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La actriz Karla Melo, que reveló recientemente que padece cáncer de mama triple negativo, se sinceró sobre los efectos de la quimioterapia en su cuerpo. A través de redes sociales, la intérprete hizo una sentida reflexión sobre la caída del cabello d

“나를 넘는다”… 봄비 뚫고 4만 명과 함께 달린 동아마라톤[동아리]

지난 16일 오전 8시경 서울 잠실종합운동장에는 2만 명에 달하는 러너가 모여들었다. 한국 유일의 ‘플래티넘 라벨’ 대회인 2025 서울마라톤 겸 제95회 동아마라톤에 참가하기 위해서다. 봄비가 부
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 경제 뉴스

“나를 넘는다”… 봄비 뚫고 4만 명과 함께 달린 동아마라톤[동아리]

지난 16일 오전 8시경 서울 잠실종합운동장에는 2만 명에 달하는 러너가 모여들었다. 한국 유일의 ‘플래티넘 라벨’ 대회인 2025 서울마라톤 겸 제95회 동아마라톤에 참가하기 위해서다. 봄비가 부슬부슬 내리면서 기온이 섭씨 6도까지 내려갔지만, 현장은 러너들의 열기로 가득했다.이번 대회에는 전 세계 66개국 4만여 명이 참가해 역대 최대 규모로 진행됐다. 접수부터 치열한 경쟁이 시작됐다. 대회 조직위원회에 따르면 지난해 6월 18일 오전 10시에 시작한 온라인 참가 접수는 풀코스(42.195km)와 10km 코스가 각각 16분, 45분 만에 마감됐다.광화문광장을 출발해 동대문을 지나 잠실종합운동장에 이르는 풀코스(42.195km)에는 170명의 엘리트 선수와 마스터스 러너 2만 명이 참가했다. 잠실종합운동장에 모인 2만 명은 10km 코스 참가자들이다.이날 국제 부문에서는 지난해에 이어 남녀부 모두 에티오피아 선수들이 우승했다. 남자부의 하프투 테클루 아세파가 2시간5분42초, 여

Выжившая в «Крокусе»: «Многие так и не смогли пережить этот ад, закрылись со своей болью»

22 марта теперь навсегда черный день в истории России. Страшная трагедия унесла жизни 145 человек.

Выжившая в «Крокусе»: «Многие так и не смогли пережить этот ад, закрылись со своей болью»

22 марта теперь навсегда черный день в истории России. Страшная трагедия унесла жизни 145 человек.

Роковая любовь Клодин Лонже: почему актриса убила любовника и получила 30 дней тюрьмы, которые отбывала «по настроению»

Биография француженки могла бы стать сюжетом для запутанного триллера. Карьера красавицы успешно закрутилась в 1960-х годах и оборвалась спус

Роковая любовь Клодин Лонже: почему актриса убила любовника и получила 30 дней тюрьмы, которые отбывала «по настроению»

Биография француженки могла бы стать сюжетом для запутанного триллера. Карьера красавицы успешно закрутилась в 1960-х годах и оборвалась спустя 16 лет из-за трагических событий, инициатором которых стала она сама.

आजको मौसम : देशभर आंशिकदेखि साधारणतया बदली, पाँच प्रदेशमा बर्षाको सम्भावना

काठमाडौं । हाल देशमा पश्चिमी वायुको साथै स्थानीय वायुको समेत आंशिक प्रभाव रहेको मौसमविदले जनाएक
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

आजको मौसम : देशभर आंशिकदेखि साधारणतया बदली, पाँच प्रदेशमा बर्षाको सम्भावना

काठमाडौं । हाल देशमा पश्चिमी वायुको साथै स्थानीय वायुको समेत आंशिक प्रभाव रहेको मौसमविदले जनाएको छ। जल तथा मौसम विज्ञान विभाग, मौसम पूर्वानुमान महाशाखाका अनुसार हाल कोशी प्रदेश तथा मधेश प्रदेश लगायत देशको पहाडी भू–भागमा आंशिकदेखि साधारणतया बदली रही बाँकी भू–भागमा मौसम मूख्यतया सफा रहेको छ । आज (शनिबार) दिउँसो देशभर आंशिकदेखि साधारणतया बदली रहनेछ […]

आजका लागि यस्तो छ नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले निर्धारण गरेको विदेशी मुद्राको विनिमय दर

काठमाडौं । नेपाल राष्ट्र बैङ्कले आजका लागि विदेशी मुद्राको विनिमयदर निर्धारण गरेको छ । राष्ट्र ब
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

आजका लागि यस्तो छ नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंकले निर्धारण गरेको विदेशी मुद्राको विनिमय दर

काठमाडौं । नेपाल राष्ट्र बैङ्कले आजका लागि विदेशी मुद्राको विनिमयदर निर्धारण गरेको छ । राष्ट्र बैङ्कका अनुसार आज अमेरिकी डलर एकको खरिददर १३७ रूपैयाँ २६ पैसा र बिक्रीदर १३७ रूपैयाँ ८६ पैसा कायम भएको छ । युरोपियन युरो एकको खरिददर १४८ रूपैयाँ ८० पैसा र बिक्रीदर १४९ रूपैयाँ ४५ पैसा, युके पाउन्ड स्टर्लिङ एकको खरिददर […]

भारतीयको रोजाइमा नेपाली सिन्की, हस्तकला र विजयसालका भाँडा

देहरादुन । ‘आउनुहोस्, भाँडा र जानकारीमध्ये कम्तीमा एउटा लैजानुहोस्’, स्टलमा आउने सबैजसो ग्राहकल
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

भारतीयको रोजाइमा नेपाली सिन्की, हस्तकला र विजयसालका भाँडा

देहरादुन । ‘आउनुहोस्, भाँडा र जानकारीमध्ये कम्तीमा एउटा लैजानुहोस्’, स्टलमा आउने सबैजसो ग्राहकलाई विजयसालका भाँडा देखाउँदै कञ्चनपुरका गणेशराज बोहोराले भने, ‘यी भाँडामा पानी राखेर खाँदा फाइदै फाइदा छन्।’ भारतको देहरादूनमा शुक्रबारदेखि सुरु इन्डो–नेपाल व्यापार मेलामा अकलोकनकर्तालाई बोहोराले विजयसालका भाँडामा पानी राखेर खाँदाका अनेकन फाइदा एक–एक गरी सुनाए । ‘रातभर यी भाँडामा पानी राखेर बिहान खाली […]

तपाईका बालबालिका मोबाइलको लतमा छन ? छुटाउन यी ५ टिप्स प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्

काठमाडौं । स्मार्टफोन हाम्रो जीवनको अभिन्न अंग बन्दै गएको छ। अवस्था यस्तो छ कि स्मार्टफोन बिना ए
BizKhabar Online » BizKhabar Online

तपाईका बालबालिका मोबाइलको लतमा छन ? छुटाउन यी ५ टिप्स प्रयोग गर्नुहोस्

काठमाडौं । स्मार्टफोन हाम्रो जीवनको अभिन्न अंग बन्दै गएको छ। अवस्था यस्तो छ कि स्मार्टफोन बिना एक पल पनि बिताउन गाह्रो भइसकेको छ। समान खरिद पछि बिलहरू तिर्ने, इमेलहरू जाँच गर्ने, गेमहरू खेल्ने देखि लिएर सामाजिक सञ्जालमा साथीहरूमार्फत परिवारहरूसँग जोडिन पनि हामी कुनै न कुनै कारणले स्मार्टफोनहरूसँग निरन्तर सम्पर्कमा रहेका छौं। तर, हामीले यो पनि […]

Oceans Division strengthens marine protection with four pilot MPAs

The Oceans Division is advancing marine conservation through its Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) initiative, which has led to the establishment of four pilot Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across the country. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Oceans Division strengthens marine protection with four pilot MPAs

The Oceans Division is advancing marine conservation through its Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) initiative, which has led to the establishment of four pilot Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across the country.

Gov’t commits VT1.8B to Santo and Efate road rehabilitation

In keeping with its 100-day plan, the Vanuatu Government has invested heavily in rehabilitating and upgrading the Efate Ring Road and Santo East Coast Road. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Gov’t commits VT1.8B to Santo and Efate road rehabilitation

In keeping with its 100-day plan, the Vanuatu Government has invested heavily in rehabilitating and upgrading the Efate Ring Road and Santo East Coast Road.

Inflation drops by 1.9% in September 2024 quarter

Vanuatu’s year-on-year headline inflation rate declined by 1.9 percent in the September quarter of 2024, way lower than the 12.1 percent recorded in the same period of 2023. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Inflation drops by 1.9% in September 2024 quarter

Vanuatu’s year-on-year headline inflation rate declined by 1.9 percent in the September quarter of 2024, way lower than the 12.1 percent recorded in the same period of 2023.

Palm oil production not part of MALFB's plans

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Biosecurity (MALFB) has confirmed that palm oil production is not in its 2025 Business Plan and will not be included in future plans. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

Palm oil production not part of MALFB's plans

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry & Biosecurity (MALFB) has confirmed that palm oil production is not in its 2025 Business Plan and will not be included in future plans.

PM instructs review of CIIP funds

The Prime Minister (PM) has instructed the Citizenship Commission to identify where funds generated under the Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP) are held or have been invested. - RSS Results in news,news/* of type article

PM instructs review of CIIP funds

The Prime Minister (PM) has instructed the Citizenship Commission to identify where funds generated under the Capital Investment Immigration Plan (CIIP) are held or have been invested.

Houthis report strike on Ben Gurion airport, US vessels in Red Sea

Following the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Ansar Allah movement said it would strike Israeli territory

Houthis report strike on Ben Gurion airport, US vessels in Red Sea

Following the escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Gaza Strip, the Ansar Allah movement said it would strike Israeli territory


劉家凱/核稿編輯 受到禽流感撲殺大量雞隻影響,美國雞蛋價格過去1年飆漲了65%,預計今年將繼續上漲41%,目前已規劃從南韓、土耳其進口數百萬顆雞蛋,其他國家如波蘭、立陶宛也正在接...
國際新聞 - 自由時報


劉家凱/核稿編輯 受到禽流感撲殺大量雞隻影響,美國雞蛋價格過去1年飆漲了65%,預計今年將繼續上漲41%,目前已規劃從南韓、土耳其進口數百萬顆雞蛋,其他國家如波蘭、立陶宛也正在接...…

Trump envoy shares details from meeting with Putin

Russia is concerned that Ukraine’s troops may not respect a ceasefire, US presidential envoy Steve Witkoff has claimed Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Trump envoy shares details from meeting with Putin

Russia is concerned that Ukraine’s troops may not respect a ceasefire, US presidential envoy Steve Witkoff has claimed Read Full Article at

Mondial 2026 (Q) : la RDC domine le Soudan du Sud (1-0)

La RDC a remporté le duel de la 5eme journée des éliminatoires pour la Coupe du Monde 2026, ce vendredi 21 mars au stade des Martyrs de Kinshasa, face au face au Soudan du Sud, sur le score d’un but à zéro.
Radio Okapi

Mondial 2026 (Q) : la RDC domine le Soudan du Sud (1-0)

La RDC a remporté le duel de la 5eme journée des éliminatoires pour la Coupe du Monde 2026, ce vendredi 21 mars au stade des Martyrs de Kinshasa, face au face au Soudan du Sud, sur le score d’un but à zéro.

Gen Z worker who asked for a paid day off to get tattoo... for her mental health - as TV star boss said they felt obliged to cave in

Television presenter Steph McGovern has revealed that a Gen-Z worker asked her for a paid day off in order to get a tattoo because it would help her 'mental health'
News | Mail Online

Gen Z worker who asked for a paid day off to get tattoo... for her mental health - as TV star boss said they felt obliged to cave in

Television presenter Steph McGovern has revealed that a Gen-Z worker asked her for a paid day off in order to get a tattoo because it would help her 'mental health'

Cambridge University granted High Court ban on Palestine protests at graduations - after more than 1,600 students had ceremonies affected last year

It won a four-month order barring the demonstrations from certain parts of its campus until the end of July.
News | Mail Online

Cambridge University granted High Court ban on Palestine protests at graduations - after more than 1,600 students had ceremonies affected last year

It won a four-month order barring the demonstrations from certain parts of its campus until the end of July.

Jamie Laing vs Spencer Matthews' Ultra Marathons: A look inside the battling buddies' gruelling training regimes and very different inspiration

Here MailOnline looks inside the battling buddies duelling journeys.....

Is one blundering engineer responsible for crippling Heathrow? Airport bosses face questions over farcical shutdown that left 300,000 travellers stranded - as new theory emerges

Tens of thousands of travellers are still stranded across the globe today after a blaze at an electricity substation cut power to the airport.
News | Mail Online

Is one blundering engineer responsible for crippling Heathrow? Airport bosses face questions over farcical shutdown that left 300,000 travellers stranded - as new theory emerges

Tens of thousands of travellers are still stranded across the globe today after a blaze at an electricity substation cut power to the airport.

Grovelling £5m-a-year Heathrow boss apologises for airport carnage but says he's NOT to blame and 'we can't guard ourselves 100%' - as first plane finally lands but chaos could go on for DAYS

Heathrow's chief executive Thomas Woldbye described the blaze 'as big as it gets for our airport' after 200,000 travellers were affected by the airport closure.
News | Mail Online

Grovelling £5m-a-year Heathrow boss apologises for airport carnage but says he's NOT to blame and 'we can't guard ourselves 100%' - as first plane finally lands but chaos could go on for DAYS

Heathrow's chief executive Thomas Woldbye described the blaze 'as big as it gets for our airport' after 200,000 travellers were affected by the airport closure.

Лидер Сирии требует, чтобы Россия видела Башара Асада - СМИ

Башар Асад после свержения его режима бежал в Россию и получил в этой стране политическое убежище.
Последние новости на сайте

Лидер Сирии требует, чтобы Россия видела Башара Асада - СМИ

Башар Асад после свержения его режима бежал в Россию и получил в этой стране политическое убежище.

國民黨南市黨部涉「死亡連署」被搜索 羅智強稱賴清德有殲滅在野黨計畫

政治新聞 - 自由時報

國民黨南市黨部涉「死亡連署」被搜索 羅智強稱賴清德有殲滅在野黨計畫


分析柯文哲「後真相政治」手法 吳靜怡:民眾黨搭配網軍攻擊民主認知

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 台北地院審理京華城等案,20日首度提訊前台北市長柯文哲,柯指稱遭承辦檢察官以「不雅片」要脅,檢方駁斥是不實指控。對此媒體人吳靜怡表示,柯文哲從競選總統的「假老
政治新聞 - 自由時報

分析柯文哲「後真相政治」手法 吳靜怡:民眾黨搭配網軍攻擊民主認知

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 台北地院審理京華城等案,20日首度提訊前台北市長柯文哲,柯指稱遭承辦檢察官以「不雅片」要脅,檢方駁斥是不實指控。對此媒體人吳靜怡表示,柯文哲從競選總統的「假老二...…

藍推反戒嚴公投 李忠憲:假民主之名行自我解體之實

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 國民黨推出反戒嚴公投,民進黨立委沈伯洋質疑,公投的效力是2年,反戒嚴公投一旦通過之後,等於有2年的時間即使有戰爭都不能緊急命令。成大教授李忠憲對此也發文質疑,
政治新聞 - 自由時報

藍推反戒嚴公投 李忠憲:假民主之名行自我解體之實

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 國民黨推出反戒嚴公投,民進黨立委沈伯洋質疑,公投的效力是2年,反戒嚴公投一旦通過之後,等於有2年的時間即使有戰爭都不能緊急命令。成大教授李忠憲對此也發文質疑,這...…