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[allAfrica] Nairobi, Kenya -- The highly-anticipated AllAfrica Media Leaders' Summit (AMLS) is convening in Nairobi, Kenya, to address the urgent need for a thriving and independent media landscape across Africa. The summit brings together top media leaders,

В Москве нашли тело 34-летнего актера из сериала «Тихий Дон» Дмитрия Липинского

Умер актер Московского театра «Студия театрального искусства» (СТИ) Дмитрий Липинский. Ему было 34 года.
Мода и стиль -

В Москве нашли тело 34-летнего актера из сериала «Тихий Дон» Дмитрия Липинского

Умер актер Московского театра «Студия театрального искусства» (СТИ) Дмитрий Липинский. Ему было 34 года.

Президент поздравил казахстанцев с Днём защиты детей

Поздравление Главы государства Касым-Жомарта Токаева с Международным днем защиты детей

Президент поздравил казахстанцев с Днём защиты детей

Поздравление Главы государства Касым-Жомарта Токаева с Международным днем защиты детей

與 “김정숙 여사, 인도 타지마할 방문은 혈세 관광…진상조사 필요”

국민의힘은 문재인 전 대통령의 배우자 김정숙 여사의 과거 인도 방문 논란에 대해 “’셀프 초청’으로 이뤄진 김 여사의 ‘혈세 관광’”이라며 진상조사가 필요하다고 주장했다.호준석 대변
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

與 “김정숙 여사, 인도 타지마할 방문은 혈세 관광…진상조사 필요”

국민의힘은 문재인 전 대통령의 배우자 김정숙 여사의 과거 인도 방문 논란에 대해 “’셀프 초청’으로 이뤄진 김 여사의 ‘혈세 관광’”이라며 진상조사가 필요하다고 주장했다.호준석 대변인은 1일 논평을 통해 “지난 2018년 김정숙 여사의 인도 방문은 시간이 지날수록 계속된 논란만 키우고 있다”며 이렇게 밝혔다.이어 “공개된 당시 대통령 전용기에 쓰인 비용내역은 점입가경 수준”이라며 “방문단 인원 36명의 기내식 비용으로 6000여만 원이 쓰인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연료비를 제외하고 가장 많은 비용을 지출한 것이다. 승무원을 제외하고 계산하면 1인당 기내식 비용이 160만 원이 넘는다”고 지적했다.호 대변인은 “영부인의 첫 단독 외교라 주장하며 대통령도 타지 않은 대통령 전용기로 3박 4일에 걸쳐 인도를 방문한 것은 그저 단독 관광에 혈세를 쓴 것에 지나지 않는다”고 했다.그러면서 “당시 인도 정부는 고위급 참석을 요청한 것이지 공식적으로 김 여사를 초청하지 않았다는 것은 이미 밝혀진 사실

野, 종부세 폐지 추진에 “총선 민의에 나타난 국민들 바람과 달라”

더불어민주당은 1일 정부·여당이 종합부동산세 폐지를 추진하는 데 대해 “총선 민의에 나타난 국민들의 바람과 다르다”고 비판했다. 이해식 수석대변인은 이날 오전 국회에서 기자들과 만나
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

野, 종부세 폐지 추진에 “총선 민의에 나타난 국민들 바람과 달라”

더불어민주당은 1일 정부·여당이 종합부동산세 폐지를 추진하는 데 대해 “총선 민의에 나타난 국민들의 바람과 다르다”고 비판했다. 이해식 수석대변인은 이날 오전 국회에서 기자들과 만나 종부세 폐지 논의와 관련해 이같이 지적했다. 그는 “국민의힘과 정부 의견대로 (민생회복지원금을) 차별, 선별적 지원하자는 안을 이재명 대표가 전격 수용해 법안을 수정해서 발의하지 않았나”라며 “이에 응할 생각은 하지 않고 계속 부자 감세라고 하는 윤석열 대통령의 잘못된 국정 기조를 계속 이어가는 정책을 내세우는 것은 민생 회복과 완전 정면으로 배치되는 것”이라고 꼬집었다. 민주당 내 일각에서 종부세 개편과 폐지 목소리가 나오는 데 대해선 “당내 현안으로 다루고 있지 않는 내용”이라고 잘라 말했다. 그는 “마치 민주당이 종부세 개편과 폐지를 논의하는 것처럼 비춰졌는데 전혀 사실이 아니다”라며 “지금은 이것을 다룰 때가 아니라고 보고 있다”고 강조했다. 그는 “국민의힘과 대통령실에서 종부세와 상속세를 개편해야 하는 것

조국 “새로운 해병대원 특검법 22대서 곧 재발의 …진상 규명 꼭 해낼 것”

조국 조국혁신당 대표가 1일 용산 대통령실 앞에서 규탄대회를 열고 윤석열 대통령을 향해 22대 국회에서 새롭게 발의할 두 번째 ‘해병대원 특검법’ 수용을 촉구했다. 조 대표 조국혁신당 당선
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

조국 “새로운 해병대원 특검법 22대서 곧 재발의 …진상 규명 꼭 해낼 것”

조국 조국혁신당 대표가 1일 용산 대통령실 앞에서 규탄대회를 열고 윤석열 대통령을 향해 22대 국회에서 새롭게 발의할 두 번째 ‘해병대원 특검법’ 수용을 촉구했다. 조 대표 조국혁신당 당선인들은 이날 서울 용산 대통령실 앞에서 규탄대회를 열고 지난 21대 국회에서 발의한 해병대원 특검법에 대해 거부권을 행사한 윤 대통령을 비판하며, 새롭게 개원한 22대 국회서 재발의 할 해병대원 특검법 수용을 촉구했다. 조 대표는 “지난주 시민사회와 정당들, 전국에서 모여든 국민들이 여당에 해병대원 특검법에 대해 국회에서 재의결을 요구했다”며 “그랬더니무슨 일이 일어났냐. 국민의힘은 똘똘 뭉쳐서 국민의 요구를 내팽개쳤다”고 말했다. 조 대표는 이어 “그리고는 대통령실은 ‘당과 대통령실은 운명공동체’라고 한다”며 “윤 대통령은 이후 여당 의원들에게 ‘지나간 건 다 잊자’라고 말했다”고 꼬집었다. 그는 “이게 대통령이 22대 국민의힘 당선자 워크숍에서 한 말이다”며 “지나간 건 다 잊자고요? 우리 조국혁신당은, 그리


張浩群/核稿編輯 洋基強打「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)5月份手感炙熱,今天對上巨人又上演單場雙響砲,寫下多項紀錄,而他光是在5月就敲出14發全壘打,追平道奇巨星大...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報


張浩群/核稿編輯 洋基強打「法官」賈吉(Aaron Judge)5月份手感炙熱,今天對上巨人又上演單場雙響砲,寫下多項紀錄,而他光是在5月就敲出14發全壘打,追平道奇巨星大...…

高球》徐薇淩第二輪揮出69桿 美國女子公開賽暫居第五

台灣旅美女將徐薇淩今天在美國女子高球公開賽第二回合揮出69桿,以總桿141桿,並列第五,落後領先的泰國女將米猜(Wichanee Meechai)5桿。 總獎金達12...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

高球》徐薇淩第二輪揮出69桿 美國女子公開賽暫居第五

台灣旅美女將徐薇淩今天在美國女子高球公開賽第二回合揮出69桿,以總桿141桿,並列第五,落後領先的泰國女將米猜(Wichanee Meechai)5桿。 總獎金達12...…

MLB》道奇好消息!防禦率0.66當家守護神歸隊 5戰挨5轟的右投遭DFA

張浩群/核稿編輯 道奇當家終結者菲利浦斯(Evan Phillips)今天終於離開15天傷兵名單,為了迎接菲利浦斯歸隊,道奇必須在40人名單中騰出1個空缺,於是在今天將29...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》道奇好消息!防禦率0.66當家守護神歸隊 5戰挨5轟的右投遭DFA

張浩群/核稿編輯 道奇當家終結者菲利浦斯(Evan Phillips)今天終於離開15天傷兵名單,為了迎接菲利浦斯歸隊,道奇必須在40人名單中騰出1個空缺,於是在今天將29...…

Negen busvergunningen ingetrokken bij controle Indira Gandhiweg

Waterkant Een gemengd team van politie Regio Midden heeft in samenwerking met medewerkers van het ministerie van Transport Communicatie en Toerisme op donderdag 30 mei een buscontrole uitgevoerd op de Indira Gandhiweg. In totaal werden 53 bussen gecontroleerd

Negen busvergunningen ingetrokken bij controle Indira Gandhiweg

Waterkant Een gemengd team van politie Regio Midden heeft in samenwerking met medewerkers van het ministerie van Transport Communicatie en Toerisme op donderdag 30 mei een buscontrole uitgevoerd op de Indira Gandhiweg. In totaal werden 53 bussen gecontroleerd. Negen vergunningen zijn daarbij ingetrokken, meldt de afdeling Verkeer van Regio Midden Suriname. Daarnaast werd er ook een […] Het bericht Negen busvergunningen ingetrokken bij controle Indira Gandhiweg verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Dronken jongeman aangereden op Indira Gandhiweg

Waterkant Een dronken jongeman is vrijdagavond rond 22.30 uur aangereden door een auto nabij de hoek van de en Indira Gandhi- en Helena Christinaweg in Suriname. Het slachtoffer liep verschillende verwondingen op, waaronder een barstwond aan het hoofd, en is

Dronken jongeman aangereden op Indira Gandhiweg

Waterkant Een dronken jongeman is vrijdagavond rond 22.30 uur aangereden door een auto nabij de hoek van de en Indira Gandhi- en Helena Christinaweg in Suriname. Het slachtoffer liep verschillende verwondingen op, waaronder een barstwond aan het hoofd, en is per ontboden ambulance afgevoerd naar de Spoedeisende Hulp van het Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo. Vernomen wordt dat […] Het bericht Dronken jongeman aangereden op Indira Gandhiweg verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Previsioni meteo, ancora un weekend instabile. Da mercoledì primo assaggio d’estate

Sabato soleggiato e domenica con temporali. Da mercoledì l’alta pressione invaderà tutta l’Italia > Cronaca

Previsioni meteo, ancora un weekend instabile. Da mercoledì primo assaggio d’estate

Sabato soleggiato e domenica con temporali. Da mercoledì l’alta pressione invaderà tutta l’Italia

Sequestro e rapina dopo la notte d’amore nella villa di Nizza di un collezionista d’arte: due arresti

Vittima un ricco professionista 70enne. In manette una 28enne di Sanremo e il suo complice grazie alla collaborazione tra inquirenti italiani e francesi > Cronaca

Sequestro e rapina dopo la notte d’amore nella villa di Nizza di un collezionista d’arte: due arresti

Vittima un ricco professionista 70enne. In manette una 28enne di Sanremo e il suo complice grazie alla collaborazione tra inquirenti italiani e francesi

Almanacco di oggi, sabato 1 giugno: un uomo da Oscar e il serial killer che terrorizzò New York

Oggi compie 87 anni Morgan Freeman. Lo stesso giorno, ma del 1953, nacque l’omicida seriale David Berkowitz > Cronaca

Almanacco di oggi, sabato 1 giugno: un uomo da Oscar e il serial killer che terrorizzò New York

Oggi compie 87 anni Morgan Freeman. Lo stesso giorno, ma del 1953, nacque l’omicida seriale David Berkowitz

Rusia, China, Israel și Iran au folosit Inteligența Artificială pentru operațiuni de dezinformare sub acoperire

OpenAI a publicat, joi, primul său raport despre modul în care instrumentele sale de inteligență artificială sunt folosite pentru operațiuni de influență sub acoperire, scrie The Guardian. Raportul arată cum compania a zădărnicit campaniile de dezi

Rusia, China, Israel și Iran au folosit Inteligența Artificială pentru operațiuni de dezinformare sub acoperire

OpenAI a publicat, joi, primul său raport despre modul în care instrumentele sale de inteligență artificială sunt folosite pentru operațiuni de influență sub acoperire, scrie The Guardian. Raportul arată cum compania a zădărnicit campaniile de dezinformare provenite din Rusia, China, Israel și Iran.

Prognoza meteo duminică, 1 iunie. Vara începe cu temperaturi de peste 30 de grade în ţară

Potrivit prognozei emise de Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie, prima zi de vară începe cu temperaturi maxime care ajung până la 33 de grade Celsius în cea mai mare parte a ţării.

Prognoza meteo duminică, 1 iunie. Vara începe cu temperaturi de peste 30 de grade în ţară

Potrivit prognozei emise de Administraţia Naţională de Meteorologie, prima zi de vară începe cu temperaturi maxime care ajung până la 33 de grade Celsius în cea mai mare parte a ţării.

Singaporean ends up paying $1,200 for new ticket to New Zealand after forgetting travel document

One woman and her friend paid a hefty price for forgetting to complete a mandatory travel document before embarking on their holiday. The 30-year-old freelancer, who wishes to be known as Jess, told AsiaOne they had to pay an additional $1,200 each to fl

Singaporean ends up paying $1,200 for new ticket to New Zealand after forgetting travel document

One woman and her friend paid a hefty price for forgetting to complete a mandatory travel document before embarking on their holiday. The 30-year-old freelancer, who wishes to be known as Jess, told AsiaOne they had to pay an additional $1,200 each to fly to New Zealand on April 17. Jess said that she and her friend had arrived at Changi Airport Terminal 3 about 1.5 hours ahead of the Singapore Airlines (SIA) flight's departure time of 7.50pm. But they ended up missing their flight after they were stopped at the check-in counter. The women were told by SIA staff they had to first apply for the New Zealand Electronic Travel Authority (NZeTA), said Jess. The NZeTA is a compulsory travel document for some visitors from visa waiver countries, like Singapore, and transit passengers travelling to New Zealand without a visa. The pair immediately applied on the New Zealand immigration website, but their application was pending approval.

'Can choose customers?' Man laments after taxi drivers at Gardens by the Bay refused to pick him up

There was a line of taxis waiting for passengers at an empty taxi stand in Gardens by the Bay. But one man took to social media after claiming that he had been refused a ride there—not just once, but at least five times. In a Facebook post on the Complain

'Can choose customers?' Man laments after taxi drivers at Gardens by the Bay refused to pick him up

There was a line of taxis waiting for passengers at an empty taxi stand in Gardens by the Bay. But one man took to social media after claiming that he had been refused a ride there—not just once, but at least five times. In a Facebook post on the Complaint Singapore page on Saturday (June 1), Rabi Leo said that the «five to six» taxi drivers there all declined to ferry him to Sengkang. He claimed: «One uncle said, 'You should ask the front one'. Then I told him. 'In front all don't want to pick up'. He replied, 'Then you ask behind'.» «I know times are tough, but this is not like other counties. Can you just choose and pick customers?» Lamenting that it's not the first time taxi drivers had refused to pick him up, Leo urged the Land Transport Authority (LTA) to look into the matter. «One kind uncle previously said that all of them are waiting to go to the airport,» he said. «So they are waiting to find [a customer] who is going near that location.» Leo's post has since garnered more than 140 reactions. In the comments, several netizens advised Leo to report the incident to the relevant authorities.

'I feel stupid': Delivery rider ends up losing $180 after helping customer with 'errands'

He thought the job was genuine since it was made through the Lalamove app. But one man, who does deliveries part-time to earn extra cash, ended up $180 poorer after apparently getting swindled by a 'customer'. The delivery rider, who wanted to be known onl

'I feel stupid': Delivery rider ends up losing $180 after helping customer with 'errands'

He thought the job was genuine since it was made through the Lalamove app. But one man, who does deliveries part-time to earn extra cash, ended up $180 poorer after apparently getting swindled by a 'customer'. The delivery rider, who wanted to be known only as Han, told AsiaOne on Friday (May 31) he was initially thrilled with the «buy for me» job request since it came with a «generous» $130 payout. «I felt something amiss, but I just brushed it off as the job came from the Lalamove app, which is a reputable company,» the 30-year-old full-time IT executive said. After getting in touch with the customer, Han later bought groceries at a 7-Eleven outlet in Bukit Timah and a meal at McDonald's as requested. He also helped the customer top up $158 into their mobile wallet. «After sending the receipts as proof of purchase, he replied to me to keep them nicely and don't fold them,» Han said. «He also told me not to press the doorbell outside his home.»

Președintele Biden a prezentat un nou plan de încetare a focului în trei etape, propus de Israel

Preşedintele SUA, Joe Biden, a declarat vineri că Israelul a propus un nou plan de încetare a focului în Gaza şi a cerut Hamas să accepte noua ofertă, afirmând că este cea mai bună modalitate de a pune capăt conflictului, scrie Reuters.

Președintele Biden a prezentat un nou plan de încetare a focului în trei etape, propus de Israel

Preşedintele SUA, Joe Biden, a declarat vineri că Israelul a propus un nou plan de încetare a focului în Gaza şi a cerut Hamas să accepte noua ofertă, afirmând că este cea mai bună modalitate de a pune capăt conflictului, scrie Reuters.

Trei tineri, cel mai probabil români, filmați ținându-se în brațe, înainte de a fi luați de ape, în Italia

Trei tineri au fost luați de ape la recentele inundații din Italia. Imaginile surprinse la fața locului îi arată ținându-se în brațe, înainte de a dispărea în puhoiului de ape. Mașina cu care au ajuns în zonă are numere românești.

Trei tineri, cel mai probabil români, filmați ținându-se în brațe, înainte de a fi luați de ape, în Italia

Trei tineri au fost luați de ape la recentele inundații din Italia. Imaginile surprinse la fața locului îi arată ținându-se în brațe, înainte de a dispărea în puhoiului de ape. Mașina cu care au ajuns în zonă are numere românești.

Liga Campionilor, se încheie un capitol: cum va arăta competiția din septembrie încolo

Pe scurt, în noul format, pentru sezonul 2024-2025, vor fi sume mai mari și meciuri mai multe.

Liga Campionilor, se încheie un capitol: cum va arăta competiția din septembrie încolo

Pe scurt, în noul format, pentru sezonul 2024-2025, vor fi sume mai mari și meciuri mai multe.

Simpatizanții lui Trump s-au înghesuit să-i doneze bani după verdictul tribunalului din New York. Echipa de campanie a anunțat o sumă uluitoare

Echipa de campanie a lui Donald Trump a anunţat vineri că a strâns peste 50 de milioane de dolari din donaţii online în 24 de ore, după condamnarea penală a fostului preşedinte, subliniind că verdictul i-a amplificat sprijinul «ca niciodată&ra

Simpatizanții lui Trump s-au înghesuit să-i doneze bani după verdictul tribunalului din New York. Echipa de campanie a anunțat o sumă uluitoare

Echipa de campanie a lui Donald Trump a anunţat vineri că a strâns peste 50 de milioane de dolari din donaţii online în 24 de ore, după condamnarea penală a fostului preşedinte, subliniind că verdictul i-a amplificat sprijinul «ca niciodată», relatează AFP.

Zelenski salută „un pas înainte” după acordul SUA pentru atacuri în Rusia

Preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski a salutat vineri „un pas înainte” după unda verde, sub anumite condiţii, dată de Statele Unite pentru utilizarea armelor sale împotriva unor ţinte de pe teritoriul Rusiei, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpre

Zelenski salută „un pas înainte” după acordul SUA pentru atacuri în Rusia

Preşedintele ucrainean Volodimir Zelenski a salutat vineri „un pas înainte” după unda verde, sub anumite condiţii, dată de Statele Unite pentru utilizarea armelor sale împotriva unor ţinte de pe teritoriul Rusiei, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpres.

中國中止ECFA關稅減讓 張麗善::盼兩岸對話、不要對立

財經新聞 - 自由時報

中國中止ECFA關稅減讓 張麗善::盼兩岸對話、不要對立


Seychelles and Mauritius sign 2nd renewed twinning agreement for districts

A second twinning agreement has been signed between Seychelles' western Mahe district of Port Glaud with Savanne, a district from the south of Mauritius. The agreement was signed on Friday morning by Seychelles' acting Mayor of Victoria, Lydia Charlie, and t
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles and Mauritius sign 2nd renewed twinning agreement for districts

A second twinning agreement has been signed between Seychelles' western Mahe district of Port Glaud with Savanne, a district from the south of Mauritius. The agreement was signed on Friday morning by Seychelles' acting Mayor of Victoria, Lydia Charlie, and the Savanne District Council President, Shubhowantee Seenavassen. «This is another great occasion, after the first signing earlier this week,» said Charlie who added that she hopes with the renewed partnership, all the programmes can be successful. «With the previous agreement, not all the plans materialised, due to various issues including the COVID-19 pandemic, but the hope is that now it all can be done,» said Charlie. The twinning agreement was first signed between the two districts in 2014, and the two districts have mainly collaborated in sports, but will now look to enhance that cooperation in other areas, such as craft, culture, and agriculture. «I am honoured to have renewed this agreement today, where this will consolidate our multi-faceted ties, as we have similar languages and culture,» said Seenavassen. He added that they will continue to promote exchanges and experiences in terms of strategy, policy and project development, in fields such as education, ecology and biodiversity. This is the second twinning agreement renewed this week with the first signed district of Anse Boileau and Mauritius' Black River signing their agreement on Tuesday. 

EU Fact Sheets - The Treaty of Nice and the Convention on the Future of Europe - 31-05-2024

The Treaty of Nice prepared the European Union only partially for the important enlargements to the east and south on 1 May 2004 and 1 January 2007. Therefore, following up on the questions raised in the Laeken Declaration, the European Convention made an e
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - The Treaty of Nice and the Convention on the Future of Europe - 31-05-2024

The Treaty of Nice prepared the European Union only partially for the important enlargements to the east and south on 1 May 2004 and 1 January 2007. Therefore, following up on the questions raised in the Laeken Declaration, the European Convention made an effort to produce a new legal basis for the Union in the form of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Following ‘no’ votes in referendums in two Member States, that treaty was not ratified. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Human rights - 31-05-2024

The European Union is committed to supporting democracy and human rights in its external relations, in accordance with its founding principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. The EU seeks to mainst
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Human rights - 31-05-2024

The European Union is committed to supporting democracy and human rights in its external relations, in accordance with its founding principles of liberty, democracy and respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law. The EU seeks to mainstream human rights concerns into all its policies and programmes, and has different human rights policy instruments for specific actions — including financing specific projects through its financing instruments. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - History of the economic and monetary union - 31-05-2024

The economic and monetary union (EMU) is the result of economic integration in the EU. A common currency, the euro, has been introduced in the euro area, which currently comprises 20 EU Member States. All EU Member States – with the exception of Denmark
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - History of the economic and monetary union - 31-05-2024

The economic and monetary union (EMU) is the result of economic integration in the EU. A common currency, the euro, has been introduced in the euro area, which currently comprises 20 EU Member States. All EU Member States – with the exception of Denmark – must adopt the euro once they fulfil the convergence criteria. A single monetary policy is set by the Eurosystem, comprising the European Central Bank’s Executive Board and the governors of the central banks of the euro area. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - The Enlargement of the Union - 31-05-2024

On 1 July 2013, Croatia became the 28th (now 27th) Member State of the European Union. Since then, no other countries have joined the EU, and the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020. Accession negotiations and chapters have been opened with Montenegro, Ser
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - The Enlargement of the Union - 31-05-2024

On 1 July 2013, Croatia became the 28th (now 27th) Member State of the European Union. Since then, no other countries have joined the EU, and the UK left the EU on 31 January 2020. Accession negotiations and chapters have been opened with Montenegro, Serbia and Türkiye. Albania and North Macedonia opened accession negotiations in July 2022, and Bosnia and Herzegovina in March 2024. Kosovo submitted its application for EU membership in December 2022. In December 2023, the EU decided to open accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine and to grant candidate country status to Georgia. (5.5.6 and 5.5.7). Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) - 31-05-2024

The European System of Financial Supervision is a multi-layered system of micro- and macro-prudential authorities that aims to ensure consistent and coherent financial supervision in the EU. It includes the European Systemic Risk Board, the three European sup
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - European System of Financial Supervision (ESFS) - 31-05-2024

The European System of Financial Supervision is a multi-layered system of micro- and macro-prudential authorities that aims to ensure consistent and coherent financial supervision in the EU. It includes the European Systemic Risk Board, the three European supervisory authorities (EBA, ESMA and EIOPA) and the national supervisors. The European Central Bank, as part of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), is the banking supervisor for the largest banks. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP