司法院原秘書長吳三龍今年9月屆退休後,由副秘書長黃麟倫代理秘書長迄今,司法院今核發派令,派任曾任司法院司法行政廳廳長,對司法業務嫻熟的台北地院院長王梅英接任黃的副秘書長職務,台北地院院長王梅英 12/2接司法院副秘書長
司法院原秘書長吳三龍今年9月屆退休後,由副秘書長黃麟倫代理秘書長迄今,司法院今核發派令,派任曾任司法院司法行政廳廳長,對司法業務嫻熟的台北地院院長王梅英接任黃的副秘書長職務,將...… Read more
司法院原秘書長吳三龍今年9月屆退休後,由副秘書長黃麟倫代理秘書長迄今,司法院今核發派令,派任曾任司法院司法行政廳廳長,對司法業務嫻熟的台北地院院長王梅英接任黃的副秘書長職務,將...… Read more
Takornariaqarnermut inatsit oqallisaangaatsiartoq Inatsisartuni akuerineqarpoq, allannguuteqangaatsiarlunili.
Paamiut eqqaani Tikaagullik pisarineqarsimasup neqaa mattaalu nerineqassanngitsut, Aalisarnermut Piniarnermullu Naalakkersuisoqarfimmit innersuussutigineqarpoq.
ቻይና የቱሪዝም እና የንግድ ተጓዦችን ቁጥር በማሳደግ የተቀዛቀዘውን ኢኮኖሚዋን ለማነቃቃት ለዘጠኝ ተጨማሪ ሀገራት ዜጎች ካለቪዛ እንዲገቡ ልትፈቅድ መሆኗን አስታወቀች፡፡ የቻይና ውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር ቃል አቀባይ ሊን ጂያን ዛሬ ዓርብ እንዳስታወቁት እአአ ከህዳር 30 ጀምሮ ከቡልጋሪያ፣ ሮማኒያ፣ ማልታ፣ ክሮኤሺያ፣ ሞንቴኔግሮ፣ ሰሜን መቄዶኒያ፣ ኢስቶኒያ፣ ላቲቪያ እና ጃፓን ተጓዦች ለሠላሳ ቀናት ቆይታ ያለ ቪዛ ሊገቡ ይችላሉ። ይህ ካለፈው ዓመት ጀምሮ ያለቪዛ መግባት የተፈቀደላቸውን ሀገራት ቁጥር ወደ 38 ያሳድገዋል። ከዚህ ቀደም ከቪዛ ነጻ ፈቃድ የነበራቸው ሦስት ሀገራት ብቻ ሲሆኑ የእነሱም ፈቃድ በኮቪድ-19 ወረርሽኝ ወቅት ተሰርዞ እንደነበረ ይታወሳል፡፡ የጃፓን ከቪዛ ነጻ ሀገራቱ ውስጥ መጨመር፣ ቻይና በታይዋን ጉዳይ ከቶኪዮ በተደረጉ ጠንከር ያሉ ንግግሮች የተነሳ ሻክሮ የነበረውን ግንኙነት ለማሻሻል እየፈለገች መሆኗን ሊጠቁም እንደሚችል ተነግሯል፡፡ ጃፓን ከወረርሽኙ በፊት ከቪዛ ነፃ ከሚገቡት ሶስት ሀገራት አንዷ ነበረች፡፡ የጃፓን የካቢኔ ፀሃፊ ዮሺማሳ ሃያሺ እንደገና እንዲጀመር መንግሥታቸው በተደጋጋሚ ሲወተውት እንደነበረ ገልጸዋል፡፡ ቻይና ከቪዛ ነፃ የመግባት ሂደትን በየደረጃው በማስፋፋት የአውሮፓ ሀገራትን ጨምራ በቅርቡ የተማሪዎችና እና የምሁራን ጉብኝቶችን በማሻሻል የህዝብ ለህዝብ ልውውጥ ላይ ትኩረት አድርጋለች። ታይላንድ እና ሌሎች ሀገራት ቱሪዝምን ለማበረታታት ለቻይና ተጓዦች ከቪዛ ነጻ ፖሊሲዎችን ተግባራዊ አድርገዋል፡፡ በዚህ ዓመት ከሀምሌ እስከ መስከረም በነበሩት ሦስት ወራት 8፡2 ሚሊዮን የውጭ ዜጎች ቻይና የገቡ ሲሆን 4፡9 ሚሊዮን የሚሆኑት ከቪዛ ነጻ ተጠቃሚዎች መሆናቸውን የአሶሴይትድ ፕሬስ ዘገባው አመልክቷል፡፡
Яркий трикотаж привлекает внимание и придает любому образу игривости. Однако, чтобы образ не выглядел перегружено, важно правильно выбирать и стилизовать такие вещи.
Наш редактор Анна проверила на себе несколько способов уменьшить чек на продукты — и некоторые из них оказались действительно работающими. В этой статье — главные лайфхаки.
Затишье действительно стало предвестником бури. Пока все думали, что звезда начала новую жизнь после развода, она вынашивала план по воссоединению с Беном.
Личными откровениями певица поделилась с поклонниками в первой части своей автобиографии. Через несколько месяцев свет увидит продолжение — о жизни Шер в роли суперзвезды.
В Сети все чаще начали говорить о возможном разводе герцогов Cассекских. То, что Гарри проведет рождество без семьи, еще больше подкрепляет эти слухи.
Khaama: The spokesperson for Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, stated that terrorist groups have found safe havens in Afghanistan and are launching attacks on Pakistan from there. Over the past three years, attacks by the Pakistani Taliban on Pakistan’s security forces have intensified. Analysts suggest that the Pakistani militants are allies of the AfghanRead More...
勞發署員工輕生案持續延燒,前勞動部長許銘春說,立委林淑芬對她的指教許多並非事實,無憑據的指控是不負責任的,也徒然製造社會的混亂與不安,並強調自己沒有切割。 「作為部長,卻未...…
Vanuatu’s Acting Director General (DG) of Climate Change and Head of Delegation (HoD) at the COP29 Summit, Abraham Nasak, has called for climate action that addresses the root cause of climate change and the driver of loss and damage—by cutting…
Chief Joseph Tinapua from Emae has voiced strong support for President Nikenike Vurobaravu’s recent decision to dissolve the 13th Legislature.
The caretaker Minister responsible for the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity (MALFFB), Jotham Napat, told senior officials to «play by the book» to ensure proper budget management and revenue collection as forecasted.
The Shefa Port Vila Public Land Transport Association (SPV PLTA) President Donald Massing informed Daily Post moments ago that if roads continue to remain unfixed in a poor state, SPV PLTA would have to consider escalating their tactics and discuss…
The constitutional case by Opposition to challenge the decision of President Nikenike Vurobaravu regarding the dissolution of government has been listed for hearing tomorrow at 9am Dumbea Hall, Justice Vincent Lunabek will preside.
KUALA LUMPUR: Tex Cycle Technology (M) Bhd (Tex Cycle), penyedia penyelesaian pengurusan sisa dan kitar semula, melaporkan peningkatan ketara keuntungan sebelum cukai (PBT) sebanyak 120.2 peratus kepada RM3.4 juta bagi suku ketiga berakhir 30 September 2024 (S3 TK2024).
بلغ عدد الغارات الاسرائيلية التي استهدفت ضاحية بيروت الجنوبية اليوم وبالاخص مناطق الشياح والغبيري والحدث وحارة حريك 11 غارة
بمناسبة الذكرى ٨١ للإستقلال وضعت هيئة قضاء كسروان في التيار الوطني الحر، بمشاركة النائبة ندى البستاني والمنسق داني ضو اكاليل من الغار على نصب رجل الإستقلال سليم تقلا في ذوق مكايل، ولوحة الجلاء - نهر الكلب ونصب الرئيس فؤاد شهاب - غزير.
歐元區前兩大經濟體德國和法國及英國11月商業活動萎縮,歐洲股市今天早盤下跌,但在歐元兌美元貶至2年低點及英鎊走弱影響,歐股收復失土,終場收高。 倫敦FTSE 100指數上漲...…
Глава немецкого правительства заявил, что атака баллистической ракетой по Днепру - это «ужасающая эскалация войны».
Pat King, one of the most prominent figures of the 2022 'Freedom Convoy' in Ottawa, has been found guilty on five counts including mischief and disobeying a court order.
This week marked three years since the prominent Seychellois businessman Mukesh Valabhji and his wife Laura, a lawyer, appeared in the Supreme Court after being arrested on November 18, 2021, by police on suspicion of money laundering of $50 million and possession of firearms. The couple has been on remand since, and the money laundering charges have been removed against Laura. The case is related to $50 million granted to the Seychelles' government by the United Arab Emirates in 2002. The funds were transferred to a bank account of the Seychelles Marketing Board (SMB), now the Seychelles Trading Company (STC), to a Baroda bank account in England. At the time, Mukesh Valabhji was the managing director of the SMB, and the prosecution alleges that the funds were returned to Seychelles, an archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, to pay for hotels sold in the privatisation of the COSPROH holdings, a state-owned enterprise that owned several hotels, of which Mukesh Valabhji was the executive chairman. SNA looks at the main points in the case three years after the arrest of the Valabhji couple. Search of the property – arms discovery During the search at the couple's residence, the police discovered a cache of arms. Shortly after, Leslie Benoiton, a senior officer in the former Seychelles People's Defence Forces—now known as the Seychelles Defence Forces—was arrested in connection to the cache of arms. A separate case was opened on the possession of these weapons. High-level officials and former First Lady arrested On November 23, 2021, two former high government officials, former minister Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, who was one of the former directors of the Compagnie Seychelloise de Promotion Hôtelière (COSPROH), and Lekha Nair, a former director general at the Ministry of Finance at the time, were also arrested. While Nair was granted bail, Loustau-Lalanne was remanded until all suspects appeared before the Supreme Court on December 3, 2021. On November 27, Sarah Zarqhani Rene, the wife of late President France Albert Rene, was arrested as part of the ongoing case of the missing $50 million. All six suspects were formally charged on December 17, 2021. Mukesh Valabhji was charged with conspiracy to commit official corruption contrary to sections 91 and 381 of the Penal Code and and former First Ladyconspiracy to commit money laundering. His wife, Laura Valabhji, was charged with money laundering. Leslie Benoiton was charged with money laundering for corruptly obtaining $100,000 by way of payment from Mukesh Valabhji without lawful authority or excuse. Three others charged with money laundering were Lekha Nair, Maurice Loustau-Lalanne, and Sarah Zarqhani Rene. Bail for Nair, Loustau-Lalanne, and Zarqhani was granted, while the Valabhji couple and Benoiton remain to date on remand. Nair was released after paying an SCR 50,000 ($3,768) bail bond, and Loustau-Lalanne after paying an SCR 250,000 ($18,837) bail bond and providing two sureties of SCR 100,000 ($7,535) each, as well as handing his passport to the authorities. Bail for Zarqhani was set at $2 million with two sureties of $1 million each. She did not pay the bail set and remained in police custody. On December 29, 2021, two former officers of the Seychelles Defence Forces were arrested—75-year-old retired brigadier and former Chief of the Seychelles People's Defence Forces (SPDF), Leopold Payet, and 81-year-old retired lieutenant colonel and presidential chief security officer, Frank Marie. The five suspects in the ongoing possession of firearms case—Valabhji and his wife Laura, Benoiton, Payet, and Frank Marie—were formally charged on February 11, 2022. They were charged with abuse of authority of office for possession of firearms, use of property for the commission of terrorist acts, conspiracy to commit offenses under the Prevention of Terrorism Act, and acquisition and possession of firearms or ammunition without a license under the Firearms and Ammunition Act. Marie was released on bail on February 25, 2022, due to health issues. Case transferred to the Office of the Attorney General On May 6, 2022, the money laundering case of the missing $50 million from Seychelles' government accounts was transferred to the Office of the Attorney General. This came after it was revealed that the powers of the Anti-Corruption Commission of Seychelles (ACCS) to prosecute six defendants are limited both in time and in regard to the offences until amendments are made to the Anti-Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism (AMLFT) Act 2020. Charges amended, some accused released After the amendments to the law were made by the National Assembly on May 19, 2022, the ACCS filed amended charges for money laundering against businessman Mukesh Valabhji and former First Lady Sarah Zarqhani Rene. While Valabhji remained in custody, Zarqhani Rene was released. All charges against Nair and Loustau-Lalanne in the money laundering accounts were dropped. Charges concerning money laundering were withdrawn against Laura Valabhji pending further investigations, but she remains on remand in relation to the firearms and prevention of terrorism case. The Supreme Court had set December 1, 2023, as the date for the arms and ammunition trial, and the hearing is ongoing, while the corruption case's initial trial date was set for April 13, 2023. This date was later moved to May 11, 2023, as the couple appeared before Judge Mohan Burhan concerning their request for Chief Justice Govinden's recusal from their cases. ACCS to resume corruption case once the ongoing illegal arms case concludes Despite announcing the trial date for the corruption case, the ACCS head, May de Silva, announced in the National Assembly in November 2023 that it will only resume the corruption case once the illegal arms and ammunition case comes to a conclusion.
A new draft deal at UN climate talks Friday proposes that rich nations commit $250 billion a year to help poorer nations combat global warming in an 11th-hour bid to break the deadlocked negotiations. African countries and climate activists quickly denounced the figure as «unacceptable» and inadequate to meet the realities of a rapidly warming world, but wealthy nations including the United States have insisted that massive packages are not politically realistic. With the gathering scheduled to end later Friday, delegates from nearly 200 nations had eagerly awaited COP29 hosts Azerbaijan's new proposal after two weeks of fraught bargaining. The text sets an ambitious overall target to raise at least $1.3 trillion per year by 2035 from not only the public money but also the private sector. It is the first time concrete numbers were formally proposed at talks dominated by divisions over how to increase assistance for developing nations to cut emissions and adapt to climate change. Developing countries were seeking a significant boost in the existing pledge that commits rich nations to $100 billion a year in climate finance. «The proposed target to mobilise $250 billion per year by 2035 is totally unacceptable and inadequate to delivering the Paris Agreement,» said Ali Mohamed, chairman of the African Group of Negotiators. He said it would «lead to unacceptable loss of life in Africa and around the world, and imperils the future of our world.» «The $250 billion target is not enough -- not big enough, not fast enough, not good enough,» said Friederike Roder from activist group Global Citizen. «Inadequate, divorced from the reality of climate impacts and outrageously below the needs of developing countries,» said Jasper Inventor from Greenpeace. But the US, which President-elect Donald Trump is expected to pull out of climate diplomacy, signalled it was not looking to negotiate a higher figure. «It has been a significant lift over the past decade to meet the prior, smaller goal. $250 billion will require even more ambition and extraordinary reach,» said a senior US official, whose team in Baku comes from outgoing President Joe Biden's administration. COP29 host Azerbaijan said the $250 billion reflected the submissions made by rich nations during the negotiations. Azerbaijan said it would keep working on «final adjustments» on outstanding issues. - Azerbaijan under pressure - An influential negotiation bloc of 134 developing nations including China had pushed for at least $500 billion from developed countries. But major contributors such as the European Union have said that private-sector money inevitably must play a part. The EU also wanted newly wealthy emerging economies like China, the world's largest emitter, to contribute to the overall goal. Azerbaijan, an authoritarian state that relies on oil and gas exports, has been accused of lacking the experience and bandwidth to steer such large and complex negotiations. «This is the worst COP in recent memory,» Mohamed Adow, speaking for the Climate Action Network, said at a press conference before the text's release, adding that «no deal is better than a bad deal» for developing countries. Sindra Sharma from the Pacific Islands Climate Action Network, an activist coalition, expressed «a complete sense of frustration» at the talks. «I've never seen a presidency like this, I've never seen a process like this,» she said. The EU had also called for stronger leadership from Azerbaijan, whose leader, Ilham Aliyev, opened the conference by railing against Western nations and hailing fossil fuels as a «gift of God». - Fossil fuel fight - Apart from splits over money, many nations fear the climate deal in negotiation does not reflect the urgency on phasing out coal, oil and gas -- the main drivers of global warming. Last year's COP28 summit in Dubai made a landmark call on the world to transition away from fossil fuels after long negotiations in Dubai. But a Saudi official speaking on behalf of the Arab Group said the bloc would «not accept any text that targets any specific sectors, including fossil fuel» in Baku. German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock singled out Saudi Arabia as she said it was «essential» to keep last year's call on fossil fuels. «Apparently some had a different goal here, and that is turning back the clock,» she told reporters. But European countries, like the US, have also seen a shift in political mood with a backlash against foreign aid and the green agenda. The annual UN-led climate talks come on what is already poised to be the hottest year in history and as disasters rise around the world. Just since the start of COP29 on November 11, deadly storms have battered the Philippines and Honduras, while Ecuador has declared a national emergency due to drought and forest fires and Spain has been reeling after historic floods. © Agence France-Presse
Italijos ministrė pirmininkė Giorgia Meloni penktadienį pareiškė, kad Didžiojo septyneto (G-7) šalių ministrai kitą savaitę Italijoje aptars Tarptautinio baudžiamojo teismo (TBT) išduotą Izraelio ministro pirmininko Benjamino Netanyahu arešto orderį. Anot jos, šį klausimą reikia išsamiau išnagrinėti. Izraelis ir jo sąjungininkai ketvirtadienį pasmerkė TBT sprendimą išduoti Izraelio premjero arešto orderį, nors Turkija ir žmogaus teisių gynimo grupės tam pritarė.
Valery Zaluzhny made the comments after reports emerged that around 10,000 troops had been sent by Pyongyang to fight alongside Russian soldiers in the Kursk region.
The latest dating trend involves singles across the world taking part in '50 first dates', in the hopes that mass dating will find them lasting love.
The infant, called Baby A by Greater Manchester Police, was found by a dog walker near Ashtons Field in Salford on Wednesday.
Left-wing celebrities who were devastated by Donald Trump's landslide election victory have pledged to flee America in order to give their families a better life.
Chelsea Gleason-Mitchell , 24, choked back tears as a jury unanimously cleared her before convicting her boyfriend Scott Jeff, 24, of the murder of two-year-old Isabella Wheildon.