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Ten years have gone by and nowadays it is obvious to everyone that the people of Donbass made the right choice then and defended it on the battlefield, said Maria Zakharova

Rwanda: University of Rwanda Researchers Study Feasibility of Turning Rwanda's Fuel Taxi Motorcycles Into Electric

[New Times] Researchers from University of Rwanda's College of Science and Technology (CST) are investigating the feasibility of transitioning thousands of fuel-powered taxi motorcycles into electric as one way of providing e-mobility solutions.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: University of Rwanda Researchers Study Feasibility of Turning Rwanda's Fuel Taxi Motorcycles Into Electric

[New Times] Researchers from University of Rwanda's College of Science and Technology (CST) are investigating the feasibility of transitioning thousands of fuel-powered taxi motorcycles into electric as one way of providing e-mobility solutions.

Rwanda: How Seats for 24 Female Lawmakers Will Be Distributed By Constituency

[New Times] Elections for Rwanda's next President and Members of Parliament are scheduled to take place on the same dates, in July.
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Rwanda: How Seats for 24 Female Lawmakers Will Be Distributed By Constituency

[New Times] Elections for Rwanda's next President and Members of Parliament are scheduled to take place on the same dates, in July.

Congo-Kinshasa: Slam Poems and Dance Shows - How Congolese Creatives Are Responding to the M23 Conflict

[The New Humanitarian] Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo -- 'When we sang and danced with others, I felt free from these thoughts.'
AllAfrica News: Central Africa

Congo-Kinshasa: Slam Poems and Dance Shows - How Congolese Creatives Are Responding to the M23 Conflict

[The New Humanitarian] Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo -- 'When we sang and danced with others, I felt free from these thoughts.'

Strong evidence that Ethiopia committed genocide in Tigray war: Report

Report says Ethiopia and allies had ‘intent to destroy Tigrayans as an ethnic group’ and calls for prosecution at ICJ.
Hiiraan Online

Strong evidence that Ethiopia committed genocide in Tigray war: Report

Report says Ethiopia and allies had ‘intent to destroy Tigrayans as an ethnic group’ and calls for prosecution at ICJ.

Government forces withdraw from strategic Hawadley neighborhood in Middle Shabelle region

Jowhar (HOL) - Government forces and local militia have reportedly left the Hawadaley neighborhood in Middle Shabelle region on Wednesday.
Hiiraan Online

Government forces withdraw from strategic Hawadley neighborhood in Middle Shabelle region

Jowhar (HOL) - Government forces and local militia have reportedly left the Hawadaley neighborhood in Middle Shabelle region on Wednesday.

Павлодарским студентам повысят стипендии

С начала осени для студентов колледжей будет увеличена стипендия. Для будущих специалистов в Павлодаре состоялось мероприятие MamandyqFest, перед
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Павлодарским студентам повысят стипендии

С начала осени для студентов колледжей будет увеличена стипендия. Для будущих специалистов в Павлодаре состоялось мероприятие MamandyqFest, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на акимат региона.

«Божественно прекрасна»: Аружан Джазильбекова очаровала пляжными фото с Мальдив

Казахстанская актриса Аружан Джазильбекова, звезда фильмов "Дорога к матери", "Свадьба на троих", отдыхающая на Мальдивах, вновь ра
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

«Божественно прекрасна»: Аружан Джазильбекова очаровала пляжными фото с Мальдив

Казахстанская актриса Аружан Джазильбекова, звезда фильмов "Дорога к матери", "Свадьба на троих", отдыхающая на Мальдивах, вновь раззадорила читательскую аудиторию в Instagram пляжными фото, передает NUR.KZ.

Бюджет Казахстана может не досчитаться десятков миллиардов тенге из-за решений мажилиса

Президент ОЮЛ "Ассоциация "Саморегулируемая организация букмекеров Казахстана" Рауан Кенжалин дал интервью касательно работы букм
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Бюджет Казахстана может не досчитаться десятков миллиардов тенге из-за решений мажилиса

Президент ОЮЛ "Ассоциация "Саморегулируемая организация букмекеров Казахстана" Рауан Кенжалин дал интервью касательно работы букмекерских организаций в свете запрета на рекламу в этой сфере, передает NUR.KZ.

2 кг наркотиков нашли полицейские в остановленном на трассе под Астаной авто

Полицейские Астаны задержали водителя и пассажира авто, у которых нашли 2 килограмма наркотиков. Начато расследование, передает NUR.KZ со ссылк
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

2 кг наркотиков нашли полицейские в остановленном на трассе под Астаной авто

Полицейские Астаны задержали водителя и пассажира авто, у которых нашли 2 килограмма наркотиков. Начато расследование, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на МВД.

Администрацию кафе в Алматы оштрафовали за мойку мусорного бака в реке

В соцсетях появилось видео с кадрами того, как работники одного из кафе, расположенных вдоль Терренкура, мыли в реке мусорный бак, передает NUR.
NUR.KZ: Новости NUR.KZ

Администрацию кафе в Алматы оштрафовали за мойку мусорного бака в реке

В соцсетях появилось видео с кадрами того, как работники одного из кафе, расположенных вдоль Терренкура, мыли в реке мусорный бак, передает NUR.KZ со ссылкой на МВД.

Norvegijos parlamentas susitarė dėl „istorinio“ gynybos biudžeto

Norvegijos parlamentas visais balsais pritarė planams per ateinančius 12 metų drastiškai padidinti šalies gynybos biudžetą, antradienį paskelbė vyriausybė. Planas numato per ateinančius dvylika metų papildomai skirti 600 mlrd. Norvegijos kronų (

Norvegijos parlamentas susitarė dėl „istorinio“ gynybos biudžeto

Norvegijos parlamentas visais balsais pritarė planams per ateinančius 12 metų drastiškai padidinti šalies gynybos biudžetą, antradienį paskelbė vyriausybė. Planas numato per ateinančius dvylika metų papildomai skirti 600 mlrd. Norvegijos kronų (56,9 mlrd. JAV dolerių) šalies kariuomenei stiprinti. Partijos taip pat sutiko 11 mlrd. kronų padidinti gynybos biudžetą, tad išlaidos išaugs iki 611 mlrd. kronų.

Lenkija: Rusija ir Baltarusija naudoja migraciją kaip ginklą kraštutinių dešiniųjų naudai

Somalietė, kartu su kitomis keturiomis moterimis žvelgdama į vos už kelių metrų besidriekiančią pažadėtą saugią ateitį Europos Sąjungoje, tarp dviejų Baltarusiją ir Lenkiją skiriančios storos metalinės užtvaros strypų tiesia sužeistą ra

Lenkija: Rusija ir Baltarusija naudoja migraciją kaip ginklą kraštutinių dešiniųjų naudai

Somalietė, kartu su kitomis keturiomis moterimis žvelgdama į vos už kelių metrų besidriekiančią pažadėtą saugią ateitį Europos Sąjungoje, tarp dviejų Baltarusiją ir Lenkiją skiriančios storos metalinės užtvaros strypų tiesia sužeistą ranką. Kitoje sienos pusėje į moteris kreipiasi lenkė humanitarinės pagalbos darbuotoja, žadėdama padėti. Netoliese patruliuoja lenkų kariai.

OWEXX lauko ekranų tinklas Klaipėdoje – tvarumas ir kokybė

Lauko ekranai Klaipėdoje – tai moderni ir efektyvi reklamos priemonė, pasiekianti plačią auditoriją. Ypač šiltuoju sezonu, kai Klaipėda tampa ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir užsienio turistų atostogų kryptimi. OWEXX LED lauko ekranai uostamiestyje įreng

OWEXX lauko ekranų tinklas Klaipėdoje – tvarumas ir kokybė

Lauko ekranai Klaipėdoje – tai moderni ir efektyvi reklamos priemonė, pasiekianti plačią auditoriją. Ypač šiltuoju sezonu, kai Klaipėda tampa ne tik Lietuvos, bet ir užsienio turistų atostogų kryptimi. OWEXX LED lauko ekranai uostamiestyje įrengti tokiose sankryžose, pro kurias keliauja dideli miesto gyventojų ir atostogautojų srautai. Kokybė, dėmesį atkreipianti reklama ir tvarumas – reklama lauko ekranuose Klaipėdoje siūlo optimalias sąlygas būti pastebėtiems.

Šių metų birželį vidutinė šilumos energijos kaina 6,2 proc. mažesnė nei tuo pačiu metu pernai

Šilumos energijos kainas birželį sumažino 26 šilumos tiekimo įmonės iš 49 Lietuvoje veikiančių reguliuojamų tiekėjų. Iš jų 13 kainas šį mėnesį padidino. Įvairiuose regionuose išlieka ryškus didžiausios ir mažiausios šilumos energijos

Šių metų birželį vidutinė šilumos energijos kaina 6,2 proc. mažesnė nei tuo pačiu metu pernai

Šilumos energijos kainas birželį sumažino 26 šilumos tiekimo įmonės iš 49 Lietuvoje veikiančių reguliuojamų tiekėjų. Iš jų 13 kainas šį mėnesį padidino. Įvairiuose regionuose išlieka ryškus didžiausios ir mažiausios šilumos energijos kainos skirtumas, skelbia Lietuvos energetikos agentūra (LEA). Šių metų birželio mėnesio vidutinė centralizuotai tiekiamos šilumos energijos kaina Lietuvoje – 6,02 ct/kWh be PVM.

Pernai augusi VLG grupė šiemet vėl tikisi nemažo augimo

Estijos koncerno „BLRT Grupp“ valdoma Klaipėdos grupė Vakarų laivų gamykla (VLG) pernai uždirbo 4,4 mln. eurų konsoliduoto grynojo pelno – 4 kartus daugiau nei 2022 metais (1,1 mln. eurų), jos konsoliduotos pajamos augo 18 proc. iki 173,1 mln. eu

Pernai augusi VLG grupė šiemet vėl tikisi nemažo augimo

Estijos koncerno „BLRT Grupp“ valdoma Klaipėdos grupė Vakarų laivų gamykla (VLG) pernai uždirbo 4,4 mln. eurų konsoliduoto grynojo pelno – 4 kartus daugiau nei 2022 metais (1,1 mln. eurų), jos konsoliduotos pajamos augo 18 proc. iki 173,1 mln. eurų (142,8 mln. eurų). VLG grupė šiemet tikisi dar didesnio pajamų augimo – 21 proc. iki 208,7 mln. eurų, jos ikimokestinis pelnas turėtų augti 4,7 karto iki 23,1 mln. eurų, nurodoma Registrų centrui pateiktoje ataskaitoje.

Modi celebrates victory in India vote, but falls short of landslide

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's political alliance won India's weeks-long general election on Tuesday, but the opposition said voters had sent a clear message after his Hindu nationalist party lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in a decade. Co
Seychelles News Agency

Modi celebrates victory in India vote, but falls short of landslide

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's political alliance won India's weeks-long general election on Tuesday, but the opposition said voters had sent a clear message after his Hindu nationalist party lost its parliamentary majority for the first time in a decade. Commentators and exit polls had projected an overwhelming victory for Modi, whose campaign wooed the Hindu majority to the worry of the country's 200-million-plus Muslim community, deepening concerns over minority rights. The alliance led by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won an overall parliamentary majority, results on the election commission website showed late Tuesday. But the BJP itself was projected to secure only 240 seats of its own, well down on the 303 it won at the last polls five years ago, meaning it would need to rely on its alliance partners to pass legislation. India had given the party and its allies a mandate «for a third consecutive time», Modi told a crowd of cheering supporters in the capital New Delhi. «Our third term will be one of big decisions and the country will write a new chapter of development. This is Modi's guarantee.» But in a remarkable turnaround largely driven by deals to field single candidates against the BJP's electoral juggernaut, the main opposition Congress party was expected to take 99 seats, almost doubling its 2019 tally of 52. «The country has said to Narendra Modi 'We don't want you',» key leader Rahul Gandhi told reporters. «I was confident that the people of this country would give the right response.» With more than 99 percent of votes counted, the BJP's vote share at 36.6 percent was marginally lower than at the last general election. Modi was re-elected to his constituency representing the Hindu holy city of Varanasi by a margin of 152,300 votes -- compared to nearly half a million votes five years ago. Among the independent lawmakers elected were two serving time in jail -- firebrand Sikh separatist preacher Amritpal Singh, and Sheikh Abdul Rashid from Indian-administered Kashmir, who was arrested on charges of «terror funding» and money laundering in 2019. - 'Moral defeat' - Celebrations had already begun at the headquarters of Modi's BJP before the full announcement of results. But the mood at the Congress headquarters in New Delhi was also one of jubilation. «BJP has failed to win a big majority on its own,» Congress lawmaker Rajeev Shukla told reporters. «It's a moral defeat for them.» Stocks slumped on speculation the reduced majority would hamper the BJP's ability to push through reforms. Shares in the main listed unit of Adani Enterprises -- owned by key Modi ally Gautam Adani -- nosedived 25 percent, before rebounding slightly. Modi's opponents fought against a well-oiled and well-funded BJP campaign machine, and what they say are politically motivated criminal cases aimed at hobbling challengers. US think tank Freedom House said this year that the BJP had «increasingly used government institutions to target political opponents». Arvind Kejriwal, chief minister of the capital Delhi and a key leader in an alliance formed to compete against Modi, returned to jail on Sunday. Kejriwal, 55, was detained in March over a long-running corruption probe, but was later released and allowed to campaign as long as he returned to custody once voting ended. «When power becomes dictatorship, then jail becomes a responsibility,» Kejriwal said before surrendering himself, vowing to continue «fighting» from behind bars. - 'Strength of Indian democracy' - Many of India's Muslim minority are increasingly uneasy about their futures and their community's place in the constitutionally secular country. Modi himself made several strident comments about Muslims on the campaign trail, referring to them as «infiltrators». The polls were staggering in their size and logistical complexity, with 642 million voters casting their ballots -- everywhere from megacities New Delhi and Mumbai to sparsely populated forest areas and the high-altitude Himalayas. «People should know about the strength of Indian democracy,» chief election commissioner Rajiv Kumar said Monday, calling the counting process «robust». Based on the commission's figure of an electorate of 968 million, turnout came to 66.3 percent, down roughly one percentage point from 67.4 percent in the last polls in 2019. Analysts have partly blamed the lower turnout on a searing heatwave across northern India, with temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit). © Agence France-Presse

French veteran recounts backstage of D-Day landings

Jean Caillet still remembers being a 20-year-old air force mechanic in Britain during World War II and hearing Allied forces had landed on the beaches of German-occupied France. «We were happy, of course. We were perhaps going to see our country again,
Seychelles News Agency

French veteran recounts backstage of D-Day landings

Jean Caillet still remembers being a 20-year-old air force mechanic in Britain during World War II and hearing Allied forces had landed on the beaches of German-occupied France. «We were happy, of course. We were perhaps going to see our country again,» the heavily decorated 100-year-old Frenchman of Jewish heritage told AFP. Caillet was one of millions who worked behind the scenes of the Normandy landings on June 6, 1944 that paved the way towards expelling Nazi forces from France. That summer he was part of just two French Air Force heavy bomber squadrons -- dubbed Guyenne and Tunisie -- that contributed to the Allied aerial campaign in France from behind the lines at a Royal Air Force base in Britain. In the British village of Elvington, 11 kilometres (seven miles) southeast of York, Caillet and his colleagues had their work cut out for them. «When you're 20, it's an adventure,» he said, eyes sparkling. «I was a ground mechanic,» he added, explaining he was in charge of checking the fuel gauge, speedometer and altimetre on the heavy bombers before they took off. «Sometimes it took five minutes, others an hour. I would check five to 20 planes a day. Almost all of them took part in the Normandy battle,» he said, adding he was «proud» to have played a role. - 'Hungry during the war' - In Elvington, he recounted, he made life-long friendships, as well as discovered pints of beer, whisky and the charms of young women. But war-time rationing and bomb-scarred cityscapes were a reminder that a conflict was on, especially when he travelled to London on leave. «Missile shrapnel would rain down in the street,» he said. As friends took off across the Channel, Caillet -- who was not religious -- would sometimes wish them «merde», the French version of «break a leg». But one out of two pilots in the Guyenne and Tunisie squadrons never made it back to base. Caillet said he would have liked to fly a plane too despite the risks. «But I didn't have the build,» he said. «Being hungry during the war must have been a factor... There wasn't a lot to eat in France and Spain. - Spain, Morocco, Algeria - Caillet was born in the northern French city in Amiens on November 8, 1923. He, his parents and little sister spent the first years of World War II there, then fled bombardment to the tiny Normandy village of Mortemer. Living conditions were tough under German occupation, and in early 1942 he decided to flee to escape being rounded up. He found refuge with an uncle across the line in Free France, then decided to leave to join the Free French Army fighting German forces in North Africa. He managed to cross the southern border into Spain, but he was arrested for being undocumented and jailed in the northern city of Girona. After the Red Cross intervened to have him released, he caught a train to Portugal, then found a spot in the tick-infected hold of a former livestock ship heading to North Africa. He docked in Morocco in June 1943, signing up to join the air force, hoping initially to be a pilot. He said he had »terrible memories« of the heat in Morocco, and then caught malaria in next-door Algeria. By late 1943, he had docked in Liverpool to join the RAF. But he was worried about his family after learning his Jewish mother and sister had been arrested. - Return home - He returned home after the war ended, finding his home had been plundered after being occupied by German forces and no sign of his family. »I never found my father, mother and sister. I never heard from them again," he said. Caillet married and settled in the Normandy fishing port town of Dieppe, where he still lives to this day on a street named after him. He and his wife, who opened a shop after the war and had three children, between them had lost 15 relatives in the conflict. Only years later in 1978, through the work of Nazi hunters Beate and Serge Klarsfeld, did Caillet discover what had happened to his family. His father was arrested in August 1942, while his mother and then 15-year-old sister were detained the next year. They were deported to an extermination camp in Poland. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' 2010 water pollution case: second compensation payouts to be made June 19

The Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade will make the second compensation payments  by June 19 to La Misere residents affected by the contaminated water incident that took place more than a decade ago, said a top government official on Tuesday.
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' 2010 water pollution case: second compensation payouts to be made June 19

The Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade will make the second compensation payments  by June 19 to La Misere residents affected by the contaminated water incident that took place more than a decade ago, said a top government official on Tuesday. Around 1,400 inhabitants from La Misere and Petit Barbarons in the western parts of Mahe, the main island, including those working in La Misere, were affected by the water pollution during the construction of the former UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan's palace complex in 2010. The incident occurred after an accident at the sewage plant caused diesel and raw sewage to seep into local water sources, causing severe health problems to the local population once the contaminated water reached homes. The construction firm for the project, Associated Contracting and Consulting Limited (ASCON) agreed in March 2011 to a total payout of SCR99 million ($7.2 million) after over 90 percent of residents from affected homes accepted the SCR250,000 ($18,289) offered to each home. The Seychelles' government had pledged to pay the $15 million to settle the second round of compensation claims and that the payments were done in phases with the first payment in 2020 followed by the second one in 2021. Following the first compensation payments made in 2020, the second payments «will only be made to those who were paid the initial instalment of compensation money,» said the secretary of state for finance, Patrick Payet. The payments that will be made on June 19 will be to those qualifying for the compensation and whose information remains the same as that provided at the time of the last payment. The rest of the payment will made by June 27. Government officers will be available at the La Misere School on Saturday 8 June to collect information needed to update information the ministry has collected from the Civil Status data and the Department of Information Communication and Technology (DICT). This second installment is the payment on the balance of the SCR50,000 ($3,664), SCR 25,000 ($1,832) and SCR15,000 ($1,100) made in 2020. In total, the government will pay $8.6 million in the final installment to the 1,758 individuals who qualified for compensation. Payet told the press that additional work will have to be carried out to assess the validity of 1,149 new individual claims - which may cost SCR123 million ($8.9 million) in total. Tamatave said that a series of procedures were being established to ensure that the process goes smoothly. She said that since the last payment, «107 people have changed their names and these individuals have to send their change of name documents to receive payments.» Tamaktave explained that in addition to the name changes, there are 707 residents paid with a cheque in 2020, who will have to provide their bank details to officials for funds to be directly transferred to their accounts. «This time we will mainly transfer the funds to their bank accounts, which is why we are asking people to come in with the bank cards and details,» she added. Official figures also show that 49 of those on the initial list of those compensated in 2020 have passed away, delaying their beneficiaries' payments. «The procedures will be much longer as there are affidavits and executors that come into play, and we don't expect that the payments will be made by the end of June,» said Tamatave.

Драки у военкоматов, атака на ДнепроГЭС, арест Z-поэта в оккупированном Луганске. Обзор событий в Украине

В украинской прессе появилось много публикаций, связанных с конфликтами между сотрудниками украинских военкоматов и военнообязанными мужч
В мире - Postimees

Драки у военкоматов, атака на ДнепроГЭС, арест Z-поэта в оккупированном Луганске. Обзор событий в Украине

В украинской прессе появилось много публикаций, связанных с конфликтами между сотрудниками украинских военкоматов и военнообязанными мужчинами. Тем временем россияне во второй раз (после марта) ударили по Днепровской ГЭС, которая в итоге оказалась в критическом состоянии. В оккупированном Луганске был задержан за убийство местной жительницы российский офицер, чья «патриотическая поэзия» ранее активно рекламировалась Минобороны РФ. Эти темы были в центре внимания в Украине всю последнюю неделю, пишет украинский журналист Сергей Гармаш.

БИЗНЕС-ПСИХОЛОГ ⟩ Залог эффективной работы компании: нужно понимать тип личности каждого сотрудника

В любой командной работе критически важно правильное распределение ресурсов: это не только финансы и время, но и человеческие качества. Бизн
В мире - Postimees

БИЗНЕС-ПСИХОЛОГ ⟩ Залог эффективной работы компании: нужно понимать тип личности каждого сотрудника

В любой командной работе критически важно правильное распределение ресурсов: это не только финансы и время, но и человеческие качества. Бизнес-психолог Станислава Филипова пишет, что понимание индивидуальных особенностей сотрудников позволяет максимально эффективно использовать их сильные стороны и минимизировать влияние слабых. Компании, которые умеют распределять задачи с учетом типов личностей работников, достигают лучших результатов в работе, снижают уровень стресса среди персонала и улучшают атмосферу в коллективе.

Рейтинги партий: падение EKRE продолжается

Рейтинговая таблица партий показывает, что падение Эстонской консервативной народной партии (EKRE) продолжается, в то время как «Отечество» ос
В мире - Postimees

Рейтинги партий: падение EKRE продолжается

Рейтинговая таблица партий показывает, что падение Эстонской консервативной народной партии (EKRE) продолжается, в то время как «Отечество» остается явным лидером, а Партия реформ занимает второе место.


蔡百靈/核稿編輯 中國青海省海東市互助土族自治縣4日發生嚴重工安意外,興建中的加西高速公路JX-1標互助北山特長隧道右洞突然坍塌,3名失聯人員已全部尋獲,均失去生命跡象。具體事故...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


蔡百靈/核稿編輯 中國青海省海東市互助土族自治縣4日發生嚴重工安意外,興建中的加西高速公路JX-1標互助北山特長隧道右洞突然坍塌,3名失聯人員已全部尋獲,均失去生命跡象。具體事故...…


曾德峰/核稿編輯 SpaceX公司開發的「星鏈」(Starlink)衛星網路系統,讓許多與世隔絕的地方也可以連通網路,巴西亞馬遜雨林深處部落馬魯博(Marubo)去年9月起終於有...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


曾德峰/核稿編輯 SpaceX公司開發的「星鏈」(Starlink)衛星網路系統,讓許多與世隔絕的地方也可以連通網路,巴西亞馬遜雨林深處部落馬魯博(Marubo)去年9月起終於有...…

印度女警局長坐車內滑手機 警車失控輾過無辜清潔工

郭顏慧/核稿編輯 印度近日發生一起警車碾傷清潔工的意外,當時女警欣格將車輛停在斜坡上方,人坐在車內玩手機,沒想到車子開始下滑,直接撞飛正在路邊打掃的清潔工。 綜合外媒報導...
國際新聞 - 自由時報

印度女警局長坐車內滑手機 警車失控輾過無辜清潔工

郭顏慧/核稿編輯 印度近日發生一起警車碾傷清潔工的意外,當時女警欣格將車輛停在斜坡上方,人坐在車內玩手機,沒想到車子開始下滑,直接撞飛正在路邊打掃的清潔工。 綜合外媒報導...…

Keluarga mangsa Tragedi Double Six mahu ambil tindakan undang-undang

KOTA KINABALU: Keluarga mangsa pesawat terhempas dalam Tragedi Double Six yang berlaku 48 tahun lalu di sini, menimbangkan untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang bagi mendapatkan pampasan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.
BH Online - Terkini

Keluarga mangsa Tragedi Double Six mahu ambil tindakan undang-undang

KOTA KINABALU: Keluarga mangsa pesawat terhempas dalam Tragedi Double Six yang berlaku 48 tahun lalu di sini, menimbangkan untuk mengambil tindakan undang-undang bagi mendapatkan pampasan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan.

Tiga faktor cetus kebimbangan firma Jerman di Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Permintaan perlahan, kekurangan pekerja mahir dan kadar pertukaran asing yang lemah menjadi tiga kebimbangan utama syarikat Jerman di Malaysia, demikian menurut Tinjauan Unjuran Perniagaan Dunia AHK.
BH Online - Terkini

Tiga faktor cetus kebimbangan firma Jerman di Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR: Permintaan perlahan, kekurangan pekerja mahir dan kadar pertukaran asing yang lemah menjadi tiga kebimbangan utama syarikat Jerman di Malaysia, demikian menurut Tinjauan Unjuran Perniagaan Dunia AHK.

Israel sedia berperang di sempadan Lubnan jika terpaksa

BAITULMAQDIS: Israel bersedia untuk melancarkan serangan di sepanjang sempadan utara dengan Lubnan, sebagai membalas serangan kumpulan Hizbullah.
BH Online - Terkini

Israel sedia berperang di sempadan Lubnan jika terpaksa

BAITULMAQDIS: Israel bersedia untuk melancarkan serangan di sepanjang sempadan utara dengan Lubnan, sebagai membalas serangan kumpulan Hizbullah.

EU Fact Sheets - Three Eastern Partnership neighbours in the South Caucasus - 04-06-2024

The EU’s Eastern Partnership policy, initiated in 2009, covers six post-Soviet states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It was created to support political, social and economic reform efforts in these countries with the aim of in
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Three Eastern Partnership neighbours in the South Caucasus - 04-06-2024

The EU’s Eastern Partnership policy, initiated in 2009, covers six post-Soviet states: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. It was created to support political, social and economic reform efforts in these countries with the aim of increasing democratisation and good governance, energy security, environmental protection, and economic and social development. All the participating countries (except Belarus whose membership is suspended) send delegations to the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Environment policy: general principles and basic framework - 04-06-2024

The EU faces complex environmental issues, ranging from climate change and biodiversity loss to resource depletion and pollution. To address these issues, European environment policy follows the principles of precaution, prevention, rectifying pollution at so
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Environment policy: general principles and basic framework - 04-06-2024

The EU faces complex environmental issues, ranging from climate change and biodiversity loss to resource depletion and pollution. To address these issues, European environment policy follows the principles of precaution, prevention, rectifying pollution at source and ‘polluter pays’. In 2019, the Commission launched the European Green Deal, moving environmental concerns to the fore of EU policymaking. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Biodiversity, land use and forestry - 04-06-2024

The EU has played an important role at international level in seeking solutions to biodiversity loss, deforestation and climate change. The 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development adopted the Convention on Biological Diversity. The 2015 Paris
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Biodiversity, land use and forestry - 04-06-2024

The EU has played an important role at international level in seeking solutions to biodiversity loss, deforestation and climate change. The 1992 UN Conference on the Environment and Development adopted the Convention on Biological Diversity. The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change notes the importance of ensuring the integrity of all ecosystems and the protection of biodiversity. As part of the European Green Deal, the new biodiversity and forestry 2030 strategies aim to put Europe’s biodiversity on the path to recovery and to support deforestation-free value chains. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Digital agenda for Europe - 04-06-2024

Digital service platforms and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence profoundly influence our societal landscape. These innovations have redefined how we communicate, shop and access information online, making them daily essentials. The Europea
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Digital agenda for Europe - 04-06-2024

Digital service platforms and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence profoundly influence our societal landscape. These innovations have redefined how we communicate, shop and access information online, making them daily essentials. The European digital agenda for 2020-2030 addresses these shifts. It prioritises establishing secure digital spaces, ensuring fair competition in digital markets and enhancing Europe’s digital sovereignty, in line with the twin digital and green transitions. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

EU Fact Sheets - Latin America and the Caribbean - 04-06-2024

The European Union’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean are multifaceted and conducted at different levels. Guided by the New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU seeks to strengthen and modernise the b
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

EU Fact Sheets - Latin America and the Caribbean - 04-06-2024

The European Union’s relations with Latin America and the Caribbean are multifaceted and conducted at different levels. Guided by the New Agenda for Relations between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean, the EU seeks to strengthen and modernise the bi-regional strategic partnership. The EU interacts with the entire region through summits with the heads of state and government and through parliamentary diplomacy, while agreements and political dialogue bind the EU and the Caribbean, Central America, the Andean Community, Mercosur and individual countries. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

毒蟲半夜開車違停斑馬線 警攔查發現K菸竟被車門夾手

楊姓男子開車違停,員警上前攔查時眼尖發現車內有K菸,楊不但拒絕盤查,還關車門夾傷員警左手背,甚至拍掉員警身上的密錄器,被法官依妨害公務罪判刑3月,得易科罰金。 判決指出,...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

毒蟲半夜開車違停斑馬線 警攔查發現K菸竟被車門夾手

楊姓男子開車違停,員警上前攔查時眼尖發現車內有K菸,楊不但拒絕盤查,還關車門夾傷員警左手背,甚至拍掉員警身上的密錄器,被法官依妨害公務罪判刑3月,得易科罰金。 判決指出,...…

女清潔工苦追帥醫師穿黑絲襪站崗示愛挨告不怕 又騎車跟回家下場出爐

社會新聞 - 自由時報

女清潔工苦追帥醫師穿黑絲襪站崗示愛挨告不怕 又騎車跟回家下場出爐


تفاصيل 10 عمليات دقيقة لحزب الله ضد جيش الاحتلال

أصدرت المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان «حزب الله» بيانا كشف من خلاله عن 10 عمليات دقيقة نفذها يوم الثلاثاء 4 يونيو ضد جيش الاحتلال ومواقعه عند
قناة العالم الأخبارية

تفاصيل 10 عمليات دقيقة لحزب الله ضد جيش الاحتلال

أصدرت المقاومة الإسلامية في لبنان «حزب الله» بيانا كشف من خلاله عن 10 عمليات دقيقة نفذها يوم الثلاثاء 4 يونيو ضد جيش الاحتلال ومواقعه عند الحدود الل...