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D'Kim Gordon, d'Bassistin vu Sonic Youth, an d'Musekerin «Bat for Lashes», waren a sech Headliner vum Festival. Schlussendlech si si se net opgetrueden.

861-й день войны | В Новороссийске заявили об отражении атаки морских дронов

Мэр Новороссийска Андрей Кравченко в ночь на среду, 3 июля, сообщил в своем Телеграм-канале, что в городе отражают атаку безэкипажных катеров.
В мире - ERR

861-й день войны | В Новороссийске заявили об отражении атаки морских дронов

Мэр Новороссийска Андрей Кравченко в ночь на среду, 3 июля, сообщил в своем Телеграм-канале, что в городе отражают атаку безэкипажных катеров. Новороссийск - главный российский порт на Черном море и одновременно военно-морская база. После ударов украинских дронов и ракет по базам в Крыму туда была переведена часть Черноморского флота России.

Ратас нацелен на работу в комитетах Европарламента по экономическим вопросам

Избранный в Европарламент от партии Isamaa («Отечество») Юри Ратас заявил, что он выразил желание стать членом некоторых комитетов, занима
В мире - ERR

Ратас нацелен на работу в комитетах Европарламента по экономическим вопросам

Избранный в Европарламент от партии Isamaa («Отечество») Юри Ратас заявил, что он выразил желание стать членом некоторых комитетов, занимающихся экономическими вопросами, но состав комитетов еще не определен.

Руководителем аппарата Каи Каллас будет Вивиан Лоонела

Если Кая Каллас станет Верховным представителем Евросоюза по иностранным делам и политике безопасности, Вивиан Лоонела будет руководителе
В мире - ERR

Руководителем аппарата Каи Каллас будет Вивиан Лоонела

Если Кая Каллас станет Верховным представителем Евросоюза по иностранным делам и политике безопасности, Вивиан Лоонела будет руководителем ее аппарата.

SLIKE SVOJE GLAVE STAVLJALA NA TUĐA TELA Lažna zubarka došla na suđenje neprepoznatljiva: Na mrežama se hvalila luksuzom, a onda ju je žena poznatog pevača RAZOTKRILA

Lažna zubarka Snežana Stević (48) danas je stigla u Prvi osnovni sud u Beogradu gde je trebalo da se održi prvo ročište po optužbi da je falsifikovala diplomu Medicinskog fakulteta u Prištini obučena u crno od glave do pete. Na sebi je imala garderob
Blic online

SLIKE SVOJE GLAVE STAVLJALA NA TUĐA TELA Lažna zubarka došla na suđenje neprepoznatljiva: Na mrežama se hvalila luksuzom, a onda ju je žena poznatog pevača RAZOTKRILA

Lažna zubarka Snežana Stević (48) danas je stigla u Prvi osnovni sud u Beogradu gde je trebalo da se održi prvo ročište po optužbi da je falsifikovala diplomu Medicinskog fakulteta u Prištini obučena u crno od glave do pete. Na sebi je imala garderobu sa obeležjima poznatih skupocenih robnih marki, a šeširom je pokušala da sakrije svoje lice. Ono što je posebno zanimljivo jeste što Stevićeva uopšte nije ličila na osobu sa fotografija na društvenim mrežama.

Dačić: Uhapšen osumnjičeni za zločine počinjene na Košarama 1999. godine

Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je da je uhapšeno lice osumnjičeno za zločine počinjene u maju 1999. godine, na Kosovu i Metohiji, nad pripadnicima Vojske Jugoslavije.
Blic online

Dačić: Uhapšen osumnjičeni za zločine počinjene na Košarama 1999. godine

Potpredsednik Vlade Srbije i ministar unutrašnjih poslova Ivica Dačić izjavio je da je uhapšeno lice osumnjičeno za zločine počinjene u maju 1999. godine, na Kosovu i Metohiji, nad pripadnicima Vojske Jugoslavije.

POSTIGNUT DOGOVOR Saveznice NATO pristale da naredne godine finansiraju pomoć Ukrajini od 40 milijardi evra

NATO saveznice pristale su da naredne godine finansiraju vojnu pomoć Ukrajini u iznosu od 40 milijardi evra, izjavile su danas za Rojters dve zapadnoevropske diplomate.
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POSTIGNUT DOGOVOR Saveznice NATO pristale da naredne godine finansiraju pomoć Ukrajini od 40 milijardi evra

NATO saveznice pristale su da naredne godine finansiraju vojnu pomoć Ukrajini u iznosu od 40 milijardi evra, izjavile su danas za Rojters dve zapadnoevropske diplomate.

PRVI PUT U ISTORIJI Kanda dobila prvu ženu na čelu vojske

Kanada je danas prvi put u istoriji imenovala ženu za načelnika Generalštaba. Dženi Karinijan naslediće generala Vejna Erija, preneo je CBC News.
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PRVI PUT U ISTORIJI Kanda dobila prvu ženu na čelu vojske

Kanada je danas prvi put u istoriji imenovala ženu za načelnika Generalštaba. Dženi Karinijan naslediće generala Vejna Erija, preneo je CBC News.

DEČAK (1) PAO MAJCI SA STOLA ZA PRESVLAČENJE Užas u beogradskom tržnom centru: Zadobio prelom lobanje, hitno prebačen u Urgentni centar

Dana 03.07.2024. godine oko 17.20 časova na UC - E odeljenje, primljen je dečak star jednu godinu, nakon što je danas zadobio teške telesne povrede kada je pao sa stola za presvlačenje.
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DEČAK (1) PAO MAJCI SA STOLA ZA PRESVLAČENJE Užas u beogradskom tržnom centru: Zadobio prelom lobanje, hitno prebačen u Urgentni centar

Dana 03.07.2024. godine oko 17.20 časova na UC - E odeljenje, primljen je dečak star jednu godinu, nakon što je danas zadobio teške telesne povrede kada je pao sa stola za presvlačenje.

Les Journées Scientifiques et Professionnelles sur l'Entrepreneuriat à l'ère de la transition

Ce sera une première au Gabon, les Journées Scientifiques et Professionnelles sur l'Entrepreneuriat qui auront lieu du 04 au 06 Juillet 2024 à l'Université Internationale de Libreville-Berthe et Jean. Les responsables du comité d'organisation de ces jour

Les Journées Scientifiques et Professionnelles sur l'Entrepreneuriat à l'ère de la transition

Ce sera une première au Gabon, les Journées Scientifiques et Professionnelles sur l'Entrepreneuriat qui auront lieu du 04 au 06 Juillet 2024 à l'Université Internationale de Libreville-Berthe et Jean. Les responsables du comité d'organisation de ces journées ont animé une conférence de presse ce mardi 02 juillet 2024 à Libreville pour le confirmer. Discuter, échanger et faire autrement. C'est trouver des solutions. C'est être en mesure de proposer. On va avoir autour de la table des (...) - SOCIETE / SUJET_ECRIT_MAISON

21歲日女涉霸凌殺害高中生 再爆和辦案刑警發生肉體關係

劉晉仁/核稿編輯 日本北海道今年4月發生一起霸凌殺人事件,一名女高中生遭綁架從大橋上推落溺斃,警方於6月逮捕被認定為主謀21歲女嫌。沒想到近日傳出該名女嫌與承辦此案的刑警發生肉體..
國際新聞 - 自由時報

21歲日女涉霸凌殺害高中生 再爆和辦案刑警發生肉體關係

劉晉仁/核稿編輯 日本北海道今年4月發生一起霸凌殺人事件,一名女高中生遭綁架從大橋上推落溺斃,警方於6月逮捕被認定為主謀21歲女嫌。沒想到近日傳出該名女嫌與承辦此案的刑警發生肉體...…


劉晉仁/核稿編輯 捷克國防部週三(3日)表示,自今年5月底起,捷克已從其軍事庫存中,提供價值2.88億美元(約為93.8億新台幣)的軍事裝備給烏克蘭,當中包括戰機和大量砲彈。 ...…
國際新聞 - 自由時報


劉晉仁/核稿編輯 捷克國防部週三(3日)表示,自今年5月底起,捷克已從其軍事庫存中,提供價值2.88億美元(約為93.8億新台幣)的軍事裝備給烏克蘭,當中包括戰機和大量砲彈。 ...…

Lima terkorban serangan bom kenderaan, termasuk seorang Senator di utara Pakistan

PESHAWAR: Satu letupan bom membunuh lima orang termasuk seorang bekas senator di utara Pakistan hari ini.
BH Online - Terkini

Lima terkorban serangan bom kenderaan, termasuk seorang Senator di utara Pakistan

PESHAWAR: Satu letupan bom membunuh lima orang termasuk seorang bekas senator di utara Pakistan hari ini.

Pelan prabayar tanpa had U Mobile tawar kelajuan dua kali ganda

KUALA LUMPUR: U Mobile kini menawarkan kelajuan dua kali ganda untuk semua pelan prabayar tanpa hadnya, termasuk U25, U35, U40, dan U50.
BH Online - Terkini

Pelan prabayar tanpa had U Mobile tawar kelajuan dua kali ganda

KUALA LUMPUR: U Mobile kini menawarkan kelajuan dua kali ganda untuk semua pelan prabayar tanpa hadnya, termasuk U25, U35, U40, dan U50.

Kerugian akibat scam berjumlah RM203 juta setakat Mei lalu

KUALA LUMPUR: Pusat Respons Scam Kebangsaan (NSRC) telah menerima sebanyak 37,002 panggilan mangsa scam (penipuan) dengan jumlah kerugian yang dilaporkan sebanyak RM203.33 juta setakat Mei 2024.
BH Online - Terkini

Kerugian akibat scam berjumlah RM203 juta setakat Mei lalu

KUALA LUMPUR: Pusat Respons Scam Kebangsaan (NSRC) telah menerima sebanyak 37,002 panggilan mangsa scam (penipuan) dengan jumlah kerugian yang dilaporkan sebanyak RM203.33 juta setakat Mei 2024.

Максим Глушенков: «Если бы знал свою судьбу наперед, то сразу бы отправился в «Крылья», а не в «Спартак»

Полузащитник «Зенита» Максим Глушенков в интервью «Матч ТВ» заявил, что в 2019 году перешел бы в «Крылья Советов», а не в «Спартак», если бы зна
Спорт -

Максим Глушенков: «Если бы знал свою судьбу наперед, то сразу бы отправился в «Крылья», а не в «Спартак»

Полузащитник «Зенита» Максим Глушенков в интервью «Матч ТВ» заявил, что в 2019 году перешел бы в «Крылья Советов», а не в «Спартак», если бы знал наперед, как сложится его карьера. Подробнее…

新北分署暑假首場拍賣會 9年現代Elantra以3千就拍定 原因曝光!

社會新聞 - 自由時報

新北分署暑假首場拍賣會 9年現代Elantra以3千就拍定 原因曝光!


「看見台灣」10年來 彰檢舉辦國土論壇檢視守護成果

社會新聞 - 自由時報

「看見台灣」10年來 彰檢舉辦國土論壇檢視守護成果


人倫悲劇!一家三口碧潭輕生母游回岸上 8歲、10歲女兒雙亡

首次上稿 22:19更新時間 23:56 新北市簡姓女子昨天(2日)帶著10歲及8歲女兒到新店區碧潭渡船頭輕生,但她自行游回岸上,遍尋不著女兒。她今天再度到場搜尋,仍未找...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

人倫悲劇!一家三口碧潭輕生母游回岸上 8歲、10歲女兒雙亡

首次上稿 22:19更新時間 23:56 新北市簡姓女子昨天(2日)帶著10歲及8歲女兒到新店區碧潭渡船頭輕生,但她自行游回岸上,遍尋不著女兒。她今天再度到場搜尋,仍未找...…

Space Day: Isro launches Bhartiya Antriksh Hackathon

Isro's Bhartiya Antriksh Hackathon unveils 12 Geo-Spatial challenges for student teams, culminating in a 30-hour marathon at NRSC. Proposals accepted until July 26, 2024, with finalists revealed on August 2, 2024. Get ready for an out-of-this-world competitio
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Space Day: Isro launches Bhartiya Antriksh Hackathon

Isro's Bhartiya Antriksh Hackathon unveils 12 Geo-Spatial challenges for student teams, culminating in a 30-hour marathon at NRSC. Proposals accepted until July 26, 2024, with finalists revealed on August 2, 2024. Get ready for an out-of-this-world competition!

'Omit those with 2 wives': MNS leader on Maharashtra's 'Ladki Bahin' scheme

A Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) leader on Wednesday voiced concerns regarding the newly introduced women welfare scheme 'Ladki Bahin' in Maharashtra, suggesting it should exclude communities with two wives, specifically mentioning the Muslim community. On
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

'Omit those with 2 wives': MNS leader on Maharashtra's 'Ladki Bahin' scheme

A Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) leader on Wednesday voiced concerns regarding the newly introduced women welfare scheme 'Ladki Bahin' in Maharashtra, suggesting it should exclude communities with two wives, specifically mentioning the Muslim community. On a Marathi news channel, MNS leader Prakash Mahajan criticized certain aspects of the initiative and sought clarification from the government. Furthermore, Mahajan was critical of the government's decision to relax conditions for granting domicile certificates. ​​The scheme is the biggest announcement in the state budget, with an allocation higher than any other new scheme.

NEET-UG paper leaks case: CBI arrests 'kingpin' Aman Singh from Jharkhand's Hazaribagh

In a major breakthrough in the NEET-UG paper leaks case, the CBI on Wednesday arrested Aman Singh from Jharkhand's Hazaribagh for his alleged role in the matter. This is the seventh arrest by the probe agency in connection with the NEET-UG probe. As per a rep
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

NEET-UG paper leaks case: CBI arrests 'kingpin' Aman Singh from Jharkhand's Hazaribagh

In a major breakthrough in the NEET-UG paper leaks case, the CBI on Wednesday arrested Aman Singh from Jharkhand's Hazaribagh for his alleged role in the matter. This is the seventh arrest by the probe agency in connection with the NEET-UG probe. As per a report by ANI, sources in the CBI said Singh was a kingpin of the paper leaks racket.

Briefing - Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings - 03-07-2024

On 19 December 2022, the European Commission put forward a proposal for the targeted revision of Directive 2011/36/EU – the main EU instrument to combat trafficking in human beings and to protect its victims. Despite progress achieved in fighting this crime
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Preventing and combating trafficking in human beings - 03-07-2024

On 19 December 2022, the European Commission put forward a proposal for the targeted revision of Directive 2011/36/EU – the main EU instrument to combat trafficking in human beings and to protect its victims. Despite progress achieved in fighting this crime, the Commission reports that, on average, over 7 000 people per year fall victim to human trafficking in the EU. Forms of exploitation have evolved and adapted to the new environment. For instance, new technologies are used to recruit victims. While a large majority of victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation are women and girls, men are more at risk of falling victim to trafficking for labour exploitation, the share of which is increasing, or are forced to commit crimes. Against this backdrop, the Commission proposed a set of amendments to strengthen the current rules, further harmonise provisions across Member States in order to reduce demand, and collect robust data and statistics. In January 2024, the European Parliament and the Council reached an interinstitutional agreement, which was approved by both institutions. After formal adoption by the Council, the act was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 24 June 2024. Second edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - Revision of the Schengen Borders Code - 03-07-2024

In December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to amend the Schengen Borders Code, which lays down the rules governing controls at the EU internal and external borders. While debates on the reform of Schengen have been going on for a while, re
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - Revision of the Schengen Borders Code - 03-07-2024

In December 2021, the European Commission presented a proposal to amend the Schengen Borders Code, which lays down the rules governing controls at the EU internal and external borders. While debates on the reform of Schengen have been going on for a while, recent challenges – relating to the coronavirus pandemic on the one hand, and attempts to instrumentalise migrants as a way to put pressure on the EU's external borders, on the other – have brought new momentum for reform. The Commission's proposal is designed to improve the Schengen system's resilience to serious threats and adapt it to new challenges. It introduces a new coordination mechanism to deal with health threats at the external borders and a new Schengen safeguard mechanism to provide a common response at the internal borders in situations of threats affecting Member States, including the possibility to transfer irregular migrants apprehended at the internal borders directly back to the competent authorities in the EU country from which it is assumed they just came, without undergoing an individual assessment. The co-legislators reached a provisional agreement on the proposal in February 2024. The agreed text was adopted by the European Parliament in April and by the Council in May. Published in the Official Journal on 20 June, the new regulation enters into force in July 2024. Third edition. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - France's National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play - 03-07-2024

France's national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP) is a subpart of 'France Relance', a larger recovery strategy France adopted in 2020 at national level, worth €100 billion in total (4.1 % of France's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019). The NRRP had a
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - France's National Recovery and Resilience Plan: Latest state of play - 03-07-2024

France's national recovery and resilience plan (NRRP) is a subpart of 'France Relance', a larger recovery strategy France adopted in 2020 at national level, worth €100 billion in total (4.1 % of France's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2019). The NRRP had an initial value of €40.9 billion (total costs), while the plan as amended in 2023 is worth €41.9 billion. Under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), at the core of the Next Generation EU (NGEU) instrument, France's RRF grant allocation decreased from €39.4 billion to €37.5 billion, following the June 2022 update. In April 2023, France submitted a request to amend its NRRP – partly in order to take into account the decrease in the EU's financial contribution, but also to add a new REPowerEU chapter, which comes with an additional grant allocation of €2.3 billion. France also asked to transfer a portion of its share of the Brexit Adjustment Reserve to its plan (€504 million). The EU contribution to the French amended plan totals €40.3 billion in grants, with the rest to be covered by national means. France has not requested loans. The RRF resources allocated to France represent 5.3 % of the entire RRF resources for the EU, and 1.6 % of the country's GDP in 2019 (the RRF representing 5.2 % of EU-27 GDP in 2019). Measures under the plan are to be completed by August 2026. So far, France has received €30.9 billion. The next payments will depend on progress in implementing the plan. The European Parliament, which was a major advocate of the creation of a common EU recovery instrument, participates in interinstitutional forums for cooperation and discussion on its implementation and scrutinises the European Commission's work. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Fifth edition. The 'NGEU delivery' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the lifecycle of the plans. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

At a Glance - Outcome of the 50th G7 Summit, held in Apulia, Italy - 03-07-2024

G7 leaders gathered under the Italian presidency from 13 to 15 June 2024 in Apulia, Italy, for the 50th G7 Summit. The summit was a demonstration of the G7's unity and determination in the face of intense challenges to the rules-based multilateral order and i
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

At a Glance - Outcome of the 50th G7 Summit, held in Apulia, Italy - 03-07-2024

G7 leaders gathered under the Italian presidency from 13 to 15 June 2024 in Apulia, Italy, for the 50th G7 Summit. The summit was a demonstration of the G7's unity and determination in the face of intense challenges to the rules-based multilateral order and international peace and security: Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine and the war in Gaza. In the presence of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the leaders agreed to provide US$50 billion in additional funding to Ukraine from frozen Russian sovereign assets. The leaders also backed the comprehensive deal on Gaza outlined by United States (US) President Joe Biden. The Italian presidency put special focus on energy cooperation with Africa as a priority for the G7. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Briefing - The Hungarian Parliament and EU affairs - 03-07-2024

Hungary is a parliamentary democracy with a unicameral parliament, the Országgyűlés (National Assembly). The structure and functioning of Hungary's political system are determined by the Fundamental Law of 25 April 2011, which has been amended 12 times sin
Documents - Think Tank - European Parliament

Briefing - The Hungarian Parliament and EU affairs - 03-07-2024

Hungary is a parliamentary democracy with a unicameral parliament, the Országgyűlés (National Assembly). The structure and functioning of Hungary's political system are determined by the Fundamental Law of 25 April 2011, which has been amended 12 times since its entry into force in 2012. The National Assembly elects the President of the Republic (head of state), whose role is primarily representative but entails some complementary and controlling competences vis-à-vis the legislative, executive and judicial powers. The executive power is exercised by the Prime Minister, proposed by the President and elected by the National Assembly. The Prime Minister chooses the ministers, who together with him/her, compose the government. The Prime Minister also defines the government's general policy. Ministers are accountable for their actions to both the National Assembly and the Prime Minister. Only the Prime Minister can dismiss them, and the government's mandate is linked to that of the Prime Minister. This briefing is part of an EPRS series on national parliaments and EU affairs. It offers an overview of the way the EU Member States' national parliaments are structured and how they process, scrutinise and engage with EU legislation. It also refers to relevant publications by national parliaments. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP

Они могут стать нашим брендом

Месяц назад в Казахстан привезли семь лошадей Пржевальского из зоопарков Праги и Берлина, чтобы выпустить их на волю в наших степях. Как идёт

Они могут стать нашим брендом

Месяц назад в Казахстан привезли семь лошадей Пржевальского из зоопарков Праги и Берлина, чтобы выпустить их на волю в наших степях. Как идёт проект и зачем нам это нужно?

Когда его клюнет петух?

Год назад Малик ЗЕНГЕР, легендарный казахстанский клипмейкер, был признан лучшим режиссёром музыкального клипа на Каннском фестивале.

Когда его клюнет петух?

Год назад Малик ЗЕНГЕР, легендарный казахстанский клипмейкер, был признан лучшим режиссёром музыкального клипа на Каннском фестивале.

Ukrainian strike on substation failed to disturb power supply to ZNPP — nuclear watchdog

Rosatom head Alexey Likhachev earlier reported that Kiev attacked the Raduga substation three times with drones on the morning of July 3

Ukrainian strike on substation failed to disturb power supply to ZNPP — nuclear watchdog

Rosatom head Alexey Likhachev earlier reported that Kiev attacked the Raduga substation three times with drones on the morning of July 3

Ukraine receives $288 million worth of military aid from Czech Republic’s own arsenals

According to the report, Ukraine has received from the Czech Republic eight aircraft, two of which supplied this year, as well as 94,860 artillery shells from its reserves, including 10,000 pieces this year

Ukraine receives $288 million worth of military aid from Czech Republic’s own arsenals

According to the report, Ukraine has received from the Czech Republic eight aircraft, two of which supplied this year, as well as 94,860 artillery shells from its reserves, including 10,000 pieces this year