The six countries that make up the region known as the Western Balkans differ in terms of size, population, economy, energy mix and energy import dependency. At the same time, they share common elements because of their geographical proximity, and – in somBriefing - EU energy relations with the Western Balkans - 24-03-2025
The six countries that make up the region known as the Western Balkans differ in terms of size, population, economy, energy mix and energy import dependency. At the same time, they share common elements because of their geographical proximity, and – in some cases – common policies adopted in the past. An example is their ageing infrastructure dating back to the 1970s, which was damaged during the conflicts in former Yugoslavia. Another common element (except for Albania) is their reliance on solid fossil fuels (mainly coal), and their dependency on imports of fossil fuels. The EU is the leading trade partner for the countries of the Western Balkans and an important investor in the region. In addition, it is the largest provider of financial assistance to the region, supporting the six countries' development and reforms, as well as its transition towards sustainable energy, with financial and technical assistance. The EU provides assistance through the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance, the Western Balkans Investment Framework and the European Investment Bank. While the EU has an important role in the region, Russia and China are major players, too. Russia has been active for decades in the Western Balkans, while China has started engaging more recently. Their strategy also differs, with Russia more focused on exporting its fossil fuels to the region, and China investing through its Belt and Road Initiative. Nonetheless, such involvement creates dependencies, which could hamper these countries' integration into the EU – from both a political and an energy/economic perspective – as well as the functioning of the EU itself. In this context, experts have noted what steps the EU and the countries in the region could take to lessen these dependencies, while enhancing the Western Balkan countries' energy security and helping them take the necessary steps towards the green transition. Source : © European Union, 2025 - EP Read more