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Þóra Sól­veig Berg­steins­dóttir and her husband, Erw­in van der Wer­ve, offer tourists a place to stay in a so-called Yurt or shelter tent from Mongolia in Leifsstaðir in Eyjafjardarsveit. They lived in such a tent in the countryside for many years

Сапиенсы заселили центральную часть Пиренейского полуострова около 36 тысяч лет назад

Ноэми Сала (Nohemi Sala) из Национального исследовательского центра эволюции человека (CENIEH) совместно с коллегами из Австралии, Великобритании, Ис

Сапиенсы заселили центральную часть Пиренейского полуострова около 36 тысяч лет назад

Ноэми Сала (Nohemi Sala) из Национального исследовательского центра эволюции человека (CENIEH) совместно с коллегами из Австралии, Великобритании, Испании и Италии обнаружила древнейшие свидетельства пребывания людей современного анатомического вида (Homo sapiens) в центральной части Пиренейского полуострова. Во время раскопок, проходивших на памятнике Абриго-де-ла-Малия, археологи выявили несколько культурных слоев, самый ранний из которых содержал материалы возрастом примерно от 31,8 до 36,2 тысячи лет. Как пишут авторы статьи, опубликованной в журнале Science Advances, ранее предполагалось, что после того, как около 42 тысяч лет назад в центральной части этого полуострова исчезли неандертальцы, приблизительно до 27–26 тысяч лет назад эти земли оставались незаселенными.

«Panamá Papers»: Absueltos todos los acusados en ese país

Un tribunal determinó que las pruebas recabadas en los servidores del bufete de abogados Mossack Fonseca «no cumplieron con la cadena de custodia». El juicio se desarrolló ocho años después de la histórica filtración de documentos, y el proc

«Panamá Papers»: Absueltos todos los acusados en ese país

Un tribunal determinó que las pruebas recabadas en los servidores del bufete de abogados Mossack Fonseca «no cumplieron con la cadena de custodia». El juicio se desarrolló ocho años después de la histórica filtración de documentos, y el proceso acumuló más de 427.000 páginas.

김진표, 회고록 논란에 “의도와 달라 유감…尹 소신 높게 평가” 해명

김진표 전 국회의장은 자신의 회고록으로 빚어진 논란에 대해 “의도와 달리 사회적 논란이 되고 있어 매우 유감스럽게 생각한다”고 해명했다. 김 전 의장은 지난 28일 오후 자신의 페이스북을
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

김진표, 회고록 논란에 “의도와 달라 유감…尹 소신 높게 평가” 해명

김진표 전 국회의장은 자신의 회고록으로 빚어진 논란에 대해 “의도와 달리 사회적 논란이 되고 있어 매우 유감스럽게 생각한다”고 해명했다. 김 전 의장은 지난 28일 오후 자신의 페이스북을 통해 “저는 평소 의사정원 확대, 저출생 문제 등 국가적 현안에 대한 대통령의 소신과 추진력을 높게 평가해 왔다”며 “최근 회고록에 언급한 이태원 참사 관련 대화에서도 철저한 진상규명을 위해 여러 상황을 종합적으로 고려해야 한다는 대통령의 고심을 읽을 수 있었다”고 썼다. 이어 김 전 의장은 “다만 대통령께 국민 일반의 눈높이가 아니라 정제되지 않은 극단적인 소수 의견이 보고되고 있는 것 아닌가 하는 우려를 전하려는 취지였다”며 “결론적으로 의도와 달리 사회적 논란이 되고 있어 매우 유감스럽게 생각한다”고 밝혔다. 앞서 김 전 의장은 자신의 회고록 ‘대한민국은 무엇을 축적해 왔는가 1961-2024, 이 나라의 열 정권을 돌아보며’에서 “이태원 참사와 관련해 ‘극우 유튜버’ 방송에서 나오고 있는 음모론적인 이야기가

국힘, 김진표 ‘회고록’ 유감 표명에 “민주당 특유의 출구 전략”

국민의힘은 29일 김진표 전 국회의장이 자신의 회고록을 둘러싼 논란에 유감을 표명한 데 대해 “아니면 말고 식으로 빠져나가는 민주당 특유의 출구 전략”이라고 비판했다. 김혜란 국민의힘 대
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 정치 뉴스

국힘, 김진표 ‘회고록’ 유감 표명에 “민주당 특유의 출구 전략”

국민의힘은 29일 김진표 전 국회의장이 자신의 회고록을 둘러싼 논란에 유감을 표명한 데 대해 “아니면 말고 식으로 빠져나가는 민주당 특유의 출구 전략”이라고 비판했다. 김혜란 국민의힘 대변인은 이날 오후 논평을 통해 “김 전 의장은 전직 국회의장이라는 직과 말의 무게에 대해 다시 한번 생각해 보시길 당부드린다”면서 이같이 밝혔다. 김 대변인은 “국민적 아픔이자 비극적 사건에 대한 내용을 자신의 회고록에 언급한다는 것 자체가 유족들에 대한 도의에 어긋나는 일”이라며 “무엇보다 현재 임기 중인 대통령과의 독대 내용을 공개적으로 밝히는 것은 전직 국회의장답지 않은 진중하지 못한 처사”라고 지적했다. 특히 “대통령의 진의를 왜곡해 자극적인 표현으로 회고록 흥행을 노린 무책임하고 무도한 행태로 의심되기에 충분하다”며 “민주당이 이번 사안을 빌미로 전 국민들이 가슴 아파하는 참사를 정쟁화시키고 대통령을 흔들려고 한다면 이는 결코 용납될 수 없다”고 말했다. 김 대변인은 “현재 회고록은 이런 노이즈 마케팅

За Гидру ответят

Восьми казахстанцам, чуть не спалившим греческий остров, предъявлено уголовное обвинение.

За Гидру ответят

Восьми казахстанцам, чуть не спалившим греческий остров, предъявлено уголовное обвинение.

Парламентарии: рассчитывайте на нас

Несколько депутатов нынешнего состава мажилиса поделились с “Временем”, довольны ли они своими результатами, чем особенно гордятся, а где н

Парламентарии: рассчитывайте на нас

Несколько депутатов нынешнего состава мажилиса поделились с “Временем”, довольны ли они своими результатами, чем особенно гордятся, а где недожали.

Не случилось

Бывшего главу КНБ Карима МАСИМОВА, осужденного за государственную измену и попытку захвата власти во время кантарских событий, решено не м

Не случилось

Бывшего главу КНБ Карима МАСИМОВА, осужденного за государственную измену и попытку захвата власти во время кантарских событий, решено не миловать

ميقاتي يستهلّ جولته تفقدية في الجنوب من مقر قيادة قطاع جنوب الليطاني في الجيش في ثكنة بنوا بركات في صور(بالصور)

بدأ رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي جولة تفقدية في الجنوب، ومحطتها  الاولى في مقر قيادة قطاع جنوب الليطاني في الجيش في ثكنة بنوا بركات في صور. Live News

ميقاتي يستهلّ جولته تفقدية في الجنوب من مقر قيادة قطاع جنوب الليطاني في الجيش في ثكنة بنوا بركات في صور(بالصور)

بدأ رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي جولة تفقدية في الجنوب، ومحطتها  الاولى في مقر قيادة قطاع جنوب الليطاني في الجيش في ثكنة بنوا بركات في صور.

انطلاق امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية في صيدا والجنوب

انطلقت امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية بفروعها في صيدا، وسط اجواء هادئة، وأفيد بتأخير في تسليم الامتحانات للمراكز التي تسلمتها عند الثمنة والدقيق Live News

انطلاق امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية في صيدا والجنوب

انطلقت امتحانات الشهادة الثانوية بفروعها في صيدا، وسط اجواء هادئة، وأفيد بتأخير في تسليم الامتحانات للمراكز التي تسلمتها عند الثمنة والدقيقة ال38 صباحا إلا أنها لم توزع حتى التاسعة على الطلاب، اذ تم انتظار قرار الوزارة حتى يبدأ الطلاب في كل المحافظات بتوقيت موحد. وتفقدت رئيسة دائرة التربية في المنطقة التربوية في الجنوب اماني شعبان سير الامتحانات في مركز مدرسة الاصلاح المتوسطة المختلطة الرسمية، في صيدا.

«التحكم المروري»: حركة المرور طبيعية على جميع الطرقات والتقاطعات داخل العاصمة بيروت


Seychelles' President wishes Happy National Day and Happy Independence Day to all Seychellois at home and abroad

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, has sent a message of Happy National Day and Happy Independence Day to all Seychellois living in Seychelles and all those who live abroad. On June 29, 1976, Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President wishes Happy National Day and Happy Independence Day to all Seychellois at home and abroad

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, has sent a message of Happy National Day and Happy Independence Day to all Seychellois living in Seychelles and all those who live abroad. On June 29, 1976, Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, got its independence from Great Britain. This year, for its 48th anniversary, the main highlights of the day as is customary, will be a national parade in the afternoon. In his message for the occasion, Ramkalawan said, «Our hearts beat for Seychelles and we are proud to call ourselves Seychellois no matter where we are.  We are Seychellois and we will hoist our flag as high as we can anywhere in the world.» «As we hoist our flag and sing our National Anthem, let us reflect on the values which unite us as one nation. Our Constitution recognises our diverse beginnings as the source of our strength and that is what makes our nation unique and vibrant. We come from different races and colours, speak different languages, practice different religions, but we are united by love for our country and our commitment to building a strong nation to forge a better future for all generations of Seychellois,» he said. «Today we reaffirm our profound desire to uphold the principles of democracy, freedom, responsibility, respect, law and justice upon which our society is founded. When we look at our progress as a nation, we are proud of our successes and we will continue working hard to keep moving forward and making progress. It is this spirit which makes us a model of development and resilience for the whole world despite our being the smallest country of the African continent, an island state with a population here in Seychelles of less than 100,000 inhabitants,» he added. The President said, «Today is our National Day, we also acknowledge our history, our culture and the beauty that makes Seychelles truly unique. Our identity with all of its mixed origins which turns us into this rainbow nation is an asset which we must protect.  Let us use our different abilities, talents and enthusiasm to strengthen that which unites us and make us supportive of each other in both adversity and success.» He highlighted the achievements the island nation had made and «the profound desire to protect all that is ours, including our environment, is the key to our success as islanders. I take this opportunity to commend everyone who is protecting our heritage. I am also respectful of our youth who have taken up the vocation of becoming custodians of our environment. Continue to keep Seychelles beautiful and protect it at all cost.» Ramkalawan had a special word for the generation of active workers whom he said are the driving force behind the growth and success of the country's economy, the pillars of the communities and very brave leaders. «Your passion, innovation and determination are crucial to move Seychelles further ahead in this competitive world filled with challenges. As our economy grows, society will continue to support you and provide a framework for you to continue to make a positive impact on our society. I invite you to also pass on to the next generation the values which you hold,» he added. The President said the youth of Seychelles are the guardians of the country's future and the nation is counting on them to take over this charge, which will ensure that the progress and successes of today are maintained and advanced further forward and higher. «We are listening to your voices as we provide a framework for your dreams and invest in your potential. It is through your energy, creativity and passion that Seychelles will continue to progress. Do not let yourself be misled by bad influences which will destroy your future,» he added. «People of Seychelles, Seychelles is our country, let us together maintain the highest standards possible that will keep us as a people, proud and blessed. Together, let us keep our country clean, stand against all the scourges which destroy life, work hard, and act in solidarity to help our brothers and sisters,» said Ramkalawan. He concluded by saying «Let us, each of us through our actions, our words and our decisions seek how we can sow more love.  Seychelles is our country. When we come together, we will make it rise and our country will truly become the cradle for all of us.  My Seychelles, You above all. Happy Independence Day! Happy National Day.»

JAK ZEMLJOTRES POGODIO ČILE Treslo se jačinom 5,2 stepena po Rihteru

Zemljotres jačine 5.2 stepena Rihterove skale pogodio je jutros Čile, saopštio je Evropski mediteranski seizmološki zavod (EMSC).
Blic online

JAK ZEMLJOTRES POGODIO ČILE Treslo se jačinom 5,2 stepena po Rihteru

Zemljotres jačine 5.2 stepena Rihterove skale pogodio je jutros Čile, saopštio je Evropski mediteranski seizmološki zavod (EMSC).

KRVAVO JUTRO U KURSKOJ OBLASTI Dron pogodio zgradu, ubio celu porodicu, među njima i dvoje dece

Guverner Kurske oblasti Aleksej Smirnov saopštio je da je u napadu ukrajinske bespilotne letelice na selo Gorodišče u noći između petka i subote poginulo pet osoba dok su dve teško povređene.
Blic online

KRVAVO JUTRO U KURSKOJ OBLASTI Dron pogodio zgradu, ubio celu porodicu, među njima i dvoje dece

Guverner Kurske oblasti Aleksej Smirnov saopštio je da je u napadu ukrajinske bespilotne letelice na selo Gorodišče u noći između petka i subote poginulo pet osoba dok su dve teško povređene.

Zelenskis: Rusija paleido 10 Ukrainos kalinių civilių

Ukrainos prezidentas Volodymyras Zelenskis penktadienį pranešė, kad pagal susitarimą, kuriam tarpininkavo Vatikanas, buvo paleista dešimt Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje į nelaisvę paimtų civilių, įskaitant politiką ir du kunigus. Rusija ir Ukraina per

Zelenskis: Rusija paleido 10 Ukrainos kalinių civilių

Ukrainos prezidentas Volodymyras Zelenskis penktadienį pranešė, kad pagal susitarimą, kuriam tarpininkavo Vatikanas, buvo paleista dešimt Rusijoje ir Baltarusijoje į nelaisvę paimtų civilių, įskaitant politiką ir du kunigus. Rusija ir Ukraina per daugiau nei dvejus metus trunkantį karą jau yra apsikeitusios šimtais kalinių, tačiau kalinių civilių paleidimo atvejų pasitaiko rečiau. „Mums pavyko iš Rusijos nelaisvės susigrąžinti dar 10 mūsų žmonių“, – platformoje „Telegram“ nurodė V. Zelenskis.

Tai plinta kaip epidemija ir JAV skaičiuoja tūkstančius mirčių: „Mes žinome, kas yra atsakingas“

Į Lietuvos gatves atėjo kone 50 kartų už heroiną stipresnis narkotikas fentanilis, kuris Amerikoje jau spėjo sukelti tikrą katastrofą – ten gatvėse blaškosi tikrais zombiais virtę žmonės ir kasdien nuo fentanilio miršta šimtai. Šią kriz

Tai plinta kaip epidemija ir JAV skaičiuoja tūkstančius mirčių: „Mes žinome, kas yra atsakingas“

Į Lietuvos gatves atėjo kone 50 kartų už heroiną stipresnis narkotikas fentanilis, kuris Amerikoje jau spėjo sukelti tikrą katastrofą – ten gatvėse blaškosi tikrais zombiais virtę žmonės ir kasdien nuo fentanilio miršta šimtai. Šią krizę maitina ne kas kitas, o Pekinas per savo logistiką ir chemijos pramonę. O narkotikų adatą rankose tvirtai laiko Meksikos karteliai. Persikreipęs, sustingęs, įstrigęs kažkur kitoje realybėje.

Trumpas sako nemanantis, kad Bidenas pasitrauks iš prezidento rinkimų

Respublikonas Donaldas Trumpas penktadienį pareiškė nemanantis, kad JAV prezidentas Joe Bidenas pasitrauks iš lenktynių dėl Baltųjų rūmų. Kiek anksčiau J. Bidenas prastai pasirodė debatuose, kurie sukėlė Demokratų partijos paniką. „Daug ž

Trumpas sako nemanantis, kad Bidenas pasitrauks iš prezidento rinkimų

Respublikonas Donaldas Trumpas penktadienį pareiškė nemanantis, kad JAV prezidentas Joe Bidenas pasitrauks iš lenktynių dėl Baltųjų rūmų. Kiek anksčiau J. Bidenas prastai pasirodė debatuose, kurie sukėlė Demokratų partijos paniką. „Daug žmonių sako, kad po vakarykščio pasirodymo Joe Bidenas traukiasi iš lenktynių. Bet aš taip nemanau, nes jam apklausose sekasi geriau, nei kitiems demokratams, apie kuriuos jie kalba“, – per mitingą Virdžinijoje sakė D. Trumpas.

北台灣最大製毒集團首腦判10年 「子弟兵」判5至7年不等

社會新聞 - 自由時報

北台灣最大製毒集團首腦判10年 「子弟兵」判5至7年不等


虎井交通船鉅航18號出海機械故障 路過快艇拖回碼頭

社會新聞 - 自由時報

虎井交通船鉅航18號出海機械故障 路過快艇拖回碼頭


交通處約僱人員涉圖利20萬交保 竹市府稱主動函送廉政署調查

社會新聞 - 自由時報

交通處約僱人員涉圖利20萬交保 竹市府稱主動函送廉政署調查


'Totally unnecessary': Video of SBS Transit bus and car colliding after refusing to give way sparks online debate

Two drivers found themselves at an impasse when neither gave way to the other while trying to switch lanes, and their vehicles ended up colliding. Dashcam footage of the collision was posted to Facebook group Singapore Road Vigilante on June 27. In the vid

'Totally unnecessary': Video of SBS Transit bus and car colliding after refusing to give way sparks online debate

Two drivers found themselves at an impasse when neither gave way to the other while trying to switch lanes, and their vehicles ended up colliding. Dashcam footage of the collision was posted to Facebook group Singapore Road Vigilante on June 27. In the video, which is slightly longer than a minute, the bus and car are stopped at a traffic light side by side along the two leftmost lanes of a road identified in the comments as Loyang Avenue. The car is seen signalling left from the beginning. As the light turns green and the two vehicles start moving, the bus signals right and starts to move closer to the car. However, neither of the two vehicles slow down to let the other cut in. As a result, the two vehicles collide near a fork in the road after the bus veers into the car's lane, in a supposed attempt to avoid turning left. Both drivers are seen exiting their respective vehicles after a few seconds and their interaction was not caught on video.

Parked illegally? Woman charged $400 to have wheel clamp removed

After taking a pilates class in the vicinity, a woman returned to the car she had parked at a building in River Valley Road only to find that its wheel had been clamped. Ms Elaine Ong received a shock, as she had only been gone for an hour, and she had got a

Parked illegally? Woman charged $400 to have wheel clamp removed

After taking a pilates class in the vicinity, a woman returned to the car she had parked at a building in River Valley Road only to find that its wheel had been clamped. Ms Elaine Ong received a shock, as she had only been gone for an hour, and she had got access to the building’s carpark after passing through a gantry. To have the clamp removed from the wheel of her car, the 29-year-old was instructed through a slip issued by management corporation strata title (MCST) 325 - the Chiap Chuan Building’s management office - to pay $400. Ms Ong said about the incident that took place on May 24 that she was told by the building’s management that her car’s wheel was clamped because she had parked illegally within the estate. This was because the vehicle’s rear wheel had mounted the kerb next to the designated parking space. Photos she shared with The Straits Times on June 24 showed her car - with a clamped wheel - parked within a parking space, albeit with its rear left wheel merely touching the line. “It was so frustrating. There was no negotiation, and the building’s management refused to release my car until I made the payment.

WWII bomb found at Ang Mo Kio construction site, removed by SAF bomb disposal unit

An unexploded World War II bomb was safely removed from a construction site in Ang Mo Kio. The police told AsiaOne they received a report at around 5.45pm yesterday (June 28) about the war relic discovery along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 towards Marymount Road du

WWII bomb found at Ang Mo Kio construction site, removed by SAF bomb disposal unit

An unexploded World War II bomb was safely removed from a construction site in Ang Mo Kio. The police told AsiaOne they received a report at around 5.45pm yesterday (June 28) about the war relic discovery along Ang Mo Kio Avenue 1 towards Marymount Road during excavation works. «The Singapore Police Force worked with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit and the item was established to be a World War II unexploded ordnance,» they said. The police added that the bomb was moved away for disposal after it was assessed to be safe for handling. «No danger was posed to the public,» they said. Last September, a WWII bomb was discovered at a construction site in Upper Bukit Timah Road, which led to the evacuation of thousands of residents living in the vicinity.

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