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أصدرت محكمة مكافحة الإرهاب والجرائم الموجهة ضد الدولة برئاسة قاضي المحكمة العامة مولانا المامون الخواض وفي حضور محامي المتهم، حكما بالسجن لم

ሪፐብሊካኖቹ ሕገ መወሰኛውን ከአራት ዓመታት በኋላ ተቆጣጥረዋል

በአሜሪካ ምርጫ የሪፐብሊካን ፓርቲው የሕግ መወሰኛ ሸንጎውን ወይም ሴኔት በበላይነት ተቆጣጥሯል። ይህም በድጋሚ ፕሬዝደንታዊ ፉክክሩን ላሸነፉት ዶናልድ ትረ
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

ሪፐብሊካኖቹ ሕገ መወሰኛውን ከአራት ዓመታት በኋላ ተቆጣጥረዋል

በአሜሪካ ምርጫ የሪፐብሊካን ፓርቲው የሕግ መወሰኛ ሸንጎውን ወይም ሴኔት በበላይነት ተቆጣጥሯል። ይህም በድጋሚ ፕሬዝደንታዊ ፉክክሩን ላሸነፉት ዶናልድ ትረምፕ፣ ያቀዷቸውን የሕግ ለውጦች ለማድረግ ቁልፍ የሆነ መሣሪያ ይሰጣቸዋል። የቪኦኤ የኮንግረስ ዘጋቢ ካትሪን ጂፕሰን የላከችው ዘገባ ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።

እስያውያን የትራምፕ ሁለተኛ አገዛዝን በስጋት እየተጠባበቁ ነው

እስያውያን የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ አጋሮች ዶናልድ ትራምፕ በማክሰኞው ዕለት ምርጫ ሙሉ ለሙሉ በማሸንፋቸው የእንኳን ደስ አሎት መልዕክት እየላኩ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይሁን
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

እስያውያን የትራምፕ ሁለተኛ አገዛዝን በስጋት እየተጠባበቁ ነው

እስያውያን የዩናይትድ ስቴትስ አጋሮች ዶናልድ ትራምፕ በማክሰኞው ዕለት ምርጫ ሙሉ ለሙሉ በማሸንፋቸው የእንኳን ደስ አሎት መልዕክት እየላኩ ይገኛሉ፡፡ ይሁን እንጂ ብዙ እስያውያን ‘ቅድሚያ አሜሪካን’ የተሰኘው የውጭ ፖሊሲያቸው ምን ሊሆን እንደሚችል ስጋት አጭሮባቸዋል፡፡ የአሜሪካ ድምጹ ቢል ጋሎ ከሲኦል ደቡብ ኮሪያ ያደረሰንን ዘገባ ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።

በጦርነትና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ምክኒያት ረሃብ እየተስፋፍ መኾኑን ተመድ አስታወቀ

ጦርነትና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ አኹንም በመላው ዓለም እየተስፋፋ ላለው ረሃብ ምክኒያት መኾናቸውን በተባበሩት መንግሥታት የኢንዱስትሪ ልማት ድርጅት። አዲ
የአሜሪካ ድምፅ

በጦርነትና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ ምክኒያት ረሃብ እየተስፋፍ መኾኑን ተመድ አስታወቀ

ጦርነትና የአየር ንብረት ለውጥ አኹንም በመላው ዓለም እየተስፋፋ ላለው ረሃብ ምክኒያት መኾናቸውን በተባበሩት መንግሥታት የኢንዱስትሪ ልማት ድርጅት። አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ሲካሄድ ቆይቶ ዛሬ በተጠናቀቀው ዓለምን ከረሃብ  ነጻ የማድረግ ጉባኤ ላይ ንግግር ያደረጉት፣የድርጅቱ ዋና ሓላፊ ጌራልድ ሙሌር፣  ረሃብ የዓለምን ሕዝብ እየጎዳ ያለው የበለፅጉት ሃገራት ከዓመት ገቢያቸዉ በየዓመቱ ለአዳጊ ሀገራት ሊያደርጉ የሚገባቸዉን ድጋፍ ባለመስጠታቸውና በአዳጊ ሀገራትም የፖለቲካ ውሳኔ  ባለመኖሩ መኾኑን ገልፀዋል። የአፍሪካ ኅብረት በበኩሉ ከአራቱ አንዱ አፍሪቃው ለረሃብ ችግር የተጋለጠ መሆኑን ገልፆ፣ ግጭት አሁንም ለረሃብ መስፋፋት ምክንያት እንደሆነ ተናግሯል። ዝርዝሩን ከተያያዘው ፋይል ይከታተሉ።

고려사이버대학교, ‘AI시대 도약하는 원격대학’ 국회세미나 참석

고려사이버대학교는 11월 6일 서울 여의도 국회의원회관에서 열린 ‘AI 시대, 도약하는 원격대학’을 주제로 한 국회 세미나에 참석했다.이번 세미나는 한국원격대학협의회(원대협)가 주최하여,
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

고려사이버대학교, ‘AI시대 도약하는 원격대학’ 국회세미나 참석

고려사이버대학교는 11월 6일 서울 여의도 국회의원회관에서 열린 ‘AI 시대, 도약하는 원격대학’을 주제로 한 국회 세미나에 참석했다.이번 세미나는 한국원격대학협의회(원대협)가 주최하여, 국내 원격대학들이 현재의 제도적 한계를 극복하고 발전할 수 있는 방안을 모색하기 위해 마련된 자리다. 원대협은 이 자리에서 ‘원대협법’ 국회 통과의 필요성을 재차 강조하며, 법안 통과를 위한 국회와 정부의 협조를 요청했다.이날 행사에는 추경호 국민의힘 원내대표, 김문수 더불어민주당 의원, 김대식 국민의힘 의원, 김영호 국회교육위원회 위원장, 전국 사이버대학 총장 및 처장, 교직원 등 약 250명이 참석해 열띤 논의를 이어갔다.현재 원대협법은 고등교육법 제10조에 근거해 원격대학 협의체인 한국원격대학협의회를 학교 협의체로 인정받아 자주성과 공공성을 보장하고, AI 시대에 걸맞은 교육환경을 조성하기 위한 내용을 담고 있다.원대협은 이번 법안 통과가 사이버대학의 공적 역할을 강화하고, 장기적인 발전을 위

인천 강화도 컨테이너서 불…60대 남성 사망

8일 오전 1시 24분쯤 인천시 강화군 강화읍 한 컨테이너에서 원인을 알 수 없는 화재가 발생했다.이 불로 60대 남성 A 씨가 숨지고 컨테이너 1동과 집기류가 탔다.불은 한 주민이 “컨테이너서 불이
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

인천 강화도 컨테이너서 불…60대 남성 사망

8일 오전 1시 24분쯤 인천시 강화군 강화읍 한 컨테이너에서 원인을 알 수 없는 화재가 발생했다.이 불로 60대 남성 A 씨가 숨지고 컨테이너 1동과 집기류가 탔다.불은 한 주민이 “컨테이너서 불이 났다”고 119에 신고하면서 알려졌다.소방당국은 소방관 42명과 펌프차 등 소방차 14대를 투입해 화재발생 19분 만에 불을 완전히 껐다. 소방 관계자는 해당 컨테이너가 업무용이었던 것으로 보고 정확한 화재 원인을 조사 중이다.(인천=뉴스1)

심형탁, 임신 ♥사야와 뒤늦은 하와이 신혼여행…행복한 부부

배우 심형탁이 아내 히라이 사야와 뒤늦은 태교 여행 겸 신혼여행을 떠났다.심형탁은 8일 사진의 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 계정에 “작년에 결혼하고 신혼여행을 못 간 게 너무 미안해서 태교 여행
동아닷컴 : 동아일보 전체 뉴스

심형탁, 임신 ♥사야와 뒤늦은 하와이 신혼여행…행복한 부부

배우 심형탁이 아내 히라이 사야와 뒤늦은 태교 여행 겸 신혼여행을 떠났다.심형탁은 8일 사진의 사회관계망서비스(SNS) 계정에 “작년에 결혼하고 신혼여행을 못 간 게 너무 미안해서 태교 여행과 함께 늦은 신혼여행을 왔다”라고 밝혔다.이어 “새복이와 사야와 함께 하와이에 왔다, 사랑합니다 나의 가족”이라고 덧붙였다.공개된 사진 속에서는 하와이에서 신혼여행을 즐기고 있는 심형탁과 사야의 모습이 담겼다. 두 사람은 푸른 바다를 배경으로 셀카를 찍고 있는가 하면 호텔 발코니에서 화려한 불꽃놀이를 감상하는 모습도 담겼다.한편 심형탁과 히라이 사야는 4년여의 열애 끝에 지난해 6월 혼인신고를 하고 결혼식을 올렸다. 이후 두 사람은 결혼 1년 만에 임신 소식을 전했다.(서울=뉴스1)

Centre doubles penalty for stubble burning

To combat rising air pollution, India has doubled the fines for farmers burning crop residue in several northern states. The increased penalties, ranging from Rs 5,000 to Rs 30,000, took effect immediately. Despite a decrease in burning this season, over 400
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Centre doubles penalty for stubble burning

To combat rising air pollution, India has doubled the fines for farmers burning crop residue in several northern states. The increased penalties, ranging from Rs 5,000 to Rs 30,000, took effect immediately. Despite a decrease in burning this season, over 400,000 cases have been reported across six states, with Punjab accounting for the majority.

End of runway for Jet: SC orders liquidation, nixes revival plan

The Supreme Court has ordered the liquidation of Jet Airways after the Jalan Kalrock Consortium, the winning bidder, failed to deposit the first installment of the resolution plan. The court invoked its special powers to order the liquidation, citing the cons
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

End of runway for Jet: SC orders liquidation, nixes revival plan

The Supreme Court has ordered the liquidation of Jet Airways after the Jalan Kalrock Consortium, the winning bidder, failed to deposit the first installment of the resolution plan. The court invoked its special powers to order the liquidation, citing the consortium's violations and the lack of progress in reviving the airline.

Station master's 'OK' sends train, his life on wrong track

A station master's casual «OK» during a heated phone argument with his wife was misconstrued as authorization to dispatch a train. This mistake cost the railways Rs 3 crore and led to the station master's suspension, fueling a tumultuous 12-year d
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Station master's 'OK' sends train, his life on wrong track

A station master's casual «OK» during a heated phone argument with his wife was misconstrued as authorization to dispatch a train. This mistake cost the railways Rs 3 crore and led to the station master's suspension, fueling a tumultuous 12-year divorce battle that ultimately reached the Chhattisgarh High Court.

Allow registration in insolvency cases if OC issued: IBBI

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has put forward proposals to streamline the insolvency process for real estate projects. These proposals aim to allow the registration of properties owned by insolvent real estate companies if homebuyers ha
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Allow registration in insolvency cases if OC issued: IBBI

The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) has put forward proposals to streamline the insolvency process for real estate projects. These proposals aim to allow the registration of properties owned by insolvent real estate companies if homebuyers have cleared dues and received possession. The IBBI also suggests that homebuyers should be exempt from certain eligibility criteria when bidding for such projects.

Activists claim UGC cell sitting on ragging plaints

Medical colleges in India are facing scrutiny for a disproportionately high number of ragging complaints, with over 40% of all complaints originating from these institutions. Anti-ragging activists argue that despite the alarming number of complaints, includ
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Activists claim UGC cell sitting on ragging plaints

Medical colleges in India are facing scrutiny for a disproportionately high number of ragging complaints, with over 40% of all complaints originating from these institutions. Anti-ragging activists argue that despite the alarming number of complaints, including cases resulting in student suicides, colleges and authorities often fail to take appropriate action, highlighting the urgent need for effective anti-ragging measures and accountability.

女軍官提供帳戶給詐團洗錢 被判刑2年

高市張姓女上尉涉嫌提供郵局等金融單位多個帳戶,給詐欺集團行騙、洗錢,導致林姓等4人被騙共48萬元,張女被法官依洗錢防制法等罪,判處有期徒刑2年。  判決書指出,2023年...…
社會新聞 - 自由時報

女軍官提供帳戶給詐團洗錢 被判刑2年

高市張姓女上尉涉嫌提供郵局等金融單位多個帳戶,給詐欺集團行騙、洗錢,導致林姓等4人被騙共48萬元,張女被法官依洗錢防制法等罪,判處有期徒刑2年。  判決書指出,2023年...…

Emissions from oilsands forecast to continue rising as oil production increases, says report

Total greenhouse gas emissions from Alberta's oilsands have remained relatively flat for the last few years but could climb yet again in 2024 as the industry ratchets up oil production, according to a new report released Thursday.
CBC | Canada News

Emissions from oilsands forecast to continue rising as oil production increases, says report

Total greenhouse gas emissions from Alberta's oilsands have remained relatively flat for the last few years but could climb yet again in 2024 as the industry ratchets up oil production, according to a new report released Thursday.

Alberta government fires AIMCo board to 'reset' pension management fund

The 10-member board of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation has been fired. For now, Finance Minister Nate Horner has been appointed the sole director and chair for AIMCo, according to the province.
CBC | Canada News

Alberta government fires AIMCo board to 'reset' pension management fund

The 10-member board of the Alberta Investment Management Corporation has been fired. For now, Finance Minister Nate Horner has been appointed the sole director and chair for AIMCo, according to the province.

Criminal history of man accused of killing Edmonton woman prompts calls for judicial reform

The death of an Edmonton woman, allegedly at the hands of the man she was trying to leave, has prompted calls for stronger support for victims attempting to flee intimate partner violence and improved judicial systems to rehabilitate repeat offenders. 
CBC | Canada News

Criminal history of man accused of killing Edmonton woman prompts calls for judicial reform

The death of an Edmonton woman, allegedly at the hands of the man she was trying to leave, has prompted calls for stronger support for victims attempting to flee intimate partner violence and improved judicial systems to rehabilitate repeat offenders. 

She helped thousands get COVID-19 shots. Now she's on the hook for $600K

Dr. Elaine Ma, who was celebrated for organizing drive-thru vaccination clinics that helped thousands get their shots at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, is now being ordered to pay back more than $600,000 in fees for those same services.
CBC | Canada News

She helped thousands get COVID-19 shots. Now she's on the hook for $600K

Dr. Elaine Ma, who was celebrated for organizing drive-thru vaccination clinics that helped thousands get their shots at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, is now being ordered to pay back more than $600,000 in fees for those same services.

JENNI MURRAY: The incredible side-effect of fat jab Mounjaro that no one told me about - it's cured my pain and changed my life

Pain makes you miserable. And I should know. For the past 15 years, I've suffered from sciatica, as well as swollen ankles and feet caused partly by arthritis.
News | Mail Online

JENNI MURRAY: The incredible side-effect of fat jab Mounjaro that no one told me about - it's cured my pain and changed my life

Pain makes you miserable. And I should know. For the past 15 years, I've suffered from sciatica, as well as swollen ankles and feet caused partly by arthritis.

Kate Lawler reveals she loved having casual sex when she was single and estimates she has slept with 'over 50' people

The former Big Brother winner, 44, is married to podcast company owner Martin Bojtos who she shares daughter Noa with.
News | Mail Online

Kate Lawler reveals she loved having casual sex when she was single and estimates she has slept with 'over 50' people

The former Big Brother winner, 44, is married to podcast company owner Martin Bojtos who she shares daughter Noa with.

RICHARD EDEN: Harry and Meghan's 'desperate' attempts to return after Trump's win revealed - as my insiders tell me the Duke fears deportation

When I disclosed last month that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had bought a home on the coast of Portugal, the reasons behind the purchase remained shrouded in mystery.
News | Mail Online

RICHARD EDEN: Harry and Meghan's 'desperate' attempts to return after Trump's win revealed - as my insiders tell me the Duke fears deportation

When I disclosed last month that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex had bought a home on the coast of Portugal, the reasons behind the purchase remained shrouded in mystery.

What it's like trying to forgive an affair: PIPPA RICHMOND never believed her 'tender, shy' husband would betray her - but stayed when he did. With brutal honestly, she now reveals the fallout...

If you have been together for 15 years and have a child, and one of you cheats, you don't just walk away. You have built a life together, centred around your child.
News | Mail Online

What it's like trying to forgive an affair: PIPPA RICHMOND never believed her 'tender, shy' husband would betray her - but stayed when he did. With brutal honestly, she now reveals the fallout...

If you have been together for 15 years and have a child, and one of you cheats, you don't just walk away. You have built a life together, centred around your child.

Boost for Brits as Bank of England trims interest rates from 5% to 4.75%... but falls now set to be 'gradual' after Labour's big-spending Budget

The Monetary Policy Committee decided to reduce the base rate from 5 per cent to 4.75 per cent at its latest meeting.
News | Mail Online

Boost for Brits as Bank of England trims interest rates from 5% to 4.75%... but falls now set to be 'gradual' after Labour's big-spending Budget

The Monetary Policy Committee decided to reduce the base rate from 5 per cent to 4.75 per cent at its latest meeting.

Малкович: Никога не съм си мислел, че някой може да се обиди от пиесата

От МВР заявиха пред NOVA, че няма нито един задържан

Малкович: Никога не съм си мислел, че някой може да се обиди от пиесата

От МВР заявиха пред NOVA, че няма нито един задържан

Саботаж обрече Храбрите на елиминации в “Игри на волята”

Финансовата мениджърка Анита е първият номиниран участник тази седмица

Саботаж обрече Храбрите на елиминации в “Игри на волята”

Финансовата мениджърка Анита е първият номиниран участник тази седмица

Петър, Марио и Ванеса са застрашени от изгонване в Big Brother

Те получиха най-много номинации, а Георги спечели имунитет

Петър, Марио и Ванеса са застрашени от изгонване в Big Brother

Те получиха най-много номинации, а Георги спечели имунитет

Путин поздравил Трампа с победой на выборах президента США — на третьем часу выступления на «Валдае»

Владимир Путин поздравил Дональда Трампа с избранием 47-м президентом США. Он впервые прокомментировал итоги выборов в Соединенных Штатах,
В мире -

Путин поздравил Трампа с победой на выборах президента США — на третьем часу выступления на «Валдае»

Владимир Путин поздравил Дональда Трампа с избранием 47-м президентом США. Он впервые прокомментировал итоги выборов в Соединенных Штатах, отвечая на вопросы на заседании дискуссионного клуба «Валдай».

В Украине погиб генерал, командовавший 5-й донецкой бригадой. Astra утверждала, что его подчиненные организовали пыточную и убили американца Рассела Бентли

На войне в Украине погиб генерал-майор Павел Клименко, который командовал 5-й отдельной мотострелковой донецкой бригадой имени Александра З
В мире -

В Украине погиб генерал, командовавший 5-й донецкой бригадой. Astra утверждала, что его подчиненные организовали пыточную и убили американца Рассела Бентли

На войне в Украине погиб генерал-майор Павел Клименко, который командовал 5-й отдельной мотострелковой донецкой бригадой имени Александра Захарченко. Сообщение о гибели военного опубликовал Z-паблик «Донбасс — сердце России», обратило внимание издание «Важные истории».

Зеленский заявил, что военные КНДР понесли первые потери в Курской области

Северокорейские военные, воюющие на стороне России в Курской области, понесли первые потери в результате боев с ВСУ, рассказал президент У
В мире -

Зеленский заявил, что военные КНДР понесли первые потери в Курской области

Северокорейские военные, воюющие на стороне России в Курской области, понесли первые потери в результате боев с ВСУ, рассказал президент Украины Владимир Зеленский.