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В пригороде Киева прогремели взрывы

Соцсети проинформировали о работе ПВО по «шахедам» в столичном регионе; жители города слышали взрывы.
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В пригороде Киева прогремели взрывы

Соцсети проинформировали о работе ПВО по «шахедам» в столичном регионе; жители города слышали взрывы.

Итоги 5.10: сбитый самолет РФ и казнь бойцов

Зеленский представит План победы на Рамштайне В Донецкой области сбит самолет РФ - МВА. Россияне казнили четырех бойцов ВСУ в Волчанске. Корр
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Итоги 5.10: сбитый самолет РФ и казнь бойцов

Зеленский представит План победы на Рамштайне В Донецкой области сбит самолет РФ - МВА. Россияне казнили четырех бойцов ВСУ в Волчанске. Корреспондент.net выделяет главные события вчерашнего дня.

Посол РФ в США Антонов завершил работу и возвращается в Москву

Дипломат возглавлял российское представительство в Вашингтоне с августа 2017 года. Кто заменит его в должности, пока неизвестно.
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Посол РФ в США Антонов завершил работу и возвращается в Москву

Дипломат возглавлял российское представительство в Вашингтоне с августа 2017 года. Кто заменит его в должности, пока неизвестно.

Antioxydant parfait, ce fruit qu'on trouve partout rendrait plus intelligent selon des scientifiques

La consommation de ces fruits, disponibles en supermarché, est bénéfique pour les capacités intellectuelles selon une étude.
Actualité : Derniers contenus

Antioxydant parfait, ce fruit qu'on trouve partout rendrait plus intelligent selon des scientifiques

La consommation de ces fruits, disponibles en supermarché, est bénéfique pour les capacités intellectuelles selon une étude.

अरुण तेस्रो प्रवेशमार्गका पीडितले एक वर्षसम्म पनि पाएनन् ५३ करोड मुआब्जा

काठमाडौं । संखुवासभामा निर्माणाधीन ९०० मेगावटको अरुण तेस्रो जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको प्रवेशमार्गक
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अरुण तेस्रो प्रवेशमार्गका पीडितले एक वर्षसम्म पनि पाएनन् ५३ करोड मुआब्जा

काठमाडौं । संखुवासभामा निर्माणाधीन ९०० मेगावटको अरुण तेस्रो जलविद्युत् आयोजनाको प्रवेशमार्गका पीडितको ५३ करोड एक वर्ष पुग्दा पनि धरौटी खातामा जम्मा हुन सकेको छैन । विसं २०८० कात्तिक १६ मन्त्रिपरिषद् बैठकले अरुण तेस्रो प्रवेशमार्गको छुट जग्गाको मुआब्जाबापतको ५३ करोड विकासकर्ता कम्पनी सतलज जलविद्युत् निगम (एसएपिडीसी) मार्फत जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयको धरौटी खातामा जम्मा गर्ने निर्णय गरेको […]

इजरायली आक्रमणपछि लेबनानबाट १२ लाख मानिस विस्थापित

काठमाडौं । इजरायली हवाई आक्रमणका कारण लेबनानमा विस्थापित व्यक्तिहरूको संख्या करिब १२ लाख पुगेक
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इजरायली आक्रमणपछि लेबनानबाट १२ लाख मानिस विस्थापित

काठमाडौं । इजरायली हवाई आक्रमणका कारण लेबनानमा विस्थापित व्यक्तिहरूको संख्या करिब १२ लाख पुगेको छ । लेबनानी मन्त्रिपरिषद्को विपद् जोखिम व्यवस्थापन इकाईले जारी गरेको प्रतिवेदनमा उल्लेख सो संख्या उल्लेख छ । हालसम्म लेबनानभर विस्थापित व्यक्तिहरूलाई आश्रय दिन ८६७ केन्द्रहरू खोलिएको छ । केही भागेर अन्य देशमा गए पनि कतिपयले सबैभन्दा लक्षित क्षेत्र छोड्न अस्वीकार गरेका […]

बीवाईडी च्यारिटी फाउन्डेसनद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्री दैवी प्रकोप उद्धार कोषमा ५१ लाख ५ रुपैयाँको चेक हस्तान्तरण

काठमाडौं । नेपालका लागि बीवाईडी अटोको आधिकारिक वितरक साइमेक्स इंकले देशभरका बाढी पहिरो पीडितका
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बीवाईडी च्यारिटी फाउन्डेसनद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्री दैवी प्रकोप उद्धार कोषमा ५१ लाख ५ रुपैयाँको चेक हस्तान्तरण

काठमाडौं । नेपालका लागि बीवाईडी अटोको आधिकारिक वितरक साइमेक्स इंकले देशभरका बाढी पहिरो पीडितका लागि साइमेक्स बीवाईडी च्यारिटी फाउन्डेसन (सीबीसीएफ) मार्फत प्रधानमन्त्री दैवी प्रकोप उद्धार कोषमा ५१ लाख ५ रुपैयाँको योगदान गरेको छ । एक कार्यक्रमका बिच शुक्रबार साइमेक्स इंकका अध्यक्ष अनिल श्रेष्ठले प्रधानमन्त्री केपी शर्मा ओलीलाई सो रकमको चेक हस्तान्तरण गरे । सो अवसरमा […]

सेयर बजार बुझ्न दशैं बिदामा हेर्न उपयुक्त १० फिल्महरु

काठमाडौं । दशैं नेपालीहरुको महान सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, र पारिवारिक पर्व हो । यो समयमा कामबाट अन्य स
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सेयर बजार बुझ्न दशैं बिदामा हेर्न उपयुक्त १० फिल्महरु

काठमाडौं । दशैं नेपालीहरुको महान सांस्कृतिक, धार्मिक, र पारिवारिक पर्व हो । यो समयमा कामबाट अन्य समयको तुलनामा बढी नै बिदा पाईन्छ । दशैंको लामो बिदामा काम र तनावबाट टाढा रहन, परिवारसँग समय बिताउन, र व्यक्तिगत रुचिहरूमा ध्यान दिन उपयुक्त मौका मिल्छ । यो फुर्सदको समयमा धेरैले आफैंलाई आराम दिने, नयाँ ज्ञान आर्जन गर्ने, र […]

Ties between North Korea, China correspond to key interests of their peoples — Kim Jong Un

Continuation and development of friendship between the DPRK and China corresponds to the fundamental interests of both countries, leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Un said

Ties between North Korea, China correspond to key interests of their peoples — Kim Jong Un

Continuation and development of friendship between the DPRK and China corresponds to the fundamental interests of both countries, leader of the DPRK Kim Jong Un said

TRASS: Celebrating 15 years of successful terrestrial restoration in Seychelles

The mountains on Praslin, Seychelles' second most populated island, have been left with many scars after forest fires and erosion over the years and one nature conservation organsation has worked to restore the natural environment for the past 15 years. Dr
Seychelles News Agency

TRASS: Celebrating 15 years of successful terrestrial restoration in Seychelles

The mountains on Praslin, Seychelles' second most populated island, have been left with many scars after forest fires and erosion over the years and one nature conservation organsation has worked to restore the natural environment for the past 15 years. Dr Victorin Laboudallon told SNA that this is why the Terrestrial Restoration Action Society of Seychelles (TRASS) was created in 2009 and his vision was to rehabilitate and restore the affected areas' natural habitat. Laboudallon, a well-known Seychellois conservationist, was presented with his Honorary Doctorate Award for his outstanding contribution to the country in 2019. With the help of the community, partners and authorities, the non-governmental organisation has celebrated many accomplishments across the past decade and this includes rehabilitating 100 hectares of land, especially in the water catchments and eroded areas. TRASS after 15 years TRASS is celebrating its 15 years of existence, tracing the achievements of the help of so many volunteers and members, which led the team to done wonders to restore the greenery and wetlands on Praslin. Areas considered as government properties have been rehabilitated by the relevant authorities but this is not the case for privately-owned properties for several reasons, which includes financial costs. This is where TRASS comes in. Rehabilitation projects were done on several mountains and water catchment areas including at the Anse Possession mountainside, La Pointe Chevalier and Newcome, among others. With the help of so many volunteers and members,  TRASS has done wonders to restore the greenery and wetlands on Praslin. (TRASS) Photo License: All Rights Reserved    Seeing the devotion, determination and effort of Laboudallon and his small team at that time, many people volunteered to lend a hand in helping to preserve the natural beauty of Praslin by planting trees in many affected areas. TRASS' vice chairperson, Marc Jean-Baptiste, told SNA, «We are satisfied with all that we have accomplished during the past 15 years of our existence from managing to secure an area where we use as our base and we have our nurseries there as well. We have also been able to rehabilitate several areas after the fires, restored water catchment areas and we have managed to rally quite a large group of volunteers as well.» He added that people believe in our work and with their help, TRASS has completed many projects. TRASS at work TRASS says it is fully committed to its restoration and rehabilitation works and it is continuously finding new ways to achieve its goals. The organisation is working on an ongoing project right now using the Ridge-to-Reef Approach for Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial Ecosystems in Seychelles. Jean-Baptiste noted that it simply means that anything that happens on the ridge impacts the reef. «The main aim is to restore the water catchments areas and rehabilitate certain areas which have been degraded, affected by fires and we also remove invasive plants and we replace them with native and non-invasive plant species, aimed at re-creating these ecosystems,» he explained. A new nursery focusing on agroforestry was opened this year under this project and TRASS received funding for the expansion of the existing plant propagation facilities through the construction of this second nursery. Jean-Baptiste added that this will help to complement what the farmers already have and preserve and conserve the plants on the brink of extinction. TRASS has also undertaken some work in wetlands on Praslin. The mangrove root systems act as filters for pollutants and other elements from the water, improving the water quality flowing from rivers and streams into the ocean. «So we restore wetlands by planting mangrove trees so that we can have a good filter system to improve the water quality that flows onto our reefs,» he explained. Funding of projects can sometimes be a constraint for TRASS, so they seek assistance by writing projects and members pay a fee every month. «We have two working seasons, in the wet season, we start planting on the mountains just after the first rain, the last tree planting will be around April or maybe May, but after that we work in the nurseries and if need be we do coastal work as well, mainly in the wetlands,» Jean-Baptiste said. TRASS says it is fully committed to its restoration and rehabilitation work. (TRASS) Photo License: All Rights Reserved    TRASS gets a lot of support from the local community, from people who believe in their work, those who see the determination and courage of the devoted members and volunteers, and many sponsors. It is committed to continuing working in close collaboration with private landowners, the government, the private sector and other relevant non-governmental organisations to ensure the restoration and rehabilitation of affected and degraded areas. The NGO also has nurseries with a variety of plants and various palm trees can also be found there which are used in restoration work in affected areas as well. Vision for the future «We want to make our base a very sustainable area through various initiatives and we also wish to employ permanent staff members because right now we do not have a proper budget. Accommodating university students who want to write projects and do their research and who can also lend us a hand with the projects and source out funding is also on the plan for us,» Jean-Baptiste highlighted. He said one of TRASS' main future goals «is to valourise the rare plant species in Seychelles. We have a botanical trail on the site where our office is based and we have great plans for it. So when visitors go up the trail, they will not only see the plants but information boards all along the way up. There is a viewpoint at the top and we plan to have a tower and put binoculars so that people can see what we mean when we say the scars on the mountains left behind by the forest fires, and what we mean when we talk about rehabilitating the areas.» Beekeeping is another area of focus soon under the Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA+) Seychelles programme. One component of this project is to develop agroforestry-beekeeping as an ecological and economic practice. Honeybees are vital elements in crop production as they are major pollinators. Hence, the practice of beekeeping in agroforestry can also be a sustainable land management practice to be effectively used in rehabilitating degraded areas, conserving our biodiversity, and also becoming an economic incentive in this process. TRASS celebrated its 15th anniversary on September 27. 

Карпина и футболистов сборной России в попавшем в ДТП автобусе «Ростова» не было

Главный тренер «Ростова» и сборной России Валерий Карпин, а также ряд игроков и тренеров, вызванных в национальную команду, отсутствовали в а
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Карпина и футболистов сборной России в попавшем в ДТП автобусе «Ростова» не было

Главный тренер «Ростова» и сборной России Валерий Карпин, а также ряд игроков и тренеров, вызванных в национальную команду, отсутствовали в автобусе клуба, попавшем в ДТП, рассказали «Матч ТВ» несколько источников. Подробнее…

Миранчук признан лучшим игроком матча против «Нью‑Йорк Ред Буллз»

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Миранчук признан лучшим игроком матча против «Нью‑Йорк Ред Буллз»

Российский полузащитник Алексей Миранчук был признан лучшим игроком матча регулярного чемпионата MLS против «Нью‑Йорк Ред Буллз», сообщает пресс‑служба «Атланты». Подробнее…

My darling mother died with dementia... and I fear the same fate may happen to me says BBC's Sally Magnusson

She watched in despair as Alzheimer's robbed her beloved mother Mamie of her mental faculties.
News | Mail Online

My darling mother died with dementia... and I fear the same fate may happen to me says BBC's Sally Magnusson

She watched in despair as Alzheimer's robbed her beloved mother Mamie of her mental faculties.

The Chinese stink bug set to ravage our gardens plants and crops

The brown winged cicada, which attacks 200 plant species, including apple and peach trees, by feeding on their sap will 'inevitably' reach the UK, experts say.
News | Mail Online

The Chinese stink bug set to ravage our gardens plants and crops

The brown winged cicada, which attacks 200 plant species, including apple and peach trees, by feeding on their sap will 'inevitably' reach the UK, experts say.

Met blasted for delay in updating new police uniforms to mark King Charles's reign

Two years after the Queen's death, the Metropolitan Police is still issuing uniforms with the old royal cypher to new recruits.
News | Mail Online

Met blasted for delay in updating new police uniforms to mark King Charles's reign

Two years after the Queen's death, the Metropolitan Police is still issuing uniforms with the old royal cypher to new recruits.

Gary will decide when he leaves the BBC - he doesn't deserve this! After rumours that last night's show would be his final Match of the Day, comments from source close to Lineker suggest all is not well

The Mail on Sunday understands Gary Linekar is locked in a stand-off with bosses over his £1.35million pay package as rumours sweep the BBC that he is on the verge of departing.
News | Mail Online

Gary will decide when he leaves the BBC - he doesn't deserve this! After rumours that last night's show would be his final Match of the Day, comments from source close to Lineker suggest all is not well

The Mail on Sunday understands Gary Linekar is locked in a stand-off with bosses over his £1.35million pay package as rumours sweep the BBC that he is on the verge of departing.

Excited Elon Musk JUMPS on to stage to join Trump in Butler as he reenacts former president's 'fight, fight, fight' moment after getting shot

Tesla boss Elon Musk was seen jumping on stage with his fists in air as he joined  Donald Trump to address his supporters at the Butler Farm Show in Pennsylvania.
News | Mail Online

Excited Elon Musk JUMPS on to stage to join Trump in Butler as he reenacts former president's 'fight, fight, fight' moment after getting shot

Tesla boss Elon Musk was seen jumping on stage with his fists in air as he joined  Donald Trump to address his supporters at the Butler Farm Show in Pennsylvania.

好市多女店員超美 全網暴動:排8小時都願意!

李欣潔/核稿編輯 1名美式大賣場正妹店員近日在社群媒體上造成轟動,許多網友紛紛留言表示,寧願花時間排隊也要讓店花結帳,隨後美女店員的IG也被找到了。 1名網友在社群平台「...…
財經新聞 - 自由時報

好市多女店員超美 全網暴動:排8小時都願意!

李欣潔/核稿編輯 1名美式大賣場正妹店員近日在社群媒體上造成轟動,許多網友紛紛留言表示,寧願花時間排隊也要讓店花結帳,隨後美女店員的IG也被找到了。 1名網友在社群平台「...…

美非農就業數據遠超預期 Fed傳聲筒:恐澆熄11月降息2碼機會

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國勞工部公佈9月「非農就業數據」表現遠超預期,強勁新增25.4萬人。對此,有「聯準會傳聲筒」之稱的華爾街日報首席財經記者蒂米羅斯(Nick Timiraos)發出警告,認...
財經新聞 - 自由時報

美非農就業數據遠超預期 Fed傳聲筒:恐澆熄11月降息2碼機會

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕美國勞工部公佈9月「非農就業數據」表現遠超預期,強勁新增25.4萬人。對此,有「聯準會傳聲筒」之稱的華爾街日報首席財經記者蒂米羅斯(Nick Timiraos)發出警告,認...…

加油且慢! 明起汽、柴油價格各調降0.1元及0.2元

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕本週因中東地緣政治情勢緊繃,導致國際油價上漲。台灣中油今(6日)宣布,自明(7)日凌晨零時起汽、柴油價格各調降0.1元及0.2元。 調整後的參考零售價格,分別為9
財經新聞 - 自由時報

加油且慢! 明起汽、柴油價格各調降0.1元及0.2元

〔財經頻道/綜合報導〕本週因中東地緣政治情勢緊繃,導致國際油價上漲。台灣中油今(6日)宣布,自明(7)日凌晨零時起汽、柴油價格各調降0.1元及0.2元。 調整後的參考零售價格,分別為92無鉛汽油...…

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體育新聞 - 自由時報

七崁武術故鄉辦路跑活動 7年完賽可獲「七龍珠」


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田兆崴 /核稿編輯 中國一姐陳雨菲在打完巴黎奧運後,決定「關機」暫別球場,目前人在國外留學、旅遊,昨日她在社群發出嚴正聲明,呼籲粉絲不要有偷拍行為。 陳雨菲在IG限時動...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

羽球》「偷拍行為我不喜歡...」 陳雨菲發出嚴正聲明:請尊重私人生活

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 中國一姐陳雨菲在打完巴黎奧運後,決定「關機」暫別球場,目前人在國外留學、旅遊,昨日她在社群發出嚴正聲明,呼籲粉絲不要有偷拍行為。 陳雨菲在IG限時動...…

Токаев считает, что АЭС в Казахстане должен строить международный консорциум

АСТАНА, 6 октября. /ТАСС/. Атомную электростанцию в Казахстане, в случае одобрения идеи ее строительства населением на республиканском рефере
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

Токаев считает, что АЭС в Казахстане должен строить международный консорциум

АСТАНА, 6 октября. /ТАСС/. Атомную электростанцию в Казахстане, в случае одобрения идеи ее строительства населением на республиканском референдуме, должен строить международный консорциум. Такое мнение высказал в беседе с журналистами после голосования президент Казахстана Касым-Жомарт Токаев.

BEOGRAĐANKU STENICE ISTERALE IZ STANA, BUKVALNO! Ivana se vratila sa puta, upalila svetlo i na jastuku zatekla ROJ. Tada kreće agonija duga mesec dana! (FOTO)

Ivana iz Beograda preživela je pravu noćnu moru nakon što su stan koji je iznajmljivanja okupirali najgori mogući insekti - stenice! Danima se borila, ali muku koju je proživljavala nisu olakšale ni komšije, a ni institucije - ostala je potpuno sama. N
Blic online

BEOGRAĐANKU STENICE ISTERALE IZ STANA, BUKVALNO! Ivana se vratila sa puta, upalila svetlo i na jastuku zatekla ROJ. Tada kreće agonija duga mesec dana! (FOTO)

Ivana iz Beograda preživela je pravu noćnu moru nakon što su stan koji je iznajmljivanja okupirali najgori mogući insekti - stenice! Danima se borila, ali muku koju je proživljavala nisu olakšale ni komšije, a ni institucije - ostala je potpuno sama. Na kraju jedino rešenje, nakon ogromnom stresa i potrošenog novca, bilo je da nađe novi stan i iseli se.

В Анголе заявили, что участие России в добыче алмазов отпугивает клиентов

Алмазы из Анголы не попадают под санкции, но сотрудничество с АЛРОСА отпугивает клиентов, заявил президент государственной ангольской алмаз
Бизнес - Mail.Ru

В Анголе заявили, что участие России в добыче алмазов отпугивает клиентов

Алмазы из Анголы не попадают под санкции, но сотрудничество с АЛРОСА отпугивает клиентов, заявил президент государственной ангольской алмазной компании Endiama Mining SA Жозе Ганга Жуниор.

شاهد بالفيديو.. حسناء الإعلام السوداني “لوشي” تعود لجذب انتباه المتابعين وهي تدندن بأغنية الفنان السعودي عبد المجيد عبد الله

عادت الإعلامية السودانية المعروفة ونجمة السوشيال ميديا الشهيرة آلاء المبارك, لخطف الأضواء وجذب انتباه المتابعين. فقد قامت المذيعة الشهيرة با
شبكة سودافاكس

شاهد بالفيديو.. حسناء الإعلام السوداني “لوشي” تعود لجذب انتباه المتابعين وهي تدندن بأغنية الفنان السعودي عبد المجيد عبد الله

عادت الإعلامية السودانية المعروفة ونجمة السوشيال ميديا الشهيرة آلاء المبارك, لخطف الأضواء وجذب انتباه المتابعين. فقد قامت المذيعة الشهيرة باسم “لوشي”, بنشر مقطع فيديو عبر إحدى حساباتها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي. وظهرت نجمة قناة الهلال, وسودانية 24 السابقة, وهي تغني مع الفنان السعودي عبد المجيد عبد الله أغنيته الشهيرة (أنا قبل أعرفك). النيلين سودافاكس

MLB季後賽》維杜戈扮洋基致勝功臣 隊友讚:他待過洛杉磯,不是天使!

廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基今在美聯分區系列賽G1以6:5力退皇家,外野手維杜戈(Alex Verdugo)今埋伏先發第9棒左外野手,單場3打數2安打,包含7局下關鍵超前安打,扮...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB季後賽》維杜戈扮洋基致勝功臣 隊友讚:他待過洛杉磯,不是天使!

廖志軒/核稿編輯 洋基今在美聯分區系列賽G1以6:5力退皇家,外野手維杜戈(Alex Verdugo)今埋伏先發第9棒左外野手,單場3打數2安打,包含7局下關鍵超前安打,扮...…

TPBL》林書豪率國王踢館夢想家 蔣淯安持續缺陣

TPBL熱身賽續戰台中洲際迷你蛋登場,新北國王今晚踢館地主夢想家,國王當家球星林書豪出現在登錄名單、有望上場,蔣淯安則持續缺陣,兩人同場對決要再等等。 今下午2點30...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

TPBL》林書豪率國王踢館夢想家 蔣淯安持續缺陣

TPBL熱身賽續戰台中洲際迷你蛋登場,新北國王今晚踢館地主夢想家,國王當家球星林書豪出現在登錄名單、有望上場,蔣淯安則持續缺陣,兩人同場對決要再等等。 今下午2點30...…

MLB》援護山本!大谷翔平季後賽首戰開轟雙安 宇宙道奇拔得頭籌

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 國聯分區系列賽G1今天登場,道奇日本巨星大谷翔平在生涯季後賽首戰就開轟,全場雙安3打點,率隊以7:5擊敗教士,在系列賽拔得頭籌取得1:0領先。 ...…
體育新聞 - 自由時報

MLB》援護山本!大谷翔平季後賽首戰開轟雙安 宇宙道奇拔得頭籌

田兆崴 /核稿編輯 國聯分區系列賽G1今天登場,道奇日本巨星大谷翔平在生涯季後賽首戰就開轟,全場雙安3打點,率隊以7:5擊敗教士,在系列賽拔得頭籌取得1:0領先。 ...…

Una ballena queda varada en Playa Baracoa y conmociona a la comunidad (+ Video)

Un insólito suceso tuvo lugar ayer en Playa Baracoa cuando un zifio o ballenato de Cuvier quedó varado cerca de la orilla, causando sorpresa y tristeza entre los habitantes locales. A pesar de los esfuerzos para rescatar al animal, no se logró salvarlo. Bo

Una ballena queda varada en Playa Baracoa y conmociona a la comunidad (+ Video)

Un insólito suceso tuvo lugar ayer en Playa Baracoa cuando un zifio o ballenato de Cuvier quedó varado cerca de la orilla, causando sorpresa y tristeza entre los habitantes locales. A pesar de los esfuerzos para rescatar al animal, no se logró salvarlo. Bomberos, policías y miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas acudieron a la playa para retirar los restos del cetáceo, en colaboración con vecinos de la comunidad. The post Una ballena queda varada en Playa Baracoa y conmociona a la comunidad (+ Video) first appeared on Cubadebate.

La Tira de los Lectores: El Che que nos inspira

Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, esta vez dedicada a Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, el Guerrillero Heroico. Recuerde que puede comunicarse con nuestro equipo a través del correo o mediante nuestr

La Tira de los Lectores: El Che que nos inspira

Hace unos días la convocamos y hoy regresa La Tira de los Lectores, esta vez dedicada a Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, el Guerrillero Heroico. Recuerde que puede comunicarse con nuestro equipo a través del correo o mediante nuestros perfiles en redes sociales. The post La Tira de los Lectores: El Che que nos inspira first appeared on Cubadebate.