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Le hangar d'Agritech à Tavararo a été touché par un puissant incendie mercredi 29 janvier. Le feu a été circonscrit à minuit passé, après plus de trois heures d'intervention. 150 riverains ont été évacués.

Nuevos sonidos: Flor de Rap, Melej, Subdialecto, Rapbrina y Banda Conmoción

Flor de Rap feat. Myriam Hernández - «Ya no me rendiré» Melej - «Canción sobre la arena» Subdialecto - «Bombas» Rapbrina feat. HdpGroupFam y Capuchino - «Efecto sorpresa» Banda Conmoción fe

Nuevos sonidos: Flor de Rap, Melej, Subdialecto, Rapbrina y Banda Conmoción

Flor de Rap feat. Myriam Hernández - «Ya no me rendiré» Melej - «Canción sobre la arena» Subdialecto - «Bombas» Rapbrina feat. HdpGroupFam y Capuchino - «Efecto sorpresa» Banda Conmoción feat. Illapu y Wendy Sulca - «Amor de carnival»

Blast rocks EU manufacturer of artillery shells for Ukraine

An explosion at the ammunition factory of Rheinmetall’s subsidiary in the Spanish municipality of Murcia on Thursday injured six workers Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Blast rocks EU manufacturer of artillery shells for Ukraine

An explosion at the ammunition factory of Rheinmetall’s subsidiary in the Spanish municipality of Murcia on Thursday injured six workers Read Full Article at

US ‘in contact’ with Russia – Trump

Washington is working with Moscow to repatriate the remains of Russian nationals who died when a US airliner collided with a helicopter Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US ‘in contact’ with Russia – Trump

Washington is working with Moscow to repatriate the remains of Russian nationals who died when a US airliner collided with a helicopter Read Full Article at

ALBA-TCP convoca cumbre extraordinaria el 3 de febrero

La Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) anunció este jueves la celebración el 3 de febrero de una reunión de trabajo extraordinaria de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. El encuentro tendrá po

ALBA-TCP convoca cumbre extraordinaria el 3 de febrero

La Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de Nuestra América-Tratado de Comercio de los Pueblos (ALBA-TCP) anunció este jueves la celebración el 3 de febrero de una reunión de trabajo extraordinaria de jefes de Estado y de Gobierno. El encuentro tendrá por objetivo evaluar los avances y resultados en cada una de las iniciativas acordadas en las áreas económica, social y política. The post ALBA-TCP convoca cumbre extraordinaria el 3 de febrero first appeared on Cubadebate.

«Asiņainie bērzi». Krievija un Baltkrievija joprojām tirgo koksni Eiropā; iesaistīts arī Latvijas uzņēmums

Kopš sankciju ieviešanas 2022. gadā Krievija un Baltkrievija uz Eiropu eksportējusi bērza saplāksni vairāk nekā miljarda eiro vērtībā, tā secinājuši britu pētnieciskie žurnālisti. Koksnes eksports ir būtisks finansējuma avots Krievijas kar
В мире - LSM.LV

«Asiņainie bērzi». Krievija un Baltkrievija joprojām tirgo koksni Eiropā; iesaistīts arī Latvijas uzņēmums

Kopš sankciju ieviešanas 2022. gadā Krievija un Baltkrievija uz Eiropu eksportējusi bērza saplāksni vairāk nekā miljarda eiro vērtībā, tā secinājuši britu pētnieciskie žurnālisti. Koksnes eksports ir būtisks finansējuma avots Krievijas kara mašinērijai uzreiz aiz gāzes un naftas. Pēc Krievijas asiņainā iebrukuma Ukrainā Eiropas Savienība (ES) aizliedza koknes importu no agresorvalstīm. Taču tas joprojām notiek. Turklāt sankciju apiešanā iesaistīts kāds Latvijas uzņēmums.

Norvēģijā izjukusi valdošā koalīcija, darbu turpinās mazākuma valdība

Norvēģijas Centra partija ceturtdien izstājās no pašreizējā premjerministra un Darba partijas līdera Jonasa Gara Stēres vadītās centriski kreisās valdības. Par iemeslu pamest valdošo koalīciju kalpoja Darba partijas vēlme iestrādāt vairāku
В мире - LSM.LV

Norvēģijā izjukusi valdošā koalīcija, darbu turpinās mazākuma valdība

Norvēģijas Centra partija ceturtdien izstājās no pašreizējā premjerministra un Darba partijas līdera Jonasa Gara Stēres vadītās centriski kreisās valdības. Par iemeslu pamest valdošo koalīciju kalpoja Darba partijas vēlme iestrādāt vairāku Eiropas Savienības enerģētikas direktīvu nosacījumus valsts tiesību aktos.

OTKRIVEN UZROK SUDARA AVIONA I HELIKOPTERA!? svi Svi putnici i članovi posade POGINULI: Ovo je cela posada srušenog američkog helikoptera (FOTO, VIDEO)

Putnički avion kompanije «Amerikan Erlajns» sudario se u vazduhu sa helikopterom američke vojske «Blek Hok» u blizini Nacionalnog aerodroma Regan u Vašingtonu. Obe letelice su završile u ledenoj reci, a sada su u toku spasilačke a
Blic online

OTKRIVEN UZROK SUDARA AVIONA I HELIKOPTERA!? svi Svi putnici i članovi posade POGINULI: Ovo je cela posada srušenog američkog helikoptera (FOTO, VIDEO)

Putnički avion kompanije «Amerikan Erlajns» sudario se u vazduhu sa helikopterom američke vojske «Blek Hok» u blizini Nacionalnog aerodroma Regan u Vašingtonu. Obe letelice su završile u ledenoj reci, a sada su u toku spasilačke akcije. Iz vode je izvučeno najmanje 19 tela, a sve najnovije informacije iz Vašingtona možete pratiti uživo na sajtu «Blica».

Slovenački evroparlamentarac predložio maska za Nobelovu nagradu

Poslanik Evropskog parlamenta iz Slovenije Branko Grims rekao je da je nominovao američkog milijardera Ilona Maska za Nobelovu nagradu za mir «zbog njegovog zalaganja za slobodu govora».
Blic online

Slovenački evroparlamentarac predložio maska za Nobelovu nagradu

Poslanik Evropskog parlamenta iz Slovenije Branko Grims rekao je da je nominovao američkog milijardera Ilona Maska za Nobelovu nagradu za mir «zbog njegovog zalaganja za slobodu govora».

(VIDEO) DEČACI PRONAĐENI MRTVI NA JEZERU Bili su najbolji drugovi, tela izvukli ispod leda, POTRESNA SLIKA na mestu gde su nastradali

U oblasti Lejk Čaparal u Kansasu pronađeno je mrtvo dvoje dece, starosti osam i devet godina, ispod leda na obližnjem jezeru.
Blic online

(VIDEO) DEČACI PRONAĐENI MRTVI NA JEZERU Bili su najbolji drugovi, tela izvukli ispod leda, POTRESNA SLIKA na mestu gde su nastradali

U oblasti Lejk Čaparal u Kansasu pronađeno je mrtvo dvoje dece, starosti osam i devet godina, ispod leda na obližnjem jezeru.

«OVO NIJE ŠALA» Tramp odlučan da prisvoji Grenland: To je naš nacionalni interes, mora se rešiti što pre

Interes američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa za kupovinu Grenlanda «nije šala», rekao je državni sekretar Mark Rubio danas u intervjuu i dodao da je sticanje Grenlanda u nacionalnom interesu Sjedinjenih Država te da to pitanje treba rešiti.
Blic online

«OVO NIJE ŠALA» Tramp odlučan da prisvoji Grenland: To je naš nacionalni interes, mora se rešiti što pre

Interes američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa za kupovinu Grenlanda «nije šala», rekao je državni sekretar Mark Rubio danas u intervjuu i dodao da je sticanje Grenlanda u nacionalnom interesu Sjedinjenih Država te da to pitanje treba rešiti.

UDAR NA DVOJNU PRAKSU Novi zakon zabranjue lekarima državnih ustanova da rade privatno

Slovenačka skupština usvojila je danas izmene Zakona o zdravstvenim službama, koje uvode skoro potpunu zabranu dvostruke prakse za lekare i drugo medicinsko osoblje, a izmenama je zabranjeno zaposlenima u državnim zdravstvenim ustanovama da rade i kod pri
Blic online

UDAR NA DVOJNU PRAKSU Novi zakon zabranjue lekarima državnih ustanova da rade privatno

Slovenačka skupština usvojila je danas izmene Zakona o zdravstvenim službama, koje uvode skoro potpunu zabranu dvostruke prakse za lekare i drugo medicinsko osoblje, a izmenama je zabranjeno zaposlenima u državnim zdravstvenim ustanovama da rade i kod privatnika, prenela je agencija STA.

Po šilto sausio – vėsesnės permainos: pamatysime ir žiemos ženklų

Penktadienio dieną Lietuvos orus lems žemo slėgio sūkurio slėnis. Dangus bus debesuotas. Daugelyje rajonų iškris lietus, gausiau palaistys vakarinius šalies rajonus. Pūs besikeičiančios krypties vidutinio stiprumo vėjas. Temperatūra įdienojus si

Po šilto sausio – vėsesnės permainos: pamatysime ir žiemos ženklų

Penktadienio dieną Lietuvos orus lems žemo slėgio sūkurio slėnis. Dangus bus debesuotas. Daugelyje rajonų iškris lietus, gausiau palaistys vakarinius šalies rajonus. Pūs besikeičiančios krypties vidutinio stiprumo vėjas. Temperatūra įdienojus sieks 3-8 laipsnius šilumos, ypač šilta diena bus pietiniuose ir rytiniuose rajonuose.

US intelligence community falsely portrayed Trump as Russian puppet — DNI pick

Tulsi Gabbard cited it as an example of how «faulty intelligence have led to costly failures» and the undermining of national security US

US intelligence community falsely portrayed Trump as Russian puppet — DNI pick

Tulsi Gabbard cited it as an example of how «faulty intelligence have led to costly failures» and the undermining of national security US

Still no Putin-Trump talk yet, Kremlin spokesman tells TASS in wake of Washington crash

The Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the words of the American leader that he did not discuss the plane crash in Washington with the head of the Russian Federation

Still no Putin-Trump talk yet, Kremlin spokesman tells TASS in wake of Washington crash

The Russian Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov commented on the words of the American leader that he did not discuss the plane crash in Washington with the head of the Russian Federation

華府空難無人生還 川普:當下發生一連串糟糕決定

美國華府29日晚間發生客機與黑鷹直升機在空中相撞後墜河的意外。美國總統川普今天說,導致事故原因尚不明。但他多次提到,兩架飛機不應在同一高度,「當下有一連串糟糕的決定」。 川普
國際新聞 - 自由時報

華府空難無人生還 川普:當下發生一連串糟糕決定

美國華府29日晚間發生客機與黑鷹直升機在空中相撞後墜河的意外。美國總統川普今天說,導致事故原因尚不明。但他多次提到,兩架飛機不應在同一高度,「當下有一連串糟糕的決定」。 川普(Dona...…

川普談空難怪罪DEI釀飛安 點名前同志運輸部長

國際新聞 - 自由時報

川普談空難怪罪DEI釀飛安 點名前同志運輸部長

華府29日晚間發生客機與直升機在空中相撞後墜河的意外。美國總統川普今天批評民主黨推行「多元、公平及包容」政策,任用不適任的人而釀飛安問題,並點名身為同志的前運輸部長布塔朱吉。 川普(D...…

В Израиле вступил в силу запрет на работу БАПОР — агентства ООН, которое израильские власти обвиняют в пособничестве ХАМАС

В Израиле вступил в силу запрет на деятельность Ближневосточного агентства ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам (БАПОР или UNRWA), которое изра
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

В Израиле вступил в силу запрет на работу БАПОР — агентства ООН, которое израильские власти обвиняют в пособничестве ХАМАС

В Израиле вступил в силу запрет на деятельность Ближневосточного агентства ООН для помощи палестинским беженцам (БАПОР или UNRWA), которое израильские власти обвиняют в причастности к нападению ХАМАС на Израиль 7 октября 2023 года. Агентство эти обвинения отвергает. Правозащитники бьют тревогу, утверждая, что этот шаг отразится на поставках гуманитарной помощи в сектор Газа.

美 금리 인하 ‘주춤’…국내 은행 ‘고금리’도 더딘 인하 전망

미국이 기준금리를 동결한 데 이어 인하 속도도 늦출 것으로 예상되면서 국내 은행권의 대출금리 인하도 더디게 이뤄질 전망이다.다만 최근 고금리로 경제 상황이 악화한 가운데 소비자들의 부담
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

美 금리 인하 ‘주춤’…국내 은행 ‘고금리’도 더딘 인하 전망

미국이 기준금리를 동결한 데 이어 인하 속도도 늦출 것으로 예상되면서 국내 은행권의 대출금리 인하도 더디게 이뤄질 전망이다.다만 최근 고금리로 경제 상황이 악화한 가운데 소비자들의 부담을 낮추기 위해 은행들이 ‘가산금리’를 낮추는 방식으로 대출금리를 조정할 가능성이 제기되고 있다.미국 연방준비제도(Fed)는 지난 29일(현지시간) 종료된 공개시장위원회(FOMC)에서 정책금리의 목표 범위를 4.25~4.50%로 유지하기로 했다. 9월과 11월, 12월 연속으로 금리를 인하한 흐름을 중단한 것이다.특히 연준이 이번 FOMC 성명에서 “인플레이션이 다소 상승했다”고 언급한 것을 두고 물가 상승 우려가 높다는 분석이 나왔다. 지난번 성명에서는 “인플레이션이 2% 목표를 향한 진전을 이뤄왔다”고 언급한 바 있는데, 해당 문구가 삭제됐기 때문이다.이에 연준이 예상했던 것보다 금리 인하 속도를 늦출 것이라는 전망이 제기됐다. 일각에서는 트럼프 행정부의 관세·이민 정책의 영향으로 물가 상승 압박이

트럼프發 관세 위협에 국제 금값 사상 최고가 경신

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령의 관세 위협으로 안전자산 선호가 높아지면서 국제 금값이 사상 최고가를 경신했다.30일(현지 시간) 로이터통신 등 외신에 따르면 국제 원자재 시장에서 금 현물 가격
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

트럼프發 관세 위협에 국제 금값 사상 최고가 경신

도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령의 관세 위협으로 안전자산 선호가 높아지면서 국제 금값이 사상 최고가를 경신했다.30일(현지 시간) 로이터통신 등 외신에 따르면 국제 원자재 시장에서 금 현물 가격은 이날 장 중 한때 온스당 2798.24달러까지 상승했다. 이는 전장 대비 1.4% 높고, 지난해 10월에 기록한 최고가를 경신한 것이다.미국 금 선물은 1.8% 상승한 2845.20달러로 집계됐다. 트럼프 대통령이 멕시코와 캐나다 등에 대한 관세를 예정대로 부과하겠다고 언급하면서 무역 갈등에 따른 인플레이션 우려가 커졌고, 이는 안전 자산 수요를 부추긴 것으로 풀이된다.짐 위코프 킷코메탈 선임 시장분석가는 “트럼프 행정부의 무역 및 외교 정책에 관한 불안감과 불확실성이 커지고 있다”며 “금과 은 가격은 높아지는 추세로 기술적인 매입도 증가하고 있다”고 밝혔다. 영국 금융서비스 회사 하그리브스 랜스타운의 수잔나 스트리터 자금·시장 책임자는 메모에서 “금은 예측할 수 없는 폭풍을 극복하기 위해 피난

Palermo, le mani dei padrini sulle ristrutturazioni. “Lui ha un aggancio dentro la Curia”

Gli imprenditori legati alla famiglia Sansone si contendevano lucrosi lavori: “La suora mi ha mandato la mail con il preventivo dell’altra ditta” > Cronaca

Palermo, le mani dei padrini sulle ristrutturazioni. “Lui ha un aggancio dentro la Curia”

Gli imprenditori legati alla famiglia Sansone si contendevano lucrosi lavori: “La suora mi ha mandato la mail con il preventivo dell’altra ditta”

Gjader, nel bunker dei migranti costruito da Roma: “L’Albania una trappola non lasciateci qui”

Martedì 49 migranti (tra cui bengalesi, gambiani e un ivoriano) sono arrivati nel porto albanese di Shengjin trasportati dalla Cassiopea della Marina militare italiana. Oggi i giudici della Corte d’appello di Roma decideranno sulla richiesta di convalida d > Cronaca

Gjader, nel bunker dei migranti costruito da Roma: “L’Albania una trappola non lasciateci qui”

Martedì 49 migranti (tra cui bengalesi, gambiani e un ivoriano) sono arrivati nel porto albanese di Shengjin trasportati dalla Cassiopea della Marina militare italiana. Oggi i giudici della Corte d’appello di Roma decideranno sulla richiesta di convalida del trattenimento

Over 7,000 apply for NWC debt write-off

The National Water Commission (NWC) is reporting that more than 7,000 persons have applied for its debt amnesty programme, with many successfully formalising their contracts and reconnecting to its network. The programme started on January 2 and...

Over 7,000 apply for NWC debt write-off

The National Water Commission (NWC) is reporting that more than 7,000 persons have applied for its debt amnesty programme, with many successfully formalising their contracts and reconnecting to its network. The programme started on January 2 and...

First deportees from the US to Jamaica for 2025 land in Kingston

Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith says Thursday's arrival in Kingston of a deportation flight from the US was in continuance of regular monthly arrangements previously in train. She noted that the flight was the first such scheduled...

First deportees from the US to Jamaica for 2025 land in Kingston

Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith says Thursday's arrival in Kingston of a deportation flight from the US was in continuance of regular monthly arrangements previously in train. She noted that the flight was the first such scheduled...

Gov't concerned about security risk posed by deportees

The Jamaican government says it is «rigorously» assessing the risks associated with the deportation of criminals to Jamaica from the United States of America. President Donald Trump's administration has ramped up arrests of undocumented migrants

Gov't concerned about security risk posed by deportees

The Jamaican government says it is «rigorously» assessing the risks associated with the deportation of criminals to Jamaica from the United States of America. President Donald Trump's administration has ramped up arrests of undocumented migrants...

Phased handover of Morant Bay Urban Centre begins in February

A phased handover of the Morant Bay Urban Centre project in St Thomas is expected to begin mid-February, says Chairman, Factories Corporation of Jamaica (FCJ), Lyttleton Shirley. In an interview with JIS News, he noted that the delay in the...

Phased handover of Morant Bay Urban Centre begins in February

A phased handover of the Morant Bay Urban Centre project in St Thomas is expected to begin mid-February, says Chairman, Factories Corporation of Jamaica (FCJ), Lyttleton Shirley. In an interview with JIS News, he noted that the delay in the...

Contested B.C. fence along U.S. border has been taken down, police say

An unauthorized fence that sparked an international investigation after it was erected in B.C. along the U.S.-Canada border has been taken down, according to police.
CBC | Canada News

Contested B.C. fence along U.S. border has been taken down, police say

An unauthorized fence that sparked an international investigation after it was erected in B.C. along the U.S.-Canada border has been taken down, according to police.

Family restaurant in Arthur, Ont., opened overnight to shelter and feed snowstorm-stranded travellers

A cozy cup of tea. A delicious slice of pizza. The warmth of being surrounded by your community. That's what a small restaurant in the town of Arthur, Ont., offered people stranded in the snow after a severe storm led to the closure of Highway 6.
CBC | Canada News

Family restaurant in Arthur, Ont., opened overnight to shelter and feed snowstorm-stranded travellers

A cozy cup of tea. A delicious slice of pizza. The warmth of being surrounded by your community. That's what a small restaurant in the town of Arthur, Ont., offered people stranded in the snow after a severe storm led to the closure of Highway 6.

Trump says he's still weighing whether Canadian oil will be a tariff target

U.S. President Donald Trump says he will decide Thursday night if oil will be a target of the hefty tariffs he's threatening to impose on Canadian goods.
CBC | Canada News

Trump says he's still weighing whether Canadian oil will be a tariff target

U.S. President Donald Trump says he will decide Thursday night if oil will be a target of the hefty tariffs he's threatening to impose on Canadian goods.

Canadians finding homes too expensive in cities where they seek jobs, says housing agency

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation says high housing costs are restricting population mobility in the country, as Canadians are finding that it's too pricey to buy or rent in cities where they seek jobs.
CBC | Canada News

Canadians finding homes too expensive in cities where they seek jobs, says housing agency

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation says high housing costs are restricting population mobility in the country, as Canadians are finding that it's too pricey to buy or rent in cities where they seek jobs.

Wanted for murder in Missouri and Mexico, police say 'Pistol Packin' Mama' hid in Alberta for decades

Fifty-five years after Missouri murderer Sharon Kinne escaped from a Mexican prison, American authorities confirm the fugitive had, for decades, been hiding in a small Alberta town.
CBC | Canada News

Wanted for murder in Missouri and Mexico, police say 'Pistol Packin' Mama' hid in Alberta for decades

Fifty-five years after Missouri murderer Sharon Kinne escaped from a Mexican prison, American authorities confirm the fugitive had, for decades, been hiding in a small Alberta town.

Rafał Trzaskowski jednak drugi. Wyprzedził go Sławomir Mentzen

Sławomir Mentzen jako pierwszy kandydat złożył do PKW listę podpisów wymaganych do kandydowania w wyborach prezydenckich. Pełnomocnik komitetu wyborczego Mentzena Witold Tumanowicz poinformował, że podpisy nadal spływają, ale nie będą oni zwleka

Rafał Trzaskowski jednak drugi. Wyprzedził go Sławomir Mentzen

Sławomir Mentzen jako pierwszy kandydat złożył do PKW listę podpisów wymaganych do kandydowania w wyborach prezydenckich. Pełnomocnik komitetu wyborczego Mentzena Witold Tumanowicz poinformował, że podpisy nadal spływają, ale nie będą oni zwlekać z "dopełnieniem formalności". Zgłoszenie czeka na weryfikację. O zebraniu wymaganej liczby podpisów informował w środę również Rafał Trzaskowski.