An adorable wild boar piglet was recently spotted snuffling along a grass patch by the side of a footpath in Bukit Panjang. In a video on Tuesday (Jan 14), TikTok user Ahguaman shared his up-close encounter with the piglet. The clip starts with the cameraCute but dangerous: Wild boar piglet spotted at Bukit Panjang
An adorable wild boar piglet was recently spotted snuffling along a grass patch by the side of a footpath in Bukit Panjang. In a video on Tuesday (Jan 14), TikTok user Ahguaman shared his up-close encounter with the piglet. The clip starts with the camera panning from the TikTok user to the piglet, which scampers away. It cuts to several shorter clips of the animal nosing around the grass. No matter how cute a piglet may look, approaching them is dangerous as female adult boars are known to be very protective of their young and easily provoked, according to the National Parks Board (NParks). Sows and piglets typically travel in a group and may wander into parks and gardens in search of food, states an NParks advisory. If threatened, they may attack humans and cause injury. In the comment section, some TikTok users pointed out that the sow was likely nearby and could have attacked the man. «Wild boar mum is no joke. If you see a baby, please leave the area immediately,» cautioned one user. Read more