Именитый спортсмен вспомнил события первого боя.Холифилд оценил шансы Усика нокаутировать Фьюри
Именитый спортсмен вспомнил события первого боя. Read more
Именитый спортсмен вспомнил события первого боя. Read more
정몽규 대한축구협회장이 허정무 전 프로축구 K리그1 대전하나시티즌 이사장, 신문선 명지대학교 초빙교수와의 후보자 공개 토론에 나서겠다는 의지를 피력했다.정 회장은 19일 오후 서울 종로구 포니정재단빌딩 1층 컨퍼런스홀에서 제55대 축구협회장 선거 출마 기자회견 중 “후보 등록 후 공약을 발표할 예정이다. 다른 분들 공약이 발표된 후에 얼마든지 공개 토론에 나설 생각이 있다”고 밝혔다.지난 6일 신 초빙교수는 보도자료를 통해 이번 축구협회장 선거에 출마하는 후보자들끼리의 공개 토론을 제의했다.당시 신 초빙교수는 “후보들의 비전과 철학, 축구협회 재정에 대한 안건, 천안 축구종합센터 건설에 대한 현안 문제, 문화체육관광부 감사 결과 등에 대한 입장 등의 다양한 안건을 정해 후보 간의 공개 토론을 간절히 제안”한다고 밝혔다.같은 날 허 전 이사장도 “환영한다. 내 쪽에서도 제안하고 싶다”며 “이번 선거가 아직 선거관리규정도 공개되지 않은 채 ‘깜깜이 선거’로 진행되고 있다. 현
이강인 소속팀 프랑스 프로축구 파리 생제르맹(PSG) 골키퍼 잔루이지 돈나룸마가 상대 선수 발에 얼굴을 맞아 심각한 상처를 입었지만, 심판은 어떠한 제재도 내리지 않았다.19일(현지시각) PSG는 프랑스 모나코에 있는 스타드 루이Ⅱ에서 AS모나코를 상대로 리그1 16라운드 경기를 펼쳤다.사건은 전반 17분에 벌어졌다. 이탈리아 국가대표이자 PSG 골키퍼인 돈나룸마는 AS모나코 수비수 윌프리드 싱고의 축구화 바닥에 얼굴이 차여 오른쪽 뺨이 크게 찢어지는 상처를 입었다.싱고는 각을 좁히려고 나온 돈나룸마에게 막히자 그를 뛰어넘으려 했지만, 싱고의 발이 그의 얼굴을 강타했다. 5분께 경기가 중단됐고, 응급으로 피부를 봉합한 돈나룸마는 그대로 교체돼 나갔다.앞서 싱고는 이미 경고 한 장을 받은 상태였다. 빠르게 자신의 실수를 사과하기는 했지만, 주심은 싱고에게 어떠한 제재도 내리지 않았다.경기 이후 공개된 돈나룸마의 사진을 보면, 그는 찢어진 오른쪽 뺨 피부를 여러 개의 스테이플러로 임시
대한배구협회가 최근 불거진 배구대표팀 감독의 프로팀 겸임 논란에 대해 오류를 인정하고 사과했다.대한배구협회는 19일 보도자료를 통해 “프로팀 겸임과 관련해 발생한 혼선에 관해 심심한 사과의 말씀을 드린다”고 밝혔다.남자 프로배구 KB손해보험은 최근 이사나예 라미레스(브라질) 남자 배구대표팀 사령탑을 프로팀 감독 겸직으로 영입하기 위해 나섰다. 대한배구협회는 “겸직이 가능하다”는 의견을 냈다. 하지만 V리그에선 국가대표 전임 감독을 영입하지 않는다는 약속이 있었다. 과거 이사회에서 결의된 부분이다.결국 이 사실을 뒤늦게 알게 된 한국배구연맹(KOVO)과 다른 구단들이 이사회를 열고 반대하면서, KB의 감독 선임은 최종적으로 무산됐다. 갈 길 바쁜 KB손보는 헛수고를 했고 대한배구협회는 난처한 입장이 됐다.대한배구협회는 “해외에서도 클럽과 대표팀 겸직이 보편적임을 감안해, 대표팀 일정 및 운영에 피해를 주지 않는다면 대표팀 감독의 겸직이 가능한 것으로 판단했다”고 설명했다.이어 “최근의
Совет директоров МВФ рассмотрит вопрос шестого пересмотра программы EFF. Каковы условия и шансы получить кредит.
Владимир Путин заинтересован в проведении «технологической дуэли XXI века». А полигоном он предложил сделать столицу Украины.
Наибольшие потери понесла группировка «центр» армии России, где уже ликвидировано почти 22 тысячи россиян.
Изменение цен на банковские услуги стало регулярным процессом, однако не всегда это означает дополнительные расходы для клиентов – представители банков говорят, что в этом году были услуги, за которые плата возросла, но за некоторые плата и уменьшилась.
Когда Старый город Лиепаи уже изучен, самое время познакомиться с районом, который обычно лишь немного мелькает на пути от вокзала, – Яунлиепаей. Вместе с гидом Сармите Степанс мы отправляемся на прогулку, чтобы узнать больше об этой увлекательной и исторически богатой части Лиепаи.
Президент России Владимир Путин, выступая на прямой линии с населением, заявил, что системы противовоздушной обороны, которые сейчас стоят в Европе, не могут сбить ракеты системы «Орешник».
«We are not working against anyone; we are working in favor of our own interests and those of the member states,» the Russian leader emphasized
The head of state pointed out that ex-British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had said at some point that Ukraine «needs to keep fighting until the last Ukrainian»
The global market dynamics suggest that a player like Ukraine «will struggle to compete,» Egor Perelygin explained
The prime minister was asked about this during his speech to the Patriots for Europe faction of Members of the European Parliament, which took place before the EU leaders' meeting
Citizens' questions were mainly about price rises and social policies
Департамент государственной безопасности (КаПо) подозревает 65-летнюю Татьяну в нарушении международных санкций. Согласно подозрению, взятая под стражу женщина распоряжалась средствами Фонда поддержки и защиты прав соотечественников, проживающих за рубежом, и предоставила около 50 000 евро в Эстонии для оплаты юридических услуг обвиняемого, находящегося под судом в рамках уголовного дела.
На нефтеперерабатывающем заводе в Новошахтинске в Ростовской области РФ в результате налета украинских дронов вспыхнул пожар. Правительство Великобритании в четверг объявило о новом пакете военной помощи Украине на сумму около 286 млн долларов.
Министерство информационных технологий и связи Колумбии сообщило об успешных пилотных проектах в этой области. В городе Барранкилья используются прототипы, которые оценивают качество воды. В других регионах ИИ применяется для анализа характеристик почвы для повышения урожайности сельскохозяйственных культур.
В условиях высоких требований к капиталу и снижения процентных ставок LHV Pank в первом квартале 2025 года сократит до 60 должностей, передала BNS пресс-служба банка.
Таллинн намерен изменить порядок парковки электромобилей в центре города, чтобы впредь бесплатно парковаться там могли только те собственники или ответственные пользователи электромобилей, которые, согласно данным Регистра народонаселения, являются жителями Таллинна.
МОСКВА, 19 декабря. /ТАСС/. Авиакомпании должны прекратить практику отказа от льгот на билеты путем манипуляций с тарифами. Об этом заявил президент РФ Владимир Путин. экс-капитан «Реала» Рамос отказался переходить в «Бока Хуниорс».
Он заменит мексиканца Серхио Переса.
Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairman Harivansh rejected an impeachment notice against Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar filed by 60 opposition members. The notice, alleging bias, was deemed flawed, hasty, and designed to damage Dhankhar's reputation. Harivansh criticized the opposition's attempt to undermine constitutional institutions and personally target the Vice President with unfounded claims.
Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra defended Rahul Gandhi against BJP accusations of pushing an MP, calling it a diversionary tactic from home minister Amit Shah's remarks on Ambedkar. She alleged BJP staged the confrontation and that Congress President Kharge was pushed. Both leaders accused the BJP of disrespecting Ambedkar, while BJP MP Sarangi claimed Gandhi caused injuries during the scuffle.
The US government backs India's extradition request for Tahawwur Rana, a suspect in the 2008 Mumbai attacks. Rana, fighting extradition, petitioned the Supreme Court, but the US Solicitor General urged the court to deny his plea.
Beveik 10 metų Dominique`as Pelicot stipriai apsvaigindavo savo tuometinę žmoną Gisele, ją prievartaudavo ir leisdavo tai daryti dar 71 nepažįstamam vyrui. Ketvirtadienį vyras išgirdo teismo nuosprendį – jis pripažintas kaltu. Ši seksualinės prievartos byla sukrėtė ne tik Prancūziją, bet ir pasaulį, o Gisele, nusprendusi apie tai kalbėti viešai, vadinama drąsos ir ryžto simboliu.
Ketvirtadienį surengtoje kasmetinėje spaudos konferencijoje Rusijos prezidentas Vladimiras Putinas vėl gyrėsi, kad šalies sukurta balistinė raketa „Orešnik“ yra pažangiausia pasaulyje, prieš kurią Vakarų šalių oro gynybos sistemos yra bejėgės.
In 2023, Bulgaria accounted for around 1.2 % of the EU's net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and achieved a net emissions reduction of 22.6 % compared with 2005. The country's total emissions decreased by 27.4 % between 2005 and 2023, while its net carbon removals in the land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector declined by 41.3 % (Figure 1). Emissions from sectors covered by the effort-sharing legislation decreased by 3 % since 2005 and were higher than those from sectors under the EU emissions trading system (ETS), which fell by 43.4 %. In 2023, Bulgaria still had the most carbon intensive economy in the EU; the European Commission considers that the country's green transition could be slowed significantly by the lack of long-term climate commitments, heavy dependence on coal, and the high energy intensity of its economy. Bulgaria submitted its draft updated national energy and climate plan (NECP) in February 2024. The Commission assessed it and made recommendations for the final plan, which was due in June 2024. In a 2023 survey, only 22 % of Bulgarians, compared with a 46 % EU average, identified climate change as of the four most serious problems facing the world. Most expect national government (48 %) and/or the EU (39 %) to tackle climate change. Only 17 % find it to be a personal responsibility. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Poland does not have a national climate law or a strategy to become climate-neutral. However, it is bound by the European Climate Law and other EU legislation that obliges Member States to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in some sectors. Poland accounts for 10.7 % of the EU's net GHG emissions, and achieved a net emissions reduction of 9.3 % in the years 2005 to 2023 – significantly lower than the EU average of 30.5 % over the same period (Figure 1). Emissions under the EU emissions trading system (ETS), covering mainly energy-intensive sectors, aviation and maritime transport, decreased by 30 %. Carbon removals in the LULUCF (land use, land-use change and forestry) sectors went down by 28.2 %. In the effort-sharing sectors (domestic transport without aviation, buildings, agriculture, small industry and waste) increased by 9 %. In August 2023, Poland updated its recovery and resilience plan and introduced a REPowerEU chapter. It submitted its draft updated national energy and climate plan (NECP) on 1 March 2024 (only the scenario with existing measures). The European Commission assessed the partially updated plan on 26 April 2024, and deemed the existing measures insufficient to meet the 2030 targets. In a 2023 Eurobarometer survey, 28 % of Poles, compared with a 46 % EU average, identified climate change as one of the four most serious problems facing the world. Almost half expect national government (46 %) and/or the EU (43 %) to tackle climate change, while 17 % find it to be a personal responsibility. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
This briefing provides a summary of the recent economic developments in the EU Member States and gives an overview of relevant economic projections forecasted by major international and EU institutions. Annex 1 includes latest GDP data and forecasts for all EU Member States and Annex 2 the latest inflation data and developments. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Belgium aims to reach climate neutrality by 2050 (see trajectory in Figure 1). In 2023, Belgium accounted for 3.5 % of the EU's net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduced its net emissions by 29.3 % between 2005 and 2023, just below the EU average reduction of 30.5 % over the same period. Also during that period, the country reduced emissions covered by the EU emissions trading system (ETS) by 46.7 %. Belgium's land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector has consistently performed as a small carbon sink. In July 2023 Belgium updated its recovery and resilience plan and included a REPowerEU chapter. The plan dedicates 51 % of total funding to the green transition. Belgium submitted a draft updated national energy and climate plan (NECP) in December 2023, to be assessed by the European Commission. In October 2024, the Commission launched an infringement procedure against Belgium and 12 other Member States that missed the June 2024 deadline for submitting the final updated NECP. A 2023 Eurobarometer survey showed that 49 % of Belgians, against an EU average of 46 %, find climate change to be one of the four most serious problems facing the world. Most expect the EU (65 %) and/or business and industry (52 %) and national governments (49 %) to tackle climate change, while 40 % find it to be their personal responsibility. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Spain aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 (see trajectory in Figure 1). In 2023, Spain accounted for 8.2 % of the EU's net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and achieved a net emissions reduction of 39.3 % in the years 2005 to 2023, above the EU average reduction of 30.5 %. During the same period, the country reduced emissions covered by the EU emissions trading system (ETS) by 57.5 %. Spain's land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) sector has consistently performed as a carbon sink, despite an increasing number of forest fires. In June 2023, Spain updated its recovery and resilience plan and included a REPowerEU chapter. The plan dedicates 39.9 % of total funding to the green transition. Spain submitted a draft updated national energy and climate plan (NECP) on 13 July 2023. The European Commission assessed it and made recommendations for the final updated NECP, which was published on 26 September 2024. In a 2023 Eurobarometer survey, 48 % of Spaniards, compared with an EU average of 46 %, consider climate change to be one of the four most serious problems facing the world. Most expect the EU (56 %), national governments (56 %) and business and industry (54 %) to tackle climate change, while 36 % find it to be a personal responsibility. This briefing is one in a series covering all EU Member States. Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
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