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How should we see one another?

HELLO, MI neighbour! Seriously, how do you see yourself? The way we see ourselves affects the way we see others, and the way we see others affects the way we interact with them. Of course, that’s a no-brainer eenh? By the same token, how they see...

How should we see one another?

HELLO, MI neighbour! Seriously, how do you see yourself? The way we see ourselves affects the way we see others, and the way we see others affects the way we interact with them. Of course, that’s a no-brainer eenh? By the same token, how they see...

Catholic diocese sues US gov’t

AP: For more than a year, religious organisations have lobbied Congress and the Biden administration to fix a sudden procedural change in how the government processes green cards for religious workers, which threatens the ability of thousands of...

Catholic diocese sues US gov’t

AP: For more than a year, religious organisations have lobbied Congress and the Biden administration to fix a sudden procedural change in how the government processes green cards for religious workers, which threatens the ability of thousands of...

Commercial clampdown

Karleen Allen’s emotions are a mix of frustration and anger as she grapples with the matter of a commercial property that was established in her residential neighbourhood of Greenwood, St James, roughly six years ago. According to Allen, she had...

Commercial clampdown

Karleen Allen’s emotions are a mix of frustration and anger as she grapples with the matter of a commercial property that was established in her residential neighbourhood of Greenwood, St James, roughly six years ago. According to Allen, she had...

‘He died like a dog on the airport floor’

WESTERN BUREAU: The family of a 71-year-old man who passed away last Wednesday after falling and hitting his head at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St James, is voicing frustration with how the authorities managed the tragic...

‘He died like a dog on the airport floor’

WESTERN BUREAU: The family of a 71-year-old man who passed away last Wednesday after falling and hitting his head at Sangster International Airport in Montego Bay, St James, is voicing frustration with how the authorities managed the tragic...

‘Un-Happy’ Grove High

As Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc on the facilities at the Portland-based Happy Grove High, the damage extended well beyond the immediate impact of the storm. The official start of school has been pushed back a few weeks, giving administrators time...

‘Un-Happy’ Grove High

As Hurricane Beryl wreaked havoc on the facilities at the Portland-based Happy Grove High, the damage extended well beyond the immediate impact of the storm. The official start of school has been pushed back a few weeks, giving administrators time...

CIA, MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’

The heads of the British and American spy agencies, Richard Moore and Bill Burns, have warned of acute threats to the world order Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

CIA, MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’

The heads of the British and American spy agencies, Richard Moore and Bill Burns, have warned of acute threats to the world order Read Full Article at

Sam Quek wades into Giovanni Pernice bullying spat as she insists behind-the-scenes drama should not 'take the shine' off a 'fantastic' show: 'It brings people together'

Sam Quek says the recent scandals which have rocked Strictly should not 'take the shine' off what she describes as a 'fantastic programme'.
News | Mail Online

Sam Quek wades into Giovanni Pernice bullying spat as she insists behind-the-scenes drama should not 'take the shine' off a 'fantastic' show: 'It brings people together'

Sam Quek says the recent scandals which have rocked Strictly should not 'take the shine' off what she describes as a 'fantastic programme'.

The friend comes out as a trans woman

In the film Odd Fish (Ljósvíkingar), human emotions are the focus; joy, sorrow, fear, love, courage and burning passion. At the premiere this week, there was often a lot of laughter, but the film also brought tears to the eyes. The story is about deep frien - News in English

The friend comes out as a trans woman

In the film Odd Fish (Ljósvíkingar), human emotions are the focus; joy, sorrow, fear, love, courage and burning passion. At the premiere this week, there was often a lot of laughter, but the film also brought tears to the eyes. The story is about deep friendship, our status as a nation and trans issues, and it's safe to say that the journalist's heart warmed when he watched it.

Six-year-old son of Geri and Christian Horner gets behind the wheel of £7,000 pedal car

The six-year-old son of Christian Horner and former Ginger Spice Geri got behind the wheel of a £7,000 Austin J40 pedal car for the children's Settrington Cup.
News | Mail Online

Six-year-old son of Geri and Christian Horner gets behind the wheel of £7,000 pedal car

The six-year-old son of Christian Horner and former Ginger Spice Geri got behind the wheel of a £7,000 Austin J40 pedal car for the children's Settrington Cup.

Thousands turn out to oppose 'pro-UK rally' in Glasgow backed by Tommy Robinson

Around 2,000 anti-racism activists gathered in George Square to counter-protest against a 'Pro-UK rally' backed by Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.
News | Mail Online

Thousands turn out to oppose 'pro-UK rally' in Glasgow backed by Tommy Robinson

Around 2,000 anti-racism activists gathered in George Square to counter-protest against a 'Pro-UK rally' backed by Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon.

L'entrepreneur agricole Bertrand Togno à l'écoute du Président Oligui Nguema

Il a décidé d'entreprendre dans le domaine agricole. Il en a fait une passion et emploie quelques jeunes collégiens et lycéens, qui eux, préparent leur rentrée scolaire. Bertrand Togno, jeune gabonais, natif de Mounana dans le Haut-Ogooué, est le prés

L'entrepreneur agricole Bertrand Togno à l'écoute du Président Oligui Nguema

Il a décidé d'entreprendre dans le domaine agricole. Il en a fait une passion et emploie quelques jeunes collégiens et lycéens, qui eux, préparent leur rentrée scolaire. Bertrand Togno, jeune gabonais, natif de Mounana dans le Haut-Ogooué, est le président de la coopérative agricole « Sabioche » qui signifie, « fais tout en langue idzébi ». C'est un dimanche, Bertrand Tognon est surpris dans un de ses champs de plusieurs hectares à 4 kilomètres de la ville de Mounana, non loin du (...) - SOCIETE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Ingushetia's People's Assembly re-elects Kalimatov regional head for second term

The number of votes cast for Mahmud-Ali Maksharipovich Kalimatov is 25, chairman of the counting commission Batyr Khamkhoev said

Ingushetia's People's Assembly re-elects Kalimatov regional head for second term

The number of votes cast for Mahmud-Ali Maksharipovich Kalimatov is 25, chairman of the counting commission Batyr Khamkhoev said

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap.

“Someone said women don’t like Donald Trump,” the Republican presidential nominee said recently. “That’s wrong. I think they love me, I love them.”
Post Politics

Trump says women love him. Polling shows a gender gap.

“Someone said women don’t like Donald Trump,” the Republican presidential nominee said recently. “That’s wrong. I think they love me, I love them.”

Trump cashes in during final weeks of his presidential campaign

No presidential candidate has ever so closely linked his election with personal for-profit enterprises, selling items from shoes to books to pieces of his suit.
Post Politics

Trump cashes in during final weeks of his presidential campaign

No presidential candidate has ever so closely linked his election with personal for-profit enterprises, selling items from shoes to books to pieces of his suit.

What we can learn about Harris’s tactics from her past debate performances

Harris’ allies hope the skills she honed during her years as a prosecutor will shape the outcome as they did in her winning races for state attorney general and U.S. Senate
Post Politics

What we can learn about Harris’s tactics from her past debate performances

Harris’ allies hope the skills she honed during her years as a prosecutor will shape the outcome as they did in her winning races for state attorney general and U.S. Senate

Tens of thousands gather for mass led by Pope Francis in Papua New Guinea

It's Pope Francis's second full day in PNG, as part of a regional tour, and the first papal visit to the pacific's largest nation in almost three decades.
Papua New Guinea

Tens of thousands gather for mass led by Pope Francis in Papua New Guinea

It's Pope Francis's second full day in PNG, as part of a regional tour, and the first papal visit to the pacific's largest nation in almost three decades.

Thousands rally against new French prime minister (VIDEOS)

French protesters have accused President Emmanuel Macron of disregarding the results of the parliamentary election Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Thousands rally against new French prime minister (VIDEOS)

French protesters have accused President Emmanuel Macron of disregarding the results of the parliamentary election Read Full Article at

The real barbarians: How the French and British ‘civilized’ Africa

Both colonizers, despite their differences, aimed at squeezing profit for their imperial centers Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

The real barbarians: How the French and British ‘civilized’ Africa

Both colonizers, despite their differences, aimed at squeezing profit for their imperial centers Read Full Article at

Smoky skies blanket parts of central and northern B.C. as wildfires grow

Increased wildfire activity in B.C.'s Omineca region has lead to a smoky skies bulletin for parts of central B.C. and air quality advisories for Prince George and Quesnel. It comes as fire behaviour at the Ootsa Lake complex, west of Quesnel, has grown since
CBC | Canada News

Smoky skies blanket parts of central and northern B.C. as wildfires grow

Increased wildfire activity in B.C.'s Omineca region has lead to a smoky skies bulletin for parts of central B.C. and air quality advisories for Prince George and Quesnel. It comes as fire behaviour at the Ootsa Lake complex, west of Quesnel, has grown since Friday.

La Junior Entreprise Conseil sollicite des éclaircissements du Ministre de la Jeunesse sur l'exécution des 500 millions Fcfa alloués au CNJ et au PGJ

La Junior Entreprise Conseil, acteur majeur du renforcement des capacités des jeunes et organisation légalement reconnue, a adressé une demande officielle au Ministre de la Jeunesse afin d'obtenir des précisions sur l'exécution budgétaire des 500.000.00

La Junior Entreprise Conseil sollicite des éclaircissements du Ministre de la Jeunesse sur l'exécution des 500 millions Fcfa alloués au CNJ et au PGJ

La Junior Entreprise Conseil, acteur majeur du renforcement des capacités des jeunes et organisation légalement reconnue, a adressé une demande officielle au Ministre de la Jeunesse afin d'obtenir des précisions sur l'exécution budgétaire des 500.000.000f cfa alloués au Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Gabon (CNJG) et au Parlement Gabonais des Jeunes (PGJ). Cette enveloppe est destinée à soutenir des initiatives visant à autonomiser la jeunesse gabonaise, un enjeu crucial pour le (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Lettre ouverte au Président de la Transition : Plaidoyer pour l'érection du district de Bifoun-Abanga en département Abanga-Ogooué

À l'attention de Monsieur le Président de la Transition, Chef de l'État, le Général de brigade Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, Monsieur le Président de la République, Permettez-moi, en tant que natif du district de Bifoun-Abanga, de m'adresser à vous

Lettre ouverte au Président de la Transition : Plaidoyer pour l'érection du district de Bifoun-Abanga en département Abanga-Ogooué

À l'attention de Monsieur le Président de la Transition, Chef de l'État, le Général de brigade Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, Monsieur le Président de la République, Permettez-moi, en tant que natif du district de Bifoun-Abanga, de m'adresser à vous avec respect et détermination. Mon attachement profond à cette terre, où mes racines s'enfoncent depuis des générations, me pousse à exprimer le rêve collectif de ses habitants : voir notre district érigé en département à part entière, (...) - LIBRE PROPOS / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Expert who predicted Biden, Trump victories says Harris to win

American historian and political scientist Allan Lichtman explained that he bases his predictions on his own system, which takes into account 13 key factors

Expert who predicted Biden, Trump victories says Harris to win

American historian and political scientist Allan Lichtman explained that he bases his predictions on his own system, which takes into account 13 key factors