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IDF uses phosphorus munitions in south of Gaza Strip

According to the news outlet, the IDF was shelling the area north of Rafah with incendiary projectiles with multiple fires breaking out as a result

IDF uses phosphorus munitions in south of Gaza Strip

According to the news outlet, the IDF was shelling the area north of Rafah with incendiary projectiles with multiple fires breaking out as a result

Trump judge flags Facebook post suggesting possible mistrial

New York judge has informed Donald Trump’s lawyers and prosecutors of a claim that, if valid, could indicate jury misconduct Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Trump judge flags Facebook post suggesting possible mistrial

New York judge has informed Donald Trump’s lawyers and prosecutors of a claim that, if valid, could indicate jury misconduct Read Full Article at

B.C. girl's killer sentenced to life after father airs grief in court

The father of the 13-year-old girl killed in a Burnaby, B.C., park in 2017 recounted the harrowing ordeal of losing his daughter in front of a packed courtroom at B.C. Supreme Court, where Ibrahim Ali was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole
CBC | Canada News

B.C. girl's killer sentenced to life after father airs grief in court

The father of the 13-year-old girl killed in a Burnaby, B.C., park in 2017 recounted the harrowing ordeal of losing his daughter in front of a packed courtroom at B.C. Supreme Court, where Ibrahim Ali was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 25 years.

Gaza pier repaired, U.S. ready to resume aid mission, Pentagon says

The Pentagon’s Gaza pier operation was halted after the floating structure broke apart in high seas. Officials say food deliveries will start again within days.
Post Politics

Gaza pier repaired, U.S. ready to resume aid mission, Pentagon says

The Pentagon’s Gaza pier operation was halted after the floating structure broke apart in high seas. Officials say food deliveries will start again within days.

Hunter Biden trial nears end, with Naomi Biden as one of the final witnesses

Hunter Biden’s lawyers hope jurors will take a nuanced view of substance abuse and addiction when they begin deliberations — which could happen early next week.
Post Politics

Hunter Biden trial nears end, with Naomi Biden as one of the final witnesses

Hunter Biden’s lawyers hope jurors will take a nuanced view of substance abuse and addiction when they begin deliberations — which could happen early next week.

US wouldn’t rescue allies in nuclear war – Putin

The Russian president said he doubts that Washington would want to get involved in an exchange of strategic blows, if Europe provoked it Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US wouldn’t rescue allies in nuclear war – Putin

The Russian president said he doubts that Washington would want to get involved in an exchange of strategic blows, if Europe provoked it Read Full Article at

Macron building ‘coalition’ to send troops into Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron negotiates with allies to send coalition of military trainers to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Macron building ‘coalition’ to send troops into Ukraine

French President Emmanuel Macron negotiates with allies to send coalition of military trainers to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia Read Full Article at

Americans put on trial over failed African coup attempt

Trial begins in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 50 suspects, including six Westerners, in failed coup bid Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Americans put on trial over failed African coup attempt

Trial begins in Democratic Republic of Congo for more than 50 suspects, including six Westerners, in failed coup bid Read Full Article at

Canadian businessman Frank Stronach charged in sexual assault investigation

Canadian businessman Frank Stronach has been charged in connection with alleged sexual assaults that spanned over four decades. - Canada - Public RSS

Canadian businessman Frank Stronach charged in sexual assault investigation

Canadian businessman Frank Stronach has been charged in connection with alleged sexual assaults that spanned over four decades.

No parole for 25 years for B.C. teen's killer, who covered ears as victim's dad spoke at sentencing

Ibrahim Ali has been sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 25 years in the 2017 murder of a B.C. teenager. - Canada - Public RSS

No parole for 25 years for B.C. teen's killer, who covered ears as victim's dad spoke at sentencing

Ibrahim Ali has been sentenced to life in prison with no parole eligibility for 25 years in the 2017 murder of a B.C. teenager.

Russia to stand up for its interests following FIDE decision

«Until now, we had very constructive relations with the FIDE and we hope that this is a misunderstanding that we can overcome,» Dmitry Peskov stressed

Russia to stand up for its interests following FIDE decision

«Until now, we had very constructive relations with the FIDE and we hope that this is a misunderstanding that we can overcome,» Dmitry Peskov stressed

St Mary man charged with chopping murder of 3-year-old boy

The St Mary man accused of chopping a three-year-old boy to death and injuring several of his relatives during an incident last month has been charged with murder.

St Mary man charged with chopping murder of 3-year-old boy

The St Mary man accused of chopping a three-year-old boy to death and injuring several of his relatives during an incident last month has been charged with murder.

Question du Sahara : le Brésil se félicite des efforts sérieux et crédibles du Maroc pour aller de l'avant vers un règlement du différend dans le cadre de l'initiative d'autonomie

La République Fédérative du Brésil se félicite des efforts sérieux et crédibles du Maroc pour aller de l'avant vers un règlement du différend autour du Sahara marocain, dans le cadre de l'initiative d'autonomie présentée par le Royaume en 2007. Ce

Question du Sahara : le Brésil se félicite des efforts sérieux et crédibles du Maroc pour aller de l'avant vers un règlement du différend dans le cadre de l'initiative d'autonomie

La République Fédérative du Brésil se félicite des efforts sérieux et crédibles du Maroc pour aller de l'avant vers un règlement du différend autour du Sahara marocain, dans le cadre de l'initiative d'autonomie présentée par le Royaume en 2007. Cette position a été exprimée dans un communiqué conjoint, adopté à l'issue des entretiens, vendredi à Rabat, entre le ministre des Affaires étrangères, de la Coopération africaine et des Marocains résidant à l'étranger, Nasser Bourita, et le (...) - DIPLOMATIE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Nouvelle organisation des élections : retour au Parti unique !

Peu à peu, le CTRI montre son vrai visage et révèle ses véritables desseins. Le projet de loi modifiant le Code électoral enterre tous les acquis démocratiques âprement obtenus depuis la Conférence nationale de 1990. Le Ministère de l'Intérieur or

Nouvelle organisation des élections : retour au Parti unique !

Peu à peu, le CTRI montre son vrai visage et révèle ses véritables desseins. Le projet de loi modifiant le Code électoral enterre tous les acquis démocratiques âprement obtenus depuis la Conférence nationale de 1990. Le Ministère de l'Intérieur organise désormais les élections depuis l'établissement de la liste électorale jusqu'à la proclamation des résultats. Même les candidats aux élections ne seront ni représentés, ni n'auront droit à une copie des procès-verbaux des élections (...) - POLITIQUE

Le Président de la Transition inaugure le nouveau square Ntchoréré de Libreville

Libreville, le 7 juin 2024 Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a procédé ce jour à l'inauguration du nouveau Square Ntchoréré sis au Boulevard de l'indépendance à Libr

Le Président de la Transition inaugure le nouveau square Ntchoréré de Libreville

Libreville, le 7 juin 2024 Le Président de la Transition, Président de la République, Chef de l'État, le Général Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema a procédé ce jour à l'inauguration du nouveau Square Ntchoréré sis au Boulevard de l'indépendance à Libreville. Un espace entièrement réhabilité par les autorités du CTRI 60 ans après l'inauguration du monument de l'illustre disparu par le Président Léon Mba. Cette marque de reconnaissance est consécutive à l'hommage rendu le 2 juin dernier à (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Cop who hit BJP MP Kangana Ranaut belongs to family of farmers

ulwinder Kaur, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) constable who gained national attention for allegedly hitting actor-turned-BJP MP Kangana Ranaut on Thursday, comes from a family of farmers who have consistently supported the farm protests. Additio
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Cop who hit BJP MP Kangana Ranaut belongs to family of farmers

ulwinder Kaur, the Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) constable who gained national attention for allegedly hitting actor-turned-BJP MP Kangana Ranaut on Thursday, comes from a family of farmers who have consistently supported the farm protests. Additionally, some of Kulwinder's relatives serve in the armed forces, and two of her uncles—her father's elder brothers—fought in the 1965 war against Pakistan.

Cop booked for Kangana Ranaut 'slap', gets offers of legal assistance

CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur was charged with «voluntarily causing hurt» and «wrongful restraint» in an FIR registered by Mohali police on Friday, following allegations that she confronted and slapped actor and newly elected BJP MP Ka
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Cop booked for Kangana Ranaut 'slap', gets offers of legal assistance

CISF constable Kulwinder Kaur was charged with «voluntarily causing hurt» and «wrongful restraint» in an FIR registered by Mohali police on Friday, following allegations that she confronted and slapped actor and newly elected BJP MP Kangana Ranaut at Chandigarh airport. After Kangana's complaint, Kulwinder was suspended by the CISF. In response, she received support from various individuals and organizations, some of whom offered monetary and legal assistance in case of her arrest or dismissal from service.

Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – governor

A Ukrainian strike targeting a village shop in Russia’s Kherson Region has killed 22 civilians, including a child, its governor has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Dozens killed, including child, in Ukrainian strike on Russian region – governor

A Ukrainian strike targeting a village shop in Russia’s Kherson Region has killed 22 civilians, including a child, its governor has said Read Full Article at

Putin responds to African leader’s ‘gift’ offer

Russia does not need any “hyenas” since there are enough to deal with in Europe, Vladimir Putin has told his Zimbabwean counterpart Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Putin responds to African leader’s ‘gift’ offer

Russia does not need any “hyenas” since there are enough to deal with in Europe, Vladimir Putin has told his Zimbabwean counterpart Read Full Article at