous region.

Somali forces and militias retake key Hiiraan territories from al-Shabaab

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somali government troops, working alongside local militias, have seized key territories in the Hiiraan region from Al-Shabaab militants. The operation marks a decisive victory in the nationwide campaign to dismantle the extremist group’
Hiiraan Online

Somali forces and militias retake key Hiiraan territories from al-Shabaab

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somali government troops, working alongside local militias, have seized key territories in the Hiiraan region from Al-Shabaab militants. The operation marks a decisive victory in the nationwide campaign to dismantle the extremist group’s strongholds.

Somalia's passport sees slight boost to 102nd in global power rankings

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia’s passport has climbed to 102nd place in the 2025 Henley Passport Index, offering visa-free access to 35 destinations worldwide.
Hiiraan Online

Somalia's passport sees slight boost to 102nd in global power rankings

Mogadishu (HOL) — Somalia’s passport has climbed to 102nd place in the 2025 Henley Passport Index, offering visa-free access to 35 destinations worldwide.

Liekit levisivät näyttelijä Samuli Vauramon kodille Los Angelesissa – aikaa evakuointiin oli alle puoli tuntia

Kaliforniassa on julistettu rajujen maastopalojen vuoksi hätätila.

“ทนายแจม” ผิดหวัง รัฐบาลไร้แอคชั่นคอร์สอบรมตำรวจจีน

สส.ศศินันท์ จี้ “นายกฯ” แก้ปัญหาจีนเทาให้มากขึ้น ต้องกู้ภาพลักษณ์ไทยกลับมา ผิดหวัง รัฐบาล-ต
ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์ - ข่าว

“ทนายแจม” ผิดหวัง รัฐบาลไร้แอคชั่นคอร์สอบรมตำรวจจีน

สส.ศศินันท์ จี้ “นายกฯ” แก้ปัญหาจีนเทาให้มากขึ้น ต้องกู้ภาพลักษณ์ไทยกลับมา ผิดหวัง รัฐบาล-ตำรวจ เลื่อนแจงปม ม.ดัง เปิดคอร์สอบรมตำรวจจีน

ผบก.ภ.จว.พัทลุง สั่งชุดสืบลงพื้นที่ เอาผิดกลุ่มวัยรุ่นยิงปืนป่วนเมือง

ผบก.ภ.จว.พัทลุง สั่งการด่วน ให้ชุดสืบสวนลงพื้นที่ เอาผิดกลุ่มวัยรุ่นพกปืนในที่สาธารณะ อัดคล
ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์ - ข่าว

ผบก.ภ.จว.พัทลุง สั่งชุดสืบลงพื้นที่ เอาผิดกลุ่มวัยรุ่นยิงปืนป่วนเมือง

ผบก.ภ.จว.พัทลุง สั่งการด่วน ให้ชุดสืบสวนลงพื้นที่ เอาผิดกลุ่มวัยรุ่นพกปืนในที่สาธารณะ อัดคลิปยิงป้ายบอกทาง พังเสียหายหลายจุด