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'They're making April Fools of us': Labour's tax raids and soaring household bills to cost families £1,000 a year more from next week

Families face a hammering of £1,000 to their annual budgets from next week as Labour's tax raids and inflation-busting bill hikes come into force.
News | Mail Online

'They're making April Fools of us': Labour's tax raids and soaring household bills to cost families £1,000 a year more from next week

Families face a hammering of £1,000 to their annual budgets from next week as Labour's tax raids and inflation-busting bill hikes come into force.

CARNET NOIR. Le fondateur de l'IFREMER Jean de Chazeaux est décédé

Il est celui qui a créé le CNEXO à la presqu'île, qui deviendra l'IFREMER en 1984. Jean de Chazeaux est décédé le 26 mars 2026 en France, à l'âge de 99 ans. Son inhumation a lieu ce mercredi 2 avril en Haute-Loire.

CARNET NOIR. Le fondateur de l'IFREMER Jean de Chazeaux est décédé

Il est celui qui a créé le CNEXO à la presqu'île, qui deviendra l'IFREMER en 1984. Jean de Chazeaux est décédé le 26 mars 2026 en France, à l'âge de 99 ans. Son inhumation a lieu ce mercredi 2 avril en Haute-Loire.

Ossements retrouvés à Arue : La famille témoigne

Il y a une semaine, des ossements humains et un véhicule ont été retrouvés sous l'eau au quai de Arue. Ils appartiendraient à un homme disparu le 23 mai 1999, Temahoatua Tauaroa. Près de 26 ans après sa mort, ses proches pourront peut-être faire leur

Ossements retrouvés à Arue : La famille témoigne

Il y a une semaine, des ossements humains et un véhicule ont été retrouvés sous l'eau au quai de Arue. Ils appartiendraient à un homme disparu le 23 mai 1999, Temahoatua Tauaroa. Près de 26 ans après sa mort, ses proches pourront peut-être faire leur deuil. Témoignage.

US State Department moves to formally dismantle USAID

The US State Department has formally notified Congress of its intent to “undertake a reorganization” that would effectively dissolve USAID Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

US State Department moves to formally dismantle USAID

The US State Department has formally notified Congress of its intent to “undertake a reorganization” that would effectively dissolve USAID Read Full Article at

Ukraine loses up to 260 troops, one tank in responsibility area of Battlegroup South

Units of Battlegroup South took more advantageous military lines and positions in 24 hours, inflicted damage on troops and equipment of three mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian army

Ukraine loses up to 260 troops, one tank in responsibility area of Battlegroup South

Units of Battlegroup South took more advantageous military lines and positions in 24 hours, inflicted damage on troops and equipment of three mechanized brigades of the Ukrainian army

Horror as human placenta is found in busy park as police release update following huge concern for mother and newborn baby

The shocking discovery was made by a member of the public this afternoon in Oldham, Greater Manchester, who reported finding a 'suspicious item'.
News | Mail Online

Horror as human placenta is found in busy park as police release update following huge concern for mother and newborn baby

The shocking discovery was made by a member of the public this afternoon in Oldham, Greater Manchester, who reported finding a 'suspicious item'.

Islamist extremist who gloated that Lee Rigby's murder was 'absolutely brilliant' is sent back to jail over takeaway fraud days after his release

Royal Barnes, 34, was sent to prison in 2014 after he was filmed by his wife, Rebekah Dawson, laughing hysterically as he drove past the scene of Lee Rigby's murder in Woolwich, east London .
News | Mail Online

Islamist extremist who gloated that Lee Rigby's murder was 'absolutely brilliant' is sent back to jail over takeaway fraud days after his release

Royal Barnes, 34, was sent to prison in 2014 after he was filmed by his wife, Rebekah Dawson, laughing hysterically as he drove past the scene of Lee Rigby's murder in Woolwich, east London .

Moment father who complained about teacher recruitment process in parents' WhatsApp group is arrested for 'harassment', led away by six police officers and interrogated for 11 HOURS

Police questioned a father on suspicion of harassment and malicious communications after he complained about a teacher recruitment process in a parents' WhatsApp group.
News | Mail Online

Moment father who complained about teacher recruitment process in parents' WhatsApp group is arrested for 'harassment', led away by six police officers and interrogated for 11 HOURS

Police questioned a father on suspicion of harassment and malicious communications after he complained about a teacher recruitment process in a parents' WhatsApp group.

Ex-Navy policeman, 40, is left fighting for his life in hospital after botched eyelift operation in Turkey

Ryan Taylor, 40, underwent a blepharoplasty procedure to reduce crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes at a private clinic in the coastal city of Izmir last Tuesday (18th).
News | Mail Online

Ex-Navy policeman, 40, is left fighting for his life in hospital after botched eyelift operation in Turkey

Ryan Taylor, 40, underwent a blepharoplasty procedure to reduce crow's feet and wrinkles around the eyes at a private clinic in the coastal city of Izmir last Tuesday (18th).

Mounana : La marche de la victoire pour Oligui Nguema

Les populations Mounana étaient autour de Rodrigue Bokoko, ce vendredi 28 mars 2025. Elles ont marché pour soutenir la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema pour la présidentielle du 12 avril prochain. La chaleur du soleil ardent n'a pas empêché l

Mounana : La marche de la victoire pour Oligui Nguema

Les populations Mounana étaient autour de Rodrigue Bokoko, ce vendredi 28 mars 2025. Elles ont marché pour soutenir la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema pour la présidentielle du 12 avril prochain. La chaleur du soleil ardent n'a pas empêché les populations des différents quartiers de Mounana et environs de marcher pour apporter leur soutien à la candidature de Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema. Un jour avant l'ouverture officielle de la campagne présidentielle, jeunes, notables et (...) - POLITIQUE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

Les tavana veulent élargir les compétences des communes

Une délégation de maires de Polynésie française a passé la semaine à Paris, pour rencontrer plusieurs ministres et parlementaires. La délégation emmenée par le président du syndicat pour la promotion des communes du territoire Cyril Tetuanui, a tent

Les tavana veulent élargir les compétences des communes

Une délégation de maires de Polynésie française a passé la semaine à Paris, pour rencontrer plusieurs ministres et parlementaires. La délégation emmenée par le président du syndicat pour la promotion des communes du territoire Cyril Tetuanui, a tenté d'obtenir le soutien de l’État pour élargir les compétences des communes du territoire. Les réponses sont plutôt positives.

Vance delivers Trump’s ‘message’ to US troops in Greenland

Vice President J.D. Vance has defended the US commander-in-chief’s plan to bring the “vulnerable” Arctic island under American “protection” Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Vance delivers Trump’s ‘message’ to US troops in Greenland

Vice President J.D. Vance has defended the US commander-in-chief’s plan to bring the “vulnerable” Arctic island under American “protection” Read Full Article at

Kiev trying to reassemble front, force Russian army to retreat from Volchansk — expert

Andrey Marochko said that development of combat power is registered in this area, including by assault teams

Kiev trying to reassemble front, force Russian army to retreat from Volchansk — expert

Andrey Marochko said that development of combat power is registered in this area, including by assault teams

MONDE. Séisme en Asie du Sud-Est : un des plus meurtrier de ces dernières années

Le séisme de magnitude 7,7, peu profond, s'est produit en Birmanie, à 16 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Sagaing (centre) en milieu de journée, ce vendredi 28 mars. Il a été suivi par une réplique de magnitude 6,4 quelques minutes après. Les s

MONDE. Séisme en Asie du Sud-Est : un des plus meurtrier de ces dernières années

Le séisme de magnitude 7,7, peu profond, s'est produit en Birmanie, à 16 kilomètres au nord-ouest de la ville de Sagaing (centre) en milieu de journée, ce vendredi 28 mars. Il a été suivi par une réplique de magnitude 6,4 quelques minutes après. Les secousses ont été ressenties jusqu'en Chine et dans la capitale thaïlandaise Bangkok, à quelque mille kilomètres de là. L'état d'urgence y a été déclaré, ainsi que dans les six régions birmanes les plus affectées : Sagaing, Mandalay, Magway, le nord-est de l'Etat Shan, Naypyidaw et Bago. Le bilan provisoire fait état de 144 morts.

Gov’t, PNP claim victory as court lifts Portmore parish law injunction

The Opposition People's National Party (PNP) and the Government are claiming 'victory' after the Supreme Court lifted an injunction blocking the enforcement of the Portmore parish law. The ruling follows the Government's «unequivocal undertaking».

Gov’t, PNP claim victory as court lifts Portmore parish law injunction

The Opposition People's National Party (PNP) and the Government are claiming 'victory' after the Supreme Court lifted an injunction blocking the enforcement of the Portmore parish law. The ruling follows the Government's «unequivocal undertaking»...

Federal judge in New York says VOA journalists get jobs back for now

Friday’s order resumes operations at Voice of America while litigation continues, restoring the jobs of more than 1,200 journalists and other employees.
Post Politics

Federal judge in New York says VOA journalists get jobs back for now

Friday’s order resumes operations at Voice of America while litigation continues, restoring the jobs of more than 1,200 journalists and other employees.

Ontario judge grants injunction to keep drug consumption sites open for now

An Ontario judge has granted an injunction to keep 10 supervised consumption sites open while he considers a Charter challenge of a new provincial law that bans the sites from operating within 200 metres of schools or daycares.
CBC | Canada News

Ontario judge grants injunction to keep drug consumption sites open for now

An Ontario judge has granted an injunction to keep 10 supervised consumption sites open while he considers a Charter challenge of a new provincial law that bans the sites from operating within 200 metres of schools or daycares.

Legal group draws ire for cancelling humanitarian advocate's speech over his stance on Gaza

A prominent legal organization is facing criticism for cancelling a speech by a noted entrepreneur and humanitarian advocate after, it says, some members expressed concerns about his position on Israel's war in Gaza.
CBC | Canada News

Legal group draws ire for cancelling humanitarian advocate's speech over his stance on Gaza

A prominent legal organization is facing criticism for cancelling a speech by a noted entrepreneur and humanitarian advocate after, it says, some members expressed concerns about his position on Israel's war in Gaza.

Court of Appeal reinstates JC school uniform lawsuit

The Court of Appeal has reinstated a lawsuit filed by principal of Jamaica College Wayne Robinson against former president of the school’s Old Boys Association, Major Basil Jarrett, a year after it was thrown out by a judge of the Supreme Court...

Court of Appeal reinstates JC school uniform lawsuit

The Court of Appeal has reinstated a lawsuit filed by principal of Jamaica College Wayne Robinson against former president of the school’s Old Boys Association, Major Basil Jarrett, a year after it was thrown out by a judge of the Supreme Court...

Gov't asserts 'no intention' to enforce Portmore parish law before boundary changes

The Government says it never intended to enforce the Portmore parish law until constituency boundaries are settled, pushing back against Opposition claims of potential constitutional breaches. The assertion is contained in documents filed on...

Gov't asserts 'no intention' to enforce Portmore parish law before boundary changes

The Government says it never intended to enforce the Portmore parish law until constituency boundaries are settled, pushing back against Opposition claims of potential constitutional breaches. The assertion is contained in documents filed on...

Public trust growing in Domestic Violence Intervention Centres

There is growing public trust in the Domestic Violence Intervention Centres that are located on police compounds in eight parishes across the island, the police have asserted. The country currently has 10 centres operating on police compounds in...

Public trust growing in Domestic Violence Intervention Centres

There is growing public trust in the Domestic Violence Intervention Centres that are located on police compounds in eight parishes across the island, the police have asserted. The country currently has 10 centres operating on police compounds in...

St Catherine man gets more than 15 years' imprisonment for shooting at police team

A 29-year-old man who was found guilty of shooting at a police party six years ago was sentenced to 15 years and five months' imprisonment when he appeared in the St Catherine Circuit Court on Friday. He is Romario Small, also known as 'Tommy...

St Catherine man gets more than 15 years' imprisonment for shooting at police team

A 29-year-old man who was found guilty of shooting at a police party six years ago was sentenced to 15 years and five months' imprisonment when he appeared in the St Catherine Circuit Court on Friday. He is Romario Small, also known as 'Tommy...

Westmoreland woman charged over attack on neighbour during fight over water pipe

A 40-year-old Westmoreland woman who allegedly used a machete to chop her neighbour multiple times during a dispute over a water pipe on March 19, has been charged. The accused, Kerry-Ann Clarke of Bastard Cedar Walk in Petersfield, has been...

Westmoreland woman charged over attack on neighbour during fight over water pipe

A 40-year-old Westmoreland woman who allegedly used a machete to chop her neighbour multiple times during a dispute over a water pipe on March 19, has been charged. The accused, Kerry-Ann Clarke of Bastard Cedar Walk in Petersfield, has been...