نشریه انگلیسی در گزارشی دلیل معضل خط دفاع رئال مادرید را رفتار رئیس این باشگاه عنوان کرد.
یک کارشناس بازار سرمایه به مردم توصیه کرد به جای خرید طلا از سکوهای اینترنتی که هویت مشخصی ندارند و تحت نظارت نیستند، در صندوقهای طلا و فلزات گرانبها در بورس سرمایه گذاری کنند.
نشریه اسپانیایی گزارش میدهد که خط حمله بارسلونا ۱۰۰ درصد بهتر از خط حمله رئال عمل کرده است.
Two men are being praised online for helping an elderly man cross the road amid a heavy downpour on Sunday (Jan 12) night. While many Singaporeans stayed in over the weekend to avoid the heavy rains over many parts of the island, this senior was spotted walking outside. In a video posted to Facebook, two men — one identified as a Bangladeshi worker — were seen supporting the elderly man as he crossed the road at Geylang Lorong 22. The senior appeared to have trouble walking and needed the support of a walking stick. The two men worked together to get him across the road safely, with both of them holding up umbrellas to shield him from the rain. The pair patiently guided the elderly man although the traffic light for the crossing had turned red. A car also stopped at the traffic light, waiting for the senior to cross. The video has since been viewed over 3,300 times, with netizens commending the two men for their kind act.
The federal government has settled a class-action lawsuit with military members who were subjected to racism during their time in the Armed Forces.
Elon Musk’s increasing «meddling» in politics and recent changes at Meta to eliminate fact-checking make Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre’s promise to defund the CBC even more consequential, said Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge.
Canada's Good Samaritan law, which is meant to shield people from arrest after they seek help for someone in medical distress, is under spotlight in the Supreme Court of Canada.
Premier Doug Ford is set to speak in Toronto on Tuesday morning, after addressing early Ontario election rumours a day earlier.
مرت سنة على تحالف ما سمي بـ«حارس الازدهار»، الإسم الملطف للعدوان على اليمن، الذي أعلن وقوفه إلى جانب الشعب الفلسطيني وقطاع غزة ودعمه لمقاومته الباسلة...
The Senate will begin holding confirmation hearings Tuesday for President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks, starting with Pete Hegseth for defense secretary.
Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick’s self-reported income increased by millions of dollars the same year as the overpayment.
Болезнь может развиваться незаметно.
Iltapäivällä pörssisähkön hinta painuu taas lähelle nollaa.
Poliisin mukaan 23-vuotiaan naisen taposta epäilty mies on kertonut oman versionsa tapahtumista.
Erikoissyyttäjä Jack Smith ajoi syytteitä Donald Trumpia vastaan. Hän kuitenkin luopui niistä sen jälkeen, kun Trump voitti presidentinvaalit, koska istuvalla presidentillä on syytesuoja.
Kokosimme yhteen suomalaisten säästövinkkejä.
Itämeren alueen Nato-jäsenmaiden huippukokouksessa Helsingissä keskustellaan Venäjän varjolaivaston muodostamaan uhkaan vastaamisesta.
Buvusiems Policijos akademijos dėstytojams ir studentams planuojama suteikti laisvės gynėjų statutą.
Prieš šiais metais vyksiantį Aušvico koncentracijos stovyklos išvadavimo 80-ąsias metinių minėjimą Seimas priėmė rezoliuciją, kuria Lietuvos ir pasaulio visuomenes ragina išlikti budriomis dėl antisemitizmo, rasizmo, ksenofobijos ir kitų plintančių neapykantos formų.
Seimas antradienį baigė pratęstą rudens sesiją.
The rumored sale of TikTok to Elon Musk is seen as a backup option against a looming ban on the app in the US, Bloomberg is reporting Read Full Article at RT.com
Barrick says Malian authorities have begun executing an interim order, seizing gold stocks from the company’s two sites in the country Read Full Article at RT.com
The US president-elect has criticized the Californian leadership’s handling of the crisis and expressed concern over the rising death toll Read Full Article at RT.com
Elon Musk argued that bad governance and water shortages had exacerbated the LA wildfires Read Full Article at RT.com
As Southern California’s wildfires burn, Governor Newsom and Mayor Bass face criticism for leadership failures Read Full Article at RT.com
祝蘭蕙/核稿編輯 南韓高級公職人員犯罪調查處(公調處)今(14)日發表公告稱,為了執行對總統尹錫悅的拘留令,已向負責總統官邸安全的第55警衛隊提出進入總統官邸的申請,而第55警衛...…