Ukrainan presidenttipari saapui Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentälle poikkeuksellisin menoin.Zelenskyit saapuivat hävittäjäsaattueessa Suomeen
Ukrainan presidenttipari saapui Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentälle poikkeuksellisin menoin. Read more
Ukrainan presidenttipari saapui Helsinki-Vantaan lentokentälle poikkeuksellisin menoin. Read more
Nakon telefonskog razgovora između američkog predsednika Donalda Trampa i ruskog predsednika Vladimira Putina u utorak popodne, tokom kojeg su razgovarali o okončanju rata u Ukrajini i aktuelnim međunarodnim pitanjima, stručnjaci su se izjasnili sa svojim zaključcima o razgovoru.
Na osnovu predloga Štaba za vanredne situacije grada Valjeva, na sednici koja je danas održana i procene da je teritorija Grada potencijalno ugrožena usled elementarne nepogode – epidemije, proglašena je vanredna situacija na teritoriji grada Valjeva, zbog odvoženja komunalnog otpada na Regionalnu deponiju «Srem - Mačva», objavio je Grad Valjevo na društvenim mrežama.
Predsednik Aleksandar Vučić izjavio je da je do danas 86 zemalja potvrdilo svoje učešće na Ekspu 2027. godine u Beogradu i istakao da očekuje učešće više od 130 zemalja, što će biti rekord za specijalizovani Ekspo.
Vojislav Dabevski podelio je na društvenim mrežama priču koja je naišla na zgražavanje javnosti. Naime, on je ponudio pomoć porodicama nastradalih u požaru u Kočanima, ali je jedan muškarac pokušao od njega da izvuče novac na prevaru.
Sudija američkog saveznog suda blokirao je danas milijardera Ilona Maska i ministarstvo za efikasnost vlade (DOGE) da preduzimaju bilo kakve dalje korake u cilju gašenja Američke agencije za međunarodni razvoj (USAID), uz obrazloženje da se njihovim nastojanjima da zatvore ovu agenciju krši Ustav Sjedinjenih Američkih Država.
Вратарь готовится к играм с Бельгией в Лиге наций.
Командование Воздушных сил ВСУ сообщило, что в воздушном пространстве Киева есть ударные беспилотники, людей просят не игнорировать сигналы воздушной тревоги и оставаться в укрытии до отбоя.
"Я впервые это говорю, но я не доверяю Дэрилу Мори. Я просто не доверяю ему. Я думаю, он мыслит слишком далеко вперед о том, как нужно играть в баскетбол. Он пытается создать совершенно новую команду. Он пытается приобрести игроков.
Двукратный олимпийский чемпион Вячеслав Фетисов отметил, что президент России Владимир Путин дал фантастический пас на спасение человечества во время переговоров с президентом США Дональдом Трампом.
Valul de atacuri aeriene mortale care a pus capăt pauzei în ostilități în Gaza este „doar începutul”, a avertizat Benjamin Netanyahu, promițând totodată că noua ofensivă va continua până când Israelul își va atinge toate obiectivele de război.
Convoiul care transportă al doilea generator uriaș care va fi montat la Termocentrala Mintia, aflată în curs de modernizare, se apropie de destinație, după ce a parcurs cea mai dificilă porțiune a traseului Nădlac - Mintia și autostrada A1.
Pe 19 martie 1958, a fost creat Parlamentul European ca for consultativ al Comunității Economice Europene. Inițial cu rol limitat, această instituție a evoluat treptat, devenind un element esențial al procesului decizional al Uniunii Europene.
Doi experți au vorbit, pentru „Adevărul”, despre evoluția economiei americane, despre impactul politicilor economice ale SUA asupra României și despre cum ar trebui să gestionăm relația cu America.
O familie a trăit aventura vieții, alături de triburile Mentawai, supranumiți „ultimii oameni ai junglei”. Românii au povestit întreaga experiență pe rețelele de socializare.
La justice a été contrainte de libérer ce mardi 18 mars l'un des suspects dans l'affaire Leslie et Kevin. En cause, une banale erreur de procédure.
Trečiadienį į Lietuvą po truputį sugrįš pavasariški orai. Į pietus nuo mūsų apsistojęs anticiklonas lems, jog dienos metu žymesnių kritulių nesulauksime.
[New Times] President Paul Kagame and his DR Congo counterpart Felix Tshisekedi and the Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani held talks in Doha on Tuesday, March 18, as part of efforts to solve the crisis in eastern DR Congo, according to the three countries' joint statement.
In this issue... ● US President Trump starts enacting his economic policy agenda and threatens the EU with tariffs. ● Headline inflation falls to 2.4% as underlying indicators ease. ● ECB reduces key policy rate by 25 bps. ● The euro continues to strengthen against the dollar amid growing uncertainty on US’s tariffs. ● The Fed keeps rate unchanged among economic uncertainty while challenges to independence arise. ● ECB reckons new US approach to cryptos and CBDCs strengthens the case for a digital euro. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP
The LUX Audience Award is the largest audience film award in the European Union, presented by the European Parliament and the European Film Academy, in collaboration with Creative Europe MEDIA and Europa Cinemas. Each year, five films are nominated for the award, all tackling important social and political issues within the EU, while showcasing some of Europe's most exciting filmmakers. Beyond being a film prize, the award strengthens European film distribution, promotes gender equality, and fosters critical discussion at the heart of European democracy. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP
Were the US to impose large and lasting tariffs on its imports from the EU, the effect on the euro area (EA) would be substantial and far-reaching. We expect the direct impact to be inflationary in the US and contractionary on EA aggregate demand and output. The indirect impact through an appreciation of the dollar (partly already occurred) tends to transfer inflation from the US to Europe. The ECB should be mindful that both deflationary and inflationary influences may ensue, and be ready to adjust monetary policy promptly if necessary to maintain price stability. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 20 March 2025. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP
This briefing report evaluates the ECB's monetary policy in a context of declining inflation and stagnant growth. Inflation risks have been averted and, after a period of relatively tight policy in 2024, benchmark comparisons indicate that the current interest rate is consistent with the ECB's mandate. The prevailing economic and inflation outlook supports further rate cuts. However, the high level of economic policy uncertainty necessitates cautious adjustments. Moreover, official ECB communications offer valuable signals regarding future policy steps. This document was provided by the Economic Governance and EMU Scrutiny Unit at the request of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs (ECON) ahead of the Monetary Dialogue with the ECB President on 20 March 2025. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP
The repeated crises of recent years, including the COVID pandemic and the Russian war on Ukraine, have disrupted trade relations in many ways. Competition on global markets has become fiercer and the rules-based multilateral order established after World War II is increasingly challenged. The tariffs imposed by the new United States (US) administration are adding to the uncertainty. Trade in goods and services accounts for 22.4 % of EU GDP – the EU is the world's biggest trading bloc and top trading partner for 80 countries. Trade is thus crucial for the EU's growth and competitiveness. In that context, the development of a robust trade policy, enabling the EU to defend itself effectively against unfair trade practices and to level the playing field, has become a core priority for EU leaders. Consequently, trade – an issue traditionally in the hands of the European Commission – has grown in importance on the European Council agenda in recent years. Developing a bold trade policy is also one of the core elements of the New Competitiveness Deal, which was discussed at the EU leaders' special meeting in April 2024. The importance of EU assertiveness on the global stage to defend its trade interests was underlined in the European Council's 2024-2029 Strategic Agenda, the document setting out the EU's direction for the current 5-year term, as well as in the Budapest Declaration of November 2024. It is in light of recent developments that EU leaders will discuss trade at their 20-21 March meeting in Brussels. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP
Nieft dem Regierungschef sollen och eng Rei weider héichrangeg Hamas-Memberen an honnerte vun Zivilisten ëmbruecht gi sinn.
Fir den André Bauler, deen dës Aktualitéitsstonn gefrot huet, ass et kloer, datt d'Demokratie kee «Selbstläufer» ass.
Virop, eng allgemeng Wafferou huet de Kremlchef Wladimir Putin refuséiert, hien ass dem Trump awer entgéintkomm. Net ouni Fuerderungen ze stellen.
Waterkant Een wilde achtervolging na een diefstal uit een voertuig aan de Wilhelminaweg in Suriname heeft maandagavond geleid tot de aanhouding van twee verdachten. Vernomen wordt dat een Toyota Lexus geparkeerd stond voor een inrit aan de Wilhelminaweg. Op een gegeven moment stopte een Toyota Run-X, waaruit een man uitstapte. Hij pakte een tas uit de […] Het bericht Benzine vluchtauto raakt op tijdens wilde achtervolging na diefstal tas uit auto verscheen eerst op Waterkant.
Waterkant Richano Santokhi, zoon van president Chan Santokhi, verzekert de Surinaamse samenleving dat hij in ieder geval op een kandidatenlijst zal staan om mee te doen aan de verkiezingen op 25 mei in Suriname. Het besluit van het Centraal Hoofdstembureau (CHS) om de Progressief Verheffende Partij (PVP) niet te registreren, verandert daar volgens hem niets aan. […] Het bericht ‘Richano Santokhi zal op 25 mei zeker op een kandidatenlijst staan’ verscheen eerst op Waterkant.
Waterkant De man die maandag dood werd aangetroffen achter een in aanbouw zijnde woning aan de Indira Gandhiweg in Suriname, is geïdentificeerd als de 38-jarige Adjaikoemar Ghiraw. Buurtbewoners sloegen alarm nadat ze een onaangename geur opmerkten, waarna de politie van bureau Nieuwe Grond werd ingeschakeld. Ter plaatse troffen de agenten het lijk van Ghiraw aan in […] Het bericht Lijk achter in aanbouw zijnde woning Indira Gandhiweg geïdentificeerd verscheen eerst op Waterkant.
Paloa epäillään tahallaan sytytetyksi.
– Насколько деньги, заработанные тобой, позволят до конца жизни в целом, даже если ты не будешь зарабатывать что-то еще, безбедно жить, кайфовать? – Ну, это вот, собственно, я уже упомянул, потому что я покупал акции, вот эти еврооблигации, к ним сейчас нет доступа… Поэтому, в принципе, у меня было понимание, что я делаю, чтобы жить, ну, пассивный доход, скажем так, обеспечить достаточно неплохой.
18 марта Владимир Путин и Дональд Трамп провели телефонные переговоры.
«Рейнджерс» проведут матч с «Калгари», «Нэшвилл» будет противостоять «Сент-Луису», «Эдмонтон» встретится с «Ютой».
«Голден Стэйт» примет на своей площадке «Милуоки», «Клипперс» сыграют дома с лидером Восточной конференции «Кливлендом».