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우리는 카카오톡 친구와 일대일 대화를 나눌뿐만 아니라 그룹 채팅방을 만들어 여러 명과 채팅을 나눈다. 이를 단체 카카오톡 채팅방, 일명 ‘단톡방’이라 부른다. 그런데 카카오톡에는 참여자

NBC News: американская разведка считает, что Путина не интересует реальное мирное соглашение по Украине

Президент России Владимир Путин не заинтересован в реальном мирном соглашении по Украине, считает американская разведка. Об этом сообщае
В мире -

NBC News: американская разведка считает, что Путина не интересует реальное мирное соглашение по Украине

Президент России Владимир Путин не заинтересован в реальном мирном соглашении по Украине, считает американская разведка. Об этом сообщает NBC News со ссылкой на четырех представителей разведки и двух конгрессменов.

Судья Монтеро о расследовании RFEF: «Давление на арбитров стало очевидным, в этот раз главный герой – я. Talentus Sports не выставляла счетов спортивным организациям. Подам иски к СМИ за ложь»

Ранее стало известно, что Комитет по соответствию Королевской испанской футбольной федерации (RFEF) начал расследование внефутбольной деятел
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Судья Монтеро о расследовании RFEF: «Давление на арбитров стало очевидным, в этот раз главный герой – я. Talentus Sports не выставляла счетов спортивным организациям. Подам иски к СМИ за ложь»

Ранее стало известно, что Комитет по соответствию Королевской испанской футбольной федерации (RFEF) начал расследование внефутбольной деятельности Мунуэры Монтеро.

«Зенит» предложил 20+9 млн евро за Жерсона после отказа «Фламенго» продать капитана за 18 млн

Ранее сообщалось, что петербуржцы попытались приобрести капитана «Фламенго» за 18 млн евро, но столкнулись с отказом.
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«Зенит» предложил 20+9 млн евро за Жерсона после отказа «Фламенго» продать капитана за 18 млн

Ранее сообщалось, что петербуржцы попытались приобрести капитана «Фламенго» за 18 млн евро, но столкнулись с отказом.

Гвардиола про удаление Беллингема: «Хорошо владею английским, но не понимаю разницы между fuck off и fuck you. Судей лучше оставить в покое»

«Я хорошо владею английским, но не понимаю разницы между fuck off и fuck you (fuck you – это аналог русского «иди на ###».
Спорт -

Гвардиола про удаление Беллингема: «Хорошо владею английским, но не понимаю разницы между fuck off и fuck you. Судей лучше оставить в покое»

«Я хорошо владею английским, но не понимаю разницы между fuck off и fuck you (fuck you – это аналог русского «иди на ###».

«Бавария» – «Селтик». 0:1 – Кюн забил, Кейна заменили в перерыве. Онлайн-трансляция

Спортс’‘ проводит текстовую онлайн-трансляцию матча.
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«Бавария» – «Селтик». 0:1 – Кюн забил, Кейна заменили в перерыве. Онлайн-трансляция

Спортс’‘ проводит текстовую онлайн-трансляцию матча.

«Феррари» представила ливрею Хэмилтона и Леклера на сезон-2025

«Феррари» показала расцветку машины-2025 SF-25 на шоу F1 75 в Лондоне.
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«Феррари» представила ливрею Хэмилтона и Леклера на сезон-2025

«Феррари» показала расцветку машины-2025 SF-25 на шоу F1 75 в Лондоне.

عراقجي: سنقف دائما مع إخواننا في المقاومة في العراق والمنطقة بأسرها

أشاد وزير الخارجية الإيرانية بدور الحشد الشعبي والمقاومة في ضمان أمن واستقرار العراق، خاصة خلال فترة مكافحة إرهاب داعش، وتأثيره الإيجابي عل
قناة العالم الأخبارية

عراقجي: سنقف دائما مع إخواننا في المقاومة في العراق والمنطقة بأسرها

أشاد وزير الخارجية الإيرانية بدور الحشد الشعبي والمقاومة في ضمان أمن واستقرار العراق، خاصة خلال فترة مكافحة إرهاب داعش، وتأثيره الإيجابي على الأمن ال...

В Одессе исчез свет, город под массированной атакой российских БпЛА

Одессу атакуют российские беспилотники, подлетающие со стороны Черного моря. Жителей города просят находиться в укрытиях.
Последние новости на сайте

В Одессе исчез свет, город под массированной атакой российских БпЛА

Одессу атакуют российские беспилотники, подлетающие со стороны Черного моря. Жителей города просят находиться в укрытиях.

«Хватит ли у него смелости?»: Обидчик Беринчика вызвался на бой с другим чемпионом

Кишон оценил возможность поединка против Джервонты.

More CDC vouchers, $500 Edusave top-up: What you should know about Budget 2025

Budget 2025 is one for all Singaporeans, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in Parliament on Tuesday (Feb 18). In his first Budget speech as head of government, PM Wong started off by saying that Singapore's economy grew by 4.4 per cent and the median income

More CDC vouchers, $500 Edusave top-up: What you should know about Budget 2025

Budget 2025 is one for all Singaporeans, said Prime Minister Lawrence Wong in Parliament on Tuesday (Feb 18). In his first Budget speech as head of government, PM Wong started off by saying that Singapore's economy grew by 4.4 per cent and the median income of workers rose by 3.4 per cent above inflation. A «good momentum» aside, he added that it comes amid «greater global certainty». «But we can look ahead with a degree of confidence. Singapore today is far stronger than we were 60 years ago,» said PM Wong. «This Budget builds on previous Budgets, not only to address today's challenges, but to plan ahead and secure Singapore's future.» Here are some of the key announcements from Budget 2025. Easing Singaporeans' cost of living concerns  Singaporeans will get a mix of vouchers, rebates and credits to help them cope with the rising cost of living. In his Budget speech in Parliament on Tuesday (Feb 18), Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong acknowledged that Singaporeans have had to «tighten their belts» amid the «new price realities» despite inflation expecting to ease further this year.

Budget 2025: Eligible Singaporeans to receive up to $800 in vouchers for SG60

Singaporeans can look forward to up to $800 in vouchers in celebration of the nation's 60th birthday. During his Budget 2025 speech on Tuesday (Feb 18), Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong announced the SG60 package which aims to «rec

Budget 2025: Eligible Singaporeans to receive up to $800 in vouchers for SG60

Singaporeans can look forward to up to $800 in vouchers in celebration of the nation's 60th birthday. During his Budget 2025 speech on Tuesday (Feb 18), Prime Minister and Minister for Finance Lawrence Wong announced the SG60 package which aims to «recognise the contributions of all Singaporeans» and share the benefits of the nation's progress. All Singaporeans aged 21 and above will receive SG60 vouchers across the month of July as part of the package. Those aged 21 to 59 will receive $600 in vouchers while those 60 and older will get $800. Like the CDC vouchers, half of these SG60 vouchers will be set aside for use at supermarkets and the other half for heartland merchants. These vouchers will be valid for use at all businesses that accept CDC vouchers and will be valid until December 2026. Singaporeans will also be entitled to a personal income tax rebate of 60 per cent for the year of assessment 2025, said PM Wong. The rebate will be capped at $200 to mostly benefit the middle-income workers, he added.

Budget 2025: Singapore children aged 12 and below to get $500 LifeSG credits

«Having children isn't just about bringing them into the world; it's a lifelong responsibility, or at least until they reach adulthood,» said Desiree Leung, a mother of three. For the 30-year-old Leung, that responsibility is also a strain on he

Budget 2025: Singapore children aged 12 and below to get $500 LifeSG credits

«Having children isn't just about bringing them into the world; it's a lifelong responsibility, or at least until they reach adulthood,» said Desiree Leung, a mother of three. For the 30-year-old Leung, that responsibility is also a strain on her financial resources - a constant concern for her despite having a husband who's also in the workforce. «We don't believe that we should cut back on spending what we should for the kids. We believe in increasing our earnings… that's why we can push ourselves to earn what we need to provide the family,» she said. However, her eldest child's Child Development Account (CDA) is depleting, so she hopes the government can provide additional bonuses - not just for her eldest, but also for her other children. Thankfully, some of her worries were allayed on Tuesday - Leung's family and many others in Singapore will be given $500 worth of Child LifeSG Credits as a one-off provision for each of their Singaporean children up to 12 years old, Prime Minister Lawrence Wong announced during Budget 2025 on Tuesday (Feb 18).

Palladium pours over €500 million into Hanover expansion project

Spain's Palladium Hotel Group is set to invest over 500 million Euros to transform its property in Point, Hanover. “This is not only our biggest investment to date but also a statement of our commitment to excellence,” said...

Palladium pours over €500 million into Hanover expansion project

Spain's Palladium Hotel Group is set to invest over 500 million Euros to transform its property in Point, Hanover. “This is not only our biggest investment to date but also a statement of our commitment to excellence,” said...

Guyana’s military chief says six soldiers injured in suspected gang attack on Venezuela border

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — Officials say six soldiers in Guyana were injured after armed men in neighbouring Venezuela opened fire in an attack expected to further heighten tensions between the two South American countries. Two of the soldiers are...

Guyana’s military chief says six soldiers injured in suspected gang attack on Venezuela border

GEORGETOWN, Guyana (AP) — Officials say six soldiers in Guyana were injured after armed men in neighbouring Venezuela opened fire in an attack expected to further heighten tensions between the two South American countries. Two of the soldiers are...

Protesting JUTC drivers and management at impasse, Labour Ministry called in

The intervention of the Ministry of Labour has been sought amid a reported impasse between protesting Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) drivers and the company’s management. The workers, who are represented by the University and Allied Workers...

Protesting JUTC drivers and management at impasse, Labour Ministry called in

The intervention of the Ministry of Labour has been sought amid a reported impasse between protesting Jamaica Urban Transit Company (JUTC) drivers and the company’s management. The workers, who are represented by the University and Allied Workers...

Конструкция се срути и уби мъж в завод на „Асарел Медет”

Инцидентът е станал на обект в Панагюрище

Конструкция се срути и уби мъж в завод на „Асарел Медет”

Инцидентът е станал на обект в Панагюрище

Riyadh meeting first of its kind ‘since after Cold War’ – expert

The US has recognized Russia’s “interests and concerns” for the first time in 40 years, Valdai Club expert Dmitry Suslov has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

Riyadh meeting first of its kind ‘since after Cold War’ – expert

The US has recognized Russia’s “interests and concerns” for the first time in 40 years, Valdai Club expert Dmitry Suslov has said Read Full Article at

White House labels Zelensky ‘short-sighted’

The Trump administration’s “rare earths” deal was an “excellent opportunity” for Ukraine, according to a White House spokesman Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

White House labels Zelensky ‘short-sighted’

The Trump administration’s “rare earths” deal was an “excellent opportunity” for Ukraine, according to a White House spokesman Read Full Article at

West should repair oil infrastructure damaged by Ukraine – Putin

Western co-owners of an oil pumping station hit by a Ukrainian attack should provide equipment for its repairs, Vladimir Putin has said Read Full Article at
RT - Daily news

West should repair oil infrastructure damaged by Ukraine – Putin

Western co-owners of an oil pumping station hit by a Ukrainian attack should provide equipment for its repairs, Vladimir Putin has said Read Full Article at

Canada's foreign minister says she gave Europe a 'wake-up call' on threat Trump poses to Canada

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly concluded her recent tour of Europe saying she delivered a “wake-up call” to Canada’s allies across the Atlantic about the economic and political threat the Trump administration is posing to Canada. 
CBC | Canada News

Canada's foreign minister says she gave Europe a 'wake-up call' on threat Trump poses to Canada

Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly concluded her recent tour of Europe saying she delivered a “wake-up call” to Canada’s allies across the Atlantic about the economic and political threat the Trump administration is posing to Canada. 

Carney pulls in $1.9M from 11,260 donors in race to replace Trudeau

Liberal leadership contender Mark Carney is pulling in more money from more contributors than any of his competitors in the race to replace Justin Trudeau — and it's not even close.
CBC | Canada News

Carney pulls in $1.9M from 11,260 donors in race to replace Trudeau

Liberal leadership contender Mark Carney is pulling in more money from more contributors than any of his competitors in the race to replace Justin Trudeau — and it's not even close.

30 antique items stolen from Kangra Fort museum

In Himachal Pradesh, thieves broke into the Maharaja Sansar Chandra Museum at Kangra Fort and stole around 30 antique items, including an antique revolver and several silver items. The museum, managed by the erstwhile Kangra royal family, showcases the Katoc
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

30 antique items stolen from Kangra Fort museum

In Himachal Pradesh, thieves broke into the Maharaja Sansar Chandra Museum at Kangra Fort and stole around 30 antique items, including an antique revolver and several silver items. The museum, managed by the erstwhile Kangra royal family, showcases the Katoch dynasty's history. Police are examining CCTV footage and suspect two individuals' involvement.

Kolkata man gets death for 7-month-old’s rape

A Kolkata court sentenced a 34-year-old man to death for raping a seven-month-old infant on Nov 30 last year. The court deemed the crime 'rarest of rare'. The judgment was delivered within 80 days, awarding Rs 10 lakh compensation to the baby who remains in c
India News, Latest News Headlines & Live Updates from India: TOI

Kolkata man gets death for 7-month-old’s rape

A Kolkata court sentenced a 34-year-old man to death for raping a seven-month-old infant on Nov 30 last year. The court deemed the crime 'rarest of rare'. The judgment was delivered within 80 days, awarding Rs 10 lakh compensation to the baby who remains in critical condition.