The MMM has faced yet another bleeding out of its ranks. This time from its rural party machine with the exit of Madan Dulloo, Vinay Subron and Sangeet Fowdar. That the ruling party, the MSM, is eager to encourage defections within its competition is a givenA new exodus from the MMM…
The MMM has faced yet another bleeding out of its ranks. This time from its rural party machine with the exit of Madan Dulloo, Vinay Subron and Sangeet Fowdar. That the ruling party, the MSM, is eager to encourage defections within its competition is a given, but why has it met with the greatest success in poaching from the MMM? And what has made the MMM peculiarly vulnerable to this strategy? 1.The historical poaching THE recent exit of Madan Dulloo, Vinay Subron and Sangeet Fowdar, who are leaving the MMM opposition party, adds their names to a growing list of ex-MMM heavyweights who... Read more