Mogadishu (HOL) — In the past year, nearly 600 improvised explosive device (IED) attacks have killed or injured more than 1,400 people in Somalia, underscoring the scale of the threat that continues to destabilize the country. With Al-Shabaab using roadsidSomalia’s IED crisis escalates as nearly 600 attacks kill 1,400 and UNMAS increases support
Mogadishu (HOL) — In the past year, nearly 600 improvised explosive device (IED) attacks have killed or injured more than 1,400 people in Somalia, underscoring the scale of the threat that continues to destabilize the country. With Al-Shabaab using roadside bombs as a primary weapon of war, Somalia’s roads remain treacherous, security forces are stretched thin, and civilians live in constant fear. Read more