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توج فريق يوفنتوس ببطولة كأس إيطاليا لكرة القدم بالفوز على أتالانتا 1-صفر في المباراة النهائية التي أقيمت مساء الأربعاء. وسجل دوشان فلاهوفيتش

MORAKSELA OBARA DECU U KREVET Mališani na udaru 6 vrsta virusa i bakterija, JEDAN SIMPTOM DOMINIRA kod svih

Deca u Srbiji na udaru su virusa i bakterija, pa pored stomačnih tegoba, imaju i temperaturu koja ih obara u krevet. Decu sada masovno muče 4 virusa i 2 vrste bakterija. Pedijatar Saša Milićević otkriva za «Blic» da pored norovirusa, raznih s
Blic online

MORAKSELA OBARA DECU U KREVET Mališani na udaru 6 vrsta virusa i bakterija, JEDAN SIMPTOM DOMINIRA kod svih

Deca u Srbiji na udaru su virusa i bakterija, pa pored stomačnih tegoba, imaju i temperaturu koja ih obara u krevet. Decu sada masovno muče 4 virusa i 2 vrste bakterija. Pedijatar Saša Milićević otkriva za «Blic» da pored norovirusa, raznih stomačnih virusa i BRNU virusa, decu muči i angina, a mnogo ima i klice moraksela kataralis koja izaziva bol u grlu, visoku temperaturu i loše opšte stanje deteta.

Nasukao se na izolovanu plažu i NIJE IMAO KUD: Evo kako je muškarac uspeo da se spase, jedan potez je presudio (VIDEO)

Muškarac koji se zaglavio na plaži spasen je nakon što je poslao ključan signal u pomoć.
Blic online

Nasukao se na izolovanu plažu i NIJE IMAO KUD: Evo kako je muškarac uspeo da se spase, jedan potez je presudio (VIDEO)

Muškarac koji se zaglavio na plaži spasen je nakon što je poslao ključan signal u pomoć.

خطة التنمية الاقتصادية 2024/2025 تستهدف تحقيق معدل نمو بنسبة 4.2%

تضمنت خطة التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للعام المالى 2024/2025 حزمة من الإصلاحات الجديدة على مستوى السياسات والإجراءات التى تؤثر بشكل إيجابي ف
rss-أخبار عاجلة

خطة التنمية الاقتصادية 2024/2025 تستهدف تحقيق معدل نمو بنسبة 4.2%

تضمنت خطة التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية للعام المالى 2024/2025 حزمة من الإصلاحات الجديدة على مستوى السياسات والإجراءات التى تؤثر بشكل إيجابي فى متطلبات المواطن.. المصدر:اليوم السابعخطة التنمية الاقتصادية 2024/2025 تستهدف تحقيق معدل نمو بنسبة 4.2%

شروط إضافة المواليد على بطاقات التموين

يبحث الكثير من المواطنين عن كيفية إضافة الأبناء على بطاقات التموين والشروط المقررة لذلك، وأجابت وزارة التموين والتجارة الداخلية بأن إضافة ال
rss-أخبار عاجلة

شروط إضافة المواليد على بطاقات التموين

يبحث الكثير من المواطنين عن كيفية إضافة الأبناء على بطاقات التموين والشروط المقررة لذلك، وأجابت وزارة التموين والتجارة الداخلية بأن إضافة المواليد على البطاقات تقتصر في الوقت الحالى على.. المصدر:اليوم السابعشروط إضافة المواليد على بطاقات التموين

مواعيد القطارات المكيفة والروسية العادية على خط «القاهرة - أسوان»

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بـ مواعيد القطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - أسوان، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها، والت
rss-أخبار عاجلة

مواعيد القطارات المكيفة والروسية العادية على خط «القاهرة - أسوان»

يقدم اليوم السابع قائمة بـ مواعيد القطارات المكيفة والقطارات الروسية العادية التى تعمل على خط (القاهرة - أسوان، والعكس)، ومواعيد قيامها، والتى تستلزم الحجز المسبق قبل استقلالها. المصدر:اليوم السابعمواعيد القطارات المكيفة والروسية العادية على خط «القاهرة - أسوان»

Пластический хирург Свиридов объяснил, почему Юлии Ковальчук нужна липосакция

41-летняя экс-солистка группы «Блестящие» Юлия Ковальчук является одной из немногих звезд, выступающих против пластической хирургии. Певица
Мода и стиль -

Пластический хирург Свиридов объяснил, почему Юлии Ковальчук нужна липосакция

41-летняя экс-солистка группы «Блестящие» Юлия Ковальчук является одной из немногих звезд, выступающих против пластической хирургии. Певица утверждает, что никогда не прибегала к операциям для того, чтобы сохранить моложавый вид. Звезда принимает себя такой, какая она есть и не комплексует из-за отсутствия пышной груди. Но не лукавит ли она? На этот вопрос сайту «Страсти» ответил пластический хирург Сергей Свиридов.

Встреча президентов Литвы и Чехии: необходимо рассмотреть все варианты поддержки Украины


МВД Литвы предлагает расширить круг лиц, которых можно лишить гражданства на основании угрозы нацбезопасности


На выборах представителей Литвы в Европарламент также проголосовали 228 иностранцев


أوربان يتفق مع ستولتنبرغ على عدم عرقلة تكثيف الدعم لأوكرانيا

اتفق الأمين العام لحلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو)، ينس ستولتنبرغ، ورئيس الوزراء المجري، فيكتور أوربان، أمس، على أن بودابست « More...

أوربان يتفق مع ستولتنبرغ على عدم عرقلة تكثيف الدعم لأوكرانيا

اتفق الأمين العام لحلف شمال الأطلسي (الناتو)، ينس ستولتنبرغ، ورئيس الوزراء المجري، فيكتور أوربان، أمس، على أن بودابست « More...

الجفاف يدفع كورسيكا الفرنسية إلى ترشيد استهلاك المياه

منذ 10 يونيو تم وضع 137 بلدة من أصل 236 بلدة في منطقة كورسيكا العليا في حالة تأهب لجفاف المياه. وفُرضت قيود صارمة على More...

الجفاف يدفع كورسيكا الفرنسية إلى ترشيد استهلاك المياه

منذ 10 يونيو تم وضع 137 بلدة من أصل 236 بلدة في منطقة كورسيكا العليا في حالة تأهب لجفاف المياه. وفُرضت قيود صارمة على More...

الأميركيون الأصليون يعبرون عن تاريخهم بواسطة الفن

بدأ العرض المتعلق بتاريخ الأميركيين الأصليين بالتذكير بأن صالة العرض الوطنية للفنون في واشنطن، التي يجري فيها العرض، More...

الأميركيون الأصليون يعبرون عن تاريخهم بواسطة الفن

بدأ العرض المتعلق بتاريخ الأميركيين الأصليين بالتذكير بأن صالة العرض الوطنية للفنون في واشنطن، التي يجري فيها العرض، More...

Saudi authorities arrest 26 Hajj permit violators

RIYADH: Authorities in Saudi Arabia arrested 26 violators of Hajj regulations at the entrances to Makkah after they tried to enter without a valid permit, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. The Ministry of Interior announced that the Hajj Securit
Saudi Arabia

Saudi authorities arrest 26 Hajj permit violators

RIYADH: Authorities in Saudi Arabia arrested 26 violators of Hajj regulations at the entrances to Makkah after they tried to enter without a valid permit, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. The Ministry of Interior announced that the Hajj Security Forces had arrested nine residents and 19 citizens, who had attempted to transport 102 people on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia extends condolences after fire in Kuwait kills 49

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry extended the Kingdom’s condolences and sympathy to the families of those killed in a fire that ripped through a building in Kuwait on Wednesday. The blaze, which broke out in a six-story building in the Mangaf are
Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia extends condolences after fire in Kuwait kills 49

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry extended the Kingdom’s condolences and sympathy to the families of those killed in a fire that ripped through a building in Kuwait on Wednesday. The blaze, which broke out in a six-story building in the Mangaf area, south of Kuwait City, killed 49 and left dozens injured, the Kuwaiti health ministry said.  The Saudi foreign ministry expressed the Kingdom’s solidarity with the government and people of Kuwait and its best wishes for the security and safety of Kuwaiti citizens and residents. 

Saudi leaders send condolences to Kuwait’s emir over victims of deadly fire

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Wednesday sent a message of condolence and sympathy to the emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, following a fire that killed and injured dozens of people in the country. The king wrote: “We lear
Saudi Arabia

Saudi leaders send condolences to Kuwait’s emir over victims of deadly fire

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Wednesday sent a message of condolence and sympathy to the emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, following a fire that killed and injured dozens of people in the country. The king wrote: “We learned of the news of the outbreak of a fire in the Mangaf region, and the deaths and injuries that resulted from it, and we send to Your Highness, to the families of the deceased, and to the brotherly people of the State of Kuwait, our warmest and most sincere condolences.”

Saudi crown prince declines Italian invitation to attend G7 Summit session due to Hajj commitments

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has declined an invitation to attend a communication session of the G7 Summit in Italy on Friday. He sent a message to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni thanking her for the invitation but said he is una
Saudi Arabia

Saudi crown prince declines Italian invitation to attend G7 Summit session due to Hajj commitments

RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has declined an invitation to attend a communication session of the G7 Summit in Italy on Friday. He sent a message to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni thanking her for the invitation but said he is unable to participate because of his obligations to supervise the work of officials in the Kingdom during Hajj season, the Saudi Press Agency reported on Wednesday. The prince noted the strength of the relationship between their countries and wished Italian authorities success in hosting the summit.

KSrelief chief discusses aid efforts in Gaza with Palestinian ministers

RIYADH: The general supervisor of Saudi aid agency KSrelief, Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, on Wednesday discussed the situation in Gaza with the Palestinian minister of health, Majed Abu Ramadan, and minister of social development, Samah Abdul Rahim Hussein Hamad. T
Saudi Arabia

KSrelief chief discusses aid efforts in Gaza with Palestinian ministers

RIYADH: The general supervisor of Saudi aid agency KSrelief, Abdullah Al-Rabeeah, on Wednesday discussed the situation in Gaza with the Palestinian minister of health, Majed Abu Ramadan, and minister of social development, Samah Abdul Rahim Hussein Hamad. Their meeting took place during “Call for Action: Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza,” an international emergency conference that began in Jordan on Tuesday.

Sask. Teachers' Federation consulting with members on binding arbitration, set to provide update Friday

The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) has revealed it’s consulting with its members on the use of binding arbitration to reach a deal with the province. - Canada - Public RSS

Sask. Teachers' Federation consulting with members on binding arbitration, set to provide update Friday

The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) has revealed it’s consulting with its members on the use of binding arbitration to reach a deal with the province.

Attempted robbery on UBC campus sends victim to hospital

Police on the University of British Columbia campus are investigating an attempted robbery that turned into an assault with a weapon Wednesday afternoon. - Canada - Public RSS

Attempted robbery on UBC campus sends victim to hospital

Police on the University of British Columbia campus are investigating an attempted robbery that turned into an assault with a weapon Wednesday afternoon.

酒駕闖紅燈被逮 使出催吐也沒用

社會新聞 - 自由時報

酒駕闖紅燈被逮 使出催吐也沒用


土城一家三口葬火窟!近2年鋰電池火災191件 使用應注意6點

社會新聞 - 自由時報

土城一家三口葬火窟!近2年鋰電池火災191件 使用應注意6點


新北土城民宅疑鋰電池爆炸奪3命 侯友宜:已交代區公所、社會局協助

社會新聞 - 自由時報

新北土城民宅疑鋰電池爆炸奪3命 侯友宜:已交代區公所、社會局協助


Ex-Spandau Ballet singer Ross William Wild, 36, raped three women and filmed himself molesting victims as they slept, court hears

Jurors were told Wild - whose real name is Ross Davidson - had a 'darker' and 'sinister' side with a fantasy to have sex with women while they were asleep.
News | Mail Online

Ex-Spandau Ballet singer Ross William Wild, 36, raped three women and filmed himself molesting victims as they slept, court hears

Jurors were told Wild - whose real name is Ross Davidson - had a 'darker' and 'sinister' side with a fantasy to have sex with women while they were asleep.

Labour promise to become 'the party of wealth creation and make growth its top priority' - as Keir Starmer is set to unveil party's election manifesto

Sir Keir Starmer will unveil his party's election manifesto making economic stability the first of its six 'first steps' for government and has pledged there will be no 'tax surprises'.
News | Mail Online

Labour promise to become 'the party of wealth creation and make growth its top priority' - as Keir Starmer is set to unveil party's election manifesto

Sir Keir Starmer will unveil his party's election manifesto making economic stability the first of its six 'first steps' for government and has pledged there will be no 'tax surprises'.

We know who killed our mum…we have evidence. Jean Hanlon's death 15 years ago was originally ruled as drowning, but last year detectives concluded that foul play was involved

The family of a Scots woman murdered in Greece 15 years ago are confident they have enough evidence for police to finally arrest her killer and reopen the case.
News | Mail Online

We know who killed our mum…we have evidence. Jean Hanlon's death 15 years ago was originally ruled as drowning, but last year detectives concluded that foul play was involved

The family of a Scots woman murdered in Greece 15 years ago are confident they have enough evidence for police to finally arrest her killer and reopen the case.

Sofia Vergara showcases her ample cleavage in plunging lace-up brown swimsuit

Sofia Vergara shared a series of snaps showing her modeling a swimsuit from her Sofia By Sofia Vergara collaboration with Walmart as a reminder summer is one week away.
News | Mail Online

Sofia Vergara showcases her ample cleavage in plunging lace-up brown swimsuit

Sofia Vergara shared a series of snaps showing her modeling a swimsuit from her Sofia By Sofia Vergara collaboration with Walmart as a reminder summer is one week away.

'He's not a great partner. The next conquest always appears before the current one goes': Friends reveal what's REALLY behind golfer Rory McIlroy's divorce U-turn to ALISON BOSHOFF - and say: 'He realised how much money he would lose!'

Has there ever been a less emotional expression of joy over a marital reunion? Golfer Rory McIlroy released a bloodless - even corporate - update on his tumultuous private life this week.
News | Mail Online

'He's not a great partner. The next conquest always appears before the current one goes': Friends reveal what's REALLY behind golfer Rory McIlroy's divorce U-turn to ALISON BOSHOFF - and say: 'He realised how much money he would lose!'

Has there ever been a less emotional expression of joy over a marital reunion? Golfer Rory McIlroy released a bloodless - even corporate - update on his tumultuous private life this week.

St Catherine man slapped with lottery scam charges

A St Catherine man whose phone allegedly contained the names and personal information of persons living overseas has been charged with breaches of the anti-lottery scam law. 

St Catherine man slapped with lottery scam charges

A St Catherine man whose phone allegedly contained the names and personal information of persons living overseas has been charged with breaches of the anti-lottery scam law. 

Jerry West, inspiration for the NBA logo, dies at 86

Former United States basketball player Jerry West, whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died Wednesday, the Los Angeles Clippers announced.

Jerry West, inspiration for the NBA logo, dies at 86

Former United States basketball player Jerry West, whose silhouette is considered to be the basis of the NBA logo, died Wednesday, the Los Angeles Clippers announced.

셀트리온, 스텔라라 시밀러 ‘스테키마’ 국내 허가… 자가면역질환 치료제 라인업 강화

셀트리온은 자가면역질환 치료제 ‘스텔라라(STELARA, 성분명 우스테키누맙)’ 바이오시밀러로 개발한 ‘스테키마(STEQEYMA, 개발명 CT-P43)’가 국내 식품의약품안전처(식약처)로부터 품목허가를 승
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 IT/의학 뉴스

셀트리온, 스텔라라 시밀러 ‘스테키마’ 국내 허가… 자가면역질환 치료제 라인업 강화

셀트리온은 자가면역질환 치료제 ‘스텔라라(STELARA, 성분명 우스테키누맙)’ 바이오시밀러로 개발한 ‘스테키마(STEQEYMA, 개발명 CT-P43)’가 국내 식품의약품안전처(식약처)로부터 품목허가를 승인 받았다고 13일 밝혔다. 셀트리온 스테키마는 작년 6월 국내 품목허가를 신청했고 약 1년 만에 오리지널 의약품이 보유한 전체 적응증(풀레이블, Full Label)으로 승인을 획득했다. 스텔라라는 판상형 건선과 건선성 관절염, 크론병(CD), 궤양성 대장염(UC) 등의 적응증을 보유하고 있다. 셀트리온은 프리필드시린지 방식 피하주사제형(SC)으로만 이번에 허가를 받았다. 용량은 0.5·1.0ml 2종이다. 삼성바이오에피스는 지난 4월 스텔라라 바이오시밀러 ‘에피즈텍’ 국내 품목허가를 승인 받았다. 정맥주사(Ⅳ)와 SC제형 2종으로 허가를 획득했다. 오리지널 의약품인 스텔라라는 얀센(Janssen)이 개발한 글로벌 블록버스터 제품이다. 아이큐비아(IQVIA)에 따르면 작년 글로벌 우스테키누맙 시장

[기술영업人] AI 확산의 시작과 끝을 함께하는 'AMD코리아'의 영업 전선

21세기는 기술경쟁의 시대입니다. 수많은 빅테크 기업들이 지금 이 순간도 기술과 제품을 놓고 전 세계의 산업 현장에서 경쟁을 벌입니다. 그리고 이 경쟁의 현장이 바로 기술영업입니다. 기술영
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 IT/의학 뉴스

[기술영업人] AI 확산의 시작과 끝을 함께하는 'AMD코리아'의 영업 전선

21세기는 기술경쟁의 시대입니다. 수많은 빅테크 기업들이 지금 이 순간도 기술과 제품을 놓고 전 세계의 산업 현장에서 경쟁을 벌입니다. 그리고 이 경쟁의 현장이 바로 기술영업입니다. 기술영업은 기술적인 이해가 필요한 영업으로, 주로 기업 대 기업 간 영업에서 이뤄집니다. 기술영업 전선에서는 기업의 기술력과 실력으로 경쟁하고, 그 결과는 IT 기업이 움직이는 원동력이 됩니다. 오늘날 현장에서 기술영업人들이 어떻게 경쟁하는지, 기술과 기업, 사람을 들여다보겠습니다. 첫 순서로 소개해드릴 기업은 어드밴스드 마이크로 디바이시즈(이하 AMD)입니다. AMD는 1969년 5월 설립된 미국의 반도체 설계 기업으로, AMD 라이젠 데스크톱 및 노트북 프로세서와 라데온 그래픽 카드는 물론, 데이터센터용 에픽 프로세서와 인스팅트 AI 가속기, 알베오 데이터센터용 장비, FPGA(프로그래밍 가능한 반도체), 버설 AI 적응형 시스템- 온-칩까지 거의 모든 분야에 필요한 컴퓨터 프로세서 및 가속기를 설계합니다. AMD코리

خبراء يعددون أعطاب وتحديات إصلاح نظام الوظيفة العمومية في المغرب

أجمع المتدخلون في اليوم الدراسي الذي نظمه الاتحاد الوطني للشغل بالمغرب بمجلس المستشارين، حول “الوظيفة العمومية بالمغرب: بين واقع التحولا
Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية

خبراء يعددون أعطاب وتحديات إصلاح نظام الوظيفة العمومية في المغرب

أجمع المتدخلون في اليوم الدراسي الذي نظمه الاتحاد الوطني للشغل بالمغرب بمجلس المستشارين، حول “الوظيفة العمومية بالمغرب: بين واقع التحولات وضرورة توفير الخدمة العمومية”، على أن الإصلاحات التي طالت نظام الوظيفة العمومية شابتها مجموعة من الاختلالات ووصمته بالريع السياسي. وقال عبد الحفيظ أدمينو، أستاذ العلوم السياسية بجماعة محمد الخامس بالرباط، إن كل الإصلاحات التي عرفها […] The post خبراء يعددون أعطاب وتحديات إصلاح نظام الوظيفة العمومية في المغرب appeared first on Hespress - هسبريس جريدة إلكترونية مغربية.