Defence minister Rajnath Singh and Union minister Jitendra Singh commend NASA astronaut Sunita Williams and her crew for their extraordinary achievements after safely returning from the International Space Station. Prime Minister Narendra Modi also expresses pride and admiration for Williams' contributions and accomplishments in space exploration.
The National Investigation Agency searched 12 locations in Jammu regarding cross-border terrorist infiltration. The operation, acting on specific intelligence inputs, involves examining premises linked to OGWs and hybrid terrorists who supported Lashkar-e-Taiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed operatives entering India.
A reported Nagpur violence incident involved an accused inappropriately touching a woman police official during a clash. Provoked by the removal of Aurangzeb's tomb, the unrest led to vandalism and multiple injuries. Local residents confirmed significant property damage, while authorities attributed the escalation to misinformation.
首次上稿 11:50更新時間 12:45 震驚全國的高雄連環殺人分屍案,今天上午約9點半,檢警借提兇嫌張介宗再到前鎮區的凶宅搜索,警方封鎖社區巷弄,並安排2名被害人家屬到...…
58歲李姓男山友跟團攀奇萊東稜路線失聯,17日尋獲時已無生命跡象,因天氣惡劣,同行16人在磐石中峰山屋避難,存糧僅剩1天。花蓮縣消防局搜救人員在積雪30公分山路持續挺進。 同行隊員...…
Atlantijas okeānā pie ASV krastiem veiksmīgi piezemējies kompānijas «SpaceX» kosmosa kuģis «Crew Dragon» ar četriem astronautiem. Divi no viņiem – Bučs Vilmors un Suni Viljamsa – plānoja pavadīt kosmosa stacijā astoņas dienas, bet misija ieilga līdz deviņiem mēnešiem.
Amerikas Savienoto Valstu Nacionālais arhīvs atslepenoja pēdējās lietas, kas saistītas ar prezidenta Džona Kenedija slepkavību 1963. gadā.
En la recién iniciada III Liga Élite Cubana de Béisbol 2025, los Leones de Industriales y los Tigres de Ciego de Ávila lograron victorias clave para igualar en el liderato del campeonato. La fecha también destacó por los buenos resultados obtenidos por los equipos visitantes. En el Estadio Capitán San Luis, los Leones de Industriales demostraron su poderío al derrotar 7x1 al anfitrión Pinar del Río. The post Leones de Industriales y Tigres de Ciego de Ávila igualan en la cima de la III Liga Élite Cubana de Béisbol first appeared on Cubadebate.
Читатель Rus.Postimees Андрей обратил внимание на рост числа случаев краж из припаркованных автомобилей и заподозрил, что города Эстонии накрыла волна преступности.
Базовый уровень эстонского оборонного бюджета в 2026 году вырастет как минимум до 5% от ВВП Эстонии. Новые возможности для развития своего бизнеса благодаря планам по укреплению обороноспособности Европы увидели для себя высокотехнологичные стартапы.
Страны Северной Европы и Балтии призвали разработать план для ускоренного вступления Украины в Евросоюз. Об этом пишет Politico со ссылкой на совместное письмо стран.
В американском штате Луизиана впервые с 2010 года казнили человека при помощи азота. Об этом сообщает газета The New York Times (NYT).
〔體育中心/綜合報導〕道奇在今天與小熊的比賽前宣布,將後援投手紹爾(Matt Sauer)給放進大聯盟名單當中,並把左投羅布雷斯基(Justin Wrobleski)給下放。 紹爾與羅布雷斯...…
張浩群/核稿編輯 大聯盟例行賽正式於東京開打,首戰道奇4:1擊敗小熊,而除了比賽外,球員們場外的一舉一動也是話題,道奇老將工具人K.赫南德茲(Kiké Hernández)...…
The US President also noted that America is very different from the country it was a few months ago
In late February, President Putin stated that Russia was open to exploring major economic projects with the United States
The US President noted that the leaders of the two countries «talked about a lot»
Putin and Trump earlier held a conversation, in which they discussed the issue of a 30-day ceasefire in Ukraine
Last year, the collegium convened four days after the attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue
Kiev has mounted multiple cross-border attacks, seeking to jeopardize Trump-Putin talks, the Russian Defense Ministry has said Read Full Article at
The leaders of France and Germany have welcomed Russia’s decision to pause astrikes on Ukraine’s energy facilities Read Full Article at
Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar has criticized the selective application of global rules dealing with territorial issues, including Kashmir Read Full Article at
France will return nuclear weapons to its base along the border with Germany Read Full Article at
Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin have reached an important breakthrough on Ukraine, Trump’s envoy has said Read Full Article at
Alizad ja Sinimustan liikkeen puheenjohtaja eivät pääse yhteisymmärrykseen.
Yrittäjä Julia Orkola joutui muistuttamaan asiakkaitaan yksinkertaisesta asiasta.
Lääkärit ovat havainneet uuden terveydelle haitallisen trendi-ilmiön.
Ukrainan presidentti saapui vierailulle Suomeen poikkeuksellisena ajankohtana. IS seuraa vierailua hetki hetkeltä.
Paloa epäillään tahallaan sytytetyksi.