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Когда София Нистюк появлялась на свет, то было упущено время. Она пережила кислородное голодание мозга и получила диагноз ДЦП. Все 8 лет мама д

自稱有「鐵證」 徐巧芯爆外交部與捷克3.2億「援烏密約」

相關新聞請見: 徐巧芯質疑政府用第三方轉手援烏 外交部:全是謊言切勿聽信 國民黨立委徐巧芯2日質詢外交部長吳釗燮時質疑援助烏克蘭的經手人,今天(5日)凌晨又在臉書發文指...…
政治新聞 - 自由時報

自稱有「鐵證」 徐巧芯爆外交部與捷克3.2億「援烏密約」

相關新聞請見: 徐巧芯質疑政府用第三方轉手援烏 外交部:全是謊言切勿聽信 國民黨立委徐巧芯2日質詢外交部長吳釗燮時質疑援助烏克蘭的經手人,今天(5日)凌晨又在臉書發文指...…

他曾高喊「巧芯巧芯得第一」 眼見現況後悔「讓她人氣竄高」

莊文仁/核稿編輯 國民黨立委徐巧芯大姑劉向婕涉洗錢收押案,風波持續延燒,知名部落客「A濫」林雅強過去曾惡搞選舉公告,造成網路上「巧芯巧芯得第一」的熱潮,同時也讓徐巧芯聲量衝高
政治新聞 - 自由時報

他曾高喊「巧芯巧芯得第一」 眼見現況後悔「讓她人氣竄高」

莊文仁/核稿編輯 國民黨立委徐巧芯大姑劉向婕涉洗錢收押案,風波持續延燒,知名部落客「A濫」林雅強過去曾惡搞選舉公告,造成網路上「巧芯巧芯得第一」的熱潮,同時也讓徐巧芯聲量衝高。...…

طوفان تضامن جامعات أميركا مع غزة يمتد لعشرات جامعات العالم

توسعت حركة الاحتجاجات الطلابية الداعمة للفلسطينيين والتي انطلقت من الجامعات الأميركية في أبريل/نيسان، لتشمل عددا من الدول، أبرزها فرنسا وكن
قناة العالم الأخبارية

طوفان تضامن جامعات أميركا مع غزة يمتد لعشرات جامعات العالم

توسعت حركة الاحتجاجات الطلابية الداعمة للفلسطينيين والتي انطلقت من الجامعات الأميركية في أبريل/نيسان، لتشمل عددا من الدول، أبرزها فرنسا وكندا وسويسرا...

Dode bij aanrijding auto en vrachtwagen Bomaweg

Waterkant Er is zaterdagavond nog een verkeersdode genoteerd in Suriname. Een man heeft rond 20.00 uur het leven gelaten bij een aanrijding tussen een personenauto en vrachtwagen aan de Bomaweg. De oorzaak van de aanrijding is nog onbekend. De verschillende S

Dode bij aanrijding auto en vrachtwagen Bomaweg

Waterkant Er is zaterdagavond nog een verkeersdode genoteerd in Suriname. Een man heeft rond 20.00 uur het leven gelaten bij een aanrijding tussen een personenauto en vrachtwagen aan de Bomaweg. De oorzaak van de aanrijding is nog onbekend. De verschillende Surinaamse politie-eenheden zijn ter plaatse bezig met het onderzoek. De eerste verkeersdode van de avond is […] Het bericht Dode bij aanrijding auto en vrachtwagen Bomaweg verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

추경호, 與 원내대표 출마… 송석준·이종배와 경선

국민의힘 영남권 3선인 추경호 의원(대구 달성)이 22대 국회 첫 원내대표 선거에 출마하기로 했다.이로써 현재까지 출사표를 던진 송석준·이종배 의원과 함께 3파전 구도를 형성했다.추 의원은 5
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

추경호, 與 원내대표 출마… 송석준·이종배와 경선

국민의힘 영남권 3선인 추경호 의원(대구 달성)이 22대 국회 첫 원내대표 선거에 출마하기로 했다.이로써 현재까지 출사표를 던진 송석준·이종배 의원과 함께 3파전 구도를 형성했다.추 의원은 5일 언론에 배포한 입장문에서 “저는 국민의힘이 유능한 민생정당·정책정당의 명성을 되찾고, 국민이 공감하는 정치를 통해 다시 사랑받는 정당으로 거듭날 수 있도록 하는 데 혼신의 힘을 다하고자 원내대표 선거에 출마한다”고 밝혔다.추 의원은 “지난 22대 총선 이후 현재 우리 당은 매우 엄중한 상황에 직면해 있다”며 “저는 의원님들의 열정과 지혜를 모아 국민의힘이 유능한 민생정당·정책 정당, 국민 공감 정당으로 거듭나도록 하겠다”고 했다.앞서 추 의원은 원내대표 출마 여부와 관련해 원내대표 후보 접수 마감일인 5일까지 고심한 뒤 출마 여부를 결정하겠다는 입장을 밝혀왔다.정통 경제 관료 출신인 추 의원은 금융위원회 부위원장, 기획재정부 1차관, 국무조정실장을 지낸 데 이어 윤석열 정부 초대 경제부총리

홍준표, 의협회장의 ‘돼지 발정제’ 공격에 “논리서 밀리면 음해…저열한 인성”

홍준표 대구시장은 5일 임현택 대한의사협회(의협) 회장이 ‘돼지발정제로 성범죄에 가담한 사람’이라고 자신을 비판한 것과 관련해 “논리에서 밀리면 음해로 인신공격을 하는 것은 저열한 인
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

홍준표, 의협회장의 ‘돼지 발정제’ 공격에 “논리서 밀리면 음해…저열한 인성”

홍준표 대구시장은 5일 임현택 대한의사협회(의협) 회장이 ‘돼지발정제로 성범죄에 가담한 사람’이라고 자신을 비판한 것과 관련해 “논리에서 밀리면 음해로 인신공격을 하는 것은 저열한 인성을 가진 사람들이나 하는 못된 짓”이라고 밝혔다. 홍 시장은 이날 자신의 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 페이스북에 “의사정도 되는 사람이 그런 짓 하는 것은 그 수준을 의심케 하는 시정 잡배와 다를 바 없다”며 “또 그런 사람에게 흔들리는 집단이 있다면 그것도 한국사회를 위해 바람직 하지 않다”고 말했다. 이어 “야당 대표도 동의한 의사증원을 나홀로 독단으로 무력화 할려고 하는 것은 불가 할 것”이라며 “모든 것은 공론의 장에서 국민적 합의를 이끌어 내야 한다. 국민의 생명과 건강을 인질로 파업하는 것은 지성인이 할짓은 아니다”고 비판했다. 홍 시장은 3일 페이스북에 “의사는 개인도 아니고 투사도 아닌 공인이다”며 “국민 80%가 의대 증원을 찬성하는데 유독 의사분들만 집요하게 증원 반대를 하면서 아예 공론의 장에 들어오는

이재명 “언제 어디서 아이 낳아도 양육 가능한 국가 책무 다하겠다”

이재명 더불어민주당 대표는 어린이날인 5일 “아이가 꼬물꼬물 커가는 기쁨을 누릴 수 있도록, 언제 어디서 아이를 낳더라도 양육·보육·교육이 가능하도록 정치와 국가의 책무를 다하겠다”고
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

이재명 “언제 어디서 아이 낳아도 양육 가능한 국가 책무 다하겠다”

이재명 더불어민주당 대표는 어린이날인 5일 “아이가 꼬물꼬물 커가는 기쁨을 누릴 수 있도록, 언제 어디서 아이를 낳더라도 양육·보육·교육이 가능하도록 정치와 국가의 책무를 다하겠다”고 강조했다. 이 대표는 이날 페이스북에 “아이들이 꿈을 포기하지 않고 살 수 있는 나라, 어린이의 웃음 소리가 끊이지 않는 사회를 위해 어른의 책임을 다하겠다”며 이같이 밝혔다. 이 대표는 “장미꽃보다 환한 아이들의 웃음이 온 세상을 행복으로 채우는 어린이날”이라며 “아이들 웃음소리가 점점 줄어드는 안타까운 현실이라 더 귀하고 소중한 날”이라고 말했다. 이어 “수많은 저출생 대책을 두고 갑론을박이 있지만 분명한 사실은 있는 아이들의 행복도 챙기지 못한 채 아이 키우기 좋은 나라를 만들 수 없다는 것”이라며 양육 지원 필요성을 강조했다. 또한 “어린이가 행복한 세상이어야 어른도 더 행복할 수 있다고 믿는다”며 “아이들의 해맑은 웃음 앞에 더 나은 세상을 만들어가겠다”고 덧붙였다. (서울=뉴스1)

City traders fired after being caught having sex with a cleaner in the office after-hours

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that two bankers at Stifel, a major US investment firm, have been sacked after being caught having sex with a cleaner in the office after-hours.
News | Mail Online

City traders fired after being caught having sex with a cleaner in the office after-hours

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that two bankers at Stifel, a major US investment firm, have been sacked after being caught having sex with a cleaner in the office after-hours.

'I can't breathe...' Black lawyer 'pinned down by five court security staff after not taking off his shoes during search'

Defence solicitor Dele Johnson (pictured) said guards wrestled him to the ground after he refused to take off his shoes in a security search.
News | Mail Online

'I can't breathe...' Black lawyer 'pinned down by five court security staff after not taking off his shoes during search'

Defence solicitor Dele Johnson (pictured) said guards wrestled him to the ground after he refused to take off his shoes in a security search.

Shocking moment man spits towards pro-Israel counter-protesters right in front of police - who then go on to do nothing, with officer telling furious passersby 'yes I saw it, go away'

Police are seen speaking to an individual who then turns to the person behind the camera and spits in his direction, in full view of one of the officers. The incident took place near University College London.
News | Mail Online

Shocking moment man spits towards pro-Israel counter-protesters right in front of police - who then go on to do nothing, with officer telling furious passersby 'yes I saw it, go away'

Police are seen speaking to an individual who then turns to the person behind the camera and spits in his direction, in full view of one of the officers. The incident took place near University College London.

Britain's 'heaviest man' dies from organ failure days before celebrating his 34th birthday, weighing over 47 stone - as his mother said doctors 'couldn't save him' after his health went 'downhill'

Jason Holton from Camberley in Surrey had been housebound for eight years because of his 47st frame. The coroner's report stated that he died from organ failure and obesity.
News | Mail Online

Britain's 'heaviest man' dies from organ failure days before celebrating his 34th birthday, weighing over 47 stone - as his mother said doctors 'couldn't save him' after his health went 'downhill'

Jason Holton from Camberley in Surrey had been housebound for eight years because of his 47st frame. The coroner's report stated that he died from organ failure and obesity.

At least five former neighbours to Angela Rayner have told police she did not live in the house she claimed was her home - as one says he will testify in court

Chris Hinett told MOS he'd given a statement to the police, which is investigating allegations that Ms Rayner broke the law by failing to declare her living arrangements.
News | Mail Online

At least five former neighbours to Angela Rayner have told police she did not live in the house she claimed was her home - as one says he will testify in court

Chris Hinett told MOS he'd given a statement to the police, which is investigating allegations that Ms Rayner broke the law by failing to declare her living arrangements.

Cop hit in the face during arrest in Manchester, tooth dislodged

A policeman suffered a busted lip and lost a tooth after being hit in the face by a man during an arrest in Old Porus, Manchester this morning. The injured cop was subsequently taken for medical attention and has since been placed on sick...

Cop hit in the face during arrest in Manchester, tooth dislodged

A policeman suffered a busted lip and lost a tooth after being hit in the face by a man during an arrest in Old Porus, Manchester this morning. The injured cop was subsequently taken for medical attention and has since been placed on sick...

Trump escalates attacks on prosecutors, says Democrats run ‘a Gestapo administration’

Saturday’s sometimes profane remarks illustrated the central role Donald Trump’s legal cases are playing in his bid to return to the White House for a second term.
Post Politics

Trump escalates attacks on prosecutors, says Democrats run ‘a Gestapo administration’

Saturday’s sometimes profane remarks illustrated the central role Donald Trump’s legal cases are playing in his bid to return to the White House for a second term.

MLB》賈吉生涯首度被趕出場、瑞佐本季第6轟 洋基宰老虎收2連勝

廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基今繼續在主場迎戰老虎,靠著「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)單場4支2,以及昨天敲出再見安打的瑞佐(Anthony Rizzo)本季第6發全壘...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》賈吉生涯首度被趕出場、瑞佐本季第6轟 洋基宰老虎收2連勝

廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基今繼續在主場迎戰老虎,靠著「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)單場4支2,以及昨天敲出再見安打的瑞佐(Anthony Rizzo)本季第6發全壘...…

NBA》湖人都被淘汰了!明星後衛DLO收到80萬罰單 聯盟曝理由

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 根據《ESPN》報導,湖人明星後衛D.羅素(D'Angelo Russell)因辱罵裁判,被聯盟罰款2萬5千美元(約80萬台幣)。 聯盟表示,湖人在...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

NBA》湖人都被淘汰了!明星後衛DLO收到80萬罰單 聯盟曝理由

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 根據《ESPN》報導,湖人明星後衛D.羅素(D'Angelo Russell)因辱罵裁判,被聯盟罰款2萬5千美元(約80萬台幣)。 聯盟表示,湖人在...…


廖志軒/核稿編輯 今天洋基與老虎之戰出現了罕見一幕,生涯從未遭驅逐出場的洋基隊長「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge),在7局下不滿主審布萊尼(Ryan Blakney)好...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


廖志軒/核稿編輯 今天洋基與老虎之戰出現了罕見一幕,生涯從未遭驅逐出場的洋基隊長「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge),在7局下不滿主審布萊尼(Ryan Blakney)好...…

Mistenker at brann på institusjon i Sandefjord er påsatt

Tre personer ble eksponert for røyk da det begynte å brenne på et bad på en institusjon i Sandefjord natt til søndag. Politiet mistenker at brannen er påsatt.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Mistenker at brann på institusjon i Sandefjord er påsatt

Tre personer ble eksponert for røyk da det begynte å brenne på et bad på en institusjon i Sandefjord natt til søndag. Politiet mistenker at brannen er påsatt.

ترامب يتعهد بمقاضاة بايدن على «جميع جرائمه»

هدد الرئيس الأميركي السابق، دونالد ترامب بمقاضاة الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن «على جميع جرائمه» وفق قوله، إذا تمكن من الفوز More...

ترامب يتعهد بمقاضاة بايدن على «جميع جرائمه»

هدد الرئيس الأميركي السابق، دونالد ترامب بمقاضاة الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن «على جميع جرائمه» وفق قوله، إذا تمكن من الفوز More...

برلماني بريطاني يستقيل من «المحافظين» احتجاجاً على تدهور الخدمات الصحية

قدم البرلماني ووزير الصحة السابق، دان بورتر، استقالته من حزب المحافظين وقدم طلباً للانضمام إلى حزب العمال. وعن مبرراته More...

برلماني بريطاني يستقيل من «المحافظين» احتجاجاً على تدهور الخدمات الصحية

قدم البرلماني ووزير الصحة السابق، دان بورتر، استقالته من حزب المحافظين وقدم طلباً للانضمام إلى حزب العمال. وعن مبرراته More...

كينيا وتنزانيا في حالة تأهب مع اقتراب إعصار وسط فيضانات مدمرة

تلتزم كينيا وتنزانيا بحالة تأهب، السبت، مع اقتراب إعصار من سواحلهما على المحيط الهندي، بينما تضرب فيضانات مدمرة البلدين More...

كينيا وتنزانيا في حالة تأهب مع اقتراب إعصار وسط فيضانات مدمرة

تلتزم كينيا وتنزانيا بحالة تأهب، السبت، مع اقتراب إعصار من سواحلهما على المحيط الهندي، بينما تضرب فيضانات مدمرة البلدين More...

Бах: «Вмешиваться в политику — это не моя работа. МОК должен выполнять свою роль, у нас нет ни мандата, ни власти»

Глава Международного олимпийского комитета Томас Бах заявил, что МОК должен заниматься своими делами и не лезть в политику.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Бах: «Вмешиваться в политику — это не моя работа. МОК должен выполнять свою роль, у нас нет ни мандата, ни власти»

Глава Международного олимпийского комитета Томас Бах заявил, что МОК должен заниматься своими делами и не лезть в политику.

«Интер» проиграл в Серии А впервые с сентября 2023 года — оба поражения миланцам нанес «Сассуоло»

Миланский «Интер» на чужом поле проиграл «Сассуоло» в матче 35-го тура итальянской Серии А.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

«Интер» проиграл в Серии А впервые с сентября 2023 года — оба поражения миланцам нанес «Сассуоло»

Миланский «Интер» на чужом поле проиграл «Сассуоло» в матче 35-го тура итальянской Серии А.

[VIDEO] ¿A lo Messi? El golazo de Gonzalo Jara para Unión San Felipe ante U. de Concepción

El tanto significó el empate parcial en el duelo disputado en el «Ester Roa Rebolledo».

[VIDEO] ¿A lo Messi? El golazo de Gonzalo Jara para Unión San Felipe ante U. de Concepción

El tanto significó el empate parcial en el duelo disputado en el «Ester Roa Rebolledo».

King Salman issues royal decree to appoint investigative lieutenants at Public Prosecution

RIYADH: King Salman issued a royal decree on Saturday to appoint 261 investigative lieutenants at the Ministry of Justice’s Public Prosecution, Saudi Press Agency reported. Attorney General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mujib thanked the king for the ro
Saudi Arabia

King Salman issues royal decree to appoint investigative lieutenants at Public Prosecution

RIYADH: King Salman issued a royal decree on Saturday to appoint 261 investigative lieutenants at the Ministry of Justice’s Public Prosecution, Saudi Press Agency reported. Attorney General Sheikh Saud bin Abdullah Al-Mujib thanked the king for the royal decree and said it reflected the support provided by the King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman for the ministry and its departments, SPA added. Al-Mujib praised the commitment to advancing the development and prosperity of the justice ministry in alignment with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Tripartite committee discusses enhancing defense cooperation between Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan

ISTANBUL: Saudi Arabia, Turkiye and Pakistan’s tripartite committee held its third meeting recently in Istanbul to discuss ways to enhance defense cooperation. Saudi Assistant Minister of Defense Talal bin Abdullah Al-Otaibi, Turkish Deputy Minister of Na
Saudi Arabia

Tripartite committee discusses enhancing defense cooperation between Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Pakistan

ISTANBUL: Saudi Arabia, Turkiye and Pakistan’s tripartite committee held its third meeting recently in Istanbul to discuss ways to enhance defense cooperation. Saudi Assistant Minister of Defense Talal bin Abdullah Al-Otaibi, Turkish Deputy Minister of National Defense Bilal Durdali, and Lt. Gen Mohammed Owais from Pakistan were among the officials present at the meeting, the Defense Ministry said in a report on Saturday.

Riyadh forum to explore role of translation in promoting Saudi identity

RIYADH: The College of Languages at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh will host a conference titled “Translating the Saudi identity through other languages and cultures” on May 15. The event, carrying the slogan “We translate our i
Saudi Arabia

Riyadh forum to explore role of translation in promoting Saudi identity

RIYADH: The College of Languages at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University in Riyadh will host a conference titled “Translating the Saudi identity through other languages and cultures” on May 15. The event, carrying the slogan “We translate our identity,” will take place at the Department of Conferences and Seminars, and is sponsored by Saudi Minister of Education Yousef Al-Benyan. It will focus on sharing the Kingdom’s cultural, historical, literary and intellectual heritage with a global audience, the Saudi Press Agency reported.