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Quatre personnes ont été sauvagement tuées à l’arme blanche dans leur maison par des personnes non encore identifiées  la nuit du dimanche 25 août à Kisangani dans la province de la Tshopo. Le drame s’est produit à 10km du centre-ville, vers les

Zatrzymanie Czarneckiego i wulgarny wpis Budy. Rzecznik ministra reaguje

"Zamiast wypisywać wulgaryzmy i kłamstwa, zawsze najlepiej u źródła zapytać, co było faktyczną przyczyną utrudnień na lotnisku Chopina" - napisał rzecznik szefa MSWiA Jacek Dobrzyński, w reakcji na słowa europosła Waldemara Budy. Polit

Zatrzymanie Czarneckiego i wulgarny wpis Budy. Rzecznik ministra reaguje

"Zamiast wypisywać wulgaryzmy i kłamstwa, zawsze najlepiej u źródła zapytać, co było faktyczną przyczyną utrudnień na lotnisku Chopina" - napisał rzecznik szefa MSWiA Jacek Dobrzyński, w reakcji na słowa europosła Waldemara Budy. Polityk PiS uznał, że środowe problemy w jednym ze stołecznych terminali miały związek z zatrzymaniem tam Ryszarda Czarneckiego. "Może warto ten niefortunny wpis dyskretnie usunąć, z atencją podpowiadam" - dodał Dobrzyński.

店內暢飲打包被拒 2男怒灑啤酒污損桌子

社會新聞 - 自由時報

店內暢飲打包被拒 2男怒灑啤酒污損桌子


殺害胞弟凶嫌判無期 新北副發言人張劭斌:沉冤得雪

社會新聞 - 自由時報

殺害胞弟凶嫌判無期 新北副發言人張劭斌:沉冤得雪


Un avion militar s-a prăbuşit în Bulgaria. Cei doi piloți au murit

Cei doi piloţi ai avionului prăbuşit vineri în sudul Bulgariei în cursul unui exerciţiu pentru pregătirea unui spectacol aerian au decedat, a anunţat guvernul de la Sofia.

Un avion militar s-a prăbuşit în Bulgaria. Cei doi piloți au murit

Cei doi piloţi ai avionului prăbuşit vineri în sudul Bulgariei în cursul unui exerciţiu pentru pregătirea unui spectacol aerian au decedat, a anunţat guvernul de la Sofia.

Rusia cere Consiliului de Securitate al ONU „să se gândească la consecințe” dacă Ucraina va folosi rachete americane cu rază lungă de acțiune

Trimisul Rusiei la ONU cere Consiliului de Securitate „să se gândească la consecințe”, dacă Ucraina primește permisiunea de a utiliza rachete cu rază lungă de acțiune.

Rusia cere Consiliului de Securitate al ONU „să se gândească la consecințe” dacă Ucraina va folosi rachete americane cu rază lungă de acțiune

Trimisul Rusiei la ONU cere Consiliului de Securitate „să se gândească la consecințe”, dacă Ucraina primește permisiunea de a utiliza rachete cu rază lungă de acțiune.

Rusia a lansat noi rachete nord-coreene asupra Ucrainei, arată în premieră o analiza a rămășițelor acestora

Rusia a lansat rachete nord-coreene produse în acest an în atacurile sale asupra Ucrainei, se arată într-un nou raport, ceea ce constituie o dovadă a faptului că Coreea de Nord a Coreea de Nord a continuat să furnizeze Rusiei rachete balistice avansat

Rusia a lansat noi rachete nord-coreene asupra Ucrainei, arată în premieră o analiza a rămășițelor acestora

Rusia a lansat rachete nord-coreene produse în acest an în atacurile sale asupra Ucrainei, se arată într-un nou raport, ceea ce constituie o dovadă a faptului că Coreea de Nord a Coreea de Nord a continuat să furnizeze Rusiei rachete balistice avansate cu rază scurtă de acțiune.

Un director din Ministerul Agriculturii făcea comerț cu plase de pescuit din Thailanda. Este cercetat penal de DNA

Ștefan Gheorghe este învinuit pentru comiterea infracțiunii de efectuare de operațiuni financiare, ca acte de comerț, incompatibile cu funcția.

Un director din Ministerul Agriculturii făcea comerț cu plase de pescuit din Thailanda. Este cercetat penal de DNA

Ștefan Gheorghe este învinuit pentru comiterea infracțiunii de efectuare de operațiuni financiare, ca acte de comerț, incompatibile cu funcția.

Ciclonul Boris ajunge în România. Alertă meteorologică de vreme rea, cu ploi torențiale, descărcări electrice și grindină

Ciclonul va afecta și România în acest weekend, când meteorologii anunță că vor fi averse torențiale, descărcări electrice, vânt puternic și grindină. În anumite zone ale țării, temperaturile vor scădea, în timpul nopții, până la 10 grad

Ciclonul Boris ajunge în România. Alertă meteorologică de vreme rea, cu ploi torențiale, descărcări electrice și grindină

Ciclonul va afecta și România în acest weekend, când meteorologii anunță că vor fi averse torențiale, descărcări electrice, vânt puternic și grindină. În anumite zone ale țării, temperaturile vor scădea, în timpul nopții, până la 10 grade Celsius.

Россия создает свой «Тур де Франс». Его профинансируют из бюджета

Выйти на европейский топ-уровень будет непросто, но ведь надо с чего-то начинать.
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Россия создает свой «Тур де Франс». Его профинансируют из бюджета

Выйти на европейский топ-уровень будет непросто, но ведь надо с чего-то начинать.

Шарапова победила в голосовании на включение в Зал славы тенниса

Экс-первая ракетка мира россиянка Мария Шарапова победила в рейтинге болельщиков Международного зала теннисной славы в свой первый год учас
Спорт - Mail.Ru

Шарапова победила в голосовании на включение в Зал славы тенниса

Экс-первая ракетка мира россиянка Мария Шарапова победила в рейтинге болельщиков Международного зала теннисной славы в свой первый год участия в голосовании.

Укрэнерго не прогнозирует отключений в субботу

Граждан просят пользоваться мощными электроприборами в часы наивысшей солнечной активности - с 10:00 до 16:00.
Последние новости на сайте

Укрэнерго не прогнозирует отключений в субботу

Граждан просят пользоваться мощными электроприборами в часы наивысшей солнечной активности - с 10:00 до 16:00.

В РФ четырех мужчин обвинили в поджоге релейных шкафов «за деньги»

Инцидент произошел на 45 км перегона Электроугли – Храпуново в районе станции Храпуново Горьковского направления Московской железной дорог
Последние новости на сайте

В РФ четырех мужчин обвинили в поджоге релейных шкафов «за деньги»

Инцидент произошел на 45 км перегона Электроугли – Храпуново в районе станции Храпуново Горьковского направления Московской железной дороги.

В Болгарии разбился военный самолет, погибли два пилота

Самолет упал в лесном массиве вблизи авиабазы. Из-за очень малой высоты полета пилоты не успели активировать систему катапультирования.
Последние новости на сайте

В Болгарии разбился военный самолет, погибли два пилота

Самолет упал в лесном массиве вблизи авиабазы. Из-за очень малой высоты полета пилоты не успели активировать систему катапультирования.

Доллар и евро завершили неделю ростом

На межбанке американская валюта выросла всего на 1 копейку - до 41,31-41,33 грн/долл. (купля-продажа).
Последние новости на сайте

Доллар и евро завершили неделю ростом

На межбанке американская валюта выросла всего на 1 копейку - до 41,31-41,33 грн/долл. (купля-продажа).

Во Франции обнаружили более 40 кг кокаина в грузах с бананами

Сотрудники филиалов сети Grand Frais на востоке Франции обнаружили более 40 кг наркотиков, спрятанных под паллетами с бананами.
Последние новости на сайте

Во Франции обнаружили более 40 кг кокаина в грузах с бананами

Сотрудники филиалов сети Grand Frais на востоке Франции обнаружили более 40 кг наркотиков, спрятанных под паллетами с бананами.

Air Canada flights could halt next week: Here's the latest

Air Canada's potential work stoppage could ground flights, halt cargo and leave travellers scrambling to reschedule next week. Follow along with live updates here. - Canada - Public RSS

Air Canada flights could halt next week: Here's the latest

Air Canada's potential work stoppage could ground flights, halt cargo and leave travellers scrambling to reschedule next week. Follow along with live updates here.

Зеленский: Запад боится говорить о том, чтобы сбивать российские ракеты

Президент Владимир Зеленский считает унизительным для демократического мира то, что союзники сбивают ракеты и беспилотники в небе Ближнего
В мире - ERR

Зеленский: Запад боится говорить о том, чтобы сбивать российские ракеты

Президент Владимир Зеленский считает унизительным для демократического мира то, что союзники сбивают ракеты и беспилотники в небе Ближнего Востока, однако до сих пор не принимают аналогичное решение о совместном сбивании российских ракет и иранских дронов в небе Украины.

Жена Карпина: «Мы должны уходить от сексизма в футболе. Посмотрите, как реагируют на мои высказывания или Заремы. В Европе клубные соцсети давно ведут девушки в красивых майках»

Жена тренера «Ростова» и сборной России ведет шоу «Карты, деньги, два мяча» на ютубе вместе с Яной Ромашкиной, Аланой Мамаевой и Мариной Конд
Спорт -

Жена Карпина: «Мы должны уходить от сексизма в футболе. Посмотрите, как реагируют на мои высказывания или Заремы. В Европе клубные соцсети давно ведут девушки в красивых майках»

Жена тренера «Ростова» и сборной России ведет шоу «Карты, деньги, два мяча» на ютубе вместе с Яной Ромашкиной, Аланой Мамаевой и Мариной Кондратюк.

Lombardia Trophy. Малинин, Кагияма, Миура, Сато, Александр Селевко, Эгадзе, Литвинцев показывают короткие программы

ISU Challenger Lombardia Trophy Бергамо, Италия Мужчины Короткая программа Начало – 16:30 по московскому времени.
Спорт -

Lombardia Trophy. Малинин, Кагияма, Миура, Сато, Александр Селевко, Эгадзе, Литвинцев показывают короткие программы

ISU Challenger Lombardia Trophy Бергамо, Италия Мужчины Короткая программа Начало – 16:30 по московскому времени.

КРАСКИ СГУЩАЮТСЯ! ⟩ Астролог Кристина Иванова предупредила о непростом окончании 2024 года

В середине сентября мы вступаем в лунный коридор затмений - опасный и непредсказуемый для всех сфер жизни период. Впрочем, и в декабре нас буд
В мире - Postimees

КРАСКИ СГУЩАЮТСЯ! ⟩ Астролог Кристина Иванова предупредила о непростом окончании 2024 года

В середине сентября мы вступаем в лунный коридор затмений - опасный и непредсказуемый для всех сфер жизни период. Впрочем, и в декабре нас будет ждать новое испытание - ретроградный Марс, которые обостряет военные конфликты. Как пережить эти периоды с наименьшими потерями, а возможно, даже извлечь из них пользу, рассказала астролог Кристина Иванова.

Обвиняемая в убийстве новорожденного в Сууре-Ляхтру: «Если я виновна, должна отсидеть, если невиновна, то должна жить дальше»

«Если я виновна, то должна отсидеть, если невиновна, то должна жить дальше», - сказала Кайри Куусемаа, обвиняемая в убийстве младенца в Сууре-Л
В мире - Postimees

Обвиняемая в убийстве новорожденного в Сууре-Ляхтру: «Если я виновна, должна отсидеть, если невиновна, то должна жить дальше»

«Если я виновна, то должна отсидеть, если невиновна, то должна жить дальше», - сказала Кайри Куусемаа, обвиняемая в убийстве младенца в Сууре-Ляхтру, когда суд предоставил ей слово на предварительном слушании.

Россия и Украина провели обмен пленными. Среди вернувшихся в Украину — крымчанка Ление Умерова

Россия и Украина провели обмен пленными по формуле «49 на 49», об этом сообщил президент Владимир Зеленский. Среди вернувшихся в Украину — у
В мире - Postimees

Россия и Украина провели обмен пленными. Среди вернувшихся в Украину — крымчанка Ление Умерова

Россия и Украина провели обмен пленными по формуле «49 на 49», об этом сообщил президент Владимир Зеленский. Среди вернувшихся в Украину — уроженка Крыма Ление Умерова, задержанная в 2022 году при переходе российско-грузинской границы.

La RDC a enregistré un excédent de trésorerie de 164 milliards FC en 2 mois

L'État congolais a enregistré un excédent de trésorerie de 164 milliards CDF, soit plus de 58 millions USD entre juillet et août derniers, a indiqué, mercredi 11 septembre le ministère des Finances. Cette performance est le résultat du programme de r
Radio Okapi

La RDC a enregistré un excédent de trésorerie de 164 milliards FC en 2 mois

L'État congolais a enregistré un excédent de trésorerie de 164 milliards CDF, soit plus de 58 millions USD entre juillet et août derniers, a indiqué, mercredi 11 septembre le ministère des Finances. Cette performance est le résultat du programme de réformes que le ministre des Finances, Doudou Fwamba a entreprends depuis quelques mois en vue de restaurer le cadre macro-économique du pays.

Seychelles' President to undertake official visit to Cuba

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, will undertake an official visit to Havana, Cuba, at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20, State House said in a press release on Friday.   After concluding hi
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President to undertake official visit to Cuba

The President of Seychelles, Wavel Ramkalawan, will undertake an official visit to Havana, Cuba, at the invitation of Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez from September 16 to 20, State House said in a press release on Friday.   After concluding his official engagements in Havana, Ramkalawan will travel to New York to participate in the 79th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) from September 23 to 27.

Pope defies health fears on historic Asia-Pacific tour

Pope Francis wrapped up an arduous 12-day tour of the Asia-Pacific on Friday, defying health concerns to connect with believers from the jungle of Papua New Guinea to the skyscrapers of Singapore. The 87-year-old pontiff took off for Rome, completing his lon
Seychelles News Agency

Pope defies health fears on historic Asia-Pacific tour

Pope Francis wrapped up an arduous 12-day tour of the Asia-Pacific on Friday, defying health concerns to connect with believers from the jungle of Papua New Guinea to the skyscrapers of Singapore. The 87-year-old pontiff took off for Rome, completing his longest trip in duration and distance since he became head of the world's estimated 1.4 billion Roman Catholics more than 13 years ago. The Argentine pope has relied on a wheelchair since 2022 because of knee pain and sciatica, had a hernia operation in June 2023, and earlier this year battled flu and bronchitis. Occasionally, during his four-nation trip, the pope struggled to keep his eyes open when listening to late-night liturgical readings or to remain engaged during formal military parades. But he was clearly energised by more freewheeling exchanges -- cheerfully goading young people to shout out their agreement with his calls to help those in need. In a lively final inter-religious meeting with young Singaporeans, the pope urged them to respect other beliefs, avoid being «slaves» to technology and to get out of their comfort zones. «Don't let your stomach get fat, but let your head get fat,» the pope said, raising a laugh from his audience. «I say take risks, go out there,» he said. «A young person that is afraid and does not take risks is an old person.» The historic tour, initially planned for 2020 but postponed by the Covid-19 pandemic, has included 43 hours of flight time and a distance of 32,000 kilometres (almost 20,000 miles). - 'Superstition and magic' - But neither the pace -- 16 speeches and up to eight hours of time difference -- nor the heat, nor multiple meetings have forced any rescheduling of his international odyssey. On a trip that took him to the outer edges of the Church's world, the pope delivered a sometimes uncomfortable message for leaders not to forget the poor and marginalised. In Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority state, he visited the capital Istiqlal Mosque to deliver a joint message against conflict and climate change. In sweltering Papua New Guinea, he donned a Bird of Paradise headdress in a remote, jungle village where he told inhabitants to halt violence and renounce «superstition and magic». Addressing political and business leaders, he insisted that the country's vast natural resources should benefit the «entire community» -- a demand likely to resound in a nation where many believe their riches are being stolen or squandered. And in staunchly Roman Catholic East Timor, he addressed nearly half the population, drawing about 600,000 rapturous believers in the tropical heat to a celebration of mass on the island's coast. Francis addressed East Timor's leaders, hailing a new era of «peace» since independence in 2002. - 'Deeply touched' - But he also called on them to do more to prevent abuse against young people, in a nod to recent Catholic Church child abuse scandals. In the affluent city-state of Singapore, the pope called for «special attention» to be paid to protecting the dignity of migrant workers. «These workers contribute a great deal to society and should be guaranteed a fair wage,» he said. There are an estimated 170 million migrant workers around the world. Most live in the Americas, Europe or Central Asia. But the Argentine pope was otherwise full of praise for the «entrepreneurial spirit» and dynamism that built a «mass of ultra-modern skyscrapers that seem to rise from the sea» in his final destination. Sandra Ross, 55, a church administrator in Singapore, said she was still «feeling the warmth and joy» after attending mass led by the pope. «I was deeply touched by Pope Francis' courage and dedication to his mission, despite his health challenges. His spirit and enthusiasm are truly inspiring,» she said. «This Asia tour is a beautiful gesture, highlighting the importance of unity and understanding across cultures and faiths.» Lise de Rocquigny, 47, a French expat living in Singapore, said during the visit the pope had appeared tired at points but also engaged and «quite fit». «The pope was really able to convey the messages that are close to his heart: inter-religious dialogue, solidarity, charity, listening to the poor, concern for our home Earth.» © Agence France-Presse

US calls for Africa to get two permanent UN Security Council seats

Washington called Thursday for two new permanent seats on the UN Security Council for African nations, alongside a rotating seat for island states -- but insisted they not have a veto. The proposals would transform the 15-member top body of the global organi
Seychelles News Agency

US calls for Africa to get two permanent UN Security Council seats

Washington called Thursday for two new permanent seats on the UN Security Council for African nations, alongside a rotating seat for island states -- but insisted they not have a veto. The proposals would transform the 15-member top body of the global organization which has been largely unchanged for decades and is mired in dysfunction and disagreements between existing permanent members. The new African representatives should not wield veto power over council resolutions, unlike the current permanent members -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States -- US officials have said. «I'm announcing the United States supports three additional changes to the Security Council,» said Washington's ambassador to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, at the Council on Foreign Relations think-tank. This would include «creating two permanent seats for Africa,» she said. African nations already have three non-permanent seats on the Security Council, allocated on a rotating basis for two year terms. In addition, «the United States supports creating a new elected seat on the Security Council for small island developing states,» Thomas-Greenfield said. Reform of the Security Council, long-stalled because of differences among its permanent members, would need to be ratified unanimously among the five top-tier powers -- all nuclear armed. A change in membership would first require adoption and ratification by two-thirds of the 193 member states. Washington has notably said it is opposed to allowing any new members the veto power enjoyed by the five permanent members, claiming it would cause gridlock. «We've been very, very clear that we do not support expansion of the veto,» Thomas-Greenfield said. «We have veto power as well, and none of the permanent members want to give up their veto power -- including us. I'm being honest about that.» - 'Matter of justice' - Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio told the Security Council in August that «Africa wants the veto abolished.» «However, if UN Member States wish to retain the veto, it must be extended to all new Permanent Members as a matter of justice,» he said. The United Nations said Washington's call was a positive step for African representation. «The announcement is an important one, it's welcome,» said a spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. «All of the details of how this will work will have to be decided by member states,» Stephane Dujarric told a briefing. «It goes along the lines of what (Guterres) has said, lamenting the lack of African representation.» In September 2022, US President Joe Biden threw his weight behind reform of the council, supporting calls for permanent seats for Africa and Latin America, without giving details. Russia has previously called for African nations to be cautious of new seats on the council if granted alongside seats to longstanding US allies like Japan and Germany, which Washington has sought. «It will not be possible to address historical injustice towards Africa while simultaneously allowing new Western members to join the UN Security Council,» Russian deputy ambassador to the UN Dmitry Polyansky said previously. © Agence France-Presse

Seychelles' President announces China will donate up to 150 new houses 

Seychelles expects to receive around 135 to 150 houses from China, President Wavel Ramkalawan announced in his second live press conference for the year, on Thursday.   Ramkalawan described the cooperation between the two countries as having progressed t
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President announces China will donate up to 150 new houses 

Seychelles expects to receive around 135 to 150 houses from China, President Wavel Ramkalawan announced in his second live press conference for the year, on Thursday.   Ramkalawan described the cooperation between the two countries as having progressed to a higher level following the Ninth Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), which he attended recently in Beijing, China. «We went from a bilateral partnership to a strategic partnership with China. This is very important,» he said. He added that in terms of maritime security, the Seychelles Coast Guard would also be receiving a new boat before the end of this year, one «in the same category as Etoile. We have also ensured that this new boat will be well-equipped to deal with different maritime security situations.» Multi-dimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI) Ramkalawan expressed his satisfaction that the Index is finally being accepted by the European Union and stressed the importance of having such an index in place, especially for small island developing states like Seychelles to receive concessional funding. He talked about the necessity of having the Loss and Damage Fund in place, as well as supporting other states who are pushing for a tax to be added for countries that have been deemed responsible for exacerbating climate change. «Even if the Loss and Damage Fund has been established, I have to say that I am a bit disappointed because it is firstly a voluntary fund and I fear it will not be sustainable. Hence why I am supporting other SIDS bringing forward a proposition for an additional tax on those responsible for environmental pollution.» Assumption Island project The President spoke about a letter written by a third party to UNESCO, about the tourism development project being done on Assumption Island that might impact the Aldabra atoll, which is one of the Seychelles' UNESCO World Heritage Sites.   An article that was published in the Guardian stated that this project was a threat to Aldabra. Taking the opportunity to set the record straight, he read the email request for further clarification from UNESCO during the live press conference and maintained that the project was following all necessary procedures and that rumours being spread by certain individuals were not founded. «It's the third-party information feeding over there and that is why you have that article in the Guardian. We have written to UNESCO and we stated that Seychelles is cooperating at all levels and we have no intention of destroying Aldabra. On the contrary, we want to promote Aldabra. All EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and other procedures concerning biodiversity will be done. Aldabra will be protected just like Assumption,» he emphasised.   Tourism On a question regarding the number of visitors coming into the country at the moment which is a 0.07 percent increase compared to the same time last year. According to the National Bureau of Statistics figures released on September 11, 236,265 visitors disembarked in Seychelles, compared to 236,092 in 2023. The year-to-date visitor arrivals increased by 0.07 percent. Ramkalawan described these fluctuations as being evident given the number of guest houses and other tourism establishments that have been built in the country within the last few years. «If you were used to getting a full house, this is no longer the case as visitors have more choices. We have to balance the different factors,» he stated. He added that tourism is the responsibility of all Seychellois and decried the recent reports of crimes against visitors in the country. Ramkalawan listed the different projects and work being done to improve the situation, notably the new direct flight between Seychelles and Chengdu, China, in addition to other flights being negotiated by other high officials in the government. Ramkalawan officially launched the direct and non-stop charter flight operated by Sichuan Airlines, from Chengdu Province in China to Seychelles in November, during his visit to China. Tourism is the top contributor to the economy of Seychelles, a group of 115 islands in the western Indian Ocean. 

Seychelles' President to stand again in 2025 elections

Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan announced that he will be submitting his candidacy for President of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) for the next presidential election in 2025, during his live press conference on Thursday. Vice President Ahmed Afi
Seychelles News Agency

Seychelles' President to stand again in 2025 elections

Seychelles' President Wavel Ramkalawan announced that he will be submitting his candidacy for President of the Linyon Demokratik Seselwa (LDS) for the next presidential election in 2025, during his live press conference on Thursday. Vice President Ahmed Afif also confirmed with SNA that he will be Ramkalawan’s running mate at the next Presidential election. Describing this as an obvious choice for him, he stated that the last four years were only the beginning of the work on his part.  «Yes, I will be submitting my candidacy for the next presidential election, I do not think this was a secret,» he said, and confirmed that in the meantime there will not be a reshuffling of the current Cabinet of Ministers. «My ministers are doing a good job and I am satisfied with the work that they are doing. From now until the 27th of September next year I have no intention of changing anything. Further down the line, I will meet with them individually to see what they wish to do, if they will continue,» he said. Ramkalawan won the 2020 presidential elections with 54.9 percent of the valid votes. His closest rival was the outgoing president of the United Seychelles party, Danny Faure, with 43.5 percent. Dr Patrick Herminie is the other candidate confirmed for the presidential elections in September 2025 after being endorsed by his United Seychelles party on June 2.  

Кенет Мертен: Дълбоко съм натъжен от трагичната загуба на двамата смели български пилоти

Кенет Мертен: Тяхната отдаденост и саможертва в служба на България няма да бъдат забравени

Кенет Мертен: Дълбоко съм натъжен от трагичната загуба на двамата смели български пилоти

Кенет Мертен: Тяхната отдаденост и саможертва в служба на България няма да бъдат забравени

Силяновска: Вписването на българите в Конституцията на РСМ не зависи от мен

Тя изрази съболезнования за двамата пилоти, които загинаха в катастрофата на авиобаза „Граф Игнатиево“

Силяновска: Вписването на българите в Конституцията на РСМ не зависи от мен

Тя изрази съболезнования за двамата пилоти, които загинаха в катастрофата на авиобаза „Граф Игнатиево“