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Philippines breached consensus, Chinese Foreign Minister says

Placement of US medium-range missiles in the Philippines «will create tension and confrontation in the region and provoke the arms race, which is absolutely not in line with interests and wants and needs of the Philippine nation,» Wang Yi said

Philippines breached consensus, Chinese Foreign Minister says

Placement of US medium-range missiles in the Philippines «will create tension and confrontation in the region and provoke the arms race, which is absolutely not in line with interests and wants and needs of the Philippine nation,» Wang Yi said

Redningsaksjonen avsluttet i Kristiansand – ingen skadet

Natt til lørdag ble det satt i gang en redningsaksjon etter at en båt skal ha kjørt på et skjær i Kristiansand. Ingen personer er meldt skadet, og aksjonen ble raskt avsluttet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Redningsaksjonen avsluttet i Kristiansand – ingen skadet

Natt til lørdag ble det satt i gang en redningsaksjon etter at en båt skal ha kjørt på et skjær i Kristiansand. Ingen personer er meldt skadet, og aksjonen ble raskt avsluttet.

Låve overtent i Innlandet – meldt om eksplosjon og røyk

Det brenner i en låve på Våler i Innlandet. Låven er overtent, og brannmannskapene jobber for å hindre spredning til nærliggende bygninger, opplyser politiet.
ABC Nyheter - Norge

Låve overtent i Innlandet – meldt om eksplosjon og røyk

Det brenner i en låve på Våler i Innlandet. Låven er overtent, og brannmannskapene jobber for å hindre spredning til nærliggende bygninger, opplyser politiet.

Nightmares, fainting and 'Ozempic face'. What happened during my month on a weight loss jab isn't for wimps - but oh joy you lose weight like a 20-year-old, says NADINE DORRIES

Over the past two years, I have received four telephone calls from my GP that I would rather have done without.

'We go to bed every night worrying about our daughter - she hasn't been the same since Strictly.' Amanda Abbington's parents tell the Mail why they feel 'sorry' for Giovanni - as others tell of her heartache over Martin Freeman split

Amanda Abbington's parents were used to watching their daughter getting rejected, firstly as a ballet dancer, and as an actress, dragging herself through auditions, seeking her big break.
News | Mail Online

'We go to bed every night worrying about our daughter - she hasn't been the same since Strictly.' Amanda Abbington's parents tell the Mail why they feel 'sorry' for Giovanni - as others tell of her heartache over Martin Freeman split

Amanda Abbington's parents were used to watching their daughter getting rejected, firstly as a ballet dancer, and as an actress, dragging herself through auditions, seeking her big break.

Killed by her blind devotion: Danielle was a Type 1 diabetic who was persuaded by a Chinese healer to give up her insulin injections and instead rely on a bizarre slapping therapy. Four days later, she was dead

During a speech delivered at an alternative therapy workshop, Danielle Carr-Gomm praised the man she believed would transform her life.

Celine Dion saves Paris Olympic opening ceremony with breathtaking return to the stage for first time in four years after battle with Stiff Person Syndrome, performing from the Eiffel Tower in tearjerking vocal masterclass watched by a billion

The French-speaking Canadian singer made a triumphant return to the stage two years after being diagnosed with  Stiff Person Syndrome.

한국을 북한으로 소개…장미란 차관, 바흐 IOC 위원장에 면담 요청

문화체육관광부가 2024 파리 올림픽 개회식에서 한국 선수단을 북한으로 소개한 것에 대해 유감의 뜻을 전했다. 문체부는 27일 “장미란 문체부 제2차관은 현지에서 국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 토마스
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 스포츠 뉴스

한국을 북한으로 소개…장미란 차관, 바흐 IOC 위원장에 면담 요청

문화체육관광부가 2024 파리 올림픽 개회식에서 한국 선수단을 북한으로 소개한 것에 대해 유감의 뜻을 전했다. 문체부는 27일 “장미란 문체부 제2차관은 현지에서 국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 토마스 바흐 위원장에게 면담을 요청했다”며 “정부 차원에서 프랑스 측에 강력한 항의 의견을 전달할 것을 외교부에 요청했다”고 전했다. 아울러 “선수 단장에게는 IOC와 파리 올림픽 조직위원회를 상대로 조속하게 대응해 줄 것을 당부했다”고 덧붙였다. 27일 파리 센강에서 열린 파리 올림픽 개회식에서 한국 선수단은 48번째 순서로 입장했다. 한국 선수단이 등장하자 장내 아나운서는 한국을 북한이라고 소개했다. 장내 아나운서는 불어로 한국을 ‘R?publique populaire d?mocratique de cor?e’라고 소개했고, 영어로는 ‘Democratic People’s Republic of Korea‘라고 말했다. 불어와 영어 모두 북한을 뜻하는 단어다. 문체부는 “대한체육회는 한국 선수단이 잘못 소개된 즉

ไฟป่าลามเร็วเผาอุทยานแห่งชาติ เมืองท่องเที่ยวแคนาดาเสียหายหนัก

เหตุไฟป่าขนาดใหญ่ทางตะวันตกของแคนาดา เผาผลาญเมืองแจสเปอร์ เมืองท่องเที่ยวยอดนิยมไปกว่าค
ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์ - ข่าว

ไฟป่าลามเร็วเผาอุทยานแห่งชาติ เมืองท่องเที่ยวแคนาดาเสียหายหนัก

เหตุไฟป่าขนาดใหญ่ทางตะวันตกของแคนาดา เผาผลาญเมืองแจสเปอร์ เมืองท่องเที่ยวยอดนิยมไปกว่าครึ่ง ทิวทัศน์ที่เคยงดงาม ตอนนี้เหลือแต่ตอตะโก

«ฌอน บูรณะหิรัญ» โพสต์ข้อความ 4 ปีที่รอคอย หลังศาลยกฟ้อง คดีเงินบริจาคไฟป่า

4 ปีที่รอคอย «ฌอน บูรณะหิรัญ» โพสต์ข้อความหลังศาลพิจารณายกฟ้อง คดีเงินบริจาคช่วยไฟป่า บอ
ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์ - ข่าว

«ฌอน บูรณะหิรัญ» โพสต์ข้อความ 4 ปีที่รอคอย หลังศาลยกฟ้อง คดีเงินบริจาคไฟป่า

4 ปีที่รอคอย «ฌอน บูรณะหิรัญ» โพสต์ข้อความหลังศาลพิจารณายกฟ้อง คดีเงินบริจาคช่วยไฟป่า บอกขอบคุณที่เชื่อมั่น ตื่นเต้นที่จะได้แชร์เรื่องราวให้ทุกคนฟัง

สภาพอากาศวันนี้ ทั่วไทยมีฝนฟ้าคะนอง ตกหนัก 24 จว. หวั่นท่วมฉับพลัน

สภาพอากาศวันนี้ ภาคเหนือ และภาคกลางมีฝนตกหนักมากบางพื้นที่ ส่วนภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือด้าน
ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์ - ข่าว

สภาพอากาศวันนี้ ทั่วไทยมีฝนฟ้าคะนอง ตกหนัก 24 จว. หวั่นท่วมฉับพลัน

สภาพอากาศวันนี้ ภาคเหนือ และภาคกลางมีฝนตกหนักมากบางพื้นที่ ส่วนภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือด้านตะวันออก และภาคตะวันออกมีฝนตกหนักบางแห่ง ขอให้ประชาชนระวังอันตรายฝนที่ตกสะสม ซึ่งอาจทำให้เกิดน้ำท่วมฉับพลันและน้ำป่าไหลหลาก

RDC : Pele Mongo placé sous mandat d’arrêt provisoire à la Prison centrale de Makala

Opérateur économique congolais, Mboyo Ilombe dit Pele Mongo a été placé sous mandat d’arrêt provisoire, ce vendredi 26 juillet, à la prison centrale de Makala, à Kinshasa. Selon un communiqué du ministère de la Justice parvenu à Radio Okapi, le d
Radio Okapi

RDC : Pele Mongo placé sous mandat d’arrêt provisoire à la Prison centrale de Makala

Opérateur économique congolais, Mboyo Ilombe dit Pele Mongo a été placé sous mandat d’arrêt provisoire, ce vendredi 26 juillet, à la prison centrale de Makala, à Kinshasa. Selon un communiqué du ministère de la Justice parvenu à Radio Okapi, le détenu est poursuivi pour tentative de corruption et détournement des ressources financières à l’Office national des transports (ONATRA).

藍綠白涉貪都被辦 羅友志:怎麼攻擊賴清德利用司法當工具?

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 昨日包含新竹市長高虹安及國民黨立委顏寬恒都因涉貪遭判刑,名嘴羅友志發文表示,包含先前遭收押的桃園市前市長鄭文燦在內,「藍綠白板塊都完成了」,並指未來誰硬要標
政治新聞 - 自由時報

藍綠白涉貪都被辦 羅友志:怎麼攻擊賴清德利用司法當工具?

蔡百靈/核稿編輯 昨日包含新竹市長高虹安及國民黨立委顏寬恒都因涉貪遭判刑,名嘴羅友志發文表示,包含先前遭收押的桃園市前市長鄭文燦在內,「藍綠白板塊都完成了」,並指未來誰硬要標籤「...…

川普稱台灣應向美付費 美學者歐漢倫:事涉戰爭應謹慎發言

政治新聞 - 自由時報

川普稱台灣應向美付費 美學者歐漢倫:事涉戰爭應謹慎發言

川普之前說台灣應該付美國「防衛費」持續引發討論。美國學者歐漢倫今天表示,歷史上領袖對承諾發出混亂的訊息時,常引爆戰爭,因此若涉及戰爭的議題,言辭非常重要,川普需要更謹慎。 ...…

Sir Rod Stewart has 'no fear' about death ahead of his 80th birthday and says he aims to stick around for another 15 years but acknowledges 'my days are numbered'

Rod Stewart revealed on Friday that he has 'no fear' about death ahead of his 80th birthday, adding he aims to stick around for another 15 years, but acknowledged his 'days are numbered'.
News | Mail Online

Sir Rod Stewart has 'no fear' about death ahead of his 80th birthday and says he aims to stick around for another 15 years but acknowledges 'my days are numbered'

Rod Stewart revealed on Friday that he has 'no fear' about death ahead of his 80th birthday, adding he aims to stick around for another 15 years, but acknowledged his 'days are numbered'.

I ditched my London life for a madcap journey to the Hebrides with a rock band... and ended up living the dream as a bona-fide lady of the isles

Today Claire is sitting in Ardlussa House, a 17th century stalking lodge on a vast estate on the Isle of Jura, recounting how that obscure KLF invitation was to change the course of her life.
News | Mail Online

I ditched my London life for a madcap journey to the Hebrides with a rock band... and ended up living the dream as a bona-fide lady of the isles

Today Claire is sitting in Ardlussa House, a 17th century stalking lodge on a vast estate on the Isle of Jura, recounting how that obscure KLF invitation was to change the course of her life.

Forget the River Seine wash-out, Lady Gaga, naked blue man and the upside down flag... Paris triumphs to end Games opening ceremony with amazing spectacle of a FLYING Olympic cauldron before extraordinarily powerful performance by Celine Dion

The French-speaking Canadian singer made a triumphant return to the stage two years after being diagnosed with  Stiff Person Syndrome.

Celine Dion fans left IN TEARS as star closes Olympics Opening Ceremony in front of Eiffel Tower and she is hailed  as the 'greatest singer of all time' amid her  tragic battle with Stiff Person Syndrome

The Canadian singer, 56, who is battling the incurable stiff-person syndrome, looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed in front of the Eiffel Tower.
News | Mail Online

Celine Dion fans left IN TEARS as star closes Olympics Opening Ceremony in front of Eiffel Tower and she is hailed  as the 'greatest singer of all time' amid her  tragic battle with Stiff Person Syndrome

The Canadian singer, 56, who is battling the incurable stiff-person syndrome, looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed in front of the Eiffel Tower.

Russian kamikaze drone closing in! The terrifying message that flashed on the drone alarm in our journalists' truck as they sped towards the latest frontline - New York

It's 6.15 on an exquisite midsummer morning and we are being driven as fast as possible into the rising sun by a Ukrainian special reconnaissance unit to a small city in Donetsk Oblast called New York.
News | Mail Online

Russian kamikaze drone closing in! The terrifying message that flashed on the drone alarm in our journalists' truck as they sped towards the latest frontline - New York

It's 6.15 on an exquisite midsummer morning and we are being driven as fast as possible into the rising sun by a Ukrainian special reconnaissance unit to a small city in Donetsk Oblast called New York.

Олимпиада-2024, 27 июля, все медали дня: плавание, регби-7, дзюдо, россияне Дронова и Сырица поборются за награды в велоспорте

Победители определятся в 14 дисциплинах из восьми видов спорта: стрельбе, велошоссе, дзюдо, плавании, фехтовании, скейтбординге, регби-7 и пр
Спорт -

Олимпиада-2024, 27 июля, все медали дня: плавание, регби-7, дзюдо, россияне Дронова и Сырица поборются за награды в велоспорте

Победители определятся в 14 дисциплинах из восьми видов спорта: стрельбе, велошоссе, дзюдо, плавании, фехтовании, скейтбординге, регби-7 и прыжках в воду.

بیرانوند به زودی به پرسپولیس بر می‌گردد! +عکس

همسر بیرانوند با انتشار یک استوری در فضای مجازی از بازگشت این دروازه‌بان به پرسپولیس در آینده خبر داد.
پايگاه خبری افکارنيوز

بیرانوند به زودی به پرسپولیس بر می‌گردد! +عکس

همسر بیرانوند با انتشار یک استوری در فضای مجازی از بازگشت این دروازه‌بان به پرسپولیس در آینده خبر داد.

Puhdistukset jatkuvat Venäjällä – nyt pidätettiin entinen varapuolustusministeri

IS seuraa tässä artikkelissa tilannetta Ukrainan sodassa sekä siihen liittyviä tapahtumia Venäjällä.
Uutiset - Ilta-Sanomat

Puhdistukset jatkuvat Venäjällä – nyt pidätettiin entinen varapuolustusministeri

IS seuraa tässä artikkelissa tilannetta Ukrainan sodassa sekä siihen liittyviä tapahtumia Venäjällä.

New agreement with 'defined timeline' signed for stalled Harmony Cove project

The Government of Jamaica, through Harmonisation Limited, has entered into a definitive framework agreement with the Tavistock Group for the development of the stalled Harmony Cove project as a major integrated resort in Trelawny.   A media...

New agreement with 'defined timeline' signed for stalled Harmony Cove project

The Government of Jamaica, through Harmonisation Limited, has entered into a definitive framework agreement with the Tavistock Group for the development of the stalled Harmony Cove project as a major integrated resort in Trelawny.   A media...

Militair botst met bromfiets tegen EBS-mast en overlijdt

Waterkant Een militair is vrijdagavond met een bromfiets gebotst tegen een EBS-mast aan de Indira Gandhiweg en is als gevolg van de opgelopen verwondingen overleden op de Spoedeisende Hulp (SEH). Het verkeersongeval vond plaats ter hoogte van Red Apple. De oo

Militair botst met bromfiets tegen EBS-mast en overlijdt

Waterkant Een militair is vrijdagavond met een bromfiets gebotst tegen een EBS-mast aan de Indira Gandhiweg en is als gevolg van de opgelopen verwondingen overleden op de Spoedeisende Hulp (SEH). Het verkeersongeval vond plaats ter hoogte van Red Apple. De oorzaak is nog onbekend. De man raakte zwaargewond aan zijn gezicht en werd in kritieke toestand […] Het bericht Militair botst met bromfiets tegen EBS-mast en overlijdt verscheen eerst op Waterkant.

Trump ally who denies 2020 election results threatens law enforcement

Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock, said officials would face “a piano wire and a blowtorch” if a case against a former Colorado elections official continues.
Post Politics

Trump ally who denies 2020 election results threatens law enforcement

Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock, said officials would face “a piano wire and a blowtorch” if a case against a former Colorado elections official continues.